At The Beginning With You

By Havingfunwithfanfic

67.4K 2.8K 344

The gods see the world being destroyed during the Long Night and decide to fix things. Daemon and Rhaenyra ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 6

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By Havingfunwithfanfic

Viserys almost fucks up and Rhaenyra has to stop him. Aemma and Rhaenyra talk. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

"My prince," Viserys smiled at Otto and nodded his head. "It is a pleasure to see you once more."

"Ser Otto, I am pleased to see you also."

Otto Hightower was the second son of a minor house, but Viserys found him to be smart with a good head on his shoulders. He had arrived at court with his wife and children not too long after his grandmother had passed away. He had been a good friend to Viserys and gave good and sound advice. The prince enjoyed speaking with Otto and telling him about his problems.

"I have not seen you much." Otto sat beside him. "I have been told you have been spending much time with your brother, Princess Nyra, and her husband Damon."

"Yes, there were things that needed to be discussed."

"I was always under the impression that you did not care much for Prince Damon." Viserys frowned, since he did not have the same memories as Otto did, it meant that he could not answer truly. "I understand that Prince Damon was made a prince when he wed your aunt, but at the end of the day, he is still a bastard. What if he attempts to take the throne from you."

"From me?" Viserys frowned. "The throne is not mine."

"Not yet, my prince, but it will be one day." Otto gave him an amused smile. "Even if no one says it, everyone knows that after Prince Aemon's death, your father is next in life to the throne. He will be the next king and you will rule after him as his eldest son."

"Nothing has been decided yet." Viserys was aware that it was more than likely that his father would be named Prince of Dragonstone since the only child Aemon had was a daughter. But the king had not made his decision as of yet. "The king has not named his official heir."

"But I am sure he will do it soon." Otto placed a hand on Viserys's shoulders. "You shall be the best king this realm has seen in many years and I hope you know that I am your friend and will support you as much as I am able."

"You have always been a good friend to me, Ser Otto."

"Thank you, my prince." The man removed his hand from his shoulder. "I hope you know you can trust me with whatever issues bother you and know that I only have your best interests at heart."

"I know Otto." Viserys nodded, knowing that the other man was a true friend. "You have always been good to me."

"I apologize if I am overstepping, but is there something bothering you?" Otto seemed genuinely concerned, which made Viserys happy, at least someone cared enough about him to ask how he was faring. "You have been unusually quiet this past few days. I have heard some servants speaking, saying you have been angry."

"There are just some things that have been bothering me, but I do not know if I should speak about them."

"It is up to you whatever you decide to do, but maybe you just need a clear perspective."

"Do you believe in the gods Otto?" Viserys looked at his friend, needing someone to talk to about his fears. "Do you think they are capable of making wonderful miracles, even when we do not understand what they want from us?"

"I believe the gods have a plan for all of us." Otto placed a hand on his chest. "I, myself am a faithful follower of the seven."

"Yes, I am aware of how devout you are." Everyone knew that the man and his family were truly god-fearing people. "What if the gods had sent a message? Should I just do as they ask without questioning their intentions?"

"Well, I believe it would depend on what that message was." Otto frowned. "Have you received a message, my prince?"

"The gods have s..." Maybe Otto would be able to give him some advice on this issue.

"Ser Otto." Viserys's mouth snapped shut when he heard Nyra's voice.

"Princess." Otto immediately stood up and bowed to the young woman. "I did not hear coming."

"No, it seems you were too preoccupied while speaking to my... my nephew." Viserys did not miss the way she stumbled when calling him her nephew. The smile she gave Otto was less than sincere. "I need to speak with him, alone."

Otto looked at Viserys, before bowing to the princess once more and walking away from both of them. Viserys could immediately tell that Rhaenyra did not like Otto and the look she was giving him was not friendly in the list. It was the same look his small daughter had given him when she discovered he had not been pleasant to Daemon. His young daughter had yelled at him and even attempted to send him to his chambers without supper. He had been so shocked that for a moment he had almost stood up and walked to his chambers. His daughter had never spoken to him that way and he could not prove it, but he was sure she had been the one to steal his cake. The older version of his daughter stood in front of him now and she was looking at him in the same way, except there was much more rage in her eyes.

"Were we not clear when we told you not to speak to anyone about what the gods did?" Nyra moved closer to him. "Did you not understand our words? Should we have drawn you pictures to make sure you knew what not trusting anyone else meant?"

"I did not say anything."

"Yes, because I stopped you." Her hands lifted her teal gown as she moved until she was close enough to almost touch him. "You should be more aware of your surroundings, I have been here the entire time. I was sitting under one of the trees nearby when you walked into the gardens and I heard your entire conversation with Otto."

"I just needed an outside perspective." He attempted not to sound like a child. "You cannot blame me for that."

"Of course, I can blame you." She glared at him and looked like she wanted to punch him. "I do not know if you are really this stupid or if you have been blinded by your own self-importance."

"Do not speak to me that way!" Now, it was he who was angry, this was his daughter, even if she was older she was still his child. "You will speak to me with the respect I deserve."

"Respect is earned." The look she gave him was filled with derision. "The day you start doing as you should and start behaving as a true Targaryen prince instead of the weakling you have shown yourself to be then I will give you my respect."

"Even if you are older, I am still your father." He moved closer then, towering over her. "You shall have care while in my presence."

One moment he was standing over Nyra, glaring at her and the next he was on the ground staring up at a very angry older version of his younger brother, who stood above him. His face was a mask of rage as he glared down at Viserys.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Daemon's voice dripped with rage. "How dare you speak to her that way? Who the fuck do you think you are?"

Viserys wanted to yell that he was her father, but he dared not. Damon looked angry enough to be capable of killing him.

