Forbidden (Enemies to Lovers...

By Madhuritamse

466 18 2

The Forbidden Series - Book 1 (Enemies to Lovers Romance Novel) Jhanvi Sikand I was supposed to marry my chil... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Part 5

72 3 0
By Madhuritamse


My heart races as I get down from the car. I didn't tell Daadi where exactly I had been today because I didn't want her or Mohit to overstress with Aarav's silly drama. But the way things are proceeding between us, it is high time I tell them everything. Since Mohit is in Dubai, I decide to tell Daadi first. But the moment I enter the mansion, I hear Daadi conversing with someone on the phone. She looks torn and worried.

"Advani, we did not agree with this. The contract clearly states we have three more months to make the payment and get the mansion back. You have to give us that much time to pay it off," Daadi shouts.

I don't have a very good feeling about this. Looks like Daadi is speaking to the man to whom they have mortgaged this mansion. I stand there, waiting for her to finish. In Mohit's absence, I will not leave her side during such crucial times. She speaks for another minute and hangs up.

"This is all his doing. That Aarav is playing these nasty tricks to bend us, but he can't. I will never let him win."

I have never seen Daadi so annoyed. I walk to her and first make her sit on the couch. She gulps some water before turning to me.

"What's wrong? What did he do now?" I ask.

"He must have bribed Advani who has the papers of this mansion and now Advani wants us to clear the debt in one week. If we don't, he will sell it off to someone who is interested."

"WHAT?" I yell. "Is this some kind of joke? He can't sell the mansion just like that. You had a contract, didn't you?"

Daadi sighs in disappointment.

"Mohit didn't check the contract terms properly. We missed a clause which clearly states that Advani can sell the property to whoever and whenever he wishes before we settle off the debts."


I don't know what to say. How can Mohit be that reckless? First, investing in a failed project and now missing such an important clause in the mansion mortgage papers?

"Your wedding is in three days, and all this is happening now? We have no time to arrange that much funds and get the property back."

I am speechless, but Daadi is right. It is Aarav doing all this. He wants their destruction, and he is ready to stoop to the lowest level. But I will not lose hope.

"Let me make a few calls. I am sure I can liquidate some of my funds. Let me speak to my lawyer and team."

Daadi grabs my arm.

"I don't want you to do that, Jhanvi. We cannot take your money."

"Please Daadi." I press my hand over hers. "It's high time you stop saying that. This is my family, my house too and I want to contribute."

She understands my point, and considering there is hardly any other way out, Daadi agrees. She informs Mohit about it, who is again annoyed that all the emergencies were coming up at the same time, so close to our marriage date. We mutually decide to push the wedding by a few weeks. That's the only way to buy some time to settle these issues before we tie a knot. Though disheartened, Mohit promises to land in a day in Mumbai and handle the things here. I have to agree, but I have no time to ponder over the postponed marriage. I need to arrange the funds for saving this mansion first.

I dial my lawyers to check how much funds I can liquidate from whatever Dad had saved for me and how quickly. Despite all the attempts, we could collate only 30% of the debt amount. It's not enough.

Daadi calls friends and relatives, informing them about the postponed wedding. She gives a business emergency excuse, and people actually believe it considering Mohit is still in Dubai.

That night, I sleep with thoughts of Aarav Raichand screwing my head again. Ever since I have returned, he has haunted all my dreams, smiles and fears. I don't have a good feeling about this, but if he ever tries to touch my family, I will not take it lightly.


Next Morning

I get a message from my best friend, Jaya Parekh's assistant, that Jaya had boarded the flight yesterday to Mumbai, which should land in Mumbai in a few hours. In all this mess, I forgot to inform Jaya about my postponed wedding.

I quickly send a car and driver to pick her up from the airport based on the flight details shared by her assistant.


It's been two hours since the flight landed, and the driver tells me Jaya never made it to the arrivals. That's strange. I dial her number, but even that is switched off. I can't believe Jaya's phone went off like this. It never happened before. Daadi has gone to meet Advani and take some more time to settle off the debts. Mohit is still in Dubai, and I got his message this morning stating he cannot return for a few days. I don't like this a bit. I am so upset with everything that has been happening ever since I am here, and hence want my bestie, Jaya, around me. With her next to me, I could at least have another support. But where is she?

