Reincarnated as the Starborn

By KonoXwrite

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Reborn into the world as his favorite TV series' main lead character, the Starborn, Josh's heart raced with e... More

Prelude - The Show's last Episode
Chapter - Prologue
Chapter One: Wishing Star, Baby
Chapter Three: Explain Systematic Access
Chapter Four: Academic Success Pt.1
Chapter Five: Academic Success Pt.2
Chapter Six: Outlined Path
Chapter Seven: Uprising Demands
Chapter Eight: Knowing is Boredom

Chapter Two: Across Sea of Stars

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By KonoXwrite

"Emolia." Globby replied in shock as she approached us. Her menacing demeanor made it clear that we couldn't stand up to her at this moment. I was exhausted, and Globby knew we were in no condition for a fight. "We were going for a nightlife adventure. It looks—"

"Shut it, Globritiesteyera!" She cut him off, her walk suggesting an imminent beating. I clenched my fists, preparing for the inevitable confrontation. However, to my astonishment, I felt a hug instead of a punch, tears streaming down my face. Emolia stepped back and said, "If you're gonna run away, at least say goodbye!"

Overwhelmed with emotion, I tightly embraced her. She laughed and urged me to let go. Globby snickered in the background, earning a glare from me. He coyly stared at the sky to avoid my gaze.

Emolia continued, "Little Star, my gosh, you're strong. Here, take this. When you graduate from the Academy, I'll tell you everything. This pendant is rightfully yours. I had to work hard to get it back after Mother sold it for our lifeline of money."

I recognized the pendant as one from my vessel and attached its chain around my neck. I thanked her and then said, "I remember everything, from the day I arrived to when Mother and Father took me in, even when you were little too. Do you believe me?"

Emolia's reaction was one of calm acceptance, as if she had expected this revelation. "Well, you know things and hide the fact you do. I've noticed it. Anyways, this doesn't surprise me. I won't tell Mother or Father, but I'll wait until we're all together again. Get ready to face their wrath when they learn about this runaway."

I nodded and playfully reminded her, "You're currently my conspiring partner too."

"WHAT! You better leave now." She smacked my head, and I rubbed my temple, understanding the impending scolding I was in for. "Come back here, you!"

We quickly made our escape, and I shouted to Globby, "Let's go!"

"Sure thing, Star baby!" Globby ran ahead, knowing the consequences of teasing me.

For the next few hours, we walked along the empty road in comfortable silence. As the rain began to fall, and flying cars zoomed past us, we knew that we were approaching the metropolis city.

With our goal set on reaching the Academy, Globby broke the silence, his shyness evident as he hesitated to speak. "I know you said you have a super memory of recollection, is there more? Since you're a kin of the race of evil powerful cosmic cultists who are out there, what I mean is...erm."

I could tell he was treading carefully, knowing that I possessed knowledge beyond what he did. I decided to share a bit more with him. "No, I was meant to be a scout for my race's conquerors. They sent me here because I'm considered a lesser prototype of their kind. My death meant nothing to them, just a sign of their impending conquest. But even though I share some of their blood, it doesn't change the fact that my real family is here. So, for now, do you have any idea what to expect at the Academy?"

Globby nodded, his contentment evident as he understood the weight of the situation we were getting ourselves into. We continued on our journey, the rain washing away our worries as we ventured toward the unknown.

As we arrived at the city gates, it was clear that the guards regarded us with indifference, as if they were used to people from the slums venturing into their more prosperous domain. We were seen as outsiders seeking opportunities, and some locals tried to lead us astray with offers of food, contracts, and various services.

Globby seemed tempted by these offers, but I was resolute in our mission. I was older, having lived through a past life, and had watched enough episodes of the show to know that we needed to stick to our goal.

"Man, we could have made a lot of money if we went with those offers," Globby grumbled.

"No," I responded firmly. "We came here to join the academy. You're welcome."

Globby was clearly less focused on our goal, and his naivety was to be expected given his age. Unlike him, I was a reincarnated individual with knowledge of the show's plot. I understood that our mission was different from the show's story, with unique challenges and opportunities.

"You're not planning to have any fun before school?" Globby asked.

