How could she be so fine?

By GNRForLife

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Hazel is a 19yo girl who works at a club. Her parents abandoned her at a very young age. She's sad and lonely... More

1 I Think About You
2 Coma
3 Don't Cry
4 You Should Be Mine
5 I knew I'd miss her so I had to keep her
7 And If You Go, I Wanna Go With You
8 I'm On A Nightrain
9 Mr. Brownstone
10 You Ain't The First/ Said But You Been The Worst
11 Bad Medicine (Nov Rain)
12 Background
13 I wanna love you but I better not touch
14 Freezing Moon
15 Doing Alright
16 Bad Obsession
17 Wild Side
18 Danger
20 You're my best friend

6 You're Crazy

134 3 3
By GNRForLife


Last night- memory

Last night after the party started I had a shot of Vodka from Jason. I craved ecstasy. The only problem was that my dealer thought I was dead so the only persone that poped out in my mind was NIKKI. I saw that HE was standing alone in the balcony so I decided to go talk to him.

'', you having fun?'' I asked just to make a small talk. I didn't really cared.

''I m fine, you?'' He said loocking at my wound. I was wearing a crop top.

''Fine ..'' I said covering my stomach.

''I m sorry that I kinda took advantage of you. Is there any way that I could make it up to you?

''Actually there is, I crave ecstasy, and you're the only person that I know that has drugs, so, do you think you can make that happen?'' I looked at him with pleading eyes.

''Yeah, sure. Just that?'' he asks.

''Maybe a bit of heroin but thats all.'' I didn't really wanted heroin , but it s good to have some.''

''What do you say if we meet tomorrow at 7 PM at Whisky?''

''Perfect.'' I couldent wait to have ecstasy in my system again.

''You were a good fuck btw.'' He said with a smirk on his lips. ''I was a virgin.'' I said not really thinking before that. ''WHAT, you're serious?'' he lookd surpised. ''Yeah...'' I said chuckling. "Well.... In that case, you were WONDERFUL... maybe next tim-'' he said with a bigger smirk on his beautiful piercing green eyes but I cut him of. ''Don't you dare think about a next time" I said leaving. Nikki looked after me and shouted : ''OKAY ,I WON'T BABE....."

End of memoy

Present time


It was already 6:30 PM and she was still asleep, undersandable since she hasn't slept all night. I was chating with Steve about new songs when Haz opened the bedroom door.

" Hi Steve, what are you doing here?" She asked rubbing her beautiful eyes"

" Just chating about new songs, wanna join?" I said.

" What time is it again?" she asked.

"It's 07:00 PM, why?"I answered.

"Fuck...I need to go. I'm sorry. " she grabbed her purse hurrying .

"Need a lift?" I asked her. I wanted her to talk to me again. I know she was mad at me, I snapped at her, she had a point, and I know beeing drunk wasn't an excuse.

"No, I'm in a rush, thanks tho."

She left the apartament without saying another word.

"What's up with her?" Steven turn his had to me curiosly.

"I don't know man, wish I knew" I said. '' I think she is mad at me, last night we argued and she left and didn't return till the sun came up.''

''Shit man.. Did you apologised to her?'' he asked.

''Yes but she just doesen't listen to me.'' I really tried to say sorry to her last night but she just left.

''Axl, I have an important question." Steven sais and I paid attention to him.

''Do you like her?'' Steve looked me dead in the eye.

''Who's her?" I tried to play dumb.

"Hazel Axl, Hazel. Do you like her or not?'' I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if I liked her or not. I didn't know how I felt about her but now I was sure that I didn't hate her.

''I don't know, she's cute.'' I told him, she really was cute.

''Oh man, you're in denial phase...I'll take that as an YES. Go after her and tell her.'' Steven instructed.

''Now?'' I said kinda scared.

'' Of course now, go after her.'' He said pushing me of of the couch.

''OKAY, I'm going, I'm going.'' I went out from the apartament.


I was a bit late for my meeting with Nikki.

''You're late.'' He said and I was. It was now 7:30.

''I'm sorry, I woke up late."It was true, I did woke up late. I didn't slept at all the night before.

''Well, you have to pay somehow.'' He said, but I didn't really know how.

''How much do I owe you?'' I had money on me so that shouldn't be a problem.

''Well... maybe that next time?" he said with a smirk.

"Well... last time was fun so maybe..." I sad with the same smirk on my face.

"Anyway, here is your stuff" He gave me the drugs.


I followed her and I saw her talking to Nikki so I hid. Nikki gave her a small bag with something white in it then they entered the Whisky so I did the same.

