Stay| J.JK FF

By TempralSinz

670 91 2

Life throws us into a storm that seems never ending. But sometimes... sometimes we land and while we're bruis... More

warnings ⚠️
Glimmer Of Hope
The Good Ones
A Day Off
That Night
The Appointment
Lies or Truths
Clearing The Air
Time For Us
More Than Friends
Karma, I'm Sorry
Honesty Is The Best Medicine

The Brothers

40 7 0
By TempralSinz

(Jungkook's POV)

After 3 months, I was finally back in the city I love. Finally back home. I parked my Bike right next to Jin's car in the parking garage. It was pretty late, and knowing my brother he'd either be sound asleep or he'd be up with his girlfriend. I made my way into the building and up to my big brother's apartment... home. Even though he'd told me I couldn't live there anymore... just because his Fiance didn't like me bringing people over... at 3am.... Sometimes 4am.
She was no fun, and of course she had my brother so fucking pussy whipped that he agreed with whatever she said. However, a little birdie that works for him sang for me two nights ago. Aside from her screaming my name most the night, she let it slip that Jin was home alone. That the wicked witch was no longer visiting here and she was back in Seoul, working on her career.
I used the spare key my brother thought he'd lost a year ago and slipped inside the apartment. Of course everything was neat and tidy. He was a bit of a clean freak.
The dim light of the hall was on. Jin left it on so that he could see if he had to get up in the middle of the night. I took off my shoes, remembering I hadn't followed his stupid rule and kept them on. I quietly hurried back over and set them by the door. Making my way back toward the bedroom, I shrugged off my leather jacket and tossed it on the couch as I passed by. Once more I gently gripped the door knob to my room and carefully opened the door.
Jin could be a light sleeper sometimes and I was too tired to listen to one of his many lectures right now. So I quickly got into my room and quietly shut the door behind me. It was dark as hell but I knew my room well enough to know my way around. I turned and started to unbuckle my jeans, just unbuckling my belt and pulling my jeans down. I stepped out of them as I grabbed my shirt and slipped it off over my head, tossing it to the floor as I hunched over in the dark and felt around for my bed.

I managed to find it, peeling back the comforter and getting in on the left side. I loved this bed, so spacious, so soft, so feet...... feet. I felt feet and a body, and I reached out and and grabbed something soft, something squeezable...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! JIN!!!! HELP!" I loud feminine voice screamed from beside me. My bedroom door flung open and the light was turned on, There stood Jin with a rolled up purple yoga mat.

"Ellie!?.... Wait.. Jungkook? What the..." Jin immediately grabbed my ear and pulled me.

"Ow, ow, ow! What the fuck, Jin?!" I yelled back at him as he shut the door to my room.

"Don't you dare curse me. I'll make sure you're never able to pierce those ears again. What the fuck are you doing here JK?" He asked, setting the yoga mat down and rubbing his temples.

"What does it look like? I came home, to sleep. It's been a long trip." I said as I folded my arms across my chest.

"Jesus christ.... You can't just come back in here. You do know I kicked you out, right?" He asked sternly.... Here we go... lecture time.

"You know damn well that the shit you pulled was not okay. It wasn't okay by anyone's standards. You can't just do what you want all the time. Last time you took off, you called me from jail. I'm happy that at least you made it back without calling me to bail you out... but you're still depending on me. You need to depend on yourself. Stop being such a child." He was on his usual rant.

"Yeah yeah, one of these days my actions are going to bite me in the ass, one of these days Karma is going to come for me. If I just grew up, then everything would be fine, right Jin? If I just, slaved away at some nine to five job, got me a nice little apartment. Found myself a nice good wholesome girl. Who then would go back home so she could advance her career.. Leaving me to pay for everything, run my own business. Oh and if I'm lucky I might get to see her twice a year, oh but we love each other so she'll promise she only belongs to me but the reality is she's probably back with her ex, but hey.. I got some random woman in my little brother's bed... so hey, touche'. An eye for an eye, right? Jin the magnificent ladies and gents.... He'll be here for eternity... waiting for his girlfriend." I replied back, not wanting to listen to yet another lecture from him. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but he gives some people too much credit.

"Get out." Jin said, pointing angrily at the door.

