By AnneClinton

17.1K 377 300

Meet Hailey McAdams, a star student known for her sharp mind and bold words. She never guessed that her quiet... More

1|¡See You Again¡
2|¡New Destinations¡
4|¡Devil As A Teacher¡
5|¡You're Impossible¡
6|¡I Wanna Be Yours¡
7|¡The Fault In My Stars¡
8|¡Not Again, Ugh!¡
9|¡When Did I Say I Hated You?¡
10|¡I'm Sorry¡
11|¡Cloudy With A Chance Of Rain¡
12|¡Trouble In Paradise?¡
15|¡I Like Your Smile¡
16|¡She's Back¡
18|¡A Forbidden Temptation¡
19|¡Whispers Of Desire¡
20|¡Dawn's Secret:Silent Glances&Untold Vows¡
21|¡Melodies Of Longing¡
22|¡Whispers In The Rain¡
23|¡Hearts On Fire¡
24|¡Whispers Of Tomorrow¡
25|¡"Your passion for..."¡
26|¡The Weight Of Words¡
27|¡Tangled Webs¡
29|¡Confessions and Promises¡
30|¡Schrodinger's Spark¡
32|¡A Psychopath Ex¡

3|¡Oh Boy! Karma Is A Bitch¡

761 16 12
By AnneClinton

"It was fine and good to be defiant to the end, but it was better not to get caught in the first place "Julie Kagawa.

Chapter Theme Song : Hide - Ella Mai



That's what described exactly how I felt right now. It's not the usual guilt of doing something illegal or against specific rules and regulations. I felt guilty because I allowed myself to be caught doing something I shouldn't have done in the first place. And so, as we sat around the extremely huge dinning table, I was spaced out from the conversation my parents were having.

"Hailey? Is everything alright? You seem lost in thoughts" I raised my head to look at them watching me intently, waiting for my response.

"Umm..yeah I'm okay. I'm just overwhelmed by everything" I lied. Obviously, I wasn't going to blurt the words out like; "Hey, Dad. Mom, I was caught spying on some people and I don't know whether they're are our new neighbors or not."

"You don't sound convincing. You certain about that?" Mom is really going to keep digging if I don't act smart.

"I'm perfectly fine, Mom" flashing her the widest smile, it seemed to have worked. Thank goodness, she was too smart to go unnoticed by my change in mood. She's the best of the best lawyer for a reason.

"How do you feel about going to your new school?" Thank you Dad, you don't know how much you've saved the awkwardness.

"Neutral. Still open for anything, no high or low hopes" they both were satisfied with my answer seeing the glint in their eyes.

"I can guarantee you'll love it at WestBrook's" I will check out the school when I'm in my room.

"Is that where you met each other?" Let's put my parents on the hot seat.

"Not entirely. We met at a competition between our schools; I was in WestBrook's while your mother was in public school. It didn't change my feelings towards her. Your Mom is the smartest, most hardworking and strongest woman I know" tune in melodrama.

"You both are a perfect combination. I'm forever proud and grateful for having wonderful parents like you''

We finished the rest of our meal in silence. My mind was raising with so many thoughts, what if the person walks through the door and comes to announce to my parents. What if it made me a target for a home invasion? Or worse of, what if they are serial psychopaths? Geez! Calm down Hailey Ayre McAdams. You're getting worked up for nothing. It wasn't as though he could make you out from the distance. Inwardly heaving in and out, I took my mind off that unwanted incident.

"Dad. Mom, I'll be in my room" I went over giving each parent a kiss on the cheek before heading to my room.

I was a big baby when I chose to - being a sixteen years old junior in high school and apparently, the only child of my parents came with a lot of roles. The expectation to be as high headed in academics, a well planned future and to be almost perfect as Attorney Myanna Suria McAdams. Do I share any resemblance to her? Absolutely! I had been blessed with, not just the beautiful genes of both parents, but I had inherited, Mom's naturally healthy and rich hair growth, essentially long and wavy. A notable fact about my Mom was, she was half Hindu and half American. My grandfather moved to the states for work. And that's how he met my grandmother.

The number of times , I had to convince school mates and teachers ; not excluding outsiders, about my race; they mostly mistook for a Hispanics - lantana. I've always loved my hair, a proud brunette; Mom was full black. That wasn't all, most times, I wished I had inherited Dad's family stature. I was too blessed with having the hourglass body shape which is renowned for its exceptional proportionality, regardless of size.

My hips and shoulders were about the same width. My waistline shape's very well defined, so is the shape of my bust. I undoubtedly had beautiful curves and that made me look very feminine and delicate. At least I wasn't overweight, I weighed 99.208 in pounds which was equivalent to my height of 150cm. Was that healthy? Which would have a BMI score of 20. According to the BMI, that person would be in the "healthy weight range". That answers the question of being fit.

"Oh. I see why Dad wanted me attending this school. It was beautiful, what isn't beautiful in this place?" I kept going through every detail I could find from the site.

