Osea in our world

By nacolitomahawk

21.4K 801 289

A few days prior to the attack of Kingdom of Erusia on the Osean Federation, the entire Osea was gone in an e... More

Chaotic Morning
Carrier Strike Group
Angel Birds
First Impression
Chinese Encounter
Pacific Tensions
Gathering of Aces-Act 1
Unplanned Battle
Battle of South Japan Sea(I)
Battle of South Japan Sea(II)
New Approach
Su-47L Berkut
Secret Weapons
Surprise Attack
War declaration
Open fire!
First Strike
Sword of Justice
Golden Eagle
Big stick diplomatic
Peaceful day
Sky of Felon
Zone of Endless
Yellow Terminators
Preparation stage
Coastal city(I)
Coastal city(II)
Coastal city(III)
After the battle
Marine Destruction
Snow Rainy Day
Wall Breaker(I)
Joint Operation
Experimental Unit
Mach 3.5
White Wings Angel
Flickering Nation
Economic Crisis
(Side story)-Escape from Vladivostok
Osean Coup d'etat
The Song of Sirens(I)
The Song of Sirens(II)
Capturing Oured
At Other Sides
uNGreeted Aerial Dominator
Above a War
Belkan Impression
Osean War
Global Shift
To Belka
Europe Air War
Battle of the High Sea(I)
Battle of the High Sea(II)
Before the Journey
Our relationship(I)
Our relationship(II)
Defensive Plan
Russian Reconquest
New home, friends & foes
A night over Rome
Cold War
Battle of Continental Europe
Burning Skies
Quod Lux Romae
Total Encirclement
Temptation of Heat
Closer to the frontline
Lightning Strikes
Airborne Spectator

Wall Breaker(II)

111 7 5
By nacolitomahawk

A/N:honestly I have no idea how did I wrote this chapter so fast

Jushi Fortress

"All checked,prepare for launch"

Far away from the main structure of the nuclear fortress,from within the stone of the Great Wall of China,many explosions sparked well inside the towers between the wall,revealing a launching platform hidden within.A few second later,the hatches opened,the nuclear arsenal of the People's Republic of China has awaken from their slumber.


<<...z...quite a good skill,demon lord>>

<<You too>>

Cipher shot out an fragmental airburst missile at the Su-37,the blast was devastated,if not for Zheltye 13 to quickly act,he would have been in a coffin.However,his movement is still unmatched to the Belkan War veteran.As he adjusts the gun point to the position where he last saw his enemy,Cipher has long gone without leaving a track.

<<What is this absurding fly ability?>>

<<Right under your knees>>

The Terminator breaks to the right in order to avoid the deadly EML shot from the under.But the attack is enough to deal an amount of damage to the wing of the plane,causing it to be unstable and lean to the right,wasting the Russian jet a few seconds to stabilize itself manually and allow Cipher to take a good aim and fire a missile.

<<Ah,damn it,come here,Osean pilot>>

Zheltye 13 turns on the electronic warfare system on his aircraft and charges blindly at Cipher,igniting the incoming missile early far away from his aircraft.The Wyvern pilot already knew his enemy's intention and quickly flew away.Allowing the enemy to go just behind him,but far from getting a lock onto the X-02S.Inside the cockpit of the flanker,Zheltye 13 sweating all over his hands,he can't even hold the controller properly,but his eyes still focus on the two glowing engines fly in front of his aircraft.

<<Hawkeye 9,flare>>

A round of lights blinded the German-Russian pilot,sparing two seconds for Cipher to free drops and landed an airburst missile hit on the jet.But magically,the plane still fly with barely recognisable yellow paint,but the electronic system has been in corrosion and turned off.Losing his best card,the Terminator has no choice but play a suicide attack at Cipher.

<<Come here!Turn back and fight me!You filthy coward!>>-Zheltye 13 releases all of his ammo at the gun pod at the Osean fighter.In such condition,it was a magic that he could land any hit on the enemy that has been toying with him for this long,and he did,one hit.But just that.

<<As you want>>

The Ustian pilot post-stall his plane and began to spin,letting the Su-37 fly past him uncontrollably.The Terminator,without full control,has been put in Cipher's manual eyes lock.


<<Gun One>>

The ray of ammo sprayed upon the wings of the Su-37.A moment later,the sky was lit by an orange explosion.No parachute,no nothing out of the fragments.

"May you rest in your eternal sleep"

Just 5 kilometers from the battle of two aces,Mobius found herself and her best wingman in a fight between them and the skyscrapers,more precisely the gunners inside the buildings.Even with 12 '7 or 20mm at most,if they got hit enough they could still die.

<<Trigger,fifty-four floor>>

<<Got it>>

The plane with Three Strikes scored a missile blow through the window of the tower,leaning it for just 2 degrees,but it was enough to bring down a glass structure down to the ground.Tha collapse was devastated,as the weight of the whole building fall down to the surrounding area and created a dominoes chain across the street.