"What?" I asked, scoffing in disbelief.

"You have ears, for now, you heard me. Get the fuck out Jungkook. I'm not going to have you being disrespectful to anyone I care about." He was serious, his face like hardened stone. I sighed, walked closer and hugged him, burying my face in his chest like I did when I was a kid and wanted his attention.

"But Jinnn... Hyungie... I'm tired. I'm sorry I said mean things... but I'm just so tired." I whined, hugging him a little tighter, he was weakening... I could tell from the sigh he let out.

"JK, I can't have you here right now." He replied. Okay, time to turn up the little brother charm.

"Jin, Jinnie, my bestest best big brother. My rock, my home... I know.. I know I am a disappointment to you. I know I try really hard to make you proud but something always makes me stray from the path of good. You, my dearest Hyung, are the only one who has supported me and stood by me. I'm only asking... please... please do not give up on me Hyunie, My bestest brother, my only brother. I need you. I need you to make me a good person." I said passionately, all the things I knew he wanted to hear. He's got a savior complex and I knew how to play into that.

"JK..." He sighed.

"Come on big brother. I came all the way back here because I knew you were the one I need to listen to. I need to learn from you, you're the only one who can set me on the right path." I replied.

"I've tried setting you on the right path before Jungkook, and you always stray off of it. You need to focus more, focus better. Keep that focus on the goal you set." Jin had his hands on his waist, giving me a stern look, but it had softened some. I was wearing him down.

"Hyung, I want to work at your restaurant. I learned from you, remember? I still have it. I don't expect to be head chef or anything, but Start out as a line chef? Maybe? Or an assistant even?" I pleaded with him.

"If I let you work at the restaurant, you have to promise me to stay in line. Do not boss my staff around. You might be my little brother but they're my staff. I will not treat you differently from them when it comes to my businesses. And as It happens.. The new restaurant is having it's reopening after the remodeling I had done to it. We've got reservations up the wazoo, so we could use the extra help in the kitchen. But.... long sleeves, no product in your hair, you will tie your hair back and wear a hair net. You will also take orders from those in change when I'm not there." Jin explained.

"Great. I won't let you down, Hyung. Promise." I replied.

"You've made promises before JK, please don't fuck this up. I don't want to have to banish you." He still sounded upset, but he was a lot softer. I gave him a big hug to assure him.

"Thank you so much. I know I don't deserve a brother like you. Now.. I'm tired so I'm going to get to bed." Amidst my focus on getting my brother to welcome me and not be such a hard ass, I forgot one minor detail. But it came back to me when Jin grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back from the hallway that led to my room.

"Nope. Couch. I told you, I have a friend staying here. She's in need of a bed, a comfortable one. So you will either only sleep on the couch, or you can try to get Yoongi or Namjoon to let you stay with them. But good luck with that. For tonight, until you figure out what to do.. You can sleep on the couch." I knew the voice, I had worn him down to forgive me a bit and give me another chance... but I wasn't going to break him on this one. Whoever this friend was clearly meant something to him. Other than his girlfriend I didn't think anyone other than me meant so much to him.
I knew when to choose my battles. I'd get my room back, but I'd have to go through this girl. I nodded to myself, Accepting my fate for now.

"I happen to love this couch." I smiled. "Thanks Hyung." I gave him a big smile and Jin went to get me a pillow and blanket. I laid on the couch and he handed me what I needed. I tucked the pillow under my head and covered myself in the blanket.

"Goodnight Jungkook." Jin said as he patted my shoulder and let me try to sleep.

"Night, Hyung." I replied back, Jin finally smiled and shook his head as he went back towards his room. I was exhausted, and it didn't take long for me to pass the fuck out.

(Ellie's POV)

Panic, panic was all that was going through me. When the unknown man left the room with Jin I knew I could relax. I hadn't been so close to a complete stranger in so long. Not since my one night of freedom on my birthday, and even that was limited by my now ex husband's demands of what time HE thought I should be home. Even talking to Jin and becoming friends with him was a miracle. My EX would have hated these friends of mine... but he doesn't matter anymore.
I snuggled down in the blankets and Jin knocked on my door a little while later.

