๐ŸComฤ™ลŸ2Yoลณ๐Ÿ–ค[ลฃฤฤ™gลณฤทฤท ฦ’ฦ’]โˆš

By Solitary_0813

96.7K 4.1K 536

[A Taekook ff] This is a very sensitive and voilence story read on your own risk don't complain me later that... More

1-Remembered Me?!๐Ÿ
3-Min Jewan?๐Ÿ
4-In Your Arms.๐Ÿ
5-Become Addicted.๐Ÿ
6-Without You.๐Ÿ
7-Crush At First Sight.๐Ÿ
8-I Missed You.๐Ÿ
9-His Taehyung.๐Ÿ
11-Carban Copy.๐Ÿ
13-Fresher Party.๐Ÿ
14-Jay B & Fennec Fox.๐Ÿ
15-I Will Pray.๐Ÿ
16-Bambi Eyes.๐Ÿ
18-Wait For Me.๐Ÿ
21-Get Well Soon.๐Ÿ
22-Jimin Hyung!๐Ÿ
23-Welcome Back.๐Ÿ
26-My Baby.๐Ÿ
27-Sweet Moments.๐Ÿ
29-My Son In Law.๐Ÿ
30-I'm Not A Rabbit!๐Ÿ
31-I'm Sorry.๐Ÿ
35-One-Sided Date.๐Ÿ
36-My butterfly.๐Ÿ
37-Take It Slow.๐Ÿ
38-First Kiss.๐Ÿ
42-Happy Family.๐Ÿ
43-He Did Nothing.๐Ÿ
45-What Did They Do?๐Ÿ
47-I'm Not A Begger.๐Ÿ
49-Life Goes On.๐Ÿ

46-Its True.๐Ÿ

1.4K 71 8
By Solitary_0813

Hey................. 💚💜


Living Room.....

Tae trying to lift his right leg and left leg one by one when baek asked him.

He is doing his therapy and our lovely tae cooperating with him both were so immense in their excercise.

All family sitting in the living room and looking at tae's cute face with small smile.

"Why are you staring at him like that since 30 min without blinking your eyes." Jk growled angrily at chan he wide his eyes and taken back of his sudden outburst.

Others looked at chan suspiciously baek pout while glaring at him angrily

"Easy Mr Jealous I just wonder..... cut off...

"Pft jealous my foot." Jk said laughing others surpress their laugh tae giggle.

"Whatever. So, i'm saying why is he so calm and understand everything after coming back from come for 18 years." Chan asked in amusement baek nods his head other gave him confuse look.

"Yeah, you are right probably when someone wake up from coma they almost forget everything and their family and by treatment we made them understand all but in his case it's absolutely reverse." Baek said other nodded unsurely jk smile at tae.

"Because I roam 18 years with y'all  and my husband wasn't hallucinating about me." Tae said slowly one by one words they gasp looking at him he nods his head shrugging his shoulder.

"It can't be tru....

"It's true hyung, believe it or not we will not give a shit about you." Jk said groaning he bit his lips nervously tae glare at him and heard his son giggle.

Later all ask sorry to jk for not believing him that time and they really amused because of this info.

they stop talking when their watch start beeping with red light they all get alert.

"I hate this sound." Tae said slowly breathed heavily others looked at him worriedly jk kneel down infront him caresses his cheeks with his thumb.

"Shus calm yourself love. Everything will be fine soon I promise you." Jk said and peck on his lips he nods his head with his moist eyes.

"Boss they are surrounded us from whole Mansion." A bodyguard come running towards them panting.

"Alert the headquarter team and ask him to reach here as soon as possible and yeah our special assassin too." He said he nodded saying yes sir and left.

"Yeonjun Jay B stay here with them and don't leave there side for a single second." Suga said in most serious voice boem nodded his head blankly.

"Jimin and baek hyung you both stay with them too." Jk said while getting up tae hold his hand.

Jk sighing heavily while looking at namjin and it's feel deja ju for them.

"I will come this time safely." Jk said he nods his head smiling tears falling from his doe eyes jk look away and remove his hand from his hand and left towards their secret room.

Jin comes towards tae both hold each other hand crying. Jimin sigh sadly.

"Hyung let's go we have to go." Jimin said they nodded with their heavy heart.

"Where are we going." Yeon asked in a low voice sniffing hobi caressing his back softly and mumbled.

"Upstair on the roof top." He mumble yeon nods his head unsurely crying.

They get ready for their final fight with their weapons.

They heard many explosion outside of the mansion and get to know about their teams numbers.

"Jimin don't take helicopter just hide in our secret room because they have different types of weapon and we can't take any single risk right now." Jk said in his ear piece coldly he said ok and change their route.

"Our assassin already come King." Kai said and went outside of the Mansion.
suga hummed in reply.

"You take care of them. I'm going back side of the Mansion." Jk said to suga & run towards backside suga nods his head and went towards main door.

"Oh, finally we able to see Min Yoongi the Mafia King." Seo mock at him with a manic laugh he look at him boringly.

"Come on ask me why i'm here." Seo said annoyingly while faking a fake glare suga chuckled with his blank face.

"I don't ask stupid questions to waist my precious time. When I already know you come here maybe to kill us or die with our bare hands" Suga said smirking while playing with his gun professionally.

"Definitely I will kill y'all." Seo said gritting his teeth angrily behaving like a made man.

"I want my brother back and that son of bi...... he cutt off when suga shoot him, he dodge on time still bullet rip his arm a little bit, suga show him his gummy smile he gritt his teeth.

"What you think about me a joker that you will do anything and I will entertain you" Suga said rolling his eyes.