Nikki POV

We were in the man's bathroom she was on the vanity and I was on top of her. I don't know why, but this felt wrong. She was amazing but it felt wrong.

" Do you enjoy this?" I ask her.

"It's not like the first time..."

"Do you like this, because I don't really.''I asked her while slowly poundig inside her. '' Don't get me wrong you are amazing but-"

"I though I was the only one that felt this wrong-" I cut her.

"Want me to stop this if we are not enjoying this, right?" I ask her.

"Yeah..." I pulled out of her, we get half dressed and started to chat.

"Why do you need the drugs?" I ask her.

"Cause I want to.... I don't know, I just fell like I need them."

"Want to do some heroin? It's more safe if your firs time doing it it's with someone that did before. "

"Yeah, why not?"

We were on the floor with syringes in our arms. It feelt good especialy because I wasn't alone , but she was scared. Suddenly we heard a knock at the door.


I went into the bar but they were gone. Where did they went? I don't know. I went to the bar and asked for a bottle of Nightrain. I drank it then I wanted to take a piss. The door was locked so I knocked.

''C'mon man, open the door. There are 2 toilets , why did you loocked the front door?'' He did not response, so I forced the door and opened it. I stayed in the door's frame and I just wached the scene. Nikki and Hazel were on the floor with they're heads tillted back looking at the ceiling. Nikki was just in his leather pants and Hazel was in her leather skirt and her bra. She was so fucking hot, she was actually smocking hot. They both looked terrified. They had a joint in one hand and in the other an empty syringe. They did smack. Nikki was holding her in his arms, he looked like he tried to protect her from something.

''Nikki, what happened?'' I ask him trying to keep my calm.

''They are comming after us.'' She said burying herself more in Nikki's chest.

''Shut up Haze, if they hear us they're gonna kill us.'' Nikki said puting his hand on her mouth to keep her silent.

''Nikki, I can't breath.'' She maneged to take his hand of.

''If they hear us, you die anyway so shut up.'' He said tightening his grip.

''Oh man... Guys, there is no one comming after you. They left, I saw them leave.'' I played their game. For them it was real, but I reality, it was just in their minds.

'' Yeah there is, it's THE MEXICAN MAN.'' She said and she put her hand on her wound to protect herself.

''Haze, who is the mexican man?'' I ask her, I really wanted to help them just to get this over with.

''Come here.'' I kneld down at her level so she could tell me. '' Promise not to tell him that I told you.''

''Promise.'' I said.

''Pinky promise?'' she asked again.

''Pinky promise.'' I reassured her making the pinky promise.

''The MEXICAN MEN, is the one that did this to me," she pointed at her wound. "I dreamed about him and he told me that he will haunt me until he kills me. I don't wanna be killed by him. I don't wanna die now. He said he will haunt me forever.'' A tear left her eye. She pointed her arms toward me, I knew what she wanted, she wanted a hug. I went closer to her and hugged her. She cried into my chest and I just kissed her head.

''Everything will be okay, okay?'' she jus noded. ''Nikki, stand up and get in my car.'' Nikki did as I told him and I helped Hazel to stand up and I gave her my jacket since she was just in her bra and her top was nowhere to be found. I droped Nikki at his house and I drove back home. Hazel was peacefuly sleeping in the backseat. She woke up as I stoped the car. I helped her on the stairs and when we entered the apartment she threw herself on the couch.

''So, you foud her?'' Steven said while eating some popcorn.

''Yeah, she was with Nikki in the Whisky's bathroom, on the floor, half naked, high as fuck , and she thinks that that dealer that stabbed her is comming for her life.''

''Hi STEVEN , hi Steve, Hi Popcorn, HIIIIIII!!!!!!'' she says laughing.

''Hi Hazel... Yeah she is high as fuck.'' he agreed.

''I wanna hug from my favorite popcorn!" Steven looked at me like he saw a ghost.

''She is talking about you. Go hug her, she wanted a hug from me as well.'' I told him and she hugs him from behind.

''Happy to see you to Haz, but look, I'm tired so I'm gonna go sleep in the guest room, while you sleep where you slept last night...or morning, okay?'' He says trying not to laugh at her actions.

''But I don't wanna sleep alone!!!'' She said scared for her life.

''You will not be sleeping alone...ughhhh.... YOU WILL SLEEP WITH AXL'' I looked at Steven with a 'what the fuck' on my face. I wanted to take him by his neck and leave him without air. He just looked at me with a smirk on his lips. God did he ever stoped smiling?