I keep dialing Jaya's number, a bit worried for her safety when finally, I get her call. Thank Goodness.

"Hello, Jaya? Where the hell are you? I am worried," I shout the moment I answer the call.

"Hey, Jaan."

That voice scares me.

"Aarav?" I gasp.

What is Aarav doing on Jaya's phone? My nerves tingle thinking about the possibilities.

"Where is Jaya?"

"Right here, next to me, and she looks a bit uncomfortable. But don't worry. She's my fiancée's friend, and I will make sure she gets the best treatment."

My body freezes. Is Jaya okay?

"What the hell are you talking about? What is Jaya doing with you?"

"That's not the right question to ask, Jaan. She's safe for now. Until you do exactly as I say."

"Don't you dare hurt her, Aarav." I pace angrily.

Is this even possible? Can Aarav Raichand go to this extent to avenge us? He can kidnap my best friend?

"Why are you doing this?" I scowl. "Jaya has nothing to do with you and your revenge. Spare her."

"I told you she is safe for now. So, you shut up and listen to me. The driver is already waiting for you. Get in the red car parked at the mansion. That's all you have to do to keep her that way. And I don't need to mention, keep the police out of all this if you want to save your best friend. Now come on, don't waste time. We have a lot to do today. The clock's ticking, Jaan."

The phone disconnects.

"Hello? Aarav??" I scream, but the line goes blank.

Out of all the things, I never thought Aarav would be so revengeful to hurt people by kidnapping them? Does he even know what he is doing? I take a minute to decide what to do? Mohit!! He can help. I dial him, but the call goes on voicemail.

"Mohit, call me. It's urgent. I need to speak to you. Please call me back as soon as you get this message."

I disconnect and grabbing my veil, rush out to obey Aarav's orders. The red car he told me about belongs to Mohit, but the driver today is not the regular one. I wonder if Aarav has bribed him for this entire stunt. Why has Aarav kidnapped Jaya? I could have asked him to let me speak to her. How can I be assured that Jaya is really with him? I get in the car, and shortly I am out of the mansion. My heart beats frantically at the thought of Jaya being tied and threatened by Aarav and his goons, if he has hired any, which I am sure he has, to pull this act. In thirty minutes, I am out of the city. The deserted road gives me a chill. The car climbs the steep hill roads, and in another 15 minutes, it parks before a small temple.

The moment I get down, I see a vanity van stationed, and before the vehicle stands Aarav Raichand. That's it. Unable to contain my anger, I run to him.

"Where is Jaya? What did you do to her?"

I am about to clutch his shirt when he grabs my wrists, not letting me touch him.


"Easy my foot," I shrug off his hold. "Do you even know you can go to jail if I complain to the police about this? I swear I will do that once I am out of here with Jaya."

He grins as if I just joked.

"You won't."

"Try me!!" I challenge.

"I will, Jaan. I will challenge every emotion and feeling you have pent up within you all these years, but right now you need to decide to what extent you can go to save your friend's life?"

His question scares me, puts me in another dilemma. What does it imply?

"I am here," I scowl. "Isn't it enough to prove I can go to any damn extent to save Jaya?"

Aarav watches me intently.

"And not just Jaya, if it had been Daadi or Mohit, I would have done the same. That's what people do for their families, which you won't understand. Your doom is near, Aarav. I will not spare you this time. I will make sure you-"

"Sshh" His finger presses my lips shut.

There's so much intensity even in that simple gesture that makes me cringe.

"You have wasted enough time bragging about what you could do, Jhanvi," he mutters. "Unfortunately, you won't be able to do any of that. So, why waste time on such unproductive talks? Let's come to the point. You can't meet Jaya until you do what I say."

What else does he want me to do? I am here to save my friend. Isn't that enough?

"What kind of dirty game are you playing?" I snap. "That too with a woman?"

I didn't want to aggravate his anger, but this taunt was a must. He is using a woman in his dirty revenge games, after all.

