I'm in an adventure?

2Orange1Basket által

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This story is about a person named Jak who is jaded by his previous life on Earth. Doing the same task every... Több

I'm Outta Here!
Life Is Like a Sandcastle
A Boy's SandCastle
Change Of Pace
A Man's Routine
Worrying Can Only Get You So Far
A Girl's Worry
A Mother's change
Care for Yourself More, Ok?
A Women's care

Try Something New?

10 1 5
2Orange1Basket által

How? HOW!?

How has it come to this? I checked on checks to make sure I wasn't being followed. Thoughts race through my head.

How did he know?

He'd smiled, "I'll tell you. You're crafty, making things disappear and reappear in the smoke. It was pretty impressive."

Was he making fun of me? Or was he being genuine? I couldn't care less anymore, I needed to leave but he was at the door.

*Picture, the wolf stands at the door*

he continues, "You know what disguises to use, I couldn't tell at first. You know how to elf with that poker face of yours, but you miss one tiny thing about me.", He points to his nose and says, "I'm a wolf."

Is he referring to the smell? Maybe I should've known, but I was in 'get the fuck outta here' mode. I can't help but be a bit curious, why now? What is his plan?

I ask him how with the most threating voice I could, "How did you find me out, and how long did you follow me?"

The wolf looked taken back from my response, but he answered.

"Oh, umm, to answer the following part, it was at the very first moment you'd woken up, and to answer the question of how I found you out, it was because of your scent."

Wow, maybe I should've worn deodorant huh?

"And yes, I knew where you were from your campsites, and the stream too."

Good to know now-

"I couldn't see you, but I could smell you."

...why the last part?

I respond in the most gross-out tone, "Damn, a creep and a stalker? Yikes!"

The wolf was flustered but soon took offense at my statement.

"W-what? No! I'm not a stalker!"

"You stalked me for the past few days."

"I'd stayed away from you at a safe distance, and I watch for your safety!"

"Oh, watch for my safety? Does the 'watched for my safety' also include looting and making me feel uncomfortable?"

The wolf was silent for a few seconds, his face showing guilt, he continues to talk.

"It doesn't matter now; I have you here, and I don't mean you harm, human."

"Oh really? You didn't make a good first impression by looting my stuff, you know?"

"Look, I'm—I'm sorry for that. it's just that I was too curious about you! you're the first human I've seen! I just wanted to know more about your kind.", The wolf tried to keep a straight face but his ear lowered and his tail tucked between his legs.


After hearing his reason, I guess I could understand why. Seeing a mysterious creature does make one very curious maybe too curious for him.

I guess I could listen.

"Fine, I guess I could hear you out; after all, I'm in a bit of a tight spot. You're blocking my only exit and all".

The wolf's ear perked up, "Really? I mean, yes! I do have you in my paws". He puffs his chest out.

It's cute yes, but why?

With that in mind, I confront him with a barrage of questions:

"So, what are you going to do with me? Are you going to kill me and sell my limbs and organs? Are you going to sell me off to people as an exotic pet? Are you-"

the wolf stopped me waving his hands out horrified.

"Woah, woah! I'm not going to do any of that! Listen, I just want to know about your kind, humans are known to be enigmatic creatures, once powerful and great, but after the great calamity, they went into hiding, but some remain in the capital."

He brought up the endangered human again, as much as I liked being treated as a special person, calling me a 'human' does rub me off in the wrong way.

"I have a name, you know?"

"Oh! Well, let's introduce each other then. It's better late than never". The wolf smiles.

"W-wha— ok? my name is... Jak."

"Hello Jak, my name is Wolfgar, Wolfgar of Tala. It is a pleasure to meet you, Jak".

He extended his hand or paw toward me. At first, I didn't move, but I slowly extended my hand out to him. We shook hands or paws.

"Soo... what now?"

"Hm? Well, we'll sleep, of course".

"Really? you sure? you don't know what I'm capable of."

"Yes, Jak, we'll continue tomorrow. You must have been tired from all this and besides it's not right to hurt such an enigmatic creature especially after knowing their names."

