Neighborhood (High School DxD...


635 7 2

While you were chasing the mysterious person you managed to catch her. You investigated the crashed spaceship... More

A REAL job.
Agent? Venom! Hotel? Trivago.
Back in ORC
The new villian's here!
You'll get your rent when you fix this damn ground!
A strong foe appears. (part 1 of 2)

Known person.

251 2 0

y/n thinking: "A crashed spaceship will probably not escape. A person who has even faster swinging than me, probably can. I should focus on trying to have a normal conversation with them and then check out the crashed spaceship."

I continued swinging after them, but noticed their swinging was getting slower.

y/n thinking: "So if I'll continue swinging at normal speed, I'll be able to catch them."

y/n: "Tu tu tu du, Max Verstappen!"

No reaction.

y/n thinking: "They must be a Hamilton fan."

y/n: "I'm open to talk about F1 if you want to?"

No response.

y/n thinking: "Are they mute?"

Their swinging was getting notably slower, so I managed to zip up to her, which caused us to land on a rooftop.

y/n: "Hey, can we talk like normal-"

I felt that weird feeling that I felt during Issei's training again.

y/n: "Do you feel that too?"

They nodded.

Mysterious person: "Have you ever heard of the fact that if someone doesn't respond and goes away, they probably aren't interested in talking with you?"

She has a feminine voice, so I'm assuming she's female.

y/n: "Well yeah, but I don't accept no as an answer."

y/n/Mysterious person: "Woah."

y/n: "Okay, let me reword that. What I meant is that I don't accept no as an answer when it comes to talking with me."

Mysterious person: "Way to get a RIZZtraining order."

y/n: "We could get along, ya know? Our humor is the same."

Mysterious person: "We could, but we'll defenitely see each other again, until then, farewell."

She swung away.

I went to the spaceship, investigated it, but found nothing.

y/n: "Oh well, what else would I expect from a spaceship that crashed, but didn't even have flames around it?"

Yuri: "Spider Man, a villain has broken away from prison and the cops can't catch him, can you check it out?"

y/n: "Eh, I don't have anything else to do, so why not."

Yuri: "Great... Also promise you won't cause too much damage to the city."

y/n: "I'll try..."

Yuri: "I'm sending you the coordinates."

I went to the coordinates and saw some guy in a bird like costume.

y/n: "Yo bird guy, watch out!"

I swing kicked him, but he tanked it.

??: "So you must be Spider Man."

y/n: "Yeah, I'm honored that you know me. And who are you?"

Vukture: "I'm the vulture."

y/n: "Okay, cool."

I punched him, but it didn't seem to hurt him.

Vulture: "My turn."

y/n: " "My turn" is such an overused-"

He grabbed me and threw me.

When I was about to hit the ground, I felt some electricity in my legs which allowed me to jump while being in the air.

I drop kicked the Vulture and punched him with my electricity which managed to hurt him.

The Vulture: "We'll meet again, Spider Man."

He flew away.

y/n: "Well that's just fucking great."

y/n: "Yuri, I managed to beat him, well kinda beat him I guess, but he escaped."

Yuri: "Damn it. Okay, I'll inform you when he'll attack again."

It was already nighttime.

y/n thinking: "Nighttime? Already? I better head to sleep, I have school tomorrow."

I headed home through my window and went to sleep.

The Next Day

I woke up and did everything I normally do.

Issei: "Dude you should've been there, I kicked Risers ass!"

y/n: "That's great Issei. Like I said I was sick, so I couldn't go."

Issei: "Sure... You predicted you'll be sick."

y/n: "Yup."

We entered our class.

Teacher: "Okay everyone, there will be a new student."

Everyone started gossiping about what gender they'll be.

Teacher: "You can come in!"

Someone came in that I would never expect.

Harry: "Hi everyone, I'm Harry Osborn and I'm the new student."

(Bet you guys expected Gwen or MJ, didn't y'all?)

He sat next to me.

Harry: "Yo y/n."

y/n: "How was your trip to North & South America (Yes I know that both of these continents are called "America" together, but some people might think I'm refering to the USA), Harry?"

Harry: "Pretty good. I saw lots of beautiful animals."

Harry: "Also, I heard about what happened with your uncle..."

y/n: "It's the past Harry. Things happen."

Harry: "Well yeah, but still, you have my condolences. I know how it feels like to lose a family member..."

y/n: "Thanks... Your mom was my mother figure, it's like we were siblings back then... I remember I spent the whole night crying myself to sleep when she died."

Harry: "Like you said dude, it's the past. Things happen."

y/n: "Ye..."

After school ended, me and Harry were still talking with each other.

Harry: "There's the carnival thing happening today, wanna check it out?"

y/n: "Sure! Damn, we used to be on there every year until your mother came to pick us up."

Harry: "Yeah. And then we would ask her to let us stay longer and cry when she didn't allow us to."

y/n: "Life was simpler back then."

