I'm Holding on to Nothing (An...

By Qwertyfield18

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Saijuuta Yamahoshi, quirk; Life Force. grants almost limitless endurance, enhanced strength, regeneration, an... More

1. Welcome to Life.
2.No fighting it
3. What's to come
4. Where there's smoke, there's fire
5. No time to rest
6. Training wreck
7. In the running
8. Control of the Situation
9. A friendly spar?
10. Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Infuriating
11. Stubbornness and Idiocy, among other things.
12. One man's strength
13. Easy to Read
14. Too close for comfort
15. Apples far from trees

16. Ups and Downs

1 0 0
By Qwertyfield18

(this chapter contains spoilers for the UA traitor, be advised.)

"At least nobody thinks you can't be trusted with knives," Saijuuta said, rubbing his forehead. Sero gave him a look. "Can you though?"

Saijuuta groaned, putting his head on his desk. "Sero, please shut up." Kaminari patted his shoulder. "It's not all bad! Look, you've got memes!" on his phone, Saijuuta saw the moment where he punched Dark Shadow away from him, with an old jingle for nestle crunch added to the audio. "Did Dark Shadow actually scream like that or was that from the audio?" he asked, still not lifting his head from the desk.

Dark shadow bumped into Kaminari, shoving him aside. "It definitely wasn't me! I love that meme, but I know I didn't sound like that!" Tokoyami cleared his throat. "You... may have. By a small margin.

"Shoji, Fumi's bullying me!" Shoji patted the shadow's head in confusion. "There, there?"

Behind them, someone grumbled in annoyance. Tokoyami glanced at the short boy responsible for the noise. "What did occur, with Mineta? I never got a clear answer this weekend," he whispered. Saijuuta sighed, sitting up straight. "I said some shit and he's mad at me. I'll deal with it." Tokoyami nodded, still confused. "Good luck then, I suppose," he said, walking and sitting down next to the boy.

"Morning." Saijuuta turned to see Aizawa sensei, free of bandages. "Sensei! Good morning. Good to see you're healed up." Aizawa waved him off with a small nod. Apparently, Recovery Girl felt he'd demonstrated to them enough to take injuries seriously. Finally.

"Today we're getting right back to business. We have a special lesson on hero informatics." he paused, letting the class panic momentarily. "It's time to pick your hero names."

Saijuuta grimaced. Wonderful, cause this was something he was prepared for.

"This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day. The drafts really start in your second and third years, once you've gained experience. In other words, for them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential." Aizawa sounded like he'd memorized this part of the lesson. Or maybe he was just impatient to take a nap. "Here are the results."

Todoroki won, no surprise there, but wow there was a big margin. 'Bakugo got 3800, but I'm right behind him and I got 500? What's the gap?' "Midoriya, you got none! They were probably grossed out by the crazy way you were fighting!" Saijuuta turned to look at Mineta. "I stabbed a guy on live TV and I got 500 offers." Mineta quietly flipped him off.

Aizawa glared at him. "Yamahoshi, Mineta." Saijuuta shut up, wow this desk was interesting, would you look at that? Aizawa took a deep breath. "In any case, those without offers will be supplied one with UA's connections so you all can do your internships."

Midoriya raised his hand. "So all of us will be able to intern with someone?" Aizawa nodded as the class put together the dots. If they were going to actually work with pros in the field, they needed their hero names ready. "These names are probably temporary, but take this seriously." Saijuuta ducked as the door was shoved open. "Or you could be stuck with it for life!" Midnight said, sauntering into the room.

Eraserhead nodded. "Exactly. Considering that's what happened to me, Midnight will be judging if your names are acceptable in my place." Saijuuta nodded as Midnight launched into an explanation about how their names should match their image.

But what was his image? He stalled, holding the marker he was just handed. 'Initially I wanted to go for a no-nonsense hardass kind of image, but I can barely keep that up at school, let alone for civilians. And when I did act like that at the diner, it just screwed things up. I can do better than that... wait, maybe...'

"Alright! Anyone who's got one, come up and present!" Saijuuta's head snapped up to look at midnight. 'Oh, so I have to share with the whole class? Shit. no pressure..."

Aoyama waltzed to the front of the class and announced his name. The silence was deafening. Even moreso when Midnight seemed to actually support the name. A couple people shook their heads. Midnight looked at them. "Problem? It's not your name, I think it's reasonable if it's what he wants." Saijuuta shrugged. "Just, well. 'Spotlight.' it's right there and it's obvious. And basically achieves the same image, doesn't it?" Aoyama looked at him. "A fine idea, mon ami, I'll consider changing it one day, but at first the world must know that I simply can't stop!"

Aoyama grimaced internally. 'It really would be a better name. But maybe, with this name, they'll be suspicious of me. Maybe they'll see I really can't choose to stop...' he shook that thought away, no use dwelling on it right now.