<<Holy-...I hope that not much civilians stay in that ground zero,otherwise it would be bad if I dare to laugh>>

<<Do it all you wanted,Mobius,as long as you feel truly pity for their lives,beside,I don't think much city dwellers still inside the city,look>>-Trigger raise his finger for his captain to see before pointing to the rear of Beijing,where many cars still on the line-<<I think they mostly fled from a week earlier when we approach the city,and they should have all gone from the city center by the coup>>



Wales,United Kingdom

"Excalibur has connected to WTC1,prepare to transmit power"

Tei Aviv,occupied Israel

"Sayeret Malkan unit 2 connecting to HQ,we're connected to Great Britain and United States,but we can't stay undercover for too long if we don't want them to found out this site"


"Israel has connected,all electrical lines supply the firing tower,Belka calling Canberra,our unit has been ready"


"All site has connected,readjust angle,we're ready"

Back to Beijing

<<Long Caster warning all aircrafts,we detected many trace of ICBMs from across the northern region of China flying toward Australia,Japan,S.Korea,United States and Osean,the Washington D.C has requested us to stay below...100000 feet.Eh...>>

<<What?I thought that we should intercept the missiles>>

<<Long Caster to Hawkeye 11,honestly I have no idea,but they requeste- Oh my god>>

Across the globe,5 towers of light shooting straight to the sky,toward the network of reflectors well seated outside of the atmosphere and formed up a complex of lasers all over the earth.Even from the ground,the light still shines like a line of sun crossing the already blued sky.But that wasn't the main purpose of the system:

<<The ICBMs are being destroyed at a rapid pace by the light!God,this is the ultimate defense system,it seemed like us Osea wasn't too advance,maybe even lower in technology>>

The laser shield disappeared as quickly as it appeared,but at least three fourths of the nuclear missiles were destroyed,leaving only SRBMs for them to deal with.Knowing that those missiles won't be high enough to be shot down by the laser system,at least he can say so,Long Caster ordered:

<<Air power and anti-air units,shoot down the missiles>>

<<Hawkeye 11 calling,change the pla->>


Suddenly,a thunderous explosion ruptured the whole city below them.


<<...My eyes!>>

<<...OH DAMN IT!...>>

<<....My eyes hurt...dang it!....Mobius calling Hawkeye squadron,are you alright?>>

Roughly 10 kilometers from their current position,a mushroom cloud rose up from the position where the main supply line of the coalition,or at least 3 minutes ago it still stay so.Further on the north,Mobius could see another nuclear blast,70 kilometers from their formation,the camp of an Osean division,she can already tell that they can't survived that.

<<Why do you think I'm okay....no wait my vision is back>>

<<The Chinese nuked their own land like the Belkan...>>

But the armageddon hasn't yet to stopped,jusst right when they opened their eyes again,another warning came from Long Caster:

<<Everybody!Break away from the city!I detected a ballistic missile coming to Beijing,you have 30 seconds>>

<<Oh damn it,the ground troops!>>

Another explosion ate the suburb of Beijing.Lucky for the air power,the speed of Mach 2 is enough to escape from the fatality zone.However,the soldiers on the ground didn't have that privilege.

<<Dart 3 calling Long Caster,most of our unit has been destroyed,we can't retreat either>>

<<Hold your position>>-Long Caster almost overturned his aircraft from staying side by side with shockwave-<<We would send help soon,all unit that can escape,return to base,cancel the operation immediately>>

<<Hawkeye 11 calling Long Caster,the airbases didn't respond and my fuel is low,I would'n make it to Changchun>>

<<Me too>>

<<We have no other choice>>

<<I was late,right?Sorry>>-Talisman back to the battle with a F-15-<<Almost lost in Mongolia because of damn connection after the nuclear attack>>

<<Wait,Mongol...Hawkeye squadron,Mongolia do allowed aircrafts from both side to land on their airbases to refuel and rearm,they just banned fighting on their airspace,we would land at Mongolia,I will go with you>>

15 minutes later

"James,pull me out of here"

Mobius struggled to get her body out of the seat,while all the others stepped out of their own and watched her with a judging glance.Shamed,the captain of the squadron jumped out of the aircraft from the cockpit,almost breaking her own legs:



Trigger turned away to hide his laugh from the girl in front of him.It seemed like their Wyverns had drawn too much attention from the Mongolian mechanics around the base.just like how they impressed the Japanese and American,but whatever.As he can see,not much planes stay here,mostly Mongol,aside from their aircrafts only another foreign aircraft could be seen:


On the Russian Felon,a black cat,with a red scarf was painted on the frame.And standing on the side of the aircraft is the infamous Russian pilot,who has noticed them:

"Oh,Osean,and those aircrafts..let me guess,Hawkeye squadron"

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