Bonds of the Radiant Seas: Ki...

By typhomarangsparl1

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an epic tale of love, loyalty, and the pursuit of one's destiny in the world of One Piece. More

about the oc and characters

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By typhomarangsparl1

Name: Kizaru (Real name: Unknown)

age: 19

nickname: The Celestial Flash

special nicknames: Kiza, The Dazzling Shadow, Stella

bounty:  2,500,000,000 Berries

Appearance: Kizaru is an imposing figure with a commanding presence. She possesses long, sleek black hair that falls gracefully to her waists. Her sharp, piercing blue eyes hold a hint of both determination and mischief. Kizaru's features are defined by an air of elegance, with a slender yet athletic build. She wears a combination of dark navy and golden accented attire, reflecting her affiliation with light and her regal lineage.

attire: she also wears gol d rogers coat

Personality: Kizaru is known for her enigmatic and unpredictable nature. She exudes an aura of cool confidence and possesses a dry sense of humor. Quick-witted and sharp-tongued, she often uses sarcasm as a way to disarm her opponents. Kizaru is fiercely independent and values her freedom above all else. She maintains a pragmatic outlook, prioritizing her own interests and those of her crew. While she may appear aloof, Kizaru harbors a deep sense of loyalty and will go to great lengths to protect her loved ones.

Belgian Malinois Puppy:

Name: Shadow

Fur Color: Tan with black markings

Eye Color: Deep brown

Personality: Shadow, a Belgian Malinois puppy, is loyal, agile, and highly intelligent. He is Kizaru's constant companion, always by her side and ready to spring into action. Shadow's unwavering devotion to Kizaru is matched by his unwavering focus and sharp instincts. He possesses a strong protective streak, ensuring the safety of his owner and their crew. Shadow is also highly trainable and excels in tasks requiring agility and precision.

Alaskan Malamute Puppy:

Name: Luna

Fur Color: Silver and white

Eye Color: Ice blue

Personality: Luna is an elegant Alaskan Malamute puppy with a calm and composed nature. She exudes a sense of grace and tranquility. Luna shares a deep bond with Kizaru, offering her unwavering loyalty and support. She has a gentle and nurturing temperament, often providing comfort and solace to the crew. Luna is also highly perceptive, sensing danger before it strikes.

Crew Name: The Luminous Vanguard

Crew and Crewmates:

First Mate: Kyojin - Kyojin is a half-human, half-lion hybrid with a muscular build and a mane of golden hair. He is fiercely loyal to Kizaru and serves as her right-hand man. Kyojin is a formidable fighter and possesses exceptional strength and agility, making him a formidable force in battle.

Cook and Doctor: Sora - Sora is a masterful chef and a skilled doctor, known for her nurturing and caring nature. She has a gentle demeanor and is always ready to lend a helping hand. Sora is also an excellent swordsman and uses her medical knowledge to heal her crewmates in the heat of battle.

Shipwright: Hiro - Hiro is a talented shipwright with a knack for engineering and crafting. He possesses a keen eye for design and ensures the crew's vessel is always in top-notch condition. Hiro is a jovial and outgoing individual, often bringing cheer to the crew with his infectious laughter.

Sniper: Akira - Akira is a sharpshooter with exceptional precision and accuracy. She has a calm and collected demeanor and rarely lets anything distract her focus. Akira is known for her stealthy approach to combat and her ability to take down opponents from great distances.

Musician: Ryota - Ryota is a skilled musician who brings harmony and rhythm to the crew. He is proficient in playing various instruments and uses his melodies to uplift the spirits of his crewmates. Ryota's jovial and carefree nature adds an element of joy to the crew's adventures.

Navigator: Mei - Mei is a fishwoman with an innate sense of direction and an uncanny ability to navigate through treacherous waters. She has a calm and analytical mind, always ensuring the crew reaches their destinations safely. Mei is deeply connected to the sea and possesses enhanced swimming abilities.

Devil Fruit User: Yuki - Yuki is a crewmate who possesses the power of a devil fruit. Her devil fruit ability grants her control over ice and allows her to create and manipulate ice at will. Yuki's power is not only useful in combat but also in various situations, such as creating pathways over water or freezing enemies in their tracks. She is a valuable asset to the crew and provides versatile support.