"It's not like we're registered for the school yet," I replied. "We're applying to a prestigious institution, and if our abilities meet their standards, we can have fun afterward. But for now, once we get inside and have some food or rest, our priority is to join the academy."

My determination was evident in my words and tone, and it attracted attention from the people around us. To them, we appeared as goal-oriented siblings. Some avoided us due to our disheveled appearance, but it didn't deter us. We crossed the bustling streets and approached the colossal, dome-like stadium that served as a school, combined with towering skyscrapers. It was reminiscent of the show but an entirely different and tangible experience. My heart raced with excitement, eager to step into this new dimension.

Globby, on the other hand, seemed frustrated by the fact that he couldn't explore the city as much as he'd like, sighing at every step. He lived for the present and whatever immediate plans he could make. Despite our differences in planning, I admired his ability to enjoy the current moment.

"Excuse me, you two! Please vacate the premises immediately; we do not tolerate littering or loitering here," the stern voice echoed across the courtyard. It was a delight to catch a glimpse of something straight out of the show – the impressive machines that possessed a level of artificial intelligence akin to sentience. These were the walking cameras, their heads replaced with advanced cameras, while their humanoid appearance gave them an uncanny lifelike quality.

"According to Section 67, Article 12-b of the Hero Course Applicability Law, which enforces equal opportunities for law-abiding citizens to seek hero training, even without parental consent, individuals of any age who willingly present themselves for evaluation in the pursuit of becoming heroes are entitled to a comprehensive assessment," I proclaimed confidently. My recitation of this rather obscure legal provision left the bystanders, especially those who were less privileged or hailed from impoverished backgrounds, astounded. Globby, who stood beside me, appeared equally amazed, having just overcome the anxiety that gripped him when we initially approached the hallowed gates of the Hero's Academy. He now held his head high, radiating pride.

The android guardians stationed at the entrance stood in silence before respectfully bowing, granting us access to the expansive campus. As we passed through the entrance, the gazes of the already admitted students fixated on us, a mix of disbelief and admiration evident in their eyes.

I focused on the task at hand, determined to expedite the process, while Globby reveled in the newfound attention he had garnered. We couldn't help but draw attention, given that we didn't fit the typical mold of students admitted to this prestigious institution. We lacked the financial means and social status. This was precisely why I had declined to attend as part of my family; I knew my father would pursue me relentlessly if I attempted to escape. Unbeknownst to him, my sister, who had always yearned for the attention my parents showered on me due to my extraordinary abilities, had hoped they might make her attend the school. However, they recognized that my chances were superior, so my refusal was my way of apologizing to her.

She had seen me flee that night and hoped the pendant I carried would secure my entry. It had become a cherished family heirloom for me, and I had no intention of parting with it. Even Globby, who had secured a spot at a lesser academy across the metropolis, had no knowledge of this. He had initially followed me to the renowned academy, unsure of how I would turn his conventional wisdom on its head. His bet had paid off, and he could now see the evidence.

"You thought we were headed out of the city, not here. But you stayed quiet, and for that, Globby, I'm truly grateful," I acknowledged as we walked forward.

He beamed, expressing his appreciation, "Yeah, I was nervous, but damn, Oceus, you're full of surprises! You're my best friend in the whole world. Thank you!" His joy was palpable as we entered the registration and admission building, where numerous people were already waiting in the hallways. I nodded at him, acknowledging our unspoken bond, while disapproving families observed us with discomfort and disdain. We ignored the judgmental glances and collected our forms. The clerks, upon seeing us, seemed taken aback and hastily communicated via their earpieces before flashing us a knowing smile. It was clear they had verified our credentials to ensure we hadn't sneaked through the doors.

After a thorough review of the documents, I turned to Globby, who had finished before me. "Now, we wait."

As he uttered those words, a warm smile crossed my face. With him by my side, I felt an immense sense of security and strength, a bond of brotherly love that I had never experienced before. We were ready to face the interviews and whatever lay ahead, knowing we had each other's unwavering support.

Hours passed as we waited, growing increasingly hungry while it seemed everyone else had been attended to. The sense of being ignored weighed on us, but Globby, wise beyond his eight years, reminded me that patience was a virtue in a place where we clearly didn't belong. I couldn't help but smile at his wisdom.

