Helluva boss x TMNT

By Thecrossoverfan1245

4.1K 94 18

Moxxie and Mille were going home after a date and on their way home they see 4 baby mutant turtles? They deci... More

Murder family
Loo loo land
Spring Broken
Meeting someone new
The Harvest moon festival
New enemies
Truth seekers


532 9 0
By Thecrossoverfan1245

In Hell it was busy cars were honking and we focus on building near a sign saying "welcome to imp city". Inside the building is a meeting going on and a demon in suit with large horns conducting it

Blitz: Alright now I know business has been a bit slow lately yes. And it's no one's fault okay I'm not naming any names here *under his breath* moxxie

The demon moxxie gives him a wtf look

Blitz: now does anyone have any bright ideas on how we can get drumming up again

Mille: What about a car wash!

Blitz: This is hell Millie no one cares about cars being clean here okay. Oh what about a bill board!

Donnie sitting next to Millie speaks out against blitz's idea

Donnie: Um we can't afford a billboard blitz sir

Blitz rushes up to Donnie

Blitz: oh great Don really glad your in the room right now *pushes him* does any forget the service we provide!

He turns on a little tv showing him hitting someone with a hammer, Moxxie blowing someone's brains out, Lonna chewing up some Millie cutting another's head off, And Raph stabbing someone in the eyes. As they watch it blitz's hands out popcorn

Blitz: ahh those were the good times

Moxxie: I don't need any reminding sir considering you blew most of our salary on an obnoxious tv ad last week one that you'd additionally paid to run on a full three hours nobody watches

Leo who sat next to Donnie was pretty upset bout that

Leo: Hold on he did what!

Donnie: yep

Blitz:uh hey excuse me what's obnoxious about a super fun jingle alright it's a fun distraction when an advertisement spiting bullshit

Mikey: People do like musicals unc

Mikey had said sitting next to Lonna who was on her phone

Mikey: Right Loona *elbowing her*

Loona had completely ignored him

Blitz: Exactly Mikey and we're basically doing a musical *jazz hands* are you gonna crush my musical theater dreams like my dad did.

Moxxie: Sir

Blitz: cause right now all I see is my dad's asshole talking to me! Crushing my dreams of being who I really am inside.

Raph: Dude what are you talking about?

Raph states sitting next to Mikey

Mikey: Come on dad you can't someone's dream that's just not cool

Millie: yeah mox are ya?

Moxxie: I- what?

Mikey: and I thought I knew you

Blitz: I can't believe you moxxie after I made you employee of the month

Blitz pulls out a photo of moxxie who looks very crazed

Raph: Still think I'd should've gotten that.

Mikey: Hey there's always next time.

Moxxie: Ok sir! I'm sorry, a commercial jingle is not comparable to musical theater no one actually likes the jingles

Raph/Mikey/Leo/Donnie: I mean it was kinda cool/ it seemed fun/ I thought it was interesting/ it seemed nice

Moxxie: Boys do not. Do not agree with him in front of me

Moxxie: I'd like to go on record and say that incident was Loona's fault. Dispatch is supposed to give us the right info on the target its very simple

Loona: oh sit on dick Moxxie.

Moxxie: YOU SIT- sit on a ugh DO YOUR JOB

Raph: Yeah comebacks aren't really your thing pops

Blitz: hey know we don't our screw ups on loona ok she didn't do anything wrong

Blitz hugs her as loona is completely angered by it

Donnie: Are you serious man she is so rude

Flashback 1

Loona was at the receptionist desk reading a magazine when the phone rang

Loona: Hello I.M.P

Millie: Loona I got stabbed call mox-

Loona immediately hangs up the phone

Leo: Hey loona have you seen my mom anywhere?

Loona: No blue boy

Flashback 2

Blitz and Mikey were holding gifts for Loona

Blitz and Mikey: Happy adoption anniversary loonie/ Loona

Mikey: We got gifts for you

Loona: is it a cure for syphilis

Blitz: i- we oh


Loona smashes the boxes as spiders come out of one and crawl out on her a broken friendship bracelet pops out of the other.

Blitz: *out the window* I'm sorry it was spiders

Mikey: *out the window* do you like the bracelet I made it myself

Loona: god dammit

Flashback 3

Loona was watching a commercial on the computer at her desk and moxxie and Donnie had shown up with a paper

Donnie: Loona did you seriously fax my dad an ad for weight loss?

Loona: no

Moxxie: wha- why would anyone send me this?

Loona: Come one you know why. Right nerd boy

Donnie: That's not my name!

Flashback 4

In the break room Loona was going through the fridge for food as Millie and Raph watched

Loona: whoever left the fucking avocado salad in the fridge I'm taking cause I have the worst hangover right now

She opens and starts eating it immediately

Millie: Why would you drink on a work night?

Raph: isn't that my dad's lunch

Loona: I'm hungover from this morning dumbasses

Moxxie enters the room

Moxxie: isn't that my lunch?

Loona: You know what I can't take this assault right now I NEED BLOW OFF SOME FUCKING STEAM

loona kicks moxxie's lunch at him then runs outside screaming then kick and lady's baby away

Flashback 5

Loona had a call at the desk as blitz, moxxie and Leo we're getting water

Loona: Blitz that clinging rich asshole is on the phone says it's urgent wants to talk to you! Sounds a little dtfy

Leo: what's that?