"Alien queen!" Ashido said, grinning. Midnight shuddered. "I don't think so. Remember, name and image. You aren't trying to be a scary hero, are you?" Ashido wilted. "Dang it..." Uraraka raised a hand. "Venus? It's a planet with acid rain?" Ashido brightened. "Ooh yeah! The- uh, the Caustic hero: Venus!" Midnight thought it over. "approved."

The engine hero! Hi-speed!" Iida announced. "Straight to the point! I like it!"

Saijuuta looked at the name on his board. It wouldn't be perfect, but he could work on it.

That was the point.

He circled the podium, setting it down. "I'm the relentless hero, Kaizen!" he said.

Midnight hummed in approval. "You're referencing the philosophy of constant self-improvement. That's a very nice image to aspire to. Though the epithet has problems." Saijuuta looked at her.

"'Relentless' has a somewhat brutal implication, not the most suited for a hero." Saijuuta shrugged. "Unstoppable hero: Kaizen, then." Midnight nodded. "That'll work." Saijuuta nodded, sitting back down.

"Sugar Rush!" "Using your quirk's name as your own is a great way to make sure it's memorable!"

Shoji nodded as he set down the board. "Tentacole." Kaminari rested a hand on his chin. "Do you think the takoyaki industry will love you or hate you?" Shoji paused. "I have no clue. Question for later."

"Jet Black hero: Tsukuyomi!" Tokoyami said. Saijuuta was familiar enough with the boy to know he was hiding a grin as Midnight caught the reference.

Dark Shadow giggled in his head. 'God of Chuunibyous maybe.' he whispered. Tokoyami drooped. 'Dark Shadow, please. You're just as bad as I am.'

Toru took a deep breath. "Initially I was just going to go with 'Invisible girl,' but your names have so much meaning and mine was boring. So, I'm the Stealth Hero: Blindspot!" Midnight gave a thumbs up. "They'll never see you coming! Nice work!"

Bakugo slammed his board down on the podium. "King Explosion Murder." Saijuuta put a hand over his mouth as he laughed. "Oh my stars, that's genius. Midnight, please let him. The wordplay is too good to shut down, please." Bakugo looked at Midnight expectantly. She shook her head, amused. "It is good wordplay, but you really shouldn't have words like murder in a Hero name." Bakugo growled, sitting down. Saijuuta shrugged as he gave Bakugo a thumbs up. The blonde pointedly ignored him.

'What?' Saijuuta stared at Midoriya's board. Why on earth would he- "I used to hate it. But now this name is mine . It's going to be ironic and show that I can do anything! Deku!" Midnight pondered it. "An ironic name. You know, I think you could make it work. Go for it."

"With that handled, we'll turn discussion back to the internships. They last for one full week, staying overnight." Aizawa and Midnight walked around the room with large folders, handing them out. "As for location, you are being handed lists of either your offers or UA's designated options. Make sure to consider their locations and specialties to make your choice where to go. Turn them in by the weekend. Class dismissed."

Saijuuta started looking through the file. 'Wrong specialty, shitty attitude, seems dumb on tv-' "Holy shit!"

"Language," everyone on the group chat as well as Aizawa and Iida interjected. Saijuuta shook his head. "This is a joke right? she's never done internships, she doesn't even have sidekicks! There's no way!"

Midoriya was at his desk in a second. "If you're talking about who I think you are then that does seem far-fetched, let me-- that's definitely her, oh wow."


"I have an internship offer with Miruko, the Miruko!" The class looked at him in awe. "The number 7 pro hero? That's awesome!"

Bakugo laughed. "Number seven? I've got number 3! Read it and weep, Stab-happy!"

"Quiet down!" Aizawa shouted over the noise. The class scurried back to their desks. "Discuss who you got offers from at lunch, not now. You should be looking at more than just rankings. You have to consider if they're a good fit to teach you. A high ranking hero could end up having nothing to teach you if you're going into a completely different field of heroics. So focus on reading your offers thoroughly.

"Yes, sensei. Sorry for the outburst. Just... wow." Aizawa shrugged, laying back down.

Saijuuta thought nothing could bring him down from the high he was on. He thought. Then Shoji dragged Mineta over to him.

'Damn it, one of us needs to speak up first!' Saijuuta thought. He looked over at Hagakure for help. Hagakure mock-cleared her throat. The little traitor.

"Could one of you just talk already?" Dark Shadow said. Tokoyami looked between the two. Saijuuta took a deep breath, but Mineta cut him off. "You were right." Saijuuta did a double-take, looking at the shorter boy in confusion. "The way I've been acting apparently isn't normal. I get that now, after looking some stuff up." Saijuuta waved his hands. "That doesn't excuse-"

"No. it doesn't. You said some messed up stuff, dude. Stuff that hurt. I appreciate the eye-opener about how I act but you're right that it doesn't excuse what you said about my parents. You're an asshole."

