Forbidden (Enemies to Lovers...

By Madhuritamse

634 23 2

The Forbidden Series - Book 1 (Enemies to Lovers Romance Novel) Jhanvi Sikand I was supposed to marry my chil... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5

Part 3

69 3 0
By Madhuritamse


The ride back to Raichand Mansion seems tiring, maybe because I am thinking about Aarav Raichand and how he threatened me. I look at the bracelet he's made me wear and try to take it out, but again, nothing works. Why would he want to marry me? Only because I am marrying Mohit? And they are rivals more than stepbrothers? I don't understand. I ask his driver, Madan if he knows how to take out the bracelet, but he doesn't even respond. It's a waste coaxing him as he is Aarav's loyal. I am so pissed off by this whole thing that the excitement to meet Daadi and Mohit is zero.

The moment I get down from the car at Raichand Mansion, Mohit storms to me and clutches Madan's collar.

"You? What are you doing around here? And .. where had you taken my Jhanvi?"

I have never seen Mohit Raichand, my friend and fiancée, this restless. Mohit was always that sweet, handsome boy next door whom girls liked to flirt with and feel safe. I wonder why I never got those feelings for him or even felt that kind of attraction I did when I met Aarav Raichand today? Nope!! I can't think of all that. Not now when Mohit has strangled a man's neck. Mohit might not have been the calm type, but he was never violent. If he keeps throttling Madan's neck, he might die.

"Mohit, stop it."

I pull him away from Madan and ask the latter to leave. The poor driver unloads my luggage and drives away.

"Jhanvi, where had he taken you? You know who he is? He's Aarav's driver and.."

"And I am fine," I assure. "See... I am absolutely fine and he just dropped me here. That's all."

Mohit glances at me before exhaling audibly.

"I had sent you the car. How did you end up in Aarav's vehicle then?"

Well, that's a good question, but seeing his anger, I twist the actual incident a bit. I don't want Mohit to fight with Aarav Raichand over me. We are getting married in a week and Mohit needs to calm down rather than plot how to keep his elder stepbrother away from the rituals and all.

"I mistook Aarav's driver as yours. I mean, he was at the airport with the signboard of 'Raichands' and, I assumed it was you who sent that car for me."

Mohit is still suspicious.

"Halfway, I realized that and asked him to drop me here instead. Probably, he will now go back to the airport and pick the right person Aarav had sent him to receive."

Mohit's frown turns into a smirk.

"Good to see, you fooled Aarav's driver."

Fooled? Well, it is Mohit I have fooled for now, but my intentions are pure. I don't want their fights to destroy our wedding celebrations.

"Mohit? What's wrong with you, though? I have never seen you this annoyed and out of control."

He sighs and, sliding his arm around my shoulder, leads me inside.

"You have no idea what's happening here. That Aarav is hell-bent to destroy us."

I swallow painfully. If I hadn't met Aarav personally today, I wouldn't have believed what that man is capable of, but now that I did, I can say Mohit's rage is justified.

"Anyways, don't get into all this. Next time, please be careful. I don't trust that man a bit. Stay away from him."

His words pierce my heart. Should I tell him I met Aarav and how he made me wear this silly bracelet and even declared that I will be his Bride and not Mohit's?

No!! It will worsen the situation.

"Jhanvi." Daadi is out in the living room. She's around 65 years now, but the way she has maintained herself all these years, no one can say she has crossed even 60. I drop my purse and run into her arms.

"Missed you Daadi."

"Missed you too, sweetheart."

She kisses my forehead and cups my face.

"You look so exhausted. And don't you eat well these days?"

"I could ask you the same," I grin. "Your weight has dropped."

"The wedding preps," Mohit intervenes. "She's busy with our wedding preparations."

I fake a smile recalling Aarav's declaration.

You are marrying Aarav Raichand in a week, Jhanvi Sikand, and that's me.

His words echo in my ears. Did he mean it? Or was he fooling me? Why would he fool me with something so disgusting?

"Jhanvi? What are you thinking?" Daadi asks, worried by my turned-down expressions.

"Nothing. Just a bit tired. Can I freshen up and-?"

"Sure," she doesn't let me complete. "Mohit, take Jhanvi to her room."

"With pleasure," he grins leading me to the stairs.

I glance at the surroundings. Nothing changed in this mansion. Everything is as it was when I left this place for London.