Harry: "Life was indeed simpler then."

We arrived at the carnival.

There was a crowd around some kind of "Mysterium."

y/n: "Should we check it out?"

Harry: "Sure."

Quentin: "Hello everyone! My name is Quentin Becky and I'm here to present my newest invention: The Mysterium! If you know what you want to become in the future, come in and let it be the truth! Want to be a businessman? No problem! A DJ? Still no problem! Any job will do!"

(Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is helping me so much with ideas)

Harry: "Go in dude, I'm sure it'll be fun."

y/n: "I don't even know what I want to be in the future, so I think I'll pass."

Harry: "Whatever you say."

We were searching for the next thing we could do.

Harry: "Remember when we were in Middle school and you forgot to pick the drive with our presentation?"

y/n: "Yeah. We snuck into the school after it ended, technically became criminals, the police came, I got the drive and you distracted the police and school guard by singing "I just gotta tell you how I'm feeling, gotta make you understand, never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down!"."

Harry: "And then when we showed the presentation to my mom and she said it was perfect except for one thing: the title. She said we should rename it to:"

y/n and Harry: " "Heal The World"."

We saw the game where you have to throw a ball at the cans and knock them out.

I oaid for it, grabbed the ball, threw it and knocked the cans out.

Guy who organises the game: "That isn't even supposed to be possible..."

Harry: "We always use to lose things like that when we were kids."

y/n: "Yeah. But lets be honest, they were, are and always will be rigged."

Harry: "Yup. Just like those damn claw machines."

We saw a game where you have to shoot basketballs into the hoop.

I paid for it and began throwing.

Harry: "You be ballin' y/n."

y/n: "I put the new Forgis on the jeep."

Harry: "I trap until the bloody bottoms is underneath."

I hit all the basketballs in the hoop.

Basketball guy: "So what do you want your prize to be?"

y/n: "I don't need a prize, but thank you for the offer."

Immediately after that, we spotted an attraction where you have to slam the hammer as hard as you can to determine how strong you are, so I paid for it. Now I of course didn't use ALL my strenght, but I still hit it pretty hard.

But when Harry hit it, the thing went flying.

I apologized and we walked away, went into a few more attractions then when we parted ways, I went on the ferris wheel, but I saw some kind of flares.

y/n: "Red... Yellow..."

y/n thinking: "It's too early for fireworks..."

y/n: "Green..."

I realized what it meant and put my Spider Suit on while no one was looking.

There was some kind of airplane, but way more advanced.

(I couldn't find the picture I was looking for, so just imagine an airplane that you want, it can even be a Lego airplane if you want it to be.)

There were people landing out of it.

I jumped there.

y/n: "Hey, no one gets to disrupt this day!"

I punched them a few times, but the mysterious person I was chasing came again.

Mysterious person: "Looks like you could use some help."

y/n: "Yeah."

I punched one of them a few times, pretended like I was allowing him to hit me and right as he was about to, the mysterious person swing kicked them and knocked them out.

y/n: "Do you know what they're looking for?"

Mysetrious person: "Probably Tombstone."

y/n: "Who?"

She pointed at a guy in a mechanic suit.

Tombstone: "Never thought I'd see the day where Silk... is helping me."

Silk: "Me neither! But here we are."

One of them managed to hit me and destroy a part of my suit.

y/n: "Fuck you man, I was having such a good streak of not making new suits!"

I punched them with my electricity and knocked them out.

y/n: "Okay first thing: Your name is Silk? And second thing: How does he know you?"

Silk: "My superhero name is Silk, just like yours is Spider Man. And he knows me because I  was Silk before you even became Spider Man."

y/n: "How come I've never..."

I dodged an arrow and zipped up to the person who shot it at me.

y/n: "Heard of you?"

I punched him, slid under his legs and spin kicked him, knocking him out.

Silk: "Because unlike you..."

She webbed someone up and threw her.

Silk: "I know how to stay quiet."

y/n: "Hey! I mean you're right, but still!"

One of them shot an explosive arrow at a roller coaster; people were still in it.

Silk: "You go save them, I'll try to save Tombstone!"

y/n: "Okay!"

I zipped up to there.

y/n: "Okay people this'll be the final destination!"

I ran around the roller coaster and shot webs at the part above it, which made it not fall.

y/n: "Everyone, get out!"

People that were in the first few rows managed to get out, but the people that were in the middle and last rows didn't, because the webs collapsed.

I quickly shot two webs and were holding them on the front of the cart they were in.

The part above me collapsed, which caused me to only have one web, as my other was busy holding the part that was collapsing and I couldn't throw it, as there were innocent people everywhere.

I was losing my grip.

y/n: "I'm... sorry..."

I barely got any time to make y/n something else than a comic relief character in the first book, so now I'm focusing more on y/n.

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