I guess I didn't have to worry about complaining about the school aesthetics, we just have to wait till tomorrow to find out how the students and teachers would receive me. I wasn't done scooping through, but my eyelids begged to differ. Saving myself from a strenuous migraine ,I shut off the device and prepared for bed. Immediately, the lights went out, I was welcomed by a sublime unconsciousness.


I was up an hour ago, and was all set and ready to go. I was pretty glad Mom had taken some time off her schedule to drop me at school. I didn't want to drive on my first day, I hated being the topic. News flash: New girl came in classy with her whip. That definitely wasn't the scene I wanted to create.

I had on a kneaded plaited teal colored skirt, inner white shirt and a jacket; the tie was neatly and sharply fixed. Overall I liked this uniform, except it was a bit shorter than my former uniform. I could do with this, just have to stay low.

"You look beautiful, pumpkin" my Dad said once he saw me.

"Thanks, Dad. Are you going somewhere ?"

"Yes. I have a business conference to attend. I'll see you hopefully next week" at least I'd him for twenty-four hours.

We said our goodbyes and Mom and I took off. I felt churning knots in my stomach. I tended to get nervous when starting a new school. That new girl feeling was always a turmoil I dealt with. The ride to the school was about twenty minutes away from the Riverfront Private Residence.

"Hailey, you're going to be fine. Don't worry about screwing up, let yourself relax and embrace it at your own pace" she always had a way with words. It soothed me no matter how tensed I felt.

"Thank you, Mom"

We went through the main entrance, finding the receptionist and headed to the administration. Like I said, I'm always reminded of the family I came from, especially with how well sort after my Mom was. I'd to be constantly reminded not to take for granted the family name and reputation. Hence, I just nodded and responded politely listening to the principal speak  to me.

After getting my schedule, I went towards the lockers to find my number Locker 69B. It wasn't hard to find, when I arrived there was a girl beside the one next to mine.

"Hi, I'm Jade; Jade Stones. I'm guessing you're new"

She was  super friendly, and  really pretty. She had natural curly hair, same uniform , only hers were tighter and shorter as  compared to mine. I liked her pierced tongue. With a height of about 152cm, I looked shorter by her.

"Hailey McAdams, and yes, I'm new"

"I can show you,  your classes if you don't mind" shaking my head to assure her I didn't.

"Seems we have a lot of classes together. First class is Physics, with Mr Torres" I realized how breathy she was,  mentioning his name.

"Is there something I should know before we get to class?"

Realizing herself, she composed before ; "No. Between you and I, Mr Torres is the hottest and hardest male teacher here. News has it all the single female teachers even female students have tried shooting their shots with him. And he always ignored them. He never entertains them"

I just got here and I already got the trendiest gossip, thanks to Jade.

"Is he gay?" Don't blame me, that's the first thing I thought of. He can't be all that and not get attracted to a single female love interest.

"No. Though I used to think so, well let's get going . We don't want to be late to his class. He is very ruthless at giving out punishments for being late"

Luckily we got to class before he came. And I must say, Jade didn't exaggerate. If not she underrated him - the man standing before the entire class wasn't mortal. He was too hot to handle. It was truly an alluring sight that I would always remember. His intense azure eyes met mine for the first time. Goosebumps came rushing in like raindrops unnecessarily with no purpose. I couldn't look away it was as if I was trapped by those lightening blue-sea eyes.

I could feel my body become surprisingly hot, too hot. My fingers were itching for something, something strange . Suddenly, the spell broke. He stumbled back with a startling look as if He was the the only one affected. Whilst I on the other hand froze. Yes froze like an idiot.

Yet my sultry eyes still had the time to unclothe him. Don't blame me I couldn't control my gaze. He was a very tall, muscular man with broad shoulders. Uncontrollably attractive man with no hardship when it comes to women. He had a structured, a well shaped nose, a secret smile as if he knows something that we don't.

Mysterious aura surrounded him. Certainly, he was my perfect dream man. His grey suit jacket and trouser ironed to perfection, you could see the linings and sharpness. Underneath that suit, I was certain held perfectly toned body. His face was shaved clean, his hair combed to perfection. He was PERFECTION.

I'm sure I looked like a tomato sauce at this moment, I've not met any male teacher as hot as him.

"I was told we have a new student" his voice breaking me from my reverie. I, Hailey McAdams never loose consciousness over any man. Especially not my ho... - stop it, get yourself  together. He's your teacher, respect boundaries.

"Hailey McAdams "his voice oozed with so much power and authority.

"Here, sir" I raised my hand, and for a second I saw his intent stare at me which made me sink in my seat even more. This man is domineering.

"You're welcome to AP Physics 1. In my class, I don't condone any form of insubordination, laziness and most importantly, tardiness. Do I make myself clear? My name is Maximiliano Torres, you're expected to call me sir or Mr Torres, right?"

"Yes sir" I responded.

"And before I forget, I hate cheating in my tests and examinations. I'll assume you don't want to be in my class, and so I'll have no second thoughts of failing you and transferring you out of my class. Are we on the same page? Also, I don't tolerate familiarity with any student" Noted.