Finally, our turn came for the interview. An elderly lady with a warm smile, her red hair faded by age, resembled a grandmotherly figure. However, she didn't appear in the show, leaving me in the dark. Globby, glancing at me and subtly flaring his nose as our secret way of communicating, asked if I knew who she was. I responded with a subtle lick of my upper lip, indicating I had no idea. He then turned to her.

The old lady, clad in a black and gold uniform meant for staff, smiled kindly and said, "You two, who have come from across the sea of stars, please follow me."

Strangely, that line struck a chord in my heart, triggering a memory from the show. It was a saying that implied, "You two don't belong here, but we'll see if you're worth your weight." My mood soured in that moment, much to Globby's bewilderment, who had no idea what had caused it. My hunger had disappeared, replaced by a resolute determination to show these people an outclassed meeting a God. Unbeknownst to my rising temper, Globby subtly held my shoulder, whispering, "Breathe, your hair stood on end. No need to get worked up, bruh."

He was skillfully downplaying my agitation for the benefit of those who were oblivious to the situation. As I took a deep breath and smiled, my hair flattened with his assistance, and the old lady led us into a white room resembling a gym or science studio, a setting I knew well. I had coached Globby on what to expect, so I felt confident even as we were now separated. I watched him wave goodbye as he proceeded to his test, while I followed the old lady's lead.

She repeated the process with two more students who appeared to come from wealthy backgrounds. "Well then, Oceus, you're at station four, Mister...G?"

Globby's full name was a challenge for many to remember, and he disliked it. I had always told him that being different attracted those who were different too. "Please, ma'am, call me Globby," he said with a shy voice, leading to laughter from the others, which irritated me. I couldn't wait for them to see the stark difference between Globby and me.

"Okay, Globby, sir, you're at station five. Sheria, you're at station eight. Lukister-Vonaria, you, sir, are at station three," she announced, before explaining the first assignment. I was stunned, realizing that Lukister-Vonaria was the character from the show who had been the first boyfriend of the future love interest for the main character, Emirah. He was the one who had cheated on her, making her hard to pursue, yet in the end, she accepted Emirah. My mind flashed with scenes from the show.

Lukister-Vonaria noticed my gaze, and he appeared uncomfortable. I quickly snapped back to reality, thinking, 'Oops, I stared at him for too long. He probably thinks...ugh, never mind, it won't matter as long as I don't see him. I'm not Emirah; I'm not attracted to the same things as the main character anyway.' I prepared myself, recalling the details I had discussed with Globby.

Acceptance Details for the Hero's Academy:

1. Reaction: Prospective students must demonstrate exceptional reaction times. This could be tested through exercises that measure response to various stimuli, ensuring they can react swiftly to emergencies.

2. Speed: Applicants with superhuman speed are highly regarded. Speed assessments would involve timed races and obstacle courses.

3. Durability: Candidates with enhanced durability are preferred as they can withstand dangerous situations. Durability tests include exposure to extreme conditions and physical resilience trials.

4. Ability Duration: Longer-lasting abilities are advantageous, as they can provide sustained support during crises. This would be tested through timed demonstrations of their powers.

5. Intelligence/Canny: High intelligence or "canny" (street-smarts) is vital. Applicants will undergo written and practical exams to assess their problem-solving skills and strategic thinking.

6. Adaptability: The ability to adapt to various situations and environments is crucial. Psychological assessments and real-time scenario testing will evaluate this quality.

7. Ability Skill Set: A wide and versatile range of abilities is an asset. Applicants will be encouraged to demonstrate their proficiency in controlling and using their powers effectively.

8. Strength: Superhuman strength is valued. Strength tests would involve lifting, pushing, and striking exercises.

9. Moral Compass (Personality): A strong sense of ethics, responsibility, and empathy is essential. Interviews and situational ethics tests will help gauge the candidate's moral compass.

10. Custom Creation Ingenuity: Innovative use of powers is highly prized. Applicants should present creative solutions or inventions they've devised using their abilities.

Applicants would be evaluated on a point-based system, with a minimum threshold for each category. Those who meet or exceed these requirements in various aspects of their superpowers and character would have a higher chance of being accepted into the Hero's Academy. The institution aims to foster a diverse and capable group of superhumans who can effectively protect society.