Appearance: Yuki stands at an average height with a slender yet athletic build. She has pale skin that contrasts beautifully with her icy blue eyes, which seem to shimmer with a hint of frost. Yuki's hair is long and flowing, reaching down to her waist. It is pure white, resembling freshly fallen snow, and often has a slight frosty sheen to it. She keeps her hair loose, allowing it to cascade around her shoulders and frame her face delicately.

Yuki's attire reflects her affiliation with ice and her devil fruit abilities. She typically wears a form-fitting, light blue outfit, reminiscent of frosty patterns and icicles. Her clothing is designed to allow for ease of movement during combat while still exuding an aura of elegance. Yuki adorns herself with silver and crystal-like accessories, further emphasizing her association with ice.


Name: Takeshi (The Unyielding Judge)

Appearance: Takeshi is a tall and imposing figure, with a strong and muscular build that reflects his years of training and combat experience. He has short, dark brown hair that is neatly styled, and his piercing blue eyes carry a stern and determined gaze. Takeshi wears the traditional Marine admiral uniform, a dark navy suit adorned with gold accents that signify his high rank and authority.

Personality: Takeshi is characterized by his unwavering dedication to justice and his deep-seated hatred for his younger sister, Kizaru. He is a strict and disciplined individual who believes in upholding the law at all costs. Takeshi has a no-nonsense demeanor and rarely shows emotions, maintaining a calm and composed exterior even in the most intense situations. He holds a strong sense of duty and responsibility, striving to eradicate piracy and maintain order within the seas.

Abilities: Takeshi possesses exceptional combat skills and tactical acumen. He is a proficient user of all three types of Haki: Observation Haki, Armament Haki, and Conqueror's Haki. Takeshi's mastery over Armament Haki allows him to enhance his attacks and defend against powerful blows. He is also a formidable swordsman, wielding a unique and intricately designed katana with precision and deadly accuracy.

Devil Fruit: Gyōryū Gyōryū no Mi (Fish-Fish Fruit)

kizarus ship:

Ship: The Luminous Seraph

The Luminous Seraph is a magnificent and sleek ship that serves as Kizaru's vessel on her voyages as a pirate. It is a sight to behold, with its polished ebony hull and golden trimmings that catch the sunlight, giving it an ethereal glow. The ship features a streamlined design, allowing it to cut through the waves with ease and swiftness.

The emblem depicts a stylized golden sunburst surrounded by swirling beams of light, symbolizing her mastery over light-based abilities. The sunburst is set against a backdrop of a midnight blue sky, representing her enigmatic and mysterious nature. 

Rival Pirate Crew: The Shadow Reavers

The Shadow Reavers are a notorious pirate crew and formidable rivals to Kizaru and her crew. Led by the enigmatic and ruthless Captain Shade, they are known for their stealthy tactics and mastery of darkness-based abilities. The crew's reputation strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies, as they strike swiftly and silently, leaving no trace behind.

Appearance: The members of the Shadow Reavers embody an aura of darkness and mystery. They dress in sleek, black attire adorned with silver accents, blending seamlessly with the shadows. Each member of the crew dons a unique emblem—a coiled serpent emerging from the darkness, its eyes glowing with an eerie, crimson light, symbolizing their affinity for shadows and their deadly strikes.

Personality: The Shadow Reavers are shrouded in secrecy and operate with an air of calculated precision. Captain Shade is known for his relentless pursuit of power and dominance, sparing no mercy for those who stand in his way. The crew members are driven by a thirst for chaos and control, their loyalty bound to their captain's vision. They are skilled manipulators, using their darkness-based abilities to sow fear and confusion among their adversaries.

Captain Shade (Real Name: Unknown)

Role: Captain

Description: Captain Shade is the enigmatic and ruthless leader of the Shadow Reavers. With his mastery of darkness-based abilities, he strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies. He is known for his tactical brilliance and unwavering determination to achieve dominance over the seas.

Whisper (Real Name: Sora)

Role: First Mate

Description: Whisper is the skilled and silent first mate of the Shadow Reavers. She possesses the ability to manipulate sound waves, allowing her to move stealthily and disorient her opponents. Her calm and collected demeanor, coupled with her deadly precision, makes her a formidable adversary.

Eclipse (Real Name: selene)

Role: Navigator

Description: Eclipse is the mysterious navigator of the Shadow Reavers. She wields the power to manipulate shadows, granting her the ability to create illusions and conceal their ship. Her keen sense of direction and astute strategic planning make her an invaluable asset to the crew.

