this is where i'll be waiting...

By sweetenersmoonlight

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"i was raised by katherine pierce. do you really think i need anyone's help in manipulation, deceit, and dest... More

a c t o n e
p l a y l i s t
c h a r a c t e r s
update + rewrite
1.1 | never give up
1.2 | do i have to deceive you?
1.3 | emotions are a dangerous thing
1.4 | that is not what your heart desires
1.5 | from the lips of a liar
1.6 | only i fell
1.8 | you curse everyone you touch (revised)
1.9 | a reflection of the author (revised)
1. 10 | three wishes (revised)
1.11 | the beauty of starting over (revised)
1.12 | walking on glass (revised)
1.13. | i don't know how to be me (revised)

1.7 | parts that will never be whole (revised)

619 31 16
By sweetenersmoonlight

question of the chapter:
would you rather be a witch, werewolf, or vampire?

Astoria's eyes fluttered open to the bright light of the sun shining in through her window, causing her to wake. She blinked a few times as she looked outside, seeing that the branches from the tree by her window were covered in a fresh layer of snow that wasn't there last night. She smiled softly. She always loved the snow, and today was no different. But that smile soon faltered as she remembered the events of the previous night. She didn't have time to lay around in bed and watch snowflakes fall from the branches every time the wind blew.

Astoria pushed the wool blanket away from her body, throwing her legs over the edge of the bed and slipping her feet into the slippers on the floor. She wished that she could go back to bed and wake up in a different world. One where things weren't so complicated. Where she did not have to go risk her life with a man that had deceived her.

It was Christmas Eve. Normally, Astoria would be in the kitchen baking by this time. Though Katherine always hired people to cook and bake for them, Astoria enjoyed it too. She liked doing it herself, drinking hot chocolate, going to listen to music, and looking at decorations. She enjoyed all of the festivities. This year, there would be none. She'd be lucky if she even saw Christmas Day.

"Katherine?" Astoria called out to her, wanting to check in with her before she had to leave. When she didn't get a response, she walked over to Katherine's door and knocked on it. The door pushed open when she touched it, but when Astoria looked inside it was completely empty. The bed had been made, but the room looked like it had been cleared. There were still some clothes in the wardrobe, but much of it was missing.

Astoria frowned, but she wouldn't let herself believe the truth just yet. She slowly backed out of the room and turned back into the hallway, quickly heading down the staircase and to the main foyer.

"Katherine?" She called out again. She hoped that Katherine had just gone outside for a moment, but that wasn't like her. They had made a deal. Neither of them went out without telling the other. But Katherine wasn't here. She checked the living room and the kitchen. She checked every room in the house, called out her name several times, but she received no response. She even ran out through the front door and onto the porch, almost slipping on the snowy and icy ground.

"Katherine!" She called out, looking around frantically, but all she could see was white. Their house was in a secluded area, the trees were covered and snow, as was the path out. There weren't any footprints either. Nothing that indicated anyone had been in this area in hours.

Astoria blinked quickly, trying to hold back tears. They had a plan. To stick together. Astoria knew that she messed up. She made a mistake. She wasn't able to see Klaus for who he really was, but she made a plan to resolve the issue. To keep Katherine safe, and it was one that she was going to follow through with. At least she wanted to, but now it was becoming clear. But there was still one exception. One way in which Katherine didn't abandon Astoria.

Astoria would never describe herself as an angry person. For the most part, she remained calm. Sure, she could be agitated or grow impatient, but she rarely yelled. She rarely hurt others with her words. She always tried to find a more peaceful solution. But right now, she found it hard to do that. She tried to compose herself, she couldn't show up to him like this. She knew the type of person Klaus was, or at least she knew what Katherine told her. If she showed up with her heart on her sleeve, if she showed him that she was vulnerable, he would take advantage of her. More than he already did. So she took a deep breath before she opened the door to the balcony. She closed her eyes, inhaled the crisp winter air, dried her tears, and stepped inside. She had to be strong.