Saijuuta nodded. "Yeah. I know that." Mineta sighed, sitting down. "But you gave me a chance and let me hang out with your friends. So I'll give you a chance to be better. And I'll try to break these habits I've got. Fair deal?" the boy held out a hand.

Saijuuta nodded, taking the handshake. "I'm sorry about what I said. I overstepped." Mineta nodded. "Yep. so... Miruko? That's pretty big."

Saijuuta smiled. "No kidding! Miruko's awesome! I'll look at my other options but I don't see myself choosing anyone else." Hagakure leaned an arm on his shoulder. "Someone's a fanboy!

Mineta raised a hand hesitantly. "I mean I am too but I think it's for a very different reason." Saijuuta looked at him. "Shush. But yeah, definitely. She's my favorite." 'even saved my life.' "She's an absolute badass and doesn't take shit from anyone."

"You're lucky, getting to go with a hero you idolize. None of these generic ones are anyone cool like that. There are only two stealth options and neither is even on the mainland." Hagakure groaned.

"We live in Japan, Hagakure. There is no mainland."

"You know what I mean, Tokoyami! I'm not going all the way to Okinawa or Hokkaido!" Tokoyami shrugged. "We got a top 10 offer too, you know! Fumi just didn't want to bring it up." Dark shadow chimed in.

The group collectively stared at Tokoyami. "If you must know, Hawks. But I don't know if I'll take it, I'm not actually that big a fan of his." he said. "How can you not be a fan of Hawks?" Hagakure balked. "Fumi's just weirded out by him a bit, says his 'brightness shines in an uncanny manner,' whatever that means. I'll probably convince him to do it."

Katsuki looked at the offer again. Hobo-sensei said think further than what rank they are. But at this point, the denim disaster was his best bet. He needed to get his head back in the game, damn it. From what he could tell, Best Jeanist was all about technique and discipline. God, he had a feeling he was going to regret this.

"You wanted to see me again, sir?" Saijuuta said, stepping into the office. Aizawa-Sensei was already sitting down. Nedzu smiled. "Yes, come sit down. This will only take a moment and then you can head to your first appointment with Hound Dog."

Saijuuta winced. Was that already today? "Well, what do you need, sir? Is this about my paperwork, or the internships?" Nedzu smiled patiently. "Mainly the internship. I understand you got an offer from Miruko? Very unusual, you must have done something to impress her. However, that brings us to a few issues. Aizawa, if you would?"

The man sighed, opening up a file folder. "Miruko is inexperienced working with others, and only barely qualifies to take an intern. As such, we're hesitant to let you go with her." Saijuuta's face fell. 'Seriously? Why even let me know about the offer if they were going to shut it down?'

"Beyond this, after the USJ you requisitioned a variety of new support items you are going to be unfamiliar with. Nedzu believes that it would be best for you to remain with me for the internship due to your new gear's similarity to my capture weapon as well as the fact that I am technically in charge of your case with your citizenship and identity until the paperwork goes through. Despite this, the decision is yours."

Saijuutas eyes snapped to Nedzu. 'The decision is mine? Why would- oh...' "this is some kind of test, isn't it?"

Nedzu's eyes lit up as his grin widened. "Of course it is. But what's your decision? A or B?"

Saijuuta shivered, the look in Nedzu's eye familiar. Still though. "Ok, give me a second."

'Miruko is my idol and I can learn a lot about how to present my image from her. I also can work on my fighting form, especially my kicks. Working with her would draw a ton of attention to me though, and she might not be great at teaching.'

'On the other hand, Aizawa sensei will teach me more about the underground side of heroics like I want to learn about, teach me how to use my new gear, and my energy probably will help me do the late night shifts that he seems to do. But at the same time, Aizawa seems like he doesn't work with others often either.'

Saijuuta tilted his head back and forth, considering the two before pausing, visibly getting excited. "Aizawa sensei, would you be okay with training me during your night shifts?" Aizawa nodded. "I don't have anything to grade or file over the break, I would have been working anyways. But Nedzu wouldn't have asked me to do this if it would get in the way of my work. So, you're going with me, then?"

Saijuuta took a breath. Is this the solution Nedzu was looking for? "I choose both. I train with Miruko during the day, Aizawa during the night. Am I able to do that?" 'please say yes.'

Nedzu beamed, a glint in his eye as Aizawa looked between the two. "Yes, you certainly can. It'll all be listed as an internship with Miruko, but Aizawa could certainly make use of the extended time you have from your lack of sleep requirements to take you on a second internship of sorts. That is, if you feel you're up for juggling two internships at once."

Aizawa sighed. "And while I'm not working, I keep an eye on Miruko's ability to work with an intern. I get what you two are playing at now."