"Dae..." Nyra took her husband's hand and paused when she realized she almost called him but his true name. "Damon, we should not do this here. People will talk if they discover this."

Viserys could tell that Damon was attempting to calm himself down. The man went down on his haunches, the furious look in his eyes had not changed.

"If you ever get on her face again, or attempt to intimidate her I will beat you within an inch of your life." Viserys knew his brother was not playing. "Do you understand me?"

He nodded, not wanting to raise his brother's ire even more. Damon stood up, before taking Nyra's hand and walking away. Viserys just lay there for a moment, not sure what had taken place or how he had ended up in this position.  

                                                   Rhaenyra Targaryen (17 years old.)

                                                       Daemon Targaryen (33 years old.)

"Why in all the hells would you act so rashly?" Baelon glared at Viserys, his voice masked with fury. "Do you know what could have happened if you had actually told Otto Hightower what has been taking place? Or what would happened when you attempted to intimidate Rhaenyra?"

"She is not Rhaenyra!" Aemma sighed at Viserys's annoyance, for the past few hours he had refused to call the older girl Rhaenyra, even when in private. He kept saying that his daughter would never speak to him the way Nyra had.

"You will watch your tongue!" Viserys flinched at Baelon's angry voice and sat down. "We were told to speak about what was happening with no one, that no one but our family should be trusted, and then at the first opportunity you attempt to tell a complete stranger."

"Otto is not a stranger." Viserys's voice was barely above a whisper. "He is my friend, he had been good to me."

"Of course, he has been good to you, he is a bottom feeder and a liar." Baelon was looking at her husband like he was an idiot and Aemma could not blame him. Viserys was so easily persuaded by a nice voice and a pleasant smile that he let himself be led by whoever gave him the most attention. "You are a prince and might one day be king. Everyone wishes to carry favor with you and be able to influence you. What I find most disturbing is that you allow yourself to be persuaded so easily by others."

"What are you trying to say?" At Viserys's question, Aemma rolled her eyes.

"I am saying that if you are so easily led then you might not be the best choice to be king." Viserys's eyes widened at his father's words but did not say anything. "You need to be firm on your decisions and not let yourself be influenced by other people. Remember that people have their own agendas and will seek their own interests. It will be your job as king to choose whatever is best for the kingdom and your people."

She knew that this conversation would take a while longer, with how angry Baelon was he would not allow Viserys to leave until he had gotten his point across. Aemma stood and curtsied to both men.

"I shall take my leave." Aemma smiled at her father-by-law. "I wish to see my daughter and spend some time with her."

Baelon nodded and Aemma walked out before her husband could voice his opinion. She walked down the halls and almost ran into Nyra when she got close to the nursery. The woman gave her a pleased smile, which Aemma could not help but return. Even when Viserys refused to recognize Nyra as their daughter Aemma had no such doubts. There was a subtle resemblance between the woman standing in front of her and the three name day old child Aemma loved so much. There was also something of Aemma in Nyra, Aemma could see her hair and the shape of her mouth in the young woman.

"Princess." Aemma nodded to the young woman. "I am pleased to see you, I am sorry I have been busy and have not had as much time as I wish to spend with you."

"I know you have been busy, you have several duties to attend to and a child to care for." Nyra intertwined their arms. "I want to apologize for what happened yesterday. I have spoken to my husband about having a stronger hold on his temper, but I do not make any promises."

"You do not have to apologize." Aemma walked slowly. "I know how impulsive Daemon can be and I do not believe age has changed him that much." Nyra let out a laugh before shaking her head. "I should be the one to apologize. I heard of what Viserys attempted to do with Otto and how he also attempted to intimidate you."

"Prince Viserys is not so different now than he will be in a few years." Nyra's smile was a bit sad. "It took me a long time to see him for what he was and sometimes I wish I had never seen him that way."

"I was very young when I met your father and he was so charming and pleasant. He was not like other men I had ever met." Aemma's smile was a bit sad. "I do not wish for you to judge him too harshly, for I believe that his character changed due to the disappointment I have caused him."

"The disappointment you have caused him?" Rhaenyra frowned.

"Yes, I have failed on my principal duty as his wife. I have not been able to give him the son he so desires." Aemma's smile became brighter as she looked upon her daughter, wishing her to be the first one to know the news, especially because Nyra would be able to understand better than Rhaenyra would. "I am hoping that this child will be a boy."

"You are with child?" Nyra stopped walking and stared at her with wide, horrified eyes.

"Yes." Aemma's smile would not leave her face. "We have been attempting for a while and it has finally happened."

Nyra's eyes filled with tears and Aemma was a bit confused, she believed her daughter would be happy for her. That this Rhaenyra would understand the importance of what was taking place. This reaction was not what she had been expecting.

"Rhaenyra?" Aemma was so shocked she forgot to use the name people knew the woman as. "What is wrong?"

"I know how important you believe having a son will be, but trust me when I say it will not happen." Aemma almost took her hands away from the woman, but she could tell that Nyra was scared. "I hate to tell you this because I do not wish to cause you pain, but you will lose this child and every other child after this one until you are weak. You cannot allow yourself to fall pregnant once more, when you lose this child you should take a tonic to not get with child once more."

"Why are you telling me this?" Aemma's eyes filled with tears.

"I am attempting to protect you." Nyra's hands tightened on hers. "I want your daughter to grow up knowing you, having you by her side."

Aemma stared at the woman in front of her and could not speak. She had miscarriages before, but she had never known in advance. She had not even told Viserys about her pregnancy and knowing that she would lose the child filled her with sadness. It felt like she could not breathe. Aemma left before Nyra could say anything else, she heard Nyra calling her name cut could not turn around. She needed to think. 

                                                          Rhaenyra Targaryen (talking to Aemma.)

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