The Jacksons are Friends | DC...

By salaz2006

7.6K 391 74

No love interest - Nina and her brother Percy move to a new city in a new state, hoping for a fresh start wit... More

Hello Gotham
New Neighbors
Gotham Education
Percy's Job
First Encounter
Very Suspicious
Christmas Special #1
Christmas Special #2
I'm Home
Morning Routine
Babysitting Neighbor
It's Raining, It's Pouring
Red Robin
Diana's Invitation
Solving Misunderstanding

New Arrivals

518 25 7
By salaz2006

Damian Wayne, also known as the Wayne heir by his peers, navigated the halls of Gotham Academy with an air of indifference. Being the son of the wealthiest man in America came with its own set of challenges, one being the expectations placed upon him by his family and his classmates. Damian was used to the attention, the whispers, and the constant scrutiny of his every move. It was something he had grown to tolerate but not necessarily embrace.

It was similar to his time in the League, although he wouldn't receive the same blatant stares. The assassins were trained to lower their gazes in the presence of an Al Ghul family member. However, there were still whispers. He had heard them all, "the heir finished his training," "The heir is developing faster than any normal child," "The heir has finished his mission," and "The heir doesn't show weakness."

It gives him headaches to this day. He's always been the heir of someone.

Shaking the thought out of his head, he made his way to his next class. Damian noticed a subtle shift in the atmosphere as he navigated the halls of Gotham Academy, piquing his curiosity about what had captured the attention of his fellow students. His mind wandered, contemplating the usual news and happenings of the school that would typically reach his ears. However, he couldn't help but wonder what he had missed this time, as it was rare for anything to disrupt the monotony of Gotham Academy. His curiosity deepened, urging him to investigate further. What had he not known? It wasn't usually for news of the school to bypass him, even with the amount of disinterest he had in it.

As he approached the main entrance, seeing where the students were vastly crowded, Damian's gaze fell upon a girl standing at the center of attention. She stood out amongst the sea of uniformed students, a rebel in a sea of conformity. Not only was her height above average for that age she seemed to be part of but how she held herself piqued Damian's interest. His vigilante mind was already forming impressions and assumptions. One thing the league taught that had stuck is not to underestimate those who seem weaker.

The girl did not seem to follow the regulations or know about the presence of uniforms. It felt like she belonged to the place as someone with high power and influence with her striking presence, her jet-black hair accentuating her unconventional beauty, she did not carry herself as many students at the school did, a feeling of overconfidence and spoiled.

As she walked through the halls, her head held high and eyes scanning the surroundings with curiosity and skepticism, Damian observed her from a distance. He noticed how she seemed detached from the cliques and groups that dominated Gotham Academy, preferring her company to the superficiality that permeated the school. It was a trait he could relate to, having often found solace in his thoughts rather than engaging in mindless small talk.

Knowing the psychology of humans as social animals, conformity was a norm. Not conforming was odd. Sticking out was not desired, yet she did not bother hiding. He had justifications for being raised the way he was, so why was this girl from a normal family not conforming to the norm?

Damian had discovered from teachers that the girl's name was Seraphina Jackson, who insisted on being called Nina. He had heard snippets of conversations about her, rumors whispered in hushed tones. Some claimed she was rebellious, defying the school's rules and challenging authority. Others spoke of her previous school, speculating where she had come from. Others gossiped about her family life. They talked about her sharp wit and sarcastic tongue, making even the most confident students cower under her verbal prowess.

These rumors were proven to Damian once he had seen her butchering the original uniform style. The top buttons of her shirt were left undone, and her tie was loosely knotted. Instead of the customary black dress shoes, she confidently sported black boots, balancing the line between rebellion and compliance. It was clear to Damian that Nina possessed a unique spirit, unafraid to challenge conventions within the confines of the uniform. This was further expressed when she was constantly called into the principal's office in the short time she was there, the students speculating and mocking her origins.

After a month and a half, Damian began to view Nina as a competitor and a potential enemy. After she joined the Academy, she was taking his spot #1 in English (her step-father Paul Blofis was a considerable advantage), Foreign languages (Latin, taught by her brother and his friends), and physical education (Percy slowly integrated these habits into her as a child to start training young so that in any case she was in trouble she would be able to get out of it. It never meant he stopped worrying or being overprotective of her, but it helped) which was strange to Damian, considering his secret background as a vigilante, he should have the upper hand. It didn't matter that they weren't in the same grade. It didn't matter she was older. Her points surpassed his, and it infuriated him. With all these factors at hand, Damian concluded that Nina was a spy, someone sent by the league to slowly infiltrate and monitor or take care of him when needed, she was not an assassin as she was too clumsy.