But any chance of that disappeared the second she laid eyes on him. Once she saw the face that she once thought was so beautiful and brought her nothing but peace, her own hardened. She clenched her jaw and balled her hands into small fists. It was funny. She still couldn't see it. When she looked at him, she didn't see evil. She didn't see a monster. But from looking at Katherine, she never would've guessed that she was a vampire if she didn't know. Looks could be deceiving.

"Where is she?" Astoria snapped at him, causing him to look up from the counter that he was currently wiping. Astoria realized just then that she never actually saw him bake anything. He was always standing around, closing up or opening, cleaning. She never saw him baking anything.

"Astoria," Klaus looked up at her with a frown. He came around the counter and walked over to her, reaching for her hands only for Astoria to push them away."What's wrong?"

"You may have fooled me once, but that will not happen again," Astoria glared at him."What have you done with her?"

"With who?" He furrowed his brow.

Astoria scoffed in response. She was growing tired of him pretending that he didn't know what was wrong, what she had done."Katherine. What have you done with her, Klaus?"

Klaus' face fell instantly. He tilted his head back a bit and narrowed his eyes at Astoria. He was surprised that she figured it out. He assumed Katherine must have spotted them. Astoria never met him before. But he was more surprised that she showed up here. He assumed that her first instinct would be to run and get as far away from him as possible. Yet she showed up and confronted about him. She looked scared and upset, but he had to admit she had much more strength than he gave her credit for.

It took him a moment to realize what she was saying. He was more focused on her. Now, he realized that Katherine was gone. But he wasn't shocked. He wouldn't admit it, but the past few weeks, she wasn't the one that he was after. She had become nothing more than an excuse.

"I cannot find her anywhere and she would not leave without me," Astoria continued, swallowing back tears."So what did you to do her? Where is she?"

"She left you," Klaus realized. It didn't surprise him. He always knew Katherine would rid of Astoria the second that she became an inconvenience.

"No, she would not do that," Astoria denied it. She pushed that thought out of her mind almost instantly. Katherine would never leave her.

"I have been chasing Katerina for centuries, love-" He began, but she cut him off.

"You do not get to call me that," Astoria snapped at him, her voice filled with disgust. She couldn't believe that she allowed him to call her such things in the past, that she laid in his arms, kissed his lips, held his hand. She should've known better, figured it out. But he was so convincing, and she couldn't see past his act. Even now, she had a hard time believing the man she thought she knew was someone else.

"Astoria, believe me, if I had Katerina in my grasp, I would not be standing here with you, I would be busy ripping her heart out," He scowled.

"You think that I will believe anything you say ever again?" Astoria scoffed in disbelief."Everything that leaves your lips is a lie. At least operating under that assumption will cause everyone around you less pain."

"You speak as if you know me," Klaus commented.

"You learn everything you need to know about a person when you become aware that they spent weeks deceiving someone," Astoria spat, clenching her jaw. She stared at him, trying to find it. But she couldn't. Something that would tell her that he really was evil. A horrible person. But he looked the same to her as he did yesterday. It was like nothing had changed, but something should've.

She didn't realize that he was analyzing her too. Katherine had always told her to look people straight in the eye, no matter what. She didn't think she could stare down Klaus, but he did avoid her eyes. He couldn't look directly at her. He didn't have that problem the day before. It was what made it so convincing. Everything about him came off as genuine. Astoria had no idea he was a liar. She tried not to think about it. She focused her attention on the fact that he was the man that was responsible for ruining her sister's life, and Astoria had to protect her.

"Why did you come here, Astoria?" He inquired, taking a step forward.

"I-I thought you had her," Astoria answered, but her voice was shaky."I thought that she would be with you. That you had taken her or. . . Or killed her. If you didn't. . . If you did not hurt her then that must mean that. . ."

Astoria's words got caught in her throat, unable to say it out loud. She inhaled sharply, looking away from Klaus and down at the ground. She placed her hand on her stomach.