I... I don't understand this guy.

Not convinced, I stare at him waiting for something bad to happen. The Wolf notices my suspicious expression:

"Look believe me, I won't do anything to you see?"

The wolf closes the door, walks to his bed, and lays on it.

"Goodnight Jak"

Before I could talk to him, he was fast asleep. Stalking must take a lot of you, huh? I stare at him while laying on my bed, trying to stay awake in case he had some motive, but soon I fell asleep too.


I dreamed about the little girl again, but this time she was a lot older, around her late 20s to early 30s, and now she was a respectable chief in the capital military. Unfortunately, her uncle couldn't see it; he had died a few years earlier. The girl wept, but she knew he was proud of her and her achievements.

She did a lot, from saving a village from a raid to defeating a corrupted paladin, she was no joke to mess with. She had a daughter; the daughter was around my age. For the most part, she was a mirror image of her mom but looked a bit frail.

Am I watching the lady or the daughter?

*Picture, the daughter*

She loved her daughter with all the love a parent could ever have, but of course she expected a lot from her. The daughter wasn't lacking in skill; she was just above average and very popular due to her mom's legacy.

Her mom though great and powerful, still overprotects her, and she makes her stay in the mansion for nearly all of her life. The only time she can go out is when she goes to school, and even then, it feels no different to her.

She dreams of leaving her private life to see more of the world outside the capital.


I woke up to a sunny morning. Hearing seabirds squawking, the sound of bells for ships leaving and entering, and hearing people talking.

It was nice to be somewhere similar, but I was surprised, I wasn't kidnapped or drugged by him, checking around to see where he was, he wasn't in the room.

Where was he? Was he downstairs?

Well it was good timing, I got out of bed and head to the bookshelf, I realized if just kept using my headphones as a translator and it were to be destroyed I would be screwed.

The shelf had many books ranging to personal books to documents, I'd choose the children book since they mostly teach words, using my powers the book glowed a gentle yellow and the words just lifted from the book
and into my head.

Did it work?

Conveniently, the wolf opens the door, The wolf notices me and smiles, "Ah, good morning, Jak, it seems you've slept well, Before I take you down, are you sure you want to dress like that?"

"What? Dress like what?"

"Your clothes."


I looked down, only to see my own clothes, my disguise disappears.

Huh, do I need to be awake for it to work? Need to find a way to change that.

I ask if he had a cape to wear, "So, do you have a cape I can wear then?"

"Hm? Can't you get the old you were wearing?"

"I lost it."

"Lost it?"

The wolf gave me a suspicious look, I shrugged in response.

"Sigh, fine, I guess I should hide my captive from unneeded eyes." he said it with a grin.

Does he enjoy this weird captive thing? I guess he has humor. He gave me a cape from the closet; it was brown and worn out.

Eh, I did ask for one, not the good one.

We made our way out the door and on to the bar part of the inn. It had very few people than last night, but still lively.

We sat down at a table next to a window, it showed a dock with ships of all sizes and people of different races, elves, dwarfs, orcs and some beast men. I was captivated.

So, I'm really in a different world?

*Picture, the dock what Jak describe*

The wolf noticed me looking out the window; he was amused by it, he talked which broke my trance.

"Is this your first time being near the coast, Jak?"

"Huh? Oh, no, I've been near the ocean nearly my whole life; I'd just never been here before."

The wolf raise a brow.

"Oh? You've never been here? Guess that make sense *laughter* so where were you then before I woke you up?"

"Um, it's a secret. Cuz, you know... humans are known to be enigmatic ha-ha."

"Hmph, anyway, let's get something to eat. We've got lots to do, Jak."

A person came up to our table and handed us plates with food; it was a simple stew. It smelled great, but when I tasted it, it was quite bland, but didn't care for the taste, I was hungry.

"Hey uh, Wolfgar, you say we have lots to do; what are they?"