Shadowstrike (Real Name: Kai)

Role: Combat Specialist

Description: Shadowstrike is the fierce and agile combat specialist of the crew. With his darkness-infused weaponry and lightning-fast reflexes, he strikes swiftly and efficiently, leaving his opponents with little chance to counterattack. His loyalty to Captain Shade is unwavering, and he embodies the relentless pursuit of power.

Nightshade (Real Name: Ayame)

Role: Assassin

Description: Nightshade is the cunning and deadly assassin of the Shadow Reavers. She can blend seamlessly into the shadows and possesses an array of poisons and stealth techniques. Her silent and lethal strikes make her a feared member of the crew, and she carries out her missions with ruthless efficiency.

Name: Haruki "Skywing" Kobayashi

Rank: Captain (Marine)

Appearance: Haruki is a tall and well-built individual with a confident posture. He has short, neatly styled black hair and sharp, observant brown eyes. His Marine uniform fits him perfectly, and he wears a captain's hat adorned with the Marine insignia. When utilizing his ability, he transforms into a majestic golden eagle with a wingspan that commands attention.

Personality: Haruki is a dedicated and honorable Marine who takes his duty to protect justice seriously. He possesses a calm and composed demeanor, always analyzing situations before taking action. Despite his disciplined nature, Haruki has a soft spot for Kizaru, harboring a secret crush on her. He admires her strength, unpredictability, and sharp wit. However, he maintains professionalism on the battlefield and does not let his emotions interfere with his duty.


Avian Transformation: Haruki possesses the ability to transform into a golden eagle at will. In this form, he gains enhanced senses, agility, and the ability to fly swiftly through the skies, granting him an advantage in reconnaissance and aerial combat.

Enhanced Vision: Haruki's eagle form grants him exceptional visual acuity, allowing him to spot targets from great distances and detect even the slightest movements. This ability aids him in gathering vital information during missions.

Martial Prowess: Haruki has undergone rigorous combat training as a Marine captain. He is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and proficient in using various weapons. His agility and precise strikes make him a formidable opponent in close-quarters combat.

Name: Akari "Feline Fury" Kobayashi

Appearance: Akari is a young woman with long, flowing black hair that reaches her waist. Her bright green eyes hold a glimmer of adventure and determination. She has a lean yet athletic build, exuding a sense of agility and strength. Akari's attire consists of a mix of pirate and Marine elements, symbolizing her conflicted desires.

Personality: Akari is a spirited and headstrong individual who yearns for freedom and adventure. She possesses a rebellious spirit and often challenges authority. Akari is fiercely independent and determined to forge her own path, regardless of the expectations placed upon her. She is compassionate and values justice but questions the rigid structure of the Marines. Her decision to join Kizaru's crew stems from her desire to explore the world and experience the excitement of piracy.


Feline Transformation: Akari possesses the power to transform into a sleek, black-striped Bengal tiger. In this form, she gains enhanced senses, speed, and strength, allowing her to navigate various terrains and engage in agile combat.

Enhanced Reflexes: Akari's feline instincts grant her lightning-fast reflexes, enabling her to evade attacks with exceptional precision. Her agility and quick thinking make her a formidable opponent in battle.

Claw Strikes: While in her tiger form, Akari utilizes her razor-sharp claws to deliver powerful and precise strikes. Her attacks are swift and devastating, capable of tearing through adversaries with ease.

kizaru's family:

Name: Kiyomi (Kizaru's Younger Sister)

Age: 5

Appearance: Kiyomi is an adorable and energetic young girl with short, curly black hair that bounces with every step she takes. She has sparkling blue eyes that mirror her sister's, exuding a sense of curiosity and mischief. Kiyomi's chubby cheeks and infectious smile add to her youthful charm. She often wears bright and colorful dresses, reflecting her vibrant personality.

Personality: Kiyomi is a bundle of energy and enthusiasm. She possesses a boundless curiosity about the world and is always eager to explore and learn. Despite her young age, Kiyomi displays a remarkable sense of independence and fearlessness. She idolizes her older sister, Kizaru, and desires to follow in her footsteps, hoping to become a strong and respected pirate in the future. Kiyomi's playful nature and infectious laughter bring joy to those around her.

Island and Town: On the island of Lumina, nestled amidst turquoise waters and lush vegetation, lies the charming town of Sunhaven. Sunhaven is renowned for its vibrant marketplace, where traders from across the seas gather to exchange goods and stories. The town is adorned with colorful buildings and bustling streets, creating a lively and welcoming atmosphere. With its warm climate and breathtaking scenery, Lumina serves as a haven for adventurers and dreamers, attracting visitors from far and wide.