"Yes we are, sir "I wanted to add more, best to keep it simple. Jade forgot to tell me he was too confident and proud.

"For the sake of being on the same path, we're going over Newtonian Mechanics, so can anyone tell us what they remember from our last meeting?" If only he'd asked, I would've told him to continue. I was too familiar with this area.

So in order to prove I didn't need to be given special attention, I raised my hand. A few eyes were raised, including Jade's.

"Yes, Hailey. Tell us"

"Newtonian mechanics describes the motion of objects in routine life affected by the forces. Newtonian mechanics is a very straightforward formulation theory that deals with Newton's second law of motion.
Newton's second law of motion states that F = ma, or net force is equal to mass times acceleration. A larger net force acting on an object causes a larger acceleration, and objects with larger mass require more force to accelerate" I didn't mean to be a show off, I didn't want to draw others back because I was new.

"We don't need to review after all, you're ready for the test" what test? There is a test today? Way to go Hailey, a head start could've been appreciated.

"Girl, you really came prepared. Hope you can handle the test as well" Jade whispered which wasn't taken lightly by Mr Torres.

"Is there something you'll like to share with the class, Ms. Stones?"

"N-nno sir " she stammered in her response. Note to myself; he's feared.

"Then I expect you to quietly pay attention and not divert your attention unto anything else. I'll not expect anything less than sixty percent from any one of you" the class went as mute as it could be.

He was strict that's for sure, a bit extreme and fearful. And now seeing my response in class, he'd definitely not consider my position as new student. I didn't need it anyways, Physics was a subject I liked - Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. I loved all Science related courses, I won't lie.

"Lucifer"(after witnessing him, I came up with this nickname) brought each row stacks of question and answer sheets to the front to be passed to the rest at the back. We had thirty minutes to complete it. I had to ace this, I knew I had to do seeing the questions in front of me, I definitely was going to. The girls and I had worked on a few preps since we were supposed to have a test, not until I'd to leave.

"This is going to be tougher than last time" I heard Jade murmur, then followed with a snicker from behind.

"If only you put as much effort into academics"

"I'd rather fail than sleep with every guy in this school and other schools" I didn't need to know, these two hated each other.

"Claire. Jade. Step forward with your sheets" I almost thought they had escaped. Nothing escapes his attention.

"She started - " Jade tried explaining but he shut her up.

"Next time, don't indulge in any childishness in my class. Now both of you out. And don't think of coming to plead" he sent them out of the class. I sighed softly and focused on my work.

"You have fifteen minutes left" he is just gosh.

"Sir, can I skip a question? I will come back to it, I just..."this guy who sat behind me scratched the back of  his hair waiting for the bombshell.

"If you studied, you'd know how to go about each question. I don't expect you to ask me about that, you've been in this class longer than anyone here" he was blunt and unapologetically rude.

After what felt like forever with Lucifer, we submitted our papers just then the bell went. I had come to know the guy as Chase. Chase was that charming and sweet guy, you would feel almost welcomed and he made me feel comfortable knowing him within a span of fifteen seconds.

"You should brace yourself. Today was just the tip on the iceberg."

"Is he allowed to talk to students that way?"

"Trust me he's not as hard as when telling someone off. He doesn't simply care about their positions. In some situations, he made a female teacher who tried seducing him cry and she had to quit "

"Wow. That is harsh"

"You don't know harsh. Welcome to Physics class with hell himself" I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud.

I didn't mean to,  but Chase had a way of making the most serious things hilarious, I'm certain he knew. He not only had the face and stature, but he was a funny character.

"Ms. McAdams, wait a minute" I wonder what I've done.

After the last person shut the door, Chase saying he would wait for me, it was just two of us.

"Sir, you asked me to wait"

"I'm aware I did. Ms. McAdams, I know of your exceptional brilliant performance at your former school, but must I let you know, you can't buy your way into my good books by answering a few minor questions in class" Who did he think he was? Why would I want to impress him?

"I wasn't trying anything, sir. With all due respect, I was simply responding so as not to draw my classmates back. There's no need to try proving myself" I told him, he raised a brow and stared at me intently. His stare was very intimidating. His presence was overall intimidating.

"One more thing, I don't consider my students, new or old. The pass mark is applicable to all"

"Not like I expected any different " I rolled inwardly. He was getting on the last nerve I had.

"Watch your mouth and tone around me, Ms. McAdams" I just wanted leave his presence, the more I stayed, the more pissed I got.

"Can I go, sir" emphasing on the sir.

"You are dismissed" mentally slapping my cheeks.

"Hailey? Next time you spy on someone, try doing a better job so you don't get caught" I walked as fast as my feet could carry me.

What just happened? Did he? Oh Gosh! This is first hand embarrassing. I am really in a serious mess. Karma is really a b*tch!

A/N : Feel free to leave your comments! Don't forget to add your votes. 🙂💜

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