''REALLY??? '' she asked exited.

''Uhmm..Yeah, sure.'' I sure as hell wanted to sleep with her, but I wanted her to be aware of her actions, I wanted her to be sober.

''Well I'm going to bed, bye guys.'' He left with his thumbs up in a YOU GOT THIS way.

We were left alone.

''Do you want something to eat?'' It was 11pm now.



''I want carbonara''

''Unfortunately , I don't have that, but I do have some spaghetti bolognese. Want that?'' She looked so clueless.

''Yes m'am. You are so kind.'' she said giggling.


After we eat she soberd up a little more. She went into my room and changed. When I entered the room she was already asleep. I changed into something a bit more comfortable and I went to bed. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top. It was beginning of november so it wasn't that hot in the house. I put a cover on her, one on myself and fell asleep.


I looked at the clock on the wall, it was 3 AM. I get on my feet carefully not wanting to wake up Axl and went in the bathroom.

I have to end this. If I don't he will. It will be quick and painless. Everythimg will be over, all the pain, all the bad memories, all the nightmers, all the... life, life will be over, but only if I end this shit right now. No one will miss me, I was a mistake anyway. I heve no friends, no family, ...well... I had nothing left so nothing to lose, I said to myself , meanwhile the bathtub was filling with water.

When the bathtub was filled I entered it. The water was cold but I didn't care. Do I really want this? Maybe not but I need this. Hunter was hunting me, my life, my thoughts even my dreams. I need to stop this right now cus if I do not end this myself he will and it's gonna be torture for everyone, hopefuly for himself to knowing he killed a person.

With one breath I dipped my head under wather and waited until everything went dark.


I woke up hearing the water running. I tought someone was washing they're hands but after 3 minutes the water didn't stop. I wanted to take a piss anyway so I knocked but no respone, still, with the water running. I forced the door but when I opened it my heart skiped a beat. I saw Hazel underwater. I run to her. I garbbed her, put her on the floor and screamed for Axl. I pressed on her chest hopping she will breath again.


I woke up hearing Steven scream my name. I wanted to check on Haz but she was no loger in bed. I quikley made my way in the bathroom and there she was, on the floor...

"W...What the f...fuck happend here. What happend to her?" I asked not wanting to know the answer.

"Dunno man, I wanted to take a piss and I found her in the bathtub" Steven answerd crying.

"No,on,no,no... you can't die,no,no,no... Hazel wake up please, please ." my eyes filled with tears.

"You know how to do CPR?" Steven asked.

"Kinda of..." I started to press on her chest but nothing happend. She had no puls, she was not breathing. In that moment I realised how much I cared about her, how much I loved her and I couldn't lose her. After seconds that felt like hours she coughed.

"Hazel, Haze are you ok?" I asked her trying to breath normaly.

"Am I dead?" She asked in a hopefuly tone.

"No,no,no, you are very alive." Steven said in a happy tone.

"Fuck..." was all she said. What? She wanted to be dead?

"What do you mean fuck? Want to be dead or something?" I sad grabbing her and hug her. She was wet but I did not care. All I cared in that momment was that she was alive.

"That was the goal..." she sais disappointed.

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT AGAIN" I said raising my voice. She waneted to be dead? Why?

"Do you want to be dead?" Steven asked her.

"yeah.." was all she got to say.

"Why?" Steven said his voice cracking.

"Cause I have to end this. If I don't he wil. Everythimg will be over, all the pain, all the bad memories, all the nightmers, all the... life, life will be over, but only if I end this shit right now. No one will miss me, I was a mistake anyway. I heve no friends, no family, ...well... I had nothing left so nothing to lose. Hunter was hunting me, my life, my thoughts even my dreams. I need to stop this right now cus if I do not end this myself he will and it's gonna be torture for everyone, hopefuly for himself to knowing he killed me." She said hopelessly smiling.


"The dealer."

"Ok Hazel you need to rest, it's late and you need to sleep. Want to discus this tomorow?" I said carying her bridel style, puting her on to my bed. She just nods and fall asleep in no time.

"Steven do you know where this dealer leaves?" I asked hopefuly.

"No, but I can find. Why?" He asked already knowing what was is my mind.

"Because we need to make him the pleasure to meet the one and only Axl Rose and his angy issuse." I said with an Evil smile on my face. Am I Evil? YES I AM!

"That's sounds fun, I'm in." He said excited.



'Till next chapter... ( Iiii...wanna ) Rock N' Roll all nite ( and party everyday. ) 🌃🌃

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