The next instant, Aarav grabs my arms and hauls me to his body. Panic courses through me. Did I cross the line of his patience? I think so. I am here to save Jaya and leave. I can't risk that. His grip on my arms is painful, forcing a yelp from my lips.

"I don't need to answer all your questions because this is my game, and you are on the losing side. Now listen to me carefully, Jhanvi. I have no interest in keeping Jaya with me. This entire ploy was to bring you here and make you do exactly what I want."

My body freezes as I read his next words even before he says them.

"And I want you to be my wife."

All these days, I was under the impression he was testing my patience, but now I am aware of how serious Aarav was the whole time. He kidnapped my best friend and is blackmailing me to marry him.

"I won't."

The words just come out of my mouth, and I have no regrets.

"You can't threaten me, Aarav. I have already messaged Mohit, and he will send someone for me if you don't let us go."

I didn't do it, but I lied so that Aarav knows I am not alone and he cannot manipulate me. But once again, he shocks me with his lopsided wicked grin.

"Mohit? Do you think I am so blunt not to take care of him and his grandmother before Jaya?"

Blood drains from my face. I suddenly fist his shirt.

"What did you do with them? Aarav, I swear if you hurt them I will -"

Tears cloud my vision. I hope this is a bad dream and someone wakes me up. Please. God, Please. Aarav pulls back from me and gestures to someone. A man in black attire rushes with a 10-inch tablet. He passes it to Aarav and leaves the spot. I scan the place while Aarav works on this Tablet. This is a deserted temple away from the city. No one will ever come here to help me. Where can he keep Jaya? Is she even here? I see some movement in the temple, but I am sure they are his people. No familiar faces, just some unknown people working on the decorations. Why are they decorating this place? Marriage!! Aarav wants to make me his wife. Has he planned the wedding here? No..!! He can't force me to marry. I am Mohit's fiancée.

"Here." He passes me the tablet to watch the video playing. It's LIVE!! Mohit is at a conference in Dubai.

"Mohit," I yell, but obviously, my voice can't reach him. He is sitting on a chair, showing no much interest in the meeting. I want him to come back. I want him to know I am in trouble. But who is recording all this? Aarav's man? His spy? Is Mohit's life in danger too?

I stare at Aarav in disbelief when he snatches the Tablet from my hand and keeps it away.

"No one is coming to save you, Jhanvi. In fact, I am saving your life from this treacherous grandmother and grandson. One of my men is attending that conference with Mohit and he can do anything on my command. And not to mention, Advani is on my side so Durga Raichand is not safe either. She has gone to see him and he will keep her busy in his talks until you don't become my wife. Am I clear?"

His words echo in my ears and I hate each word that leaves his mouth.

I raise my hand to slap him, but before I succeed, Aarav grabs my wrist and shoves my arm away. Anger emits from his cold stare.

"Don't even think of making this mistake, Jaan." He warns. "All the people you love are safe right now, but if you don't respect my commands or try to hurt me or my motives, I can't guarantee their safety. So, better keep your anger down and think wisely."

The realization of what he could do to Jaya, Daadi and Mohit fuels my anger.

"Think of the consequences, Aarav. I dare you; I won't let you walk free if you don't stop this madness now."

He takes a long deep sigh before grinning back.

"You are not in a position to scare anyone, Jaan, and the only person you should be scared about is me. I've written you in my destiny, and even God cannot change it. So?" He checks his watch. "You got exactly five minutes to decide their fates, and your time starts now."

"You are a devil," I mutter.

Tears gush out of my eyes as I say this.

"And in a few hours, you'll be this Devil's wife."


This is the end of the SAMPLE CHAPTERS. 

I hope you loved the story so far. The rest of the Story can be read on Amazon Kindle. (Link to all my books on Amazon Kindle is in my Profile here on Wattpad) This Series is a bestseller in many categories on Amazon. 
The Forbidden Series has Two books:
Book 1 - Forbidden
Book 2  - Fallen 

For any queries, message me here or send me a message in the Inbox and I will be happy to help you out. 

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