"Burn them." Suga said step back and went inside the mansion soon firing start between both enemies.

Jk and kai fighting backside of the mansion suga giving them instruction
while firing time to time if it's needed while watching on the monitor.

Suddenly they all collapsed on the floor because of high speed force of explosion inside the mansion for 5 times back to back with a whistling sound in the ears.

Seo smirk and told their team to get inside the mansion and find his son and his all family.

Soon his men captured his whole vast mansion in 5 minutes and Seo point his gun on suga forehead smirking.

"Now, order your men to surrender and bring my brother here in 20 min." He said grinding his teeth angrily and hit with his gun suga chuckled wiping his bloody lips.

"Bring Hyunsik here." Suga said in his earpiece and throw it out before Seo going to take it he groan angrily.

"You bloody bustaxd I also ask you to told them to surrender." Seo shout at him he laugh a mocking laugh make him confuse.

"Didn't I told you i'm not a joker oh god you are getting old." Suga said laughing and sat on the sofa like a king as usual.

"Then I've to kill you." Seo said and point his gun towards suga he smile widely nodding his head he furrowed.

"I'll soon after my brother will come here." Seo said sighing and sat infront of him both staring each other suga's lips never leave smirk for a single min which giving chill on their spine.

His men come from upstair with so many injuries he furrow and looked at suga.

"Who is there in upstairs?" Seo ask to his men and suga too while gritting his teeth angrily.

Suga chuckled but he is hell worried about them from inside.

He groan when suga just shrugged his shoulder and sent lot's of people there and ask bring them safe and sound he will kill them with his hands angrily.

Suga is panick and hoping there plan
will work which he already prepare for this kind of situation of course he did afterall he is a Mafia King for a reason.

Jk and kai entered in the living room with Seo's men. Jk heart aches when he saw his son upstair coming down with Seo's men.

Seo looked at Jk amusedly take a step towards him laughing in unbelievable

"I can't believe you are still alive and have guts to go against me after what I did to you.

Oh you become so muscular I must say huh." Seo said chuckling and poke jk's chest.

"I will love to kill you this time with my hands maybe your death written in my hands." Seo said laughing and back away from him (I know its old filmy dialogue 😂).

"Tie their hand and leg too." Seo said and sat on the sofa and his men tied kai and jk.

Soon Seo's men brought Jimin, Hobi and taeyeon downstair dragging.

"Oh my god look who is here. Hello little Jeon." Seo said sweetly with a soft smile yeon looking down sniffing.

"Tie them too." Seo said looking at jim and hobi and his men tie them.

"When did your men will bring my brother. It's been 7 minutes." He said annoyingly and shot on kai's arm he groan in pain yeon flinch on his spot he laugh at him.

"What it's just touch your skin. What will happen if I fire my all bullet in your chest." He asked raising his an eyebrow he glare at him and looked away Seo chuckle at him.

He hold yeon arm, drug him in the center and hold his face in his one hand tightly and made him look at him forcefully.

"Wow you are beautiful like your mother." Seo said roaming his eyes over his whole face jk jaw clench in anger others too.

"Let's see if you have guts like him or not." He said their heart aches yeon looked at him furrowing in fear Seo start laughing and throw him on the floor while shooking his head.

"You don't have his fierce eyes like a tiger. You know first time I got scared and it's happen because of his tiger fierce eyes." Seo said making scared face while roaming in the living room

"Fearless eyes! Ahhaa I'm missing his eyes right now so badly. He didn't beg for his life that's way I buried him." He said looking at jk smirking.

Jk breathing heavily because of lots of emotion he is feeling right now. Yeon looked at him crying.

"You want to see a demo." Seo said their soul left from their body. Yeon body shiver badly he breathed heavily

"Why i'm asking even? Of course you all want to know about it right Jeon." He asked smirking to jk who glaring at him blankly.

How I killed your sweet innocent kind orphan wify and your mother you all want to see." He again ask and looked at yeon with his sweet creepy smile.

He bent down he backward a little bit. He sat infront of him and caresses his cheeks he slap away his hand feeling disgust because of his touch.

"Woah easy kid i'm elder than you. So, it's better you give me respect little jeon." Seo ask blankly fisting his hair tightly he whimper in pain.

They wanted to shout and beat at him but he don't want to irked him more so he can do worst with their baby.

"Let me show yall. What I did with your mother. Now be a good boy and come here." He said and drug him fisting his hair he scream because of pain their heart crying with his every scream.

"DA....DA" yeon scream holding seo's hand with his both hands which he fisting on his hair.

"Le..ave me MU..MMA." Yeon scream again when he made him stand while holding his hair gripping tightly.

"LEAVE HIM YOU BUSTXRD." Jk growl at him Seo chuckled and looked at his men he nods and start hitting jk with a strong stick.

"Where were i'm, oh yeah so, First I tried to force myself on your beautiful wify." Seo said while sign to stop his men for beating jk. Yeon gasp when
he heard seo disgust words.

"But he was so strong I must say. He fuxking stab me here." Seo said while pointing towards his left chest above his heart Yeon looked at there sniffing

"Tak..e ba..ck your fi..lthy hand." Tae said coldly while glaring at him with his fierce tiger eyes Seo taken back his head spin because of this new view.

He blink his eyes several time to made himself beleive is he heard right and saw right person or hallucinating him

"How's this possible." He whispered wide eyes mouth ajar parted in shock.

To be continued.........


Take care be safe...... 💚💜

Thank You...... ❤️

Read next chapter with tissue paper to wipe your tears...

'Taehyung Past'........ 🤕 I will update soon....

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