"Yes, your loving sister ran off without you," He finished for her, rolling his eyes."Who are you to her? I assume what you told me was a lie to protect her."

"I did not lie to you," Astoria whispered."She is my sister in every way but blood. She was involved with my brothers. After they were killed by my father, she took me. She's looked after me ever since. I-I do not know what to do without her. Was any of what you told me true? Or have you been lying to me this whole time as well?"

"Does it matter?" He huffed in annoyance.

"The truth always matters," She insisted."The more I know what was real, the less disgusted with myself I feel for ever believing that someone like who you pretended to be good be real."

Klaus opened his mouth to respond, but he quickly closed them. He could not say for certain that Astoria was lying. She didn't have any tells that he could discern. He could tell she was being honest. But she was focused on the wrong things. If Katherine had been looking after her as long as she claimed, then Astoria had nothing now. She had no way to provide for herself, no family, no home, nothing. She had tears in her eyes, she was clearly upset, but she was focused more on him.

"You came here to stall me," He realized, his tone growing darker.

Astoria looked up at him with teary eyes."I told you why I came here."

"You lie," He growled."Where is she?"

"If I knew, I would not be here!" She insisted.

Klaus quickly reached forward and grabbed both of her hands, causing her to wince. He pinned her wrists together and yanked her closer to him, forcing her to look him in the eye.

"Where is Katerina?" He demanded, raising his voice.

Astoria winced, but just shook her head in response. She wasn't afraid of him. She didn't know why. She should've been. Any reasonable person would be, but when she looked at him, she didn't feel afraid.

"Do you think that Katherine would keep a human with her and not put them on vervain?" Astoria tilted her head to the side.

He growled again and released her hands forcefully, causing her to stumble back a little bit, but she quickly regained her footing.

"I compelled every captain and every train operator in this town to not leave with her on board," Klaus gritted through his teeth."She cannot escape."

"Do you really believe that we did not plan exit strategies before we even stepped foot in this town?" Astoria scoffed. Katherine always made sure there was someone who could help them escape. She kept them compelled to stay in town and wait for her order. She compelled them to work different jobs. No one would ever know what they were. And by now, Katherine must've already been aboard one of their ships. Klaus' compulsion didn't matter, but there was something odd about it too.

"Why would you not kill them instead?" She inquired. She knew how vampires were. She spent enough time to know that they only kept humans alive if they served a purpose. If Klaus didn't want Katherine to leave town, he would've killed every person capable of helping them escape. He would not take the time to compel them all.

His nostrils flared as he glared down at Astoria."I do not have time for this."

He turned away from Astoria sharply, heading towards the door and pushing it open. The cold wind whipped through the door as soon as he did so but the cold weather had no effect on her. She had felt cold ever since she learned about who he really was.

"You have all the time in the world," She said from behind him."Unless you fancy taking a swim in the Adriatic Sea."

Klaus stood still for a moment, but he didn't say anything to her. Instead, he sped off into the snow, leaving Astoria alone in the bakery. Which was exactly what she wanted.

Astoria knew that telling Klaus that Katherine had taken a boat out of the town was a risk. He could show up, stop it somehow. But she assumed that Klaus would assume she was lying, and that Katherine had taken a train out. Though she was surprised Klaus ever thought they would take such obvious transportation. They did have a ship ready. But it wasn't at the marina where all the other ships were. They kept it waiting further away, at their own private dock that Katherine purchased once they arrived in town. Katherine had been running for centuries. She knew how to move without being seen.

For Astoria, it was a longer journey. She couldn't move as quickly as a vampire could. She had to go through the woods to avoid being easily spotted. She didn't know who Klaus had in town spying for him, or how quickly he would return from the station. She had to make sure that he didn't follow. Going through the woods was the best way to accomplish that. With her white coat, she couldn't be easily spotted through the snow. It did slow her down, having to navigate the trees, stumbling on fallen branches. She had come this way before, but back then there was no snow, and the stakes weren't as high.