"Well, I wanted to ask some questions and then have you go with me to the adventure guild. I really want you to experience it since I don't think your kind ever goes out, until now that is!", The wolf laughs.

That's...weirdly thoughtful.

We eat our meals in relative silence but throughout, the wolf started to ask questions.

"So, Jak, how are you able to use your magic? I've never seen someone able to just hide themselves in plain sight."

Oof, that's a question. I try to make up reason.

"Oh, umm, lots of practice, yeah, lots of it."

"Oh? what kind of practice?"

"Um, the mental kind? I meditate and such for long periods of time."

"Really?", The wolf wasn't convinced but didn't push it.

"Okay then, humans are known to have weird gadgets and nicknacks. Do I have any, and can I see them?"

I thought about this question, but eventually showed him my phone, he looked at it but looked disappointed.

*Picture, Jak showing his phone to Wolfgar*

"What is this?"

"A phone"

"what's a fone?"

"A device that allows me to record and store information like memories, and audio."

This intrigues the wolf.

"Oh really, Like a brain? How does it fit in there?"

"Not exactly, it's all metal no brain needed".

"Huh... I don't understand".

"I'll just show you".

I turned my phone on, and it lit up. It's safe to say he was surprised by it, I showed him various parts of the phone: photos, videos, and games. He was baffled by it all.

The wolf spoke with an exhilarated yet nervous tone.

"H-how are you able to do this!? It's like there's a little person in this fone thing! Did you use black magic?".

"What? No. It is all metal and rubber; it uses the same materials used by swords, jewelry, and other everyday items. It's how you use them that matters."


"Never mind, it's so you know you can make this, but it will take forever and a lot of money, dedication, and the right people."

"Oh, okay? then let's continue!"

He continues to ask many questions, and I try to answer them as best I can while trying to hide the fact that I'm not from here.

He asks questions about human culture. From life, foods, and especially technology after seeing my phone, I answer them still trying to hide my secret.

It went on for a while, but once he was satisfied, we headed out of the inn and headed to the adventure guild.

As soon as we were out, I saw the many people that were outside the window, they were all around me. It was cool but nerve-wracking,

I'm the only human here after all. I held on to the cape and covered my face to avoid eye contact. I also change into my disguise, just to be safe.

The town here is lively: kids running around, people selling goods, and the occasional bard singing for money; it was like being in a play about life in the past. Some were talking about good fishing, while others asked for advice on fishing. Although there was some sketchy stuff, but I would rather not stick my nose in it.

The wolf tap on my shoulder, "We arrived, Jak, or should I say my captive?". He snickers.

He's still going with that?

The adventure guild building was amazing; it had some depictions of various adventures with writing inscribed in the front and some bushes surrounding the building.

The walls were painted white but had some cracks showing, and the door was a double wooden door with windows filled with drawings of various animals.

*Picture, the building*

When we walked into the building, the inner wall was closer to beige but was filled with more drawings of animals and adventurers.

On the left there were many tables with people wearing big swords, wands, and some exotic animal parts.aa

On the right were the decks, along with a massive wall of papers and stairs to the upper deck filled with more tables. All of this looked like I was in a game.

*Picture, the inside building*

We soon reach the receptionist, I was expecting to an elf or something humanoid, but only to see a calico cat. It wasn't a beastman, it was just a fat, talking calico cat. I want to pet it.

*Picture, A big fluffy calico cat behind a desk*

"Ah, well hello Wolfgar of Tala! I assume you have the pelts and meats on you?"

"Yes, I do, Ms. Zappa. Here it is.", the wolf gives her a bag.

"Ah wonderful Wolfgar! You're doing a service to us folk here."

They kept talking about random stuff, eventually she noticed me standing behind the wolf.

"Ah Wolfgar, It seems you have someone with you. perhaps a buddy?"

"Oh him? He's new here, and I want to show him around". He leans close to her whispering, "He's a bit shy."

I heard that. I groan. He heard me and chuckled.

"Ah, a newcomer! you changed so much when I first met you!"

