Reincarnated Into Grandmaster...

Por jaen2lea

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An ordinary boy named Mei gets transmigrated into his favorite novel and sets his goal to save his favorite c... Mais

Author's note


424 28 2
Por jaen2lea

Mei's pov:

The fight between baby Wei and zixuan didn't happen...since they had somehow become friends. That didn't mean that the peacock zixuan accepted Yanli, but it didn't come out as much problem. There were times in which peacock and I shared some moments together, like those late night talks. Since we somehow ended up meeting at night times, those nights were filled with nightmares. I never knew his reason. And those were the perfect times, which I tried to make him understand that Yanli's is a good person. And this was one such night, the nightmare in which the og owner was beaten till he was all red and purple just for doing better at archery that the devil daquing , replayed on my mind till I couldn't differentiate between the reality and the illusion.

These were the nights, in which walking under the moonlight with the cold breeze caressing the whole being. The sound of the crickets and the wind makes a pleasant sound that can calm the raging storms of the heart. It was what I needed. To be peaceful.

At a distance, I saw someone sitting and gazing at the stars that were shining brightly above. Even from the distance, I could tell who he was.

Me: zixuan...

Zixuan: daquing...

After we acknowledged each other's presence, there was no further conversation between us. But after a long time, the comfortable silence was broken

Zixuan: I wonder how it feels to be without any burdens or compulsions, to just live a mundane life.

Me: it will be very mundane, I guess.

Zixuan let a low chuckle,

Zixuan:'ll be mundane. Do you believe in fate daquing?

Me: I don't, and I don't want to believe in it.

Zixuan: Why so? People always talk so highly about fate.

Me: Then those are the people who never knew true suffering.

I knew zixuan could feel the bitterness in my tone.

Zixuan: But I believe in fate, though.

Me: And I'm not taking back what I said.

Once again, the silence fell upon us. But again, it was broken by the damn peacock,

Zixuan: I wanted to ask you something...

What is it now?

Me: What?

Zixuan: You used to be cuter when you were all formal with me.



Zixuan: Aye... don't be angry, I was just teasing you.

Me: I'll just walk away now

Zixuan: Sit down daquing, I was just playing.

This guy is so ooc. I can't keep up with him.

Zixuan: Why do you always talk so highly of Yanli to me? I sometimes think that you have a crush on her.

What the hell? Dude, I'm gay.

Me: Just because I feel that she's good for you.

Zixuan was surprised to hear that,

Zixuan: Because you feel like it?! You're kidding, right?

Me: Wei and Cheng tell so many great and cute things about her.

Zixuan: That's because they are her family.


What are you getting at?

Me: I also can feel why you are so against marrying her.

Of course I know. Don't play with a reader, dude.

Zixuan: Let's hear if your 'feeling' is right.

Me: You want to break free from the compulsions that's binding you. And this is the only matter which you could try to break free. Someone once said to me that the more you force someone, the more you push them to hate you.


I couldn't see his face, neither could I tell what he was thinking king now. Is he angry at me? Either way, someone must address the issue.

Me: You know... you should also think about how Miss Yanli feels. She is the same as you, but she's....

Zixuan: That's what I'm also telling. It's because of compulsion, not natural.

Now that he finally turned his face towards me, I could see the emotions that were raging in his eyes. I was astonished at how expressive he was, especially at this moment.

Me: it's still love...

Zixuan: it's not daquing. Love is something that comes naturally.

Me: Love is love. however, it may come.

Zixuan: You don't understand

I honestly don't. But I also know that those two will be happy together. It's just that it'll take a lot of time to zixuan to understand Yanli's love.

Me: I don't. But you know, you're just not willing to accept it. You don't want to go out of your way to accept something that you think it's from complusion, but it's not. You know it in your heart, Zixuan, that her love is not from compulsions. Maybe it might have started from compulsion, but it didn't grow from compulsions. Love can never grow from compulsions.

Zixuan: still-

Me: If you're still gonna deny, continue to do so. There is nothing much I can tell you.

It's you who have to realize for yourself. With that, I stood up to leave.

Zixuan: Wait daquing.

Me: Let me just tell you one thing Zixuan, every wait has a time limit. The clock is ticking, whatever decision you take, act upon it soon or else I'll be too late.

After I went a short distance away from me, I heard a clear loud voice that stopped me on my track,

Zixuan: Isn't it better for her to have someone who's worthy of her? Not some coward.

I was surprised, I never thought peacock who acts all high and mighty is this insecure,

Me: Who are you to decide for her?

But this is making me angry, I had seen enough drama to know what troope is this. This honesty is the worst.

Zixuan: What?

I went closer to him,

Me: I asked you, who are you to decide it for her?

Zixuan: I....I..

Me:*sigh* honesty, this is the worst thing you can do to her.

Zixuan: w..hat do you mean?

Me: she showed you her feelings. She was so open to you. But what are you doing? Wallowing in your self-pity? If you are that sure that you're worthy of her... why don't you go ask her? Just tell what you feel about her and listen to what she says. This is the least you can do to her. You'll only know how much it meant to you after you let it go.


Is it an illusion, or is his eyes really watery?

Me:*sigh* zixuan, there is no one in this world that does not deserve love. And love is not biased. If you think that you're not worthy to love her, then change for better and ask forgiveness, and if you think that you don't deserve the love, then you are just stupid. Everyone deserves love, and you all more.

I know I might be a hypocrite sometimes, but it's a good reason this time.

Zixuan: What if she doesn't want me anymore?

Me: Then own up to your mistake.

Zixuan: what if-

Me: Zixuan, it's not late yet. You can go back to her even now. And I'm sure that she'll definitely accept you.

Zixuan: Though I was mean to her?

Me: she's a good person. She waited for you this long, of course she'll forgive, even I'd she doesn't you should gain that love back.

Zixuan: I...I'll...I won't make the same mistake again.

Me: That's my boy.

Zixuan: What are you talking about? Go sleep.

Wow. A full 180°. He hugged me and went back to his room. That hug was to tell me how grateful he was, and I could understand that. Tch, what a tsudere.

Me: You saw and heard enough. Come out now.

Cheng: How did daquing know?

Me: You should learn to hide from wei, though he couldn't see from that angle. I could very well see you a-cheng.

Cheng: *sigh*

Me: You heard him, right? He's not a bad person. He is just afraid of things.

Cheng: That doesn't make his wrongs miraculously go away.

Me: it doesn't, but he'll own up to his mistake.

Cheng: So?

Me: Let, Miss. Yanli, decide, it's their life.


Me: You go worry about your love life, their's is gonna be alright.

Cheng:*blushing* about mine?

Me:*laughing* You're cute when you're angry a-cheng

Cheng: Shut up

With that, he swiftly walked away.

Me:*shouting* Come to me for advice. I could teach you ways to seduce shixiong.


Teasing him is so fun. But I'm also eager to see how my both ships will sail. I think as of now, everything is well.

The main plot actually starts from the archery competition of the Qishan discussion conference. Let's see what happens....

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