"C-Come in." I told him. He entered and smiled.

"Sorry about that. He's just my kid brother. Don't worry about him, he's harmless for the most part. Get some sleep. He's sleeping on the couch but don't worry about waking him up. He tends to be a deep sleeper and very difficult to wake up." Jin informed me. I felt more relaxed knowing the stranger was his brother. It was most likely an honest mistake then.

"So the baseball cards aren't yours? Same with the leather vest?" I asked. Jin shook his head.

"Nope. This was Jungkook's room, my little brother. I raised him... sadly not well enough it seems. But he's not bad, he's just... a young dummy who makes young dummy choices, which leads to young dummy messes that he runs from." He explained without giving a lot to go on.

"Ah, to be young and dummy." I replied with a smile. Jin chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, thank the heavens we're over that." He smirked. I nodded. "Goodnight." He said as he went to leave.

"Goodnight, and thanks for checking on me." I said as he nodded and shut the door, turning off the light as he left. I snuggled down more into the blankets, got comfy, and fell asleep. When morning came I could hear the sounds of pots or pans, cupboards and talking, two voices. Both I recognized. I got up, put on my slippers and grabbed my robe, tying it around myself. I exited my room and entered the open living room. Jin was in the kitchen, laughing and talking to Tae as the giant mound on the sofa slept. The only part of him uncovered were his feet, which were hanging off the sofa.

"Hey!" Tae smiled brightly and hurried over, hugging me gently but firmly. Jin smiled and waved but I was concerned they might wake up the sleeping guy.

"Hi, I thought you were coming later?" I whispered to Tae who laughed.

"Why are you whispering? And I wanted to be here as soon as you woke up so we can hang out, maybe do something fun." He grinned widely. I was still worried we were being too loud. Jin could tell my internal struggle apparently as he spoke.

"Ellie, don't worry. Jungkook's a deep sleeper. He's the worst person to try to wake up. Once he's asleep... nothing.. Not even a hurricane could wake him. Trust me." Jin chuckled. I nodded, knowing he would know better than anyone about his brother's sleep habits.

"We have to eat so we can go see a movie." Tae said with a smile.

"Here you two go." Jin said as he plated some eggs onto two plates that already had sausages and shredded potatoes on them. I went over and sat at the breakfast bar and ate right next to Tae. Jin grabbed a container of fruit from the fridge, he put two scoops into two bowls and slid them over to us. I liked having a full meal, it was still too early to tell if the baby enjoyed it... but I had a feeling anyone would enjoy fresh fruit and anything cooked by Seokjin.

"So, the plan is a movie?" I asked Tae.

"Yep. Movie... more yummy food, and some shopping. Because I'm tired of watching Noona put on those ridiculously uncomfortable heels every day like you don't own anything else." Tae replied with a smile. I shook my head and continued to eat.

"She can wear heels if she wants. But it would really be nice for you to have some things for yourself. Maybe some new comfy PJ's, some face masks, Oh! A foot bath, one of those heated ones. They say a woman's feet swell as she gets further along. So you might enjoy a nice soak now and then." Jin chimed in. I nodded as I finished my food.

"I'll think about it." I replied with a smile. "I'm just going to shower and get dressed so we can go." I said to Tae who smiled brightly with a mouth full of food and nodded. Jin took my plate and washed it for me real quick as I headed back to my room and grabbed some clothes. I locked the bathroom door behind me and started the shower as I undressed. After the relaxing shower I got dressed, my jeans were still good enough... for now, and I had a long blue t-shirt I loosely tucked into the side a bit and hang loose as I put on my socks. I brushed my hair, put it up in a ponytail and applied some chapstick to my lips before heading out into the living room again.

"Ready?" Tae asked with a cute smile. Jin's brother was still sound asleep so I made my way around the back of the sofa and joined him at the door.

"I'm all set." I said as I grabbed my purse. We both waved bye to Jin as we exited the apartment. Tae shut the door behind him and he walked me out to his car.

"Let's have lots of fun today, shall we?" He asked as he held the car door open for me.

"I'm in desperate need of fun." I said with a giggle, getting in and watching as he shut the car door. Tae smirked and nodded. I knew today was going to be a fun day. He would make sure of it

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