"Umm, Zap let's just—"

"Nonsense! Little one! when I first met this young man, he was the coldest person I've ever seen; nothing piqued his fancy at all—no ladies, no riches, no men, not even me! Can't you believe it?"

"Oh, dang, what a... bummer?"

"It certainly was! but now knowing him, he wants to show off like a bird! He even brought you here!"

The wolf was embarrassed by this, and I started to laugh. This totally backfired on him.

"Anyway, here's your reward, Wolfgar! Haha!"

"Thanks Zap, I do really appreciate it."

We waved our good-byes and headed to the wall of papers.

"She seems like a fun person."

"Ugh, now you like her too."

"What? Am I not allowed to like people?"

"No, it's just that she likes to tease me a lot. but with you now it must be a joy for her *sigh*.", the wolf smiles.

Once at the wall of papers, I looked to see that it was full of requests.

*Picture a wall full of paper asking for help, request, and bounties. *

[Task Board]

HELP NEEDED: Farming labor, reward 2-3 slivers

WANTED: Dan Veto, reward 10-25 gold

MISSING: My pet Jeffery, reward 20–25 copper

HELP NEEDED: personal bodyguard, negotiable

Wolfgar looks around the wall, seeing what task to take as if he were thrifting. He eventually found one and took it down.

"Why did you take it down?"

"Take it to Zap; she will approve it. so, we can take it".


"Yes, we, not I; I want to show you the fun of being an adventurer"

"I-I guess? what's the paper about?"

"Simple, it's just body-guarding for a little girl and helping her forage flowers."

"Huh? Anyone can just plaster anything?"

"I mean Yeah, if you need help and have money, you can hire anyone, just place a paper on this all"

We walk back to the receptionist. She saw us, smiled, and spoke, "Well, well, already? Must be a simple quest for your friend, huh? "

"It is! How did you know?"

They both laugh, I can't help but feel a little annoyed.

The wolf gave the paper to the receptionist, which she dipped her paws into a ink tray and then placed her paw into the paper. She gave it back to us.

"Here it is! Now you boys be careful!"

"We will zap. Goodbye."

We waved our goodbyes and headed out into the busy streets.

"By the way, what town is this?". I asked the wolf, He looked at me in confusion.

"You don't know? Haha! Well, we are in the humble town of AanatCoral."

"Good to know"

Eventually, we reach the location the the place was just outside of town it had many different flowers. This must took a lot of work. Some flowers I recognized, while some I don't.

In the middle of the patch we saw a girl, she wears a dress; it was pink with many colorful flowers within the design and had a pink bow on the front while she herself was a small cat with a white body and grey spots all over her, she looked no older than nine

That's her? She's the one?

The girl noticed us waving while running and yelling, "Hey! Are you the people who accepted my plea?"

The Wolf replies, "Yes, we did, but why do you need bodyguards with the flowers?"

"Well, I have to make sure that no one is following, this is very important thing I'm doing!"

"And that is?"

"It's for my mommy, and mommy told me to be careful about the bad guys, and you will help me with flowers and to protect me, because I'm a princess!", She replied beaming with joy with some pride in her voice.

She is really royalty or just has the ego of one?

"Okay little princess where to start?", He asked.

We started, she directed us to various points and asked us to her carry of the flowers she picked, she's good at picking the right flowers I'll admit that.

It was a quite for the most part, funnily enough, the wolf was doing most of the heavy lifting, a buff wolf was doing the little girl's bidding, and me a human who was protecting them. It should be the other way around? I recorded this situation as something to remember.

This is fun to watch

*Picture, jak recording Wolfgar helping the little girl*

After a minute of recording a cold breeze crawling up my spine, I stopped what I was doing and searched the area.


Everything seems in place; there is no misplaced branch, no twig snapping, and no footstep beside the two. It made me think. Was she being serious about being a princess?

I went to the wolf and told him about this feeling, "umm, Wolfgar, I think we should be careful, something feels off."

"really? I don't sense anything off beside us, you're just paranoid."

"How can you be so calm?"