This theory showed fruit when she glared in his direction from a distance. He witnessed her engaging in private conversations with individuals in the school long before him, their exchanges were short but would lead those individuals to suddenly depart from school, leaving Damian to draw connections between Seraphina's academic prowess and her potential involvement in clandestine activities.

Reluctantly, Damian had to admit that Gotham Academy was decent. It would not require any student to transfer if there were no financial problems. However, everyone who attended knew the price and would not be financially troubled. The hushed tones between the two suspicious individuals and their careful wording hinted at a hidden agenda. Damian's analytical (paranoid) mind immediately started connecting the dots (illusory correlation), drawing parallels between Seraphina's academic prowess and her involvement in potentially clandestine activities.

It seemed that as time passed, she became more drastic that the teachers, even the principal, had to give up controlling her about her uniform as she was a good student and even more so, it seemed the person who was supporting her was someone with a lot of money and power. Once they had given up, she returned to what she was previously, slightly changing the uniform to be comfortable and loose. Was it a ploy? An act to get the teacher's attention off her so she could work in the shadows without being caught.

Damian's eyes lingered on Nina as she found her way to the library, where she seemed to find refuge from the chaos of the school. The librarians greeted her with familiarity, acknowledging her presence as if she were a regular visitor. Was there any secret code? Was the librarian also part of this group? Was the school infested? Damian observed and took notes. He would investigate those written down on the list when he got home.

Damian discreetly made his way to the library, his steps quiet and purposeful. As he entered, he noticed Nina immersed in a book, her eyes scanning the pages with an intensity that mirrored his focus when delving into a subject of interest. Especially when painting. Too much focus for a child to be normal. Anyone other than Todd, a classical book fanatic, could not be that emerged and love reading unless they had something to hide. It didn't seem as if she had come only to read the book but to take notes in what seemed to be a secret code as well, with the ease with which she had written it, it seemed to have been engraved in her mind (she had made it together with Percy when they young kids, a made up language if you will, it was a thing between them), was this a new League strategy?

She was an unknown.

Even with the arrival of Nina's brother to pick her up, Damian's suspicions didn't dissipate. His gaze shifted from Nina to her brother, taking in the scars that hinted at a tumultuous past. Their interaction, too brief for comfort, triggered Damian's concern. His eyes met Percy's, only to be met with detachment. It was as if Percy had acknowledged Damian's presence but quickly averted his attention. This exchange, combined with Nina's enigmatic nature and her brother's background, set off warning bells in Damian's mind, deepening his suspicions.

Damian returned to Wayne Manor with a determined stride that day, heading straight for the Batcave. He brushed past Alfred, urgency in his movements, and claimed the seat at the Bat computer, replacing Tim Drake on the chair. Startled, Tim glanced up, still partially caught in the grasp of sleep. Confusion etched his face as he questioned Damian's actions. Ignoring the unspoken inquiry, Damian focused on the screen, his fingers typing away and adding files to a new folder Tim had not created.

"What the hell?" Now on the floor, Tim looked back up to see Damian on the computer, typing away. "What are you doing?" he asked, still half-asleep.

"Nothing that concerns you, Drake," Damian responded, not looking away from the screen.

Tim got up, still slightly wobbly. "What are you looking at? Seraphina Xavier Jackson, the new student who joined a month ago," Tim squinted as he read because of the screen's brightness. "This file has been here for months. Damian, this computer is meant for nighttime operations, not for researching an older crush."

"She is not my crush," Damian refuted instantly with a glare at the image of the girl. "I strongly suspect her to be part of the League of Assassins or perhaps a hired killer."

"Why?" Tim asked, now slightly more awake than before at the new information.

"She... she surpassed my scores in both language and physical education," Damian spoke flatly, struggling slightly to articulate his reasons.

Tim stared at Damian before struggling to let out a laugh. He tried to hold it in, "you-you're doing this because she beat your grades?"

"This is serious, Drake. Only the family and league members are capable of surpassing those feeble scores," Damian defended himself. "Moreover, it seems her brother has a reputation and a previous criminal record."

"A criminal record, even if deleted, that I can work with. Let me handle this, Baby Bat," Tim said as Damian stood up, relinquishing the chair back to Tim. "Let's see, theft, destruction of property, assault, destroying historical and religious statues, kidnapping of his mother, the disappearance of Gabe Ugliano. Damn, that's long. Oh, he was 11 when all this started, isn't that a little too young."

"I was 7 when I left the league. It's never too young, Drake. I knew he was suspicious."