Name: Hiroshi (Kizaru's Younger Brother)

Age: 4

Appearance: Hiroshi is a mischievous and adorable little boy with tousled black hair and bright, curious eyes. His features resemble those of his older siblings, Kizaru and Kiyomi. Hiroshi is often seen wearing a small pirate hat, mimicking his sister's iconic style. His tiny frame is filled with boundless energy, always ready for an adventure.

Personality: Hiroshi is an adventurous and free-spirited young boy. He possesses an insatiable curiosity and a daring nature, always eager to explore new places and try new things. Hiroshi idolizes his older sister, Kizaru, and looks up to her as a role model. He dreams of becoming a brave pirate like her when he grows up. Despite his young age, Hiroshi displays surprising determination and fearlessness, often getting himself into amusing and sometimes sticky situations.

Name: Kaida (Kizaru's Older Sister)

Age: 23

Appearance: Kaida is a striking young woman with lustrous silver hair that falls in loose waves down her back. Her eyes are a captivating shade of sapphire blue, sparkling with intelligence and determination. Kaida possesses a slender yet athletic physique, hinting at her agility and strength. She often dresses in a combination of navy blue and silver, reflecting her connection to the sea and her adventurous nature.

Personality: Kaida is a fiercely independent and adventurous spirit, always seeking new challenges and experiences. She possesses a strong sense of justice and is unafraid to speak her mind. Kaida's sharp intellect and quick thinking make her an invaluable asset in any situation. While she may appear aloof at times, she deeply cares for her family and friends, willing to go to great lengths to protect them. Kaida's loyalty and determination are unwavering, making her a formidable ally and a reliable older sister.

Name: Ryu (Kizaru's Older Brother)

Age: 21

Appearance: Ryu is a charismatic young man with raven-black hair styled in a carefree manner. His eyes are a warm shade of amber, reflecting his friendly and approachable nature. Ryu possesses a lean and athletic build, a result of his active lifestyle and love for physical activities. He often dresses in casual yet trendy attire that showcases his laid-back and easygoing personality.

Personality: Ryu is a sociable and easygoing individual, always seeking to create a positive and lively atmosphere. He has a natural charm that draws people to him and easily makes friends. Ryu's sense of humor and light-hearted nature make him a joy to be around. He shares a strong bond with his siblings, particularly Kizaru, and serves as her confidant and source of support. Ryu's loyalty and unwavering optimism make him a trusted companion in both good times and bad.

Bakery: Kizaru's family owns a beloved bakery named "Luminous Delights" situated in the heart of Sunhaven on the enchanting island of Lumina. The bakery is renowned for its exceptional pastries, delectable cakes, and artisanal bread, all crafted with a touch of magic and love by Kaida, Ryu, and their parents before them. Luminous Delights exudes a warm and welcoming ambiance, with its soft lighting and enchanting decor. The aroma of freshly baked treats fills the air, drawing locals and tourists alike to indulge in the delightful flavors and experience the magic of the bakery. It has become a cherished gathering place where people come together to enjoy delicious food, share stories, and create lasting memories.

Name: Vice Admiral Takeshi Kuronami (Kizaru's Uncle)

Age: 50

Appearance: Vice Admiral Takeshi Kuronami is a distinguished figure with graying hair that he keeps in a neat military-style cut. His intense, piercing blue eyes reflect his unwavering determination and years of experience. Takeshi possesses a tall and imposing stature, further enhanced by his muscular build. He wears the formal Marine uniform with authority, adorned with the rank insignia of a Vice Admiral.

Personality: Takeshi is a highly disciplined and respected Marine officer, known for his unwavering dedication to justice and his strong moral compass. As a Vice Admiral, he holds a position of authority and takes his responsibilities seriously. Takeshi is known for his strategic thinking, tactical expertise, and ability to remain calm under pressure. He values honor and integrity above all else and serves as a mentor figure to younger Marines. Takeshi cares deeply for his family, including Kizaru, and acts as a guiding force, offering wisdom and support.

Name: Rear Admiral Ayame Kuronami (Kizaru's Aunt)

Age: 47

Appearance: Rear Admiral Ayame Kuronami is an elegant and composed woman with long, flowing silver hair that she maintains in a sophisticated updo. Her deep blue eyes exhibit a gentle yet determined gaze. Ayame possesses a graceful and slender figure, accentuated by her impeccable posture. She wears the formal Marine uniform with grace and confidence, adorned with the rank insignia of a Rear Admiral.