In the station, we were instructed to don visor-helmets for a simulation-based test. Passing this test was a crucial step, with the actual examination for admission scheduled for a later time. Like everyone else, I followed suit, and suddenly, my perception of reality shifted, and I found myself in a dense jungle. This environment was not from the show, but that didn't faze me. If the theory held true that the show's tests were similar to those here, then our preparation and study would still apply.

In this alternate world, the sky was an eerie shade of purple, and the jungle, while resembling its earthly counterparts, exuded a darker and more alien ambiance. My first instinct was to test my abilities, and to my surprise, they responded. It was as if my powers drew from my mental consciousness, leveraging my understanding of predictive outcomes and my unconscious assumptions. This newfound realization meant that I could perceive, hear, feel, smell, and see everything as though it were a virtual reality experience, effectively putting me in the zone for the impending challenge.

Suddenly, the voice of the elderly lady rang out, albeit with a sarcastic tone, "Welcome to the Academy, Oceus, sir. Time here moves at only a fraction of the pace of the outer reality, so a day here equals only thirty minutes in real life. Your task is to survive here for a day and save the village on the other side of the jungle. If you succeed, you pass. Beware, for there are numerous dangers, both from above and below. Good luck."

The voice faded away, and the entire world around me seemed to come alive. My sixth sense detected threats from various directions, and I felt certain I was surrounded, although the dimly lit night offered limited visibility. The village I was supposed to save, its location was a mystery to me. But in this altered reality, I felt a newfound sense of freedom, as if I were given a chance to play an extraordinary video game where my actions and consequences were detached from my usual self-conscious concerns. This was a bet I was willing to take.

The first threat emerged from beneath the ground, its life force or energy source detectable to me without much effort. It was then that I revealed a previously hidden ability that neither Globby nor anyone else back home knew I possessed – the power to generate plasma energy. Focusing it through my body, my hand emitted a glowing beam of light that I directed toward the ground. The attack disrupted whatever lurked below, preventing it from approaching.

The skills I demonstrated in this predicament were reminiscent of Emirah's abilities, which he acquired in Season 5 of the 12-season show. Emirah's journey included learning about his Starion background, his abduction by the Starian Empire, and a brief arc as a villain. Fortunately, his villainous stint only lasted three episodes, and he was saved by Skystryer, whose true identity was revealed to be his father, Astrey. But I had no time for such intricacies; I was well-versed in the show and knew how to perform these abilities, yet I had no desire to demonstrate them if they weren't necessary for my current situation.

My primary concern was to swiftly complete the test and check on Globby. If he failed, I had no intention of continuing alone. They could fine me, but being born in the slums, they had nothing more to take from me.

As I ascended into the sky, I enhanced my vision with the energy within me, another feat that wasn't expected at my current age. I spotted the village, but before I could act, a massive creature plummeted from the heavens toward me in a jump-scare maneuver. I responded with rapid shots that brought down the massive cat-like dinosaur. Upon reaching the village, I encountered another creature emerging from the forest below, but it too succumbed to my invincible laser attack.

At the scene, monsters of various sizes were attacking the people. Some residents defended themselves from within their houses, while fire-breathing birds encircled the village, causing mischief. They ignored me until I took out four of them. This drew the attention of the creatures above, and I systematically eliminated the rest of the fire flyers. Laser weapons on Farth were considered advanced and powerful, but my ability to use them efficiently and accurately while flying made me appear extraordinary to the simulated NPC humans.

I raced down to deal with the remaining threats, swiftly scanning the area, even identifying hidden monsters that mimicked human appearance, and eliminating them within moments. As for the fires, I had another skill that shouldn't be possible at my current age; I drained the energy of the fire to fuel myself and recover strength.

In mere minutes, the village was saved. The NPC inhabitants attempted to approach me, but I simply ignored them, as if they were invisible, performing yet another skill that shouldn't have been within my abilities at my age. I healed the villagers using energy transfer transmutation, rapidly energizing their cells to facilitate self-healing.