"Don't jump to conclusions, Damian. The charges were dropped, and he provided evidence of his absence from the crime scene. Upon rechecking, everything was resolved and remained unchanged before any charges were pressed against him. There wasn't any proof that anything was destroyed in the first place either, so they dropped the charges. Huh, that is..."

"That just proves the point that they have manipulated the authorities, somehow."

"It looks like he's studying marine biology at Gotham Academy and working at the city's aquarium as a tour guide and tank cleaner."

The young boy tensed at the mention of the aquarium. "Is he a threat to those animals?"

"No, no. He has a clean record and is quite liked in his job."

"I will emphasize the high probability of manipulation of reports and his 'co-workers.'"

"Good reviews from children, teenagers, parents, and his co-workers."

"...Mass manipulation," Damian responded after a while of thought.

"Okay, let's set this aside, and now I'm going through the other Jacksons' file. There doesn't seem to be anything incriminating about her or her family. Neither her mother nor stepfather have criminal records or anything. Mother owns a candy shop, and the stepfather is an English teacher. The thing that stands out is the absent father of Perseus and Seraphina. Perseus's father was said to be a sailor and was lost at sea right after birth. So, I would assume that their fathers are different. The mother went to an abortion clinic after conceiving Seraphina.

Damian now just gives Tim a look. "Do I need to say more? Their mother is clearly a harlot."

"Look, she looks pretty much crime-free. But if it helps, I'll keep tabs on her and tell you if anything happens. However, for now, let's drop it. The computer should be reserved for important matters." Tim compromised with Damian, now more serious than before, "also, Damian, be careful with your words. If the records are real and something did happen during that time."

"There was."

"That means that they are dangerous of some sort. Insulting the mother who raised them would turn you into their enemy. Be careful, Damian. Imagine people insulting Bruce for how he raised you or insulting Talia. Discounting Jason."

Damian uttered a dismissive "Tt" as he grabbed his bag and headed out of the cave.

"Unbelievable," Tim muttered, shaking his head.

"What you guys looking at?" Duke comes out of nowhere, asking in his Signal uniform.

Duke's sudden appearance surprised Tim, who was still sitting at the Bat-computer. He quickly minimized the screens, attempting to divert Duke's attention.

"Oh, just some research on recent students at Gotham Academy. Nothing too exciting," Tim replied, trying to sound casual.

Duke raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced by Tim's nonchalant response. "That didn't seem like 'nothing too exciting' from where I'm standing."

"Seriously, nothing to worry about," Tim insisted. "How have you been?"

Duke peered at the screen; his curiosity piqued. "I'm good, just finishing up some training in the cave. But if you're onto something interesting, I'd love to help."

Tim hesitated for a moment, glancing at the screen before responding. "It's Damian, and he's been fixated on this new student at Gotham Academy, Seraphina Jackson. He thinks she might be connected to some shady activities, but it's likely a misunderstanding."

Duke nodded thoughtfully. "The new girl causing a stir, huh? Is there anything concrete, or is it just Damian's hunch?"

Tim sighed, considering his words carefully. "No concrete evidence, just Damian's suspicions. He's linking her impressive academic scores and odd behavior to something more sinister. But to me, it just seems like typical paranoia."

Duke grinned, understanding the situation better. "Ah, Damian's always been a bit paranoid. I'll go talk to him."

With a pat on Tim's shoulder, Duke headed towards the exit, making his way to find Damian. He found the young Wayne in his room, pouring over his study desk and working on homework, but his mind could be seen elsewhere.

"Hey, Damian. What's this about Seraphina Jackson?" Duke inquired, standing at the doorway.

Damian, ever vigilant, glanced up, his expression guarded. "Suspicious. Her sudden arrival and achievements at Gotham Academy suggest more than mere coincidence. I believe she's connected to something unsavory."

Duke chuckled lightly, "Let's not jump to conclusions, alright? What evidence do you have?"

Damian hesitated momentarily, then began listing the concerning instances. Duke listened attentively, weighing his observations.

"I understand your concern, but have you tried talking to her or observing more before assuming the worst?" Duke suggested.

"I have. But she's adept at concealment. She operates under a façade, Duke," Damian responded, his voice unwavering.

Duke considered his next words carefully. "Alright, let me look into this. But let's keep a level head and not let assumptions cloud our judgment. Investigating is fine, but let's not accuse without solid evidence."

Damian nodded, acknowledging Duke's advice. "I'll continue my surveillance, but cautiously."

Duke reassured Damian before leaving the room, promising to help if needed. Damian's response was a glare, saying, 'As if I would.' Walking down the corridor, he pondered how to approach the situation delicately. Perhaps getting to know Seraphina Jackson firsthand might shed more light on the truth behind Damian's suspicions.

He certainly had his suspicions about Percy at first.

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