Personality: Ayame is a highly disciplined and compassionate officer within the Marine forces. She upholds justice and strives to protect innocent lives. Ayame is known for her diplomatic skills and ability to maintain calm in tense situations. She possesses a nurturing and empathetic nature, often acting as a mentor and confidante to younger officers. Ayame deeply cares for her family, including Kizaru, and serves as a pillar of support, offering guidance and a listening ear.

Name: Vice Admiral Masaru Hayashida (Kizaru's Grandfather)

Age: 68

Appearance: Vice Admiral Masaru Hayashida is a distinguished and seasoned Marine officer with silver hair that is neatly trimmed. His wise, yet lively, eyes hold a twinkle of mischief, mirroring his granddaughter's nature. Masaru possesses a strong, stocky build that showcases his years of military training. He wears the formal Marine uniform with pride, adorned with the rank insignia of a Vice Admiral.

Personality: Masaru is a veteran Marine officer with a wealth of experience and a deep sense of duty. He is known for his quick thinking and strategic skills, which he combines with a mischievous sense of humor. Masaru has a warm and jovial demeanor, often using his wit to lighten tense situations. He deeply values his family and is a protective figure for Kizaru, offering guidance and support. Masaru's loyalty to the Marines is unwavering, but he understands the need for freedom and independence, allowing Kizaru to chart her own path.

Name: Rear Admiral Haruko Hayashida (Kizaru's Grandmother)

Age: 66

Appearance: Rear Admiral Haruko Hayashida is an elegant and graceful woman with silver hair that she keeps in a sophisticated updo. Her gentle yet perceptive eyes reflect her deep care and wisdom. Haruko possesses a slender and refined figure, accentuated by her impeccable posture. She wears the formal Marine uniform with dignity, adorned with the rank insignia of a Rear Admiral.

Personality: Haruko is a compassionate and empathetic officer within the Marine forces. She is known for her diplomatic skills and her ability to maintain harmony in challenging situations. Haruko has a nurturing nature and serves as a pillar of support for her family. She deeply cares for Kizaru and understands her independent spirit, encouraging her to follow her own path while instilling the values of justice and loyalty. Haruko's wisdom and love guide Kizaru through the complexities of life as a Marine.

Name: Haruka Tachibana (Kizaru's Cousin)

Age: 28

Appearance: Haruka is a charismatic individual with a striking presence. They have shoulder-length silver hair that frames their face, and their eyes are a vibrant shade of emerald green, exuding a sense of curiosity and intelligence. Haruka possesses a slender yet toned physique, reflecting their active lifestyle. They have a penchant for fashionable attire, often seen wearing stylish and modern clothing that complements their natural elegance.

Personality: Haruka is a free-spirited and adventurous individual who enjoys exploring new ideas and experiences. They possess a sharp intellect and a quick wit, often engaging in intellectual banter with Kizaru. Haruka's independent nature aligns with Kizaru's, as they value personal freedom and the pursuit of their own passions. They are known for their resourcefulness and adaptability, able to navigate various situations with ease. Despite their carefree demeanor, Haruka maintains a loyal and protective nature towards their family, including Kizaru. They are always ready to support and assist their loved ones when needed.

Occupation: Haruka is a respected leader within their town, known as Oasis Cove. As the mayor of the town, they ensure the well-being and prosperity of its inhabitants. Haruka's innovative thinking and ability to rally people together have made Oasis Cove a thriving and harmonious community. They prioritize the town's interests and safety, implementing progressive policies and initiatives that benefit all residents. Haruka's leadership is characterized by a balance of fairness, compassion, and a commitment to progress.

Name: Kazuki Tachibana (Kizaru's Nephew)

Age: 10

Appearance: Kazuki is a lively and energetic child with short, messy black hair and bright, curious brown eyes. He possesses a youthful charm and innocence, often seen with a mischievous grin on his face. Kazuki's attire varies, reflecting his playful and adventurous nature, often wearing comfortable clothes suitable for outdoor activities.