"Well, we are near the town, so anyone can see it; I'm also here, so we don't need to plan at all!". The wolf flexes muscles.

"Yeah no, that's stupid."

"So? I'm one of the best here! Just ask anyone in the guild", he said smirking.

I want to believe him but I needed to be sure.

I re-created the 'invisbox' Yes I name it that, and covered the three of us, and made it look like we were doing our task as normal.

I updated the box so it could be toggled to be mute/unmuted when needed, I wanted to tell them about it but didn't. They might not believe me. Instead I told them I was going a magic tricks.

"Hey guys, do you want to see a magic trick?"

They both looked at each other, the girl replied, "What trick?"

"Uh I call it the, 'false person'!", while waving my hands.

They both stop what they're doing, sat down and watched me with curiosity and excitement.

The wolf spoke, "Oh, really now?, Then show it."

"Yeah! do it Mr. Elf!", The girl added

I showed them projections of them doing various tasks, it looked just like them, although it wasn't perfect, but it was enough to fool anyone who didn't know. Of course they were shocked by it.

*Picture, Wolfgar and the girl seeing themselves picking flowers*

"Woah!", they both said. They were more than impressed, they were amazed.

The little girl jumped and tried to run towards the projections but the wolf stopped her. She yelled in excitement, "So cool! SO COOL!"

"Jak, you're talented?". The wolf spoke in both amazement and disbelief.

Did he really question my talent?

Ignoring that comment, I imagine the projections leaving and talking without a care in the world. After walking a few feet, two figures came out and swiped at the projections. The projections dissipated but I made sure the deaths were realistic.

*Picture, the projections dying by the hands of the two figures*

Both were shocked by the death of the projections, and the wolf tried to get up, but I stopped him.

"Shh! They don't know that we are here."

"W-what? How don't they know?", the wolf whispered. The girl was too shocked to respond; she saw her own death.

"It's the box and don't do anything, just trust me please". I look into his eyes with full intent, and he nods.

We stood there and watched them. One was tall and slim, while the other was short and wide or fat. The thin one spoke.

"Wow, that was easy *phew*. They wouldn't shut up for the longest time!"

The fat one quickly said in a whisper, "Hey, shut it; we might be heard!"

"Oh, please, you always worry for no reason!"

They are arguing.

where have I heard this from?

They feel familiar. Suddenly it hit me, they're the same elf and dwarf from before.

I looked back at the wolf, he connected the dots too. I wanted to demand an answer from him, but he was just as shock as me. We kept listening in.

"Look! We both got the girl and the wolf—a two-in-one! The boss will be happy!". The dwarf whispers.

"Ugh, fine, but I wanted their elf boy alive! He felt off."

"You can have your suspicions addressed later, after we take their bodies to the boss!"

Their arguments soon become yelling. they aren't the best of friends, huh? I expanded the box to hide our noises as we slowly got closer readying to counterattack.

The girl didn't move.

His fur stood up, I whispered to him,

"Hey, once I make my move, you go in, but don't kill them please?"

The wolf hesitated but nods.

Once we reached striking distance, I took a deep breath and make another box covering us and them; we could leave it, but they couldn't. After that, I muted the box so no one outside could hear us. Once I was ready, I rooted them into the ground with a snap.

"Fine, fine, let's—"

Before the elf finished, she noticed something was off, but it was too late. Both the elf and the dwarf are already knee-deep in the ground.

I yelled out, "Now Wolfgar!"

*Picture, Wolfgar charging forward at the enemies*

He charged forward with his sword and swung at them, both screaming in pain.



despite the seeming deadly swings, they spilled little blood nor did any real damage, but both kept yelling after each hit as if having limbs torn apart after each swing. He's serious about his skill.

The elf tried to attack back, but it was in vain; the wolf kept parrying them. The dwarf looked at me and was filled with rage.

He manages to get off the ground, and charges at me. Should've made it deeper huh? The wolf notices and tries to run up to him, but I yell out.

"I got this! Don't worry"

"Oh, do you, elf boy!?". The dwarf yells out.

