Who's the devil ?


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Taehyung's face flushed crimson, his breaths shallow and rapid, his heart pounding in his chest like a drum... More

The End


266 10 0

Detective Seo led the way with purpose, his steps echoing in the hushed corridor of the JEC tower, the police officers following closely behind. Taehyung walked beside his determined Aunt Sung Ryung, his posture straight, yet his eyes revealed the turmoil within him. This moment was a culmination of months of lies and deceit, and he was determined to reclaim his rightful place and bring justice to his mother's memory.

As they approached the 16th floor, Detective Seo and his team discreetly trailed behind, their presence masked by an air of professionalism. The tension in the atmosphere was palpable as they ascended to Mrs. Jeon's office, where secrets were about to unravel, and the truth would be laid bare.

Inside the office, Mrs. Jeon, Jungkook, and Joong Ki were engrossed in a discussion about the company's future. Their voices were confident, their plans ambitious, unaware of the storm that was about to descend upon them. The arrival of Detective Seo and her team disrupted their conversation, freezing them in their places.

Mrs. Jeon's face contorted with shock, her eyes wide with disbelief as she took in the sight of the police officers. 

"What is the meaning of this?" she demanded, her voice shaky, her façade of control slipping away.

Detective Seo stepped forward, his tone unwavering. 

"Mrs. Jeon, you are under arrest for the murder of Mrs. Kim, We have substantial evidence to support these charges," he announced, his gaze steady, his resolve unshakable.

"What? Mom ..." Jungkook cried in surprise. 

Jungkook's expression shifted from surprise to hurt as he looked at Taehyung, who emerged from behind Detective Seo with his aunt by his side. The realization washed over him like a tidal wave, crashing against the walls of his trust. He felt a deep pang of betrayal, his eyes searching Taehyung's face for an explanation that seemed to elude him.


Indeed, as Jungkook's hurt and confusion reflected in his eyes, Taehyung's face bore a complex array of emotions. there was a glimmer of victory in Taehyung's eyes. It was a victory over the lies, the deception, and the months of uncertainty. He had finally stepped into the truth, even if it came at the cost of hurting those he cared about. The victory wasn't in the downfall of others but in his own liberation, in the courage to confront his past and claim his rightful identity.

"Jungkook, I never wanted to hurt you," Taehyung said, his voice laden with sincerity. 

"I needed to find out the truth" Taehyung's lips curved into a smirk.

Jungkook's gaze wavered, torn between the pain of betrayal and the depth of the emotions he still felt for Taehyung. The room remained heavy with unspoken words, the truth now laid bare, leaving them both vulnerable and exposed. 

"You..You used me.." Jungkook stuttered

Jungkook's voice quivered with a mix of hurt and betrayal. His eyes, once filled with trust and affection, were now clouded with a profound sense of disillusionment. He struggled to find the words to express the depth of his pain, his heart aching with the realization of being used as a pawn in a game he never knew he was playing.

Betrayal etched across his features, he struggled to come to terms with the truth, his heart heavy with the weight of deception.

"Mom You Killed Mrs.Kim" Jungkook screamed in shock and pain

"You have no right here! You cannot take me anywhere!"

Mrs. Jeon's voice echoed through the office, a mix of fury and desperation as she lashed out, refusing to accept the reality closing in around her.  she screamed, her face contorted with rage. Her once-imposing presence now seemed diminished, overshadowed by the weight of the accusations against her.

"Joong ki, get our lawyers! end this  NOW!" Mrs. Jeon kept screaming while trying to free herself from the police officers who held her firmly.

Joong Ki, however, moved with purpose and conviction. He stepped forward, standing by Taehyung's side, a silent but strong pillar of support. With a firm yet gentle gesture, he pulled Taehyung into an embrace, his arms enveloping him in a protective gesture. 

"Welcome to your legacy," he said, his voice filled with pride and reassurance. 

In that moment, it was clear that Joong Ki had played a crucial role in bringing the truth to light, helping Taehyung reclaim his rightful place.

His actions spoke volumes, a testament to his loyalty and belief in Taehyung's rightful inheritance. Joong Ki's unwavering support provided a glimmer of solace amidst the chaos, reminding Taehyung that he wasn't alone in this battle.

"what fucking legacy?" Screamed Mrs. Jeon 

"We build this company" Jungkook added

The room remained charged with tension, the contrasting emotions of anger, betrayal, and loyalty clashing in the confined space. 

Mrs. Jeon's protests reverberated against the walls, but beneath it all, there was a subtle shift—a shift that marked the beginning of a new chapter, one where the truth had triumphed, and justice was finally being served.

"I told you Jungkook, we should've got rid of him a while ago!" cried Mrs. Jeon with a voice filled with venom while looking at Taehyung. 

For Taehyung, The revelation that Jungkook had known about his true identity all along, yet had kept it hidden from him, cut deep. The pain of that discovery mingled with the anger he felt towards Mrs. Jeon, creating a storm of emotions within him. Joong ki told him a while ago about her plans, but he never thought she would have Jungkook's assistant in what she intended to do, and the fact that Jungkook didn't mind, hurt him more than he expected. 


The atmosphere outside JEC tower was charged with tension and chaos as the police put handcuffs around Mrs. Jeon's hands, leading her away from the building. The employees looked on, their faces a mix of shock, confusion, and curiosity, as the woman who had once been their leader was now being escorted away in disgrace. The flashes of cameras from the press added to the surreal scene, capturing the moment of Mrs. Jeon's downfall.

Inside, Jungkook stood torn, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions. His instincts urged him to follow his mother, but he was also acutely aware of the fractured relationships he needed to confront within the office. His gaze shifted between the exit where his mother was being led away and the faces of Taehyung and Joong Ki, each one carrying a weight of their own.

Detective Seo approached Jungkook, his expression empathetic yet firm. 

"Don't follow her," he advised, his voice gentle but authoritative. 

"You will be contacted by your lawyers. It's important for you to handle this situation properly, away from the chaos outside."

Jungkook hesitated for a moment, torn between his filial duty and the need to confront the truth within the confines of the office. He nodded reluctantly, his gaze lingering on his mother's retreating figure before he turned back, his shoulders weighed down by the burdens of the past and the uncertainties of the future.

Jungkook's anger boiled over as he advanced toward Taehyung, his fists clenched and his eyes ablaze with fury. He grabbed Taehyung by his collar, his grip tight and accusatory, his voice rising to a scream that echoed through the room.

"You used me! You used me!" Jungkook's words reverberated with betrayal and pain, his emotions raw and unfiltered. The weight of the deception, the sense of being manipulated, had ignited a fire within him, and he lashed out in a desperate attempt to make sense of it all.

In that moment of intense confrontation, Joong Ki swiftly intervened. He stepped between Jungkook and Taehyung, his strong presence serving as a barrier, protecting Taehyung from Jungkook's wrath. 

"Jungkook, calm down," Joong Ki urged, his voice steady and firm. 

"I fucking trusted you Joong ki! forgot you are just a minion" Jungkook's voice cracked with raw emotion.

"and you..You " Jungkook said pointing at Taehyung " I fucking loved you.."

Taehyung, looked stunned, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and remorse. He didn't deny Jungkook's accusations; instead, he stood there, bearing the brunt of the anger he had unknowingly unleashed.

Amidst the chaos, the room felt suffocating, the air heavy with unresolved tension. the truth of Taehyung's actions now laid bare for all to see. Broken only by the distant sounds of the bustling city below. The truth had surfaced, leaving a trail of broken trust and shattered illusions in its wake. 

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