Astoria quickened her pace as she neared where she needed to go. She knew that she was headed in the right direction. Once the trees cleared, she would arrive at the shore of the sea where there was a private dock with a ship waiting. She let out a small sigh of relief when she began to see the tall ship peeking through the trees. She quickly picked up the ends of her coat and dress and ran through the snow covered grass until she stepped onto the boardwalk that led to the ship. She didn't see Katherine, but figured that she was already on board. She did see one man, however. He was loading crates onto the ship.

"Katherine!" Astoria yelled out as she ran towards the entrance to the ship where there was a wooden plank that connected the ship to the dock.

"Hey, hey, Miss!" The man shouted, dropping one of the crates and standing in front of her, placing his hands on her shoulders and stopping her from stepping onto the boat."What are you doing? This is my ship."

Astoria was taken aback, but she figured that Katherine had compelled him. She always did stuff like that. She would compel people not to recognize them unless they were standing in front of her, or to forget things until one of them clarified who they were.

"I-I'm a friend of Katherine's," Astoria explained to him, hoping that would mean something, but it drew a blank.

"Who is Katherine?" He asked, furrowing his brow.

"She's who you're transporting," She answered with a quick nod of her head. She hoped that Katherine would hear what was going on and come outside to clear things up.

"There is no one on board," He insisted, gesturing towards his ship."It is nothing but crates. I do not carry passengers."

"My name is Astoria, I am Katherine's sister," Astoria repeated more firmly, hoping that it would clarify whatever situation was going on."She told me to meet her here."

"I have been here since morning," He sounded almost apologetic, like he understood something she didn't."There is no one here."

"Did she instruct you to take me to her?" Astoria quickly countered, not giving herself any time to dwell on the alternative."I'm her sister."

"I do not know any Katherine's," He answered while he shook his head, but still Astoria kept insisting. She knew that there had to be something she could say that could resolve this situation.

"She might have given you a different name-" Astoria continued, but this time he cut her off.

"I made no deal with any woman, miss," He said, growing impatient with her."You must have the wrong ship."

Astoria knew that she didn't. This was the one. She could tell because her and Katherine visited it when they picked it. On the dock, on one of the boards, they had carved in Astoria's initials so that neither would risk going to the wrong one in case they got separated and couldn't make it together. Her real initials. A.S. She hadn't told anyone what her real name was since she left Virginia. This was it. She was certain.

"What?" Astoria breathed out, unsure of what to say."No. That is not. . ."

She clutched her coat closer to her, staring ahead at the ship. Katherine was supposed to wait for her. That was what they discussed last night and every night before. They would always leave together. Except in rare circumstances where they would have to meet up at another location. But the second location would never be far, and Katherine always made sure that Astoria could get there. But this time? She was completely alone.

"It appears you have been deceived and left behind," A voice spoke from directly behind her, causing her to spin around on her heel and come face to face with Klaus.

"What did you do?" She glared at him. Suddenly, it made sense. He had gotten here first. He figured it out, and he took Katherine.

"I did nothing," He shrugged his shoulders, placing his hand behind his back. She could tell that he enjoyed this. He was trying to hide a smile. But she didn't know why. None of this should've mattered to him. Unless he saw this as punishment for deceiving him and helping Katherine escape.

"Katherine would not-" Astoria tried to defend her.

"Are you so certain of that?" He countered, raising his eyebrows, but Astoria wouldn't let him of all people question Katherine. He was a monster. He knew nothing of friendship or love. She heard stories from Katherine. He was ruthless, locked away his own siblings. Astoria wouldn't accept a lecture from him.

"You don't know her," Astoria clenched her jaw and shook her head slowly.

A smirk tugged at his lips, but he pushed it back down. He took a step closer to Astoria, his eyes falling to look down at her."But you do. Which is why you know that I am being honest. She left you."

