The lay of Hawkman and Hawkgi...

By johnbwes

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When the jealous pharaoh Hathset discovers a member of his harem conducting an illicit affair with a scribe h... More

The Curse of Khufu and Chay Ara
The Curse of Khufu and Chay Ara
Pyramus and Thisbe
Pyramus and Thisbe
Hero and Lyander
Tristan and Isolde
Tristan and Isolde
Layla and Majnun
Layla and Majnun
Erotokitos and Aurostousa
Erotokitos and Aurostousa
Erotokitos and Aurostousa
Erotokitos and Aurostousa
Erotokitos and Aurostousa
Henry II and Rosamund
Henry II and Rosamund
Pedro and Ines
Pedro and Ines
Pedro and Ines
Pedro and Ines
Oichi and Shibata Katsui
Oichi and Shibata Katsui
Oichi and Shibata Katsui
Oichi and Shibata Katsui
Salim and Anarkali
Salim and Arnakali
Manji and Falguni
Manjhi and Falguni
Manjhi and Falguni
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hakwman and Hawkgirl
Carter Hall and Shiera
Carter Hall and Shiera
Carter Hall and Shiera
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
The End Credits

Hero and Lyander

52 6 27
By johnbwes

And days of Babel passed now by
The age in which those lovers lie
And Greece then rose to high acclaim
To win for self it's daunting fame.

And every Grecian city owned
A god to which they priestess loaned
And one to Neptune maiden's gave
Although her heart's already claimed.

But still as priestess woman's bid
The whole of life to Neptune give
Forsaking Lyander's gentle care
Did Hero Hellespont now fare

To waters cross and out to go
To temple built where maid shall bode.
And Hero wept at fate she's gave
To live now far from lover laid

Across the water's waisting depths
Where Lyander's person's current kept.
But came that night she lit a light
On top a tower fair and bright.

And Lyander's saw across the way
The light his lover Hero made.
And man that night performed a deed
No mortal man before achieved

Across the Hellespont he swam!
Through waters deep and dark undamed.
To find the place where Hero lays
Her head for sake of Neptune gave.

And light she lit's his faithful guide
To place his lover current lies
And Hero goes ashore to see
The woman whom his heart does grieve.

A poet might deem it duteous tact
To write of even single act
As one of Lyander's stunning might...
But Lyander did such every night!

And every night the light he saw
He deemed to be his Hero's call
Until at last she said no more
Would she allow the burdened chore

"Another life I bid you live
Another love I bid you give
Forget my plight and and go your way
I'll deem your feats not 'nother day."

But Lyander pleads but "once again
Allow my path this way to bend.
For just a night a life will keep
For single day your love beseech."

And dame relents to hear his words
Her heart by love now also stirred...

Hey guys what do you think of Hero and Lyander's story so far? Pretty neat huh?
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