Blitz: OH GOD IT WAS ONE TIME! If I hadn't slept with that privileged asshole none of us would have access to the living world

Moxxie and Leo: You what?

End of the flashbacks

Blitz: look the point is Loona is a valued member of our family and we don't get rid of family

Moxxie: We aren't a family sir! You are the boss we are the employees, you treat her like she some troubled teenager she more like a meth addicted homeless woman you let man the phones!

Mikey: jeez dad

Blitz: that is offensive without homeless people I wouldn't have half the joy and laughter I do in this life

He looks out the window seeing a homeless man being for money as a lady ignores him. Blitz watches this with a smile on his face waving

Moxxie: while we're on the subject on "family" can you stop catching mine outside of work?

Millie: come on sweetie it's not that big a deal

Moxxie and the 4 : Excuse us WHAT?

Flashback 1

Moxxie and Millie were making dinner for the boys at their home

Moxxie: honey can you get me the butter?

Millie: sure sweetie
Blitz appears in the fridge handing Millie spoiled butter

Blitz: spoiler alert the butters spoiled

Millie: *giggles

Moxxie: what's funny honey

Blitz: really impressive wordplay


Flashback 2

The boy s we're all asleep in their room until they heard a bang and woke up seeing blitz in the corner

Blitz: watch y'all dreaming about?

Leo: well we were dreaming about being like everyone else and now we'd like to go back to that

Flashback 3

Moxxie and Millie were on their couch alone as the boys were out getting stuff. And moxxie finished a song for millie

Moxxie&millie: 🎵And of all the imps in hell it's for her that I fell/And of all the imps in hell it's for him that I fell🎵

Moxxie: oh Millie *about to kiss but looks out window* ARE YOU FUCKING FILMING US RIGHT NOW?!


Moxxie: just stop doing that

Blitz: I don't what the issue is something you don't want me seeing

Moxxie: No

Blitz: you a baby wiener haver

Moxxie: Sir what you say and how you is completely INAPPROPRIATE!

Leo: Dad chill out your gonna go into another one of your panic attacks

Moxxie: I AM CALM!

Moxxie goes into Millie's arms as she pays his head and he whimpers

Blitz: look I don't judge the boring couple stuff you do outside of work 👉👌 so don't judge me

Moxxie: oh do judge you sir quite a lot actually

Millie: mox he's our boss

Blitz: No no it's fine mills your husband just being how do I  say this without being offensive retarted

Moxxie : does imaturly insulting me you feel better about your sad single life

Raph: burn

Blitz: it actually does

Loona: the only reason you have a wife is because your easy to manage

Millie: No he's not you bitch! * double flip off*

Blitz: do not talk to my receptionist she sensitive that way!

Loona: YES I AM!

Mikey: Woah woah how bout a joke to disarm the situation huh?

??: you guys are all fucking assholes

The person who spoke out was the child moxxie had shot accidentally.

Blitz: oh shut kid your lucky to witness this

Moxxie : ugh this company is such a mess

Blitz: Alright now let's get back to talking about my outfit

Donnie: who was talking about that?

Loona: yeah you have me agreeing with nerd boy

Donnie: are you serious!?

Blitz: which is why I'm try to get that ball rolling so how does it look it looks good right?

Eddie: It's been a literal hell having to pretend to be paralyzed so you fuckshits wouldn't kill me but now I what that. I want death! *points at blitz* you are a selfish greedy clown and I'm a kid we're supposed to like clowns even the creepy ones

Moxxie: hey now that's not very-

Eddie: If I wanted to hear from a spineless jackass I'd rip out your spine and ask you some shit

Millie: That's my husband your talking about!

Eddie: HAHA! That's your husband? I'd figured you were a slut but i didn't think you needed sick that bad?!

Leo: Hey don't talk about our parents like that!

Donnie: yeah who do you think you are?!

Eddie: Ew what kind of skin disease did you freaks get to be even alive. I'm surprised they didn't they kill you when they saw you and you *points at loona*

Loona: what what about me?

Eddie: nothing I don't talk to dogs I'm a cat person

Raph: dang that kid tore us up

Blitz: yeah kid you kind of are a piece of shit

Loona: oh fuck! guys I just got text from our client guess he was  the right target after all

Blitz: who?

Loona: him

Eddie: me?

Blitz: they wanted us to kill an actual child

Loona: that's what their saying

Blitz: we'll Christ on a stick I guess there is a god

He pulls out a gun and shoots the kid and it cuts to them beating up the kid as blitz does a voiceover

Blitz: *voiceover*you know folks wit this company I really wanted to prove that we're capable of the same thing anyone else can like killing people.

Cuts to the gang tearing up the kids body and placing it in a bag

Blitz: *voiceover* so from us here at the immediate murder professionals group we promise to settle your unfinished business or your money is gone and your never getting it back and you can right is a bad review and we'll play dumb to it because it's hell and no one fucking cares.

Blitz hugs the group after they dispose of the body

Blitz: you know even though this kid was a target he's still a child it's important that we handle this going forward respectfully

Cut to the human world a news broad goes with a mother crying over her kid as the bottom text reads "mom sucks at drawing own kid"

Woman: Please if anyone has seen my little Eddie please contact us at-

The bag with his body in her arms as the camera turns up to I.M.P

Raph: Your welcome also your kid sucks!

Leo : raph you can't say that!

Raph: shut up Leo

They all go back into the portal as it closes

Well that's the pilot done with a whopping 2020 words I really hope you enjoyed this

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