Astoria winced and closed her eyes, tilting her head down so that it faced down at the dock. She wanted him to leave. She wouldn't cry in front of him, she wouldn't admit it either. At the same time, she didn't want him to leave. If he left, then she'd truly be alone. She could feel him staring at her, even with her eyes closed. She wondered why he was here. Maybe it brought him joy to see her in pain. She didn't know why it would. She never did anything to him.

"She was right to leave me," Astoria swallowed tightly while she nodded her head."I made a mess of everything."

"Don't be so dramatic, you could not have figured out who I was," Klaus quickly dismissed her concerns. He assumed that she would have a moment where she felt pathetic for not being able to figure it out. But he was convincing and Astoria never met him before.

"I'm not talking about that," Astoria shook her head."We had a plan. When we figured it out last night. I was supposed to come and distract you. But when I woke up, she wasn't there. I panicked. I told you that I knew. I was not to do that. I limited her time to escape."

"She left before you woke up," Klaus reminded her.

"Because she knew I would mess it all up," Astoria defended her sister, much to Klaus' surprise."Look what I did. I put her life in danger and for what? Because you baked me, or compelled someone, to bake me cakes? Because you talked to me? I messed up already. She had no reason to wait for me to do it again."

Klaus had to admit that he was surprised by her words. She didn't seem to blame Katherine for leaving or even Klaus for deceiving her and causing Katherine to leave. Her anger was directed at herself, as if she had failed Katherine and being abandoned was the price to pay.

"I would have left me too," Astoria said bitterly, her eyes trailing down to the wooden dock that they stood on.

Klaus tried to figure out something to say in response. But he wasn't sure. He hadn't thought this far ahead. He had given some thought to what would happen to Astoria after Katherine left. But he thought he would be the one forcing Katherine away, he didn't think she'd willingly leave her younger sister. He thought that without her, Astoria would crumble, but she was refusing to. She was hurt, he could tell. But Katherine had a hold on her still. Astoria blamed herself for being left behind, she talked about herself with such disgust.

He never would've guessed that this was how she saw herself, though he supposed that meant that he wasn't the only one that had been deceiving someone. Astoria always showed up with her hair neatly brushed, her dress was never ruffled and always looked like it was brand new, she spoke so gently and delicately. Everything about her appearance was perfect. Klaus knew that there had to be something behind it, he just didn't know what it was.

But even now she continued to perform. She wouldn't cry, even though Klaus knew that she wanted to. She wouldn't blame anyone but herself. Klaus was sure that the weight of worrying about something happening to Katherine from such a young age was heavy on her shoulders. She was a kid when she met Katherine. She didn't have a mother. Her brothers were dead and her father didn't love her. Katherine was all she had and Astoria grew up believing that if she messed up, Katherine would die. So maybe none of it was a performance. She just had a strong desire to always be perfect, always blame think about what she could've done better when she made a mistake, the simplest of which devastated her.

"No, you would not have," Klaus finally said, causing Astoria to look into his eyes.

"And how would you know?" Astoria asked him quietly."You do not know me nor do you know my relationship with Katherine."

"I know more than you would think," Klaus responded to her, causing Astoria to furrow her brow.

She wasn't surprised that Klaus thought that. He was centuries old. Katherine got the same way sometimes. They thought that they had seen everything, that everyone was just some variation of someone they met before. No one was unique. Klaus would assume he knew her because she reminded him of many people he met in the past. But he didn't know her. He didn't understand the things that she had been through.

"Do you know what it is that you wear around your neck?" He asked her, reaching forward with his hand. Astoria could feel his hand brush against her neck as he ran his fingers under the pendent that was on her neck, lifting it off of her skin.

"Why do you care about some stupid necklace?" Astoria whispered quietly while she opened her eyes, looking back at him and staring directly into his eyes.

"This flower. . . This two-toned carnation, it represents separation," Klaus answered, releasing the necklace and letting it fall back against her neck."Two parts that will never be a whole. They both have to go their separate ways. She never cared for you as much as you cared for her, Astoria."