He swung his large hammer at me but I manage to barely doge it, tumbling back I managed to gain my footing, and lunched on a volley of random objects from the surroundings: rocks, twigs, flowers, and bugs. But with a twist

The dwarf didn't try to doge, thinking it was just some light objects; he was wrong, dead wrong.

"HAH! You think those little-Oof, ArUgh!". The dwarf was interrupted by a flower, whose weight now was as much as a brick. I'm sure it hurts like hell.

"Oh, I'm sorry you were saying? I thought you could do a simple flower, no?", I replied with a smirk.

"You *cough* will regret-", The dwarf got hit by a twig.

Now weighing as much as a metal bar hitting his face, he was knocked back, falling face first onto the ground. I can't help but laugh; seeing small, unassuming objects knock down a dwarf is hilarious.

I continued to pebble him with the objects, he kept struggling to get closer to me.

I thought I had him, but he started to dart away from me. Originally, I thought he was trying to escape, but he had a different plan.

He was gunning for the girl.

I panicked. shit! shit! If I were to launch more random shit at him it might it miss, it could hurt the girl.

I tried to chase him, but my body stopped me as if it were pins down by a boulder. Come on move! I could only watch as he got closer and closer to her.


The dwarf was just a few feet away from her. Again, I try to move my body, but it just doesn't listen to me.

Move body! MOVE!

Thoughts race through my mind as the dwarf now blocks my view of the girl, who is still motionless.

I could tell he was grinning. grinning that he will know that he will have the final laugh at this knowing my incompetence will result in the girl's death.

*Picture, jak seeing the dwarf closing in on the girl*

*Plonk! *

... Huh? What?

Just mere inches away from her, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, as if something had stopped him, what was it? I soon remember, it was the box I completely forgot about it.

*Picture, the dwarf getting stopped by the box like a loony toon character*

I was very relieved that I set the box up before the fight. The once grin on the dwarf's face was gone in an instant, and seeing the dwarfs face slammed on to the box was too funny.

*Picture, the dwarf getting stopped by the box like a loony toon character*

"Ptff! Ha! Man, hit that like a bird hitting a window! Ha!"

The dwarf slowly got up in a daze, but soon noticed my seagull laughter.

His eyes and voice were now filled with rage, "YOU $*%#@! I WILL $**$@# AND #*%$#!".

The dwarf is now engulfing in rage starts to charge at me, I threw the objects at him, but this time the objects didn't slow them at all. I soon realized what trouble I was in.


Too Soon enough he was just a foot away and swung his hammer, this time I couldn't doge. Just then a huge flash occurred.


We were both knocked back by a large distance, and we both landed hard.


"Oof- FUCK!"

I tried to get up but my whole-body hurts like hell, with remaining strength I had I check my things, it wasn't looking too good. shit! Did I use my phone to block it?  There were massive cracks on my phone and parts of the screen showed white streaks, and parts were dented in.

"Ugh! -*cough! * Shit! - *cough! *My- *cough! *"

I tried to speak but kept coughing, painting the ground a dark red with my blood.

I looked to see if anything else was damaged, the boxes surrounding us had massive cracks and dents everywhere. The cracks glowed a Bright white, while the dents form, both creating loud noises, and spreading throughout the boxes

*Picture, the box showed cracks and dents*





While that was happening, I looked over to see both the wolf and elf fighting. She manages to get herself out and is putting up a fight but is slowly losing it. W-wow *cough! * The wolf is not joke.

They stop as they soon notice the box and the damages, they turn to see what caused the wreckage.

The Wolf notices my body's state, the look of horror on his eyes tells me that my body isn't too good. The elf looked toward her friend in horror too, both ran towards us: the elf to the dwarf, and the wolf to me.

"Don't worry, I'm *cough!* Fine!". I tried to yell out, but my throat hurt like hell, I kept coughing blood. How much damage did that blast do?

I looked back to see how the dwarf was doing. He is still on the floor, motionless.

I look around to see where the little girl was, but he was gone. I hope she went to get help.