I used gravity manipulation to lift collapsed structures off fallen individuals, treating them like bags of sand. I remained indifferent to the NPCs; my sole focus was to complete the task as swiftly as possible. Once the village was free from threats, I was abruptly pulled back to reality, removing the visor-helmet as I noticed that everyone else still appeared to be engrossed in the simulation.

I stared at the green-lit box I stood in, and my score read eight hundred and forty-nine out of a total of one thousand. I was the first to finish, and the old lady seemed awestruck, as if she had just witnessed a bona fide elite veteran hero. She walked toward me, bowing and then gestured for me to head to the bench in the waiting area.

Ten minutes later, Globby finished as the second candidate, his box also glowing green. His score was an impressive nine hundred and sixty out of one thousand. He wore a triumphant smile, perspiring from the intense challenge, while I watched him waving as I savored my victory meal. He bowed to the lady and then rushed over to join me, leaving her once more in a state of bewilderment, regretting how she had initially treated us like insignificant individuals. We had outshone the rest.

Soon, the next two candidates finished within moments of each other, both looking exhausted. The girl dropped to her knees, even though both of them had passed. Her reaction was likely due to realizing that we had completed the test long before them. The other guy appeared shocked, seeing that we had already passed and were enjoying snacks together after dinner.

The lady gestured for us to follow her. We trailed behind her as she explained that our exemplary scores had exempted us from taking another assessment. We could proceed directly to the boarding office with her. Upon arrival, she instructed us to wait outside while she entered the office alone.

Globby couldn't contain his excitement. "I can't believe I got a higher score than you!" he exclaimed, living the dream. I, on the other hand, was more concerned with eavesdropping on what was happening inside the office. Families sitting in the lobby stared at us with curiosity, but Globby seemed blissfully unaware of their attention.

I replied, "I was more concerned about whether you'd pass, so I only took the test quick to see if you had failed."

His ego seemed slightly bruised as he responded, "Have some faith in me, bruh. And you didn't have to say it like that."

To me, the test had been challenging, but I viewed it as a high-quality virtual reality game. It was fun, albeit intense, and it didn't amount to much in my eyes. The simulation allowed me to perform feats I knew I could do in the future. I couldn't imagine executing those activities with the same ease in real life, as they were significantly more challenging.

The office door opened, and we both stared at the lady. She hugged us tightly, leaving us perplexed. "You two are going to be some of the greatest heroes ever created here at the academy, I just know it. I apologize for setting the difficulty level so high, and I hope I can make amends for my mistakes. If you ever need anything, even a favor beyond what's typically allowed, I'll do my best to assist in the most law-abiding way possible. Thank you for showing me that our generation isn't the last example of might in our country."

As I stood there, my heart skipped a beat when I noticed an older man I knew well, Vesper, my arch-nemesis. He had aged, but his appearance couldn't hide who he was. My dread was palpable as Globby entered the office with pride, while I hesitated, fearing being near the most evil person in the world. Vesper smiled, clearly relishing the fact that I was afraid.

"Well, isn't this a surprise?" he remarked. "Come inside, you young ones have quite promising and bright futures."

Globby noticed my paralyzed gaze and the abyss of fear in my eyes. He had heard me talk about a man in this world I needed to avoid at all costs, one I was terrified of. I knew I wasn't as strong as Emirah, but fate had thrown me a cruel twist by making Vesper the headmaster of the academy. Globby dragged me inside and laughed, suggesting that I was just overwhelmed from meeting the headmaster, someone I hoped to be. His cover story was shallow but sufficient to prevent Vesper from delving deeper into who I truly was.

The discussions continued, and Flicatori, the old lady now known as our guardian, was going to be responsible for us going forward. I stared at the ground, nodding absentmindedly as the world around me seemed to blur. During this daze, Vesper spoke to me alone, addressing me as Oceus. He seemed to sense my fear and recognized that I was aware of who he was.

"Oceus, is it? I don't know why you're scared of me, but I can sense that you hold a strong perception of who I am. I look forward to seeing what you learn here, as long as you stay in line. We shouldn't have any problems, young Starian."

With that statement, I stared at my ever-growing threat. I had a feeling I had made a mistake in coming to the academy, but he didn't appear to have any immediate plans to go against me. He seemed different from the character in the show, less evil and more inclined towards good in this universe.

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