Personality: Kazuki is an adventurous and inquisitive young boy who possesses an insatiable curiosity about the world. He is known for his boundless energy and enthusiasm, always eager to explore new places and discover new things. Kazuki idolizes his aunt, Kizaru, finding inspiration in her confident and independent nature. He often tries to emulate her wit and charm, though sometimes with comical results. Despite his young age, Kazuki displays a sense of loyalty and protectiveness towards his family, particularly his aunt Kizaru.

akainu family:

Name: Kira Sakazuki (Akainu's Younger Sister)

Age: 18

Appearance: Kira Sakazuki is a young and spirited Marine officer with fiery red hair that falls in loose waves around her shoulders. Her intense, amber eyes mirror her determination and strong-willed nature. Kira possesses a strong and athletic physique, a testament to her rigorous training. She wears the Marine uniform with pride, exuding confidence and a sense of purpose.

Personality: Kira is fiercely independent and possesses a burning passion for justice, much like her elder brother, Akainu. She is known for her unwavering dedication and determination to uphold the principles of the Marines. Kira has a no-nonsense attitude and takes her responsibilities seriously. She is a natural leader, commanding respect from her subordinates with her strong presence and authoritative demeanor. Despite her strict adherence to rules and regulations, Kira also possesses a sense of compassion and loyalty towards her comrades.

Occupation: Kira is a young and promising Marine officer, holding the rank of Captain. She has quickly risen through the ranks due to her exceptional combat skills and tactical prowess. Kira leads her own unit within the Marines, guiding her subordinates with a firm yet fair approach. Her unwavering commitment to justice and her desire to make a positive impact on the world drive her to excel in her role.

Name: Reiko Sakazuki (Akainu's Mother)

Age: 50

Appearance: Reiko Sakazuki is a graceful and elegant woman with dark hair that she keeps in a neat bun. Her warm, brown eyes hold a kind and nurturing gaze. Reiko possesses a slender figure and carries herself with poise and grace. She dresses in a combination of traditional and modern attire, reflecting her timeless elegance.

Personality: Reiko is a caring and supportive mother who deeply loves her children. She is known for her gentle and patient nature, always ready to listen and provide guidance when needed. Reiko possesses a strong sense of family and instills values of loyalty and integrity in her children. She acts as a calming presence in their lives, offering emotional support and encouragement. Despite her gentle demeanor, Reiko possesses inner strength and resilience, which she imparts to her children.

Name: Haruki Sakazuki (Akainu's Twin Brother)

Age: 18

Appearance: Haruki Sakazuki is a Marine officer with a striking resemblance to his twin brother, Akainu. He shares the same fiery red hair and intense amber eyes. However, Haruki's hair is slightly shorter and often styled in a more relaxed manner. He possesses a strong and muscular build, reflecting his dedication to physical training. Haruki wears the Marine uniform with pride, radiating confidence and determination.

Personality: Haruki is a compassionate and understanding individual who shares his brother's sense of justice. He strongly believes in protecting the innocent and upholding the principles of the Marines. Haruki has a gentle and empathetic nature, always willing to lend an ear and offer support to his comrades. He possesses a calm and patient demeanor, even in the face of adversity. Haruki's ability to connect with others on an emotional level makes him an invaluable asset in diffusing conflicts and fostering cooperation.

Occupation: Haruki is a talented Marine officer, holding the rank of Captain. He has quickly gained the respect and admiration of his fellow Marines through his compassionate leadership style. Haruki leads his unit with a focus on teamwork and unity, ensuring the well-being of his subordinates while carrying out missions. His dedication to justice and his unwavering commitment to protecting others drive him to excel in his role.

Name: Kazuo Sakazuki (Akainu's Father)

Age: 50

Appearance: Kazuo Sakazuki is a stern and unyielding figure with graying hair and piercing dark eyes. He has a strong and imposing build, reflecting his disciplined lifestyle. Kazuo has a rigid posture and carries himself with an air of authority. He typically dresses in formal attire, projecting an image of power and control.

Personality: Kazuo is a strict and traditional man who values strength and power above all else. He holds traditional beliefs and has a rigid sense of right and wrong. Kazuo struggles to show affection and often expresses his love through disciplinary actions. He sees vulnerability as a weakness and believes in pushing his children to their limits to toughen them up. While his methods may be harsh, Kazuo's intentions stem from a desire to prepare his children for the challenges they will face in the world.

Occupation: Kazuo is a retired military officer who dedicated his life to his career. He served in a high-ranking position, valuing discipline and order. Kazuo's strict upbringing and military background have shaped his perspective on life, instilling in him a sense of duty and a relentless pursuit of strength.

female smoker:

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