I tried to move but failed, moving became extremely painful. The wolf came up to me.

"Jak don't move! your injuries!"

"I'm fine *Cought! *"

"No, you're not!"

"Fine, fine, how is it? my body?."

"Don't worry about it; you'll be fine; everything is going to be okay. You'll be safe.", he says his mouth quivering as he puts my head on his lap.

*Picture Jak being very injured while Wolfgar has an horrified face*"

"Listen Jak, you're injured, it needs to be treated as soon as possible, but you will be safe I promise"

"What about them? Shouldn't they need help too?"

I try to pointed to the elf and dwarf, the dwarf still lay motionless.

"What? No! They nearly killed us and the girl! Why do we need to help them?", the wolf said, scolding me.

"Look *cough!*"

The wolf looked to the elf who is holding up her dwarf, she was visibly shaking.

"Hey, Hey! Hey Ori! Wake up! PLEASE WAKE UP!". The elf says it in a desperate tone. "Please! Please wake up!", She shakes the dwarf's still-motionless body, "No... No! NO!"

Her eyes began to water down tears as if it were a waterfall.

"I can't! I— I knew we shouldn't have gone here! I knew we should've turned back! I knew we shouldn't have taken the deal! I knew! —I knew—I."

She broke down beginning to cry and cry. She saw her partner died without saying goodbye.

The wolf saw this. his ears flopped down, and his tail was tucked in between his legs, he looked at me, "I'm sorry, Jak. I wanted this first day to be fun. I—I Just—"

"It's okay *cough! * Beside I'm not done yet."

I smiled at him; he was confused. I wanted to save the dwarf, why you may ask? I... don't know, it's just a feeling, the real question is but could I do it?

My medium is heavily damaged, but I need to try at least.

I put out my hand forward at the dwarf's motionless body. I used all of the remaining power I had to heal him.

A soft, green beam slowly came out from both my hands and phone and enveloped the dwarf. It began seeping into his wounds, his whole body started to glow a beautiful hue of yellow and green, as if he had become part of the northern lights.

*Picture, the beams envelopes dwarf with beautiful hue*

His wounds were slowly closing up, as if I were watching the wounds in reverse. The elf was in confusion.

"W-what? What's happening? Why are his wounds closing up?". The elf looks up, looks at me, "Is it you that's doing this? Why are you doing this? Why?"

I just smile but ended up coughing more blood. The boxes' crack started to grow faster. But I had to keep going.

The wolf was confused and yelled at me, "Jak! What are you doing!? You're hurting yourself!"

"I'll be done *cough!* don't— *cough!* worry!

"Jak! Stop!". He begged me to stop, but I kept going


The world has gone silent.

I see him.


He kept yelling at me to stop, but no words come out of his mouth.

The boxes slowly darkening and shattering;pieces of the box fall off like it was raining, revealing the bright blue sky.

Come on just a bit more!

The beam faded into the dwarf's wounds, the once very apparent were no longer there.

Seeing the dwarf's body still laying motionless, it seems I did nothing, but a part of me is happy. I did something I wanted to do without anyone's permission.

The elf was still looking at the body, seeing if the condition had improved. Unfortunately, I didn't get an answer.

The boxes had shattered completely; there are no pieces of it left, and now the sky is above me, with the clouds, the birds, and the trees towering above me. I saw the girl with some guards running toward us, but it the elf and the dwarf were nowhere to be seen.


It's peaceful today.

Time slows around me, my vision began to darken from all side, and all the tress and sky were becoming a blur, as with the colors becoming dark.

I see Wolfgar above me, kept talking as tears began to fall on me. Seeing his dark brown fur, his green cape, and his eyes.

Looking into his eyes were a palette of green like the grassland I saw, with all of its color messing together like if it was an oil painting, it was captivating.

It all reminds me how I got here, but this time it felt nice.

The last thing I saw was Wolfgar's face following with tears.

*Picture, Wolfgar crying in the middle while surrounded by darkness*

Olvasás folytatása

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