Saijuuta nodded. "I can manage it. Thank you for this opportunity, Principal Nedzu." He said, bowing.

Nedzu grinned. "Of course. And really, this is aiding multiple things I wish to accomplish soon, so it's very helpful to me as well." Saijuuta turned to Aizawa, whispering "Best not to-" the man nodded. "Best not to question what he's planning, yeah."

Saijuuta shrugged it off as Nedzu laughed at their whispered conversation. "Now, with that handled, I believe our counselor is waiting for you. Have a nice day, Yamahoshi!"

Saijuuta took a deep breath, knocking on the door. Nedzu and Aizawa were right, he needed this. Even then, he felt just


Obviously, he's not great mentally, nobody would be after going through what he's gone through. But he also feels like he's adjusted to it as well as he could have? and also it just, well, he has to actually explain what happened, and so long as he doesn't verbalize it he can keep his mind off of it and he's fine, but having to go in and talk about it means he has to remember so much more details about it and--

The door opens, cutting off his train of thought. he grimaces reflecting how that thought was going.

The man with the dog mutation sits back down at his desk, gesturing to an assortment of chairs. "pick whichever chair makes you most comfortable." Saijuuta shook his head. "If its about comfort, I'd rather stand and pace. You're Hound Dog?" he nods. "Ryo Inui is fine here. Now, I see you're here by referral from Nedzu?"

Saijuuta nodded. "Yes, Nedzu and Aizawa said I could do with some therapy, and really they, uh, aren't wrong. I feel like I've been reality's punching bag for most of my life." Inui nodded. "hm, well it's good to be aware of if you need help. Would you prefer to start with a few easier questions?" Saijuuta nodded, letting out a breath. "for now, yes."

"So, the first month and a half of UA. how are your classes?" Inui said, taking a pen and clicking it. "going well, mostly. workload isn't too heavy or too easy, and it's interesting. heroics is about what I expected, a bit more emphasis on training our quirks but," Saijuuta shrugged, not finishing his sentence.

"That's good to hear, a lot of students struggle with adapting to how UA runs things. socializing with your peers?" Saijuuta chuckled. "More than I intended to. I kinda planned on acting all 'Lone Wolf,' but my class is too social to get away with that." Inui clicked the pen again. "Is it making you uncomfortable to socialize with them?"

"No, it doesn't bother me much. a bit of anxiety, but manageable, I think?" he said. Inui nodded. "hm, and this desire to be more solitary, what does it stem from?"

Saijuuta groaned, sitting down. "that's... easier explained after everything, honestly." Inui chuckled. "yes, sometimes that happens. Could you still try and summarize your reasoning for me? You don't have to go into why you think that way, just, your thought process."

"World's scary. I could get hurt or killed one day, and, I... don't want people to be sad or hurt if I do. Easier to be an asshole they didn't get close to. though that's not really in the cards anymore." Saijuuta stood back up, circling the room. Inui noted down something. "that's an interesting outlook. Are you familiar with grieving for others?"

Saijuuta cringed, drumming his fingers on his leg. "painfully familiar, yeah. mourned a lot of people." Inui set down his pen. "Sometimes after losing people, we mourn for a longer time than we realize. sometimes we don't stop. Do you think perhaps you are still mourning these losses?"

Saijuuta let out a shaky breath "Not sure. sometimes it feels like I haven't even started. just distracted myself from it. I don't really want to think about it all. But maybe I should just be blunt and tell you what happened..."

Inui held up a hand for pause. "If you feel you should. Don't force yourself, we have plenty of visits to discuss it." Saijuuta nodded. "I'd rather have an uncomfortable first appointment and have time to address it then toeing around the issue for three weeks. I'm making the whole thing so awkward I can't deal with it so I'll be straightforward and deal with it if it upsets me later." Inui nodded slowly.

"I'm from another universe. My friends, family, and everyone I ever knew were killed in a single event. Their killer attacked me as well, and I had to drastically cripple myself in order to escape him by fleeing from my home universe, arriving here, in this one. I am barely managing to hold myself together by holding myself to a goal of becoming a hero and not thinking in depth about my past, which probably has even more issues aside from just that whole traumatic mess. I know full well that therapy will not be pleasant for me but also that I desperately need therapy."

Inui clicked the pen back and forth for a few minutes. "Well. Again, It's great that you know you need counseling. that said..." Inui accidentally snapped the pen, breaking into a string of growls and barks. Saijuuta awkwardly stood in front of him. Inui sighed, taking a deep breath. "I think we should start with you explaining more about this universe you're from before we get to talking about that specific day."

Saijuuta blinked. 'he took that surprisingly well. I probably should tell Nedzu to give him a raise, he deserves it after I unloaded all that onto him. "alright, well..."

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