"This Chandelier still exists?" I ask, pointing at the huge glass chandelier in the first-floor lobby.

"It was your favorite. So Daadi kept it. Every month, she gets the servants assigned to clean it. Too much work as it's delicate but worth it..."

I laugh when he winks at me.

"The great Mohit Raichand and his flattery. Never gets old," I mock.

"For you, never," he admits.

He pushes the door open of my bedroom, and I grin ear to ear. The teddy bear which I played with in my childhood is right on the bed.

"Teddy," I scream and jump on the bed to cuddle it. "I missed him so much."

Mohit rolls his eyes.

"What's with you and Teddy Bears? You had one in the London apartment too."

"I love to hug them. They are so accommodating and soft."

Mohit chuckles.

"Whatever. Freshen up. I'll see you at dinner. I am sure you are hungry."


"Then come soon. Bye."

He leaves and I take another minute to cuddle my teddy before heading for a shower.


The dinner went superb. It's been a while since I ate so many varieties of Indian dishes with desserts I love.

"I can eat this Rabdi the whole day." I lick the spoon, finishing the desert and put it back in the empty bowl.

Daadi who is sitting right opposite me and Mohit, sees the Bracelet on my wrist.

"That's a good bracelet. Is it platinum?"

Blood drains from my cheeks. I never realized they would notice. Mohit grabs my arm to check.

"Yes, that's beautiful. But.."

"But what?" I stutter.

"It has 'AR' written on it. What does that stand for?"

AR? It has AR written on it? I check myself and realize it's true. Aarav purposely gave me a bracelet that has his initials imprinted on it. What is he trying to prove?

"I don't know." I gulp some water. "Maybe it's their logo or .. they made it for someone else and the customer might have cancelled the order at the last minute. This.. This was the last piece they had, by the way."

I drink some more water though I am full.

Excuses and lies, that's all I am giving them and I don't like it a bit. Maybe I will tell Daadi the truth and check with her if I should inform Mohit now or later.

"You are sweating." Mohit takes out a tissue and wipes my forehead.

I snatch it from him and wipe my face instead.

"It's so hot in Mumbai. The weather in London was stark opposite to this place, so obviously, I will take some time to adjust."

"She is right," Daadi adds. "In fact, you need to get over your jet lag too. Tomorrow we will begin the shopping for your wedding. Be ready."

I smile and quickly get up. The only way I can avoid this conversation is to head back to my room.

"Alright then. Good night. Will you be joining us for shopping, Mohit?"

"I hate shopping, you know."

I frown.

"It's our wedding. Make an exception this time."

"That's not the point, Jhanvi. I have to be there at the office tomorrow. That Aarav is screwing all my deals and-" He pauses. "It's a long story. Don't want to bore you with it. Please go shopping with Daadi tomorrow. We will go together some other day."

Aarav? Again Aarav? Seems like this man is really hell-bent on making my life difficult with the Raichand family.


Two days we were busy shopping and none of the time Mohit could accompany us. I understand Mohit is handling some critical issues in business, which is why he cannot spend time with me. This is exactly why I wanted the marriage date to be pushed forward. At times, I wonder if Mohit is really interested in the marriage or is he doing it for Daadi's sake? I hope I am wrong but Mohit and I have friendship, not chemistry which I always dreamed to have between me and my life partner. Chemistry that can blow my mind every time we are in the same room. Chemistry that's so sizzling hot that my body aches for him. But despite wanting to see that happening between me and Mohit, I fail miserably. I think such off the charts chemistry is possible only in romance novels and movies. The reality is always different.

When I come down the next morning, Daadi tells me Mohit had to fly to Dubai for some urgent meeting. I'm disappointed.

"Dubai? But Daadi, our wedding date is in four days and-"

"It was important, Jhanvi. Trust me, I wouldn't have let him go otherwise."

The pale looks on her face confirm there's much more happening in this house than I know. So, after breakfast, I insist Daadi tell me everything, and she agrees.

"Aarav is the one doing all this," she says.

My heart flutters recalling that man and how he has locked me in his bracelet. I had to bathe wearing it, can you imagine?

"He has taken over our clients. Our investors are no longer interested in financing us," she adds.

I am tense.

"But why is this happening now? I mean, what about the loyalty the clients and investors have shown to DG group so far? Doesn't it matter?"