Klaus expected some sort of reaction to his words, but it was like he had remained silent this entire time. Astoria didn't react at all. He wondered if it was because she already knew what he said, or because she didn't believe it to be true. So much so that it wouldn't even register in her mind.

"Klaus," Astoria said his name calmly."What has happened here is unfortunate. But luckily for the both of us, we never have to see each other ever again. You may return to your home and I to mine. Unless you have some twisted idea to take your anger out on me now that Katherine has escaped."

"I have no desire to hurt you, Astoria," Klaus answered her honestly, which seemed to shock Astoria more than anything else that had happened today.

"Then I suppose we have nothing left to discuss," She replied to him, nodding her head once.

Astoria didn't wait for him to respond. She walked past him, brushing her shoulder against his and letting out a small sigh of relief once she was past him. If there was one thing Katherine taught her it was to never let anyone see you in your weak moments, especially not someone who was an enemy. No matter what she was feeling inside, she needed to put on a brave face. Make it seem like she didn't care. Better yet, make it seem like she was in control of the situation. Astoria didn't think she was in a position to take it that far.

She already failed three times. Once when she let Klaus into her life. The second time was earlier today when she failed to distract him. Then just now, she let him see her weak. She admitted to him that she made a mistake. Hopefully it wouldn't matter. Hopefully he would leave, and Astoria would be able to figure out everything on her own.

Astoria's face burned from the heat of the flame. She knew she was sitting too close to the fire, but having just walked for an hour while crying back to her house made it necessary. She was freezing. Right now, she was just glad that she had some place to stay. She started a fire the second that she got home, sitting down by it on the blankets that still laid on the floor where Katherine and her were just sitting the other night.

Astoria couldn't believe it. She wouldn't. She must've missed some sign from Katherine. Katherine must've been coming back for her, maybe she only left for a little while because Klaus was too close. Or maybe she was hiding until he left. Or she would send someone for Astoria. Because there was no way Katherine would leave Astoria alone. Katherine had looked after her for years, she told her she loved and cared for her, she was like the mother Astoria never had. There was no way she would ever leave Astoria with no way to take care of herself. Astoria didn't have any money, any way to get food, or to provide for herself. She had relied on Katherine for everything.

Maybe that was why Katherine left. Because Astoria had selfishly relied on her. She tried to help, but Katherine usually shot her down. Maybe she should've tried harder. She should've tried to be more independent. She was twenty years old. She couldn't expect Katherine to look out for her forever. Especially when Katherine had wanted to turn her and asked her so many times. Astoria kept pushing it off. Now, she couldn't be a vampire even if she wanted to.

Katherine was gone. Astoria was alone. She had never been alone like this before, and she could've avoided it. If she had been smarter before. She usually was. She was so careful to never make a mistake that could jeopardize Katherine's safety. Today and every day the last three weeks, she failed miserably. If Astoria could make a mistake that big, Katherine couldn't keep her. Astoria would put her in danger.

But Astoria would have to adapt. Quickly. She couldn't just sit in front of the fire and cry. She had a house where she could stay, but she would run out of money soon. She only had what was in the house. She would run out of food, firewood, oil for the lamps. She had no job or way to earn money. Astoria didn't have any employable skills either and many people weren't jumping at the chance to hire women.

A knock at the door pulled Astoria from the thoughts. She stood up quickly, wrapping one of the blankets around her as she walked to the door. She paused after she entered the hallway. As crazy as her life was, Astoria hadn't felt real fear in years. She never would've been worried about opening a door to greet a stranger in the middle of the night. She had Katherine as her protector. Before, she had her brothers.

Astoria took a deep breath and placed her hand on the handle, turning it and opening the door. She didn't know who she expected to see behind it. Aside from Katherine and Klaus, she didn't know anyone else in the town. Both of them were long gone by now.

