My OCs/ Rp Book

By stormbro

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This is a book about my OCs for future rps. More

Island Survivor: Ethan Samuels
Monster Hunter: Shisui Kanashi
Lone Wolf Warrior: Saren Whitehurst
Vigilante: Kieth Rogers
Bounty Hunter: Cole McDougall
Student: Peter Carson
James Cameron's Avatar: Kakashi Arasaka
Police Officer: Daniel Graves
Persona 5: Takeo Arasaka
Track Athlete: James Morgan
Musician: Aaron Anders
Freelance Mercenary: Jack Temple
Photographer: Ethan Myers
Detective: Nathan Martinez
Werewolf: Tony Davidson
Pirate: Kaleb Kingston
Viking: Fenris Asulf
Detroit Become Human: Nathan Wayne
Knight: Thomas Callahan
Mass Effect: Averon Vakarian
Resident Evil: Jane Kensington
Red Dead Redemption: Victoria Mendoza
Tomb Raider: Connor "CJ" Jackson
Star Wars: Liam Quin
The Last of Us: Danny Graves
Uncharted: Murano Takahashi
Hacker: Nari Takamaki
Vampire: Ashley Watson
Mortal Kombat: George Hawke
Metal Gear Solid: Sarah "Specter" Briggs
Mafia Boss: Vincent Sandoval
Days Gone: Cara Rogers
Alien Heiress: Anya Ru'Sal
Call of Duty: Cody "Paladin 3-1" Keller
Dead Space: Selena Rivers
Friday the 13th: Talia Rivera
My Hero Academia: Hanzo Maruki
Predator: Matt Walker
Minecraft: Jay Maverick
Tressure Hunter: John Mason
Maid: Abigail Hernandez
Cyberpunk 2077: Olivia Richards
College Professor: Kendra Mason
Fisherman: Todd Peterson
Journalist: Natalie Baker
Surfer: Carla Gomez
Rock Chick: Aurora Williams
Businessman: Henry Samson
Martial Arts Master: Aoi Takahashi
Courier: Charlie Cage
FBI Agent: Avery Matthews
School Girl: Mako Nakamura
Assassin: Michael Romero
Rogue: Kendric Bastogne
Machine in a Man: Calvin Jones
Space Pirate: Laura Fox

Halo: "Lionheart"

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By stormbro

Name: "Lionheart"

Age: ???

Height: 7'0

Weight: ???

Occupation: Spartan Mark III

Personality: Calm, Confident, Considerate, Intelligent, and Creative

Background: Lima-712, Codenamed "Lionhearted" is a newly recruited Spartan who dons the Mark III armor variant. Originally he was meant to join ODST but was reassigned and joined the Spartans. His missions had led him to being an expert in stealth, demolitions, assassinations and even sabotage and espionage. Lionheart had several missions solo but has also worked alongside other Spartans if the mission was delicate.


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