Daadi sighs audibly.

"Mohit made a mistake recently by investing in a bad project, and we took that risk trusting him. We had to bear heavy losses, Jhanvi and the investors got a chance to stop trusting us. Aarav, who's always ready to find the gaps in our business, used this opportunity to turn the investors against us."

How can Mohit be that reckless? I understand anyone can make wrong choices at some point of time but Mohit can never take risks in a project without careful consideration. Something doesn't fill in.

"You won't believe what price I had to pay because of the Investors backing out at the last moment. I had to mortgage this mansion to incur the recent losses."

I am shocked. This mansion is mortgaged? Tears rolled down Daadi's cheeks.

"I feel so sick to do that. How will I face my husband when I die?"

"Daadi," I give her a tight hug and stroke her back. "Everything will be alright."

Daadi is the strongest woman I have known so far, and seeing her in tears breaks my heart. When she feels better, I pull away and ask.

"Why didn't you tell me anything before? I could have helped. Dad has left enough in my name, and we could use it."

"No," she shakes her head reluctantly. "You are going to be Mohit's bride. How can I ever ask for financial help from you?"

"Why not?" I demand. "You and Mohit are my only family. If I don't use that money for you, whom will I share it with then?"

"That's unnecessary now, Jhanvi. The matter is sorted. In three months, we'll repay the debts and get this mansion back."

I'll be happy if this happens and pray for things to fall back in their place soon in terms of their Business. After some more talks, Daadi leaves to make a few calls. Tomorrow the pre-wedding rituals will begin.

A guard enters the living room to drop the shopping bags. I had left a few dresses for alteration at the store yesterday. I have to try them on and check if they fit me perfectly, so I take the bags to my room and quickly unpack the stuff.

Hold a second.

These are not the dresses I bought yesterday. They are different. I check them all, and none of them are the ones I chose. Did the store send me someone else's clothes by mistake? Could be. I find a note in one bag.


Soon to be, Mrs. Raichand.

I changed your selections. Hope you don't mind.'

Oh my God. Mohit? He did this? I don't recall when and how, but that's how Mohit is. He likes surprising me. I recall him sending me surprise cakes and gifts during my birthdays. But this time, his selection looks unique and more appealing. All the dresses and sarees he has got are either red or maroon. I wonder why? Mohit has never shown his affinity towards this color though it's my favorite. Maybe now that I am going to be his wife, he wants to appreciate my choices. I can't thank him enough. So, I quickly dialed his number, hoping he has time to speak to me despite his busy schedule.

Mohit answers after a few rings.

"Jhanvi, hi. Can I talk to you later? I am in between something really important."

"Sure, but thanks for the dresses. I loved them."

"Which dresses?" He asks curiously.

"The ones you changed. The red ones."

"Red?" He laughs. "Are you kidding me? You know I hate that color. Why would I gift you red dresses?"

I am confused. I tell him about the store sending me the red outfits, and he laughs again.

"Maybe the store sent you the wrong parcel. Anyways, check with them. I will call you later. Bye."

Before I could dig further, he drops the call. He didn't buy them for me? How can the store people make this mistake? What about the note then? I don't ponder much and dial the store manager whose card I had in my purse.

"Mr. Prakash. Hi. This is Jhanvi Sikand."

"Yes, Miss Sikand. I hope you got your outfits delivered and they fit you well. If you have any more alterations to be done, I can send the designer home."

"Thanks. But these aren't the clothes I shopped for in your store."

He laughs.

"I know. That's exactly what we told Mr. Raichand, but he was very much adamant to buy his choice of clothes for you. He said he wants everything in red and every dress that we sent you, Mr. Raichand has chosen himself."

I freeze!! What is he talking about?

"But when did Mohit visit your store? He flew to Dubai this morning," I debated.

"No Ma'am. I am not talking about Mohit Raichand, but your would-be husband, Aarav Raichand. He came to the store last evening and selected these dresses for you."

Aarav? Aarav sent me these? How dare he? And why did he introduce himself as my fiancée? That man is really getting on my nerves now. How can he fake to this extent? I disconnect the call and then pack the outfits again in the bags. If he thinks he can impress me with such acts, he is wrong. I'll make sure this is the last time he is messing with me. I grab the bags and head out.

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