She didn't see anything other than the white blur of snow falling heavily from the sky. There was no one there. Astoria furrowed her brow and looked around. Her eyes peered down causing her to notice something waiting for her on the front porch, directly in front of her door. She frowned and bent down, wrapping her hand around the woven handle and lifting it up. It had a dark blue cloth covering what was inside. She stepped back inside and closed the door behind her, making sure to lock it this time.

She walked back over to where she was sitting before and placed the basket down on the ground, pulling off the cover and revealing what was inside. There was a load of bread, some muffins, some scones, and a note. The second she saw what it was, she knew who it was from. Part of her wanted to throw it away immediately. Rip and up and throw it into the fire. But she couldn't bring herself to do it.

She picked up the piece of paper and unfolded it, reading what it said.

Come find me tomorrow.

"A personal note and a thoughtful basket," a voice spoke to Astoria from the other side of the room.

She tilted her head upwards to look at where it came from. She saw Katherine walking into the living room, her arms crossed behind her back and a small smirk on her lips.

"Your plan may actually work," Katherine commented, sounding almost proud of Astoria.

Astoria, on the other hand, was shocked when she saw Katherine. Katherine who she thought was long gone by now, having left Astoria behind. Yet here she was, standing in front of her as clear as day.

"What plan?" Astoria demanded as she stood up from the ground, a hint of anger in her voice for Katherine making her believe that she had been abandoned."What are you talking about? And what are you-"

"You can remember now," Katherine said suddenly, placing her hands on Astoria's shoulder and peering into her eyes."Remember last night."

Astoria didn't think she had ever been this nervous in her life before. Klaus had never gotten this close to them before, but she wasn't worried about Klaus. She was upset, confused, hurt, and lost, but he didn't worry her at the moment. If he wanted to hurt Katherine, he would have done so by now. But he had some type of plan in the works, and he didn't know they knew. They had the advantage here. What she was worried about was Katherine. She didn't take kindly to anyone getting in the way of her escaping Klaus, and right now Astoria was.

"We do not have all day, what is your plan?" Katherine demanded from her."How do you think I can escape this? I cannot simply leave. He will have eyes everywhere and will know."

"Then do not leave," Astoria suggested quickly."Stay here. Hidden. I will confront him. Tell him that you left. He'll back off."

"No, Astoria, that is too dangerous," Katherine shook her head, but Astoria didn't believe it was.

"You do not understand, Katherine," Astoria insisted."I see the way that he looks at me. The way he speaks to me. He fooled me, yes. But it has been clear that something has been upsetting him. I did not realize it was guilt until now."

"You think that he loves you?" Katherine almost scoffed.

"No," Astoria answered quickly. She wouldn't fool herself into believing that."He does not, but he does care about me. For some reason, I do not know. He will not hurt me."

"He will not believe you," Katherine pointed out.

"Yes he will," Astoria nodded her head quickly, swallowing tightly and stiffening in her spot."Because you are going to compel me. To think that you left. That way it is real. If he compels me, I will answer honestly because I will believe that you are not here. Then, once he believes it, you sneak away."

"And what of you?" Katherine inquired, noticing that Astoria didn't include herself.

"If there is one thing that someone like Klaus loves, it is to prove his superiority," Astoria answered."Yes, he lost you, but he has made a point to me. That I am too naive. Too trusting. He will not hesitate to make a point of it. He'll take pleasure in having hurt at least someone close to you. He will not see me as a threat."

"Why would you be a threat?" Katherine asked, unsure of what Astoria was getting at.

"Because he has already let me in to some degree," She continued."He is someone who has not been human for centuries. He has not felt love or peace. He does not know what it is like to be held or cared for. I gave him that. He has a taste for it. He will not be able to resist it."

Katherine inhaled sharply, she understood what Astoria was getting at, but she wasn't sure that she liked it."Your plan lies on quite a few assumptions, Astoria. Are you sure that you do not have feelings for him-"

"Any feelings I had died the moment I found out who he was," Astoria quickly answered."This is for you, Katherine. These are not assumptions, I am certain of it. His guard is already down and I am already inside. I just have to find a way to make my stay permanent, I can learn about his weaknesses. Make him vulnerable. Find out what can destroy him."

"There is nothing that can-" Katherine began, but Astoria cut her off.

"Yes, there is," Astoria insisted."I can see it. The way he moves, the things that he says. He is too distrusting for someone that powerful. Too paranoid. He is always looking over his shoulder, he is like-"

Astoria cut herself off before she could finish. She didn't want to admit it to Katherine, but part of the reason she picked up on Klaus' behaviour was because of her. She saw the same behaviour in Katherine, and she was beginning to see it in herself too.

"You need to let me do this for you, Katherine," Astoria said quietly, moving forward and taking Katherine's hands into hers."You have done so much for me over the years. If I succeed, you'll be free of him."

Katherine stiffened, closing her eyes tightly."If this does not go as plan, I cannot come get you."

"I know that," Astoria quickly replied."This is my risk, Katherine. My decision."

Katherine pursed her lips, nodding her head slowly."Fine. Take off your necklace."

Astoria swallowed tightly and nodded her head, removing the vervain from around her neck so that she could be compelled.

Astoria inhaled sharply and blinked quickly as the memory of last night hit her all of a sudden. She brushed her hand against her heart. She had spent the whole day worrying that she had been abandoned, she was relieved to know that it wasn't true, but it was more to process then she expected.

"Klaus. . ." Astoria whispered, looking into the eyes of Katherine."He believes you escaped. That you were on that boat that he would not have known about."

Katherine nodded her head slowly, breathing out a sigh of relief."I will have to leave soon."

"You shall, soon," Astoria agreed."But for now, you stay here. Tomorrow, when I go to see Klaus, you slip out, but do not leave town. Hide in one of our backup homes. He has no way of knowing about them, but it is likely he will have people at the docks and train stations still. Compelled to look out for you. He will not stay long. Once he does, you make your escape."

"And have you changed your mind about joining me?" Katherine asked hesitantly.

"Whether I join you us up to Klaus," Astoria answered honestly."From what I have seen today, I was right. He seemed more concerned with me being left behind than he did at your escape. He will want to keep me close, close enough to go back with him I am not sure. If he throws me away, then I will meet you. If not, then I stay with him, and I do what you taught me best."

"Which is?" Katherine raised her eyebrows curiously. She had taught Astoria many lessons over the years. For most of her life, Katherine was the only person she could look up to.


next time in this is where i'll be waiting for you
astoria finds that pretending to like klaus is going to be a lot harder than she thought.

Hi. So this is the revised version of the old chapter. Really nothing is new here except for the ending scenes.

If you'll recall, I had mentioned there being something that was in the background of all the scenes and I was struggling to bring it to the front.

Initially the plan still existed, but it wasn't shown so no readers would know about it. Originally that was because Katherine also compelled Astoria to get close to Klaus and search for weaknesses. But I think when that aspect of the book is hidden it comes across as just a regular love story. It's also hard to have Astoria stay with Klaus to compel to without making negatively impacting her character. Because she doesn't really know why she's there and why she can't leave Klaus and makes it seem like she just doesn't know what she's doing rather than it being calculated.

I initially decided against writing the book this way because obviously if Klaus finds out he wouldn't trust her, and getting his trust back would be very very difficult. And I didn't want Astoria to come off as being a villain either or being unlikeable because I know how many fans hate when someone gets revenge on Klaus, even if they do have reason to want it. But now I'm not really worried about that and would rather write a story that I will have fun writing and find entertaining.

I also think for some reason I felt very pressured to address everything all in this one act, without realizing that it could very well fit into the next. Even if the next act is centuries later.

Anyways, thank you for reading! Hope you all enjoyed! Be sure to comment your thoughts and have a good day/night!

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