Mutants + Heroines (Rise of t...

By ArtIsMyMarc

18.3K 225 141

This is a crossover AU of Rise of the TMNT and DC Superhero Girls. Some of Baron Draxum's Oozesquitoes moved... More

Story List
Get To Know (M + H Edition)
#MutantsInMetropolis Part 1
#MutantsInMetropolis Part 2
#TheCritterGang Part 1
#TheCritterGang Part 2

#AllYouCanEatSuperBuffet Part 1

1K 17 9
By ArtIsMyMarc

Late night in the city of Metropolis, Barry Allen just ended his shift at Sweet Justice

"Well, another job well done at Sweet Justice." Barry whistled as he locked up the shop. He was about to head home for the night when something stopped him in his tracks. He caught a whiff of something from a mile away, an aroma he couldn't resist—the delicious smell of hotdogs, one of his favorite meals.

"I... still got time for a midnight snack. I was running low on fuel anyway." He said as he transformed into his superhero persona: The Flash. He races off at the speed of light to find the source of that meaty goodness. The trail leads him to Metropolis Park, where a hot dog cart is parked, but no one is managing it. This confused the speedster, as he started to look around.

"Um, hello?! Is anyone here?! I would like to order hotdogs!" Flash called out. However, nobody responded, just the silence of the night and the wind blowing.

"Oh well." the speedster shrugged, "Never say no to free hot dogs!" Flash says as he begins to serve himself, "But I'll still leave a few dollars just in case. Always be thankful for what you get! That's what my mom used to say!"

As he was enjoying his meal, completely unaware that behind the trees, two round red eyes were spying on him, observing him in interest. As he was purchasing his meal, the young speedster didn't notice something crawling towards his legs, wrapping around them. But by the time he noticed, it was too late. "Huh? What the?!" He then fell face-first on the floor while dropping his hot dog in the process. "My hotdog!" He exclaimed, reaching out for it before being pulled away into the darkness.

Flash screams echo through the night, followed by an evil chuckle.

-Time skip-

The next day at Metropolis High, the last bell rang, and school ended for the day. Jessica was at her locker putting her books away when she saw Hal Jordan walking up towards her with a concerned look.

"Hey Hal, everything okay? Jessica asked. She then thought up an assumption. "If this is about Carrol again, I'm telling you right now, I'm not helping you," Jessica said before closing her locker.

"What? No, No, it's not about Carol." Hal thinks for a moment, "Okay, it's a little bit about Carol, but that's not why I'm here. Have you seen Barry?" Hal asked. "We were supposed to meet at the basketball court for a one-on-one, but he never showed up."

Jessica shook her head. "No, I haven't, but now that you mention it..." She said, remembering something. "I haven't seen Barry during classes today."

"This is so weird," Hal said, scratching his head in thought. "Barry never misses school. He's always on time. Even when school is off." Barry always rushes to school but sometimes forgets it's a no-school day. "Where could he be?"

"Have you asked the other's if they know?" Jessica asked.

"I did, but they don't have a clue either," Hal said, putting his hands in his pockets. Jessica then pulled out her phone and started texting.

"Hang on, let me ask Babs and see if she has seen Barry." She sent the messages to her friend when a quick response came back. "She said she hasn't seen him all day... and apparently Barry was also supposed to meet her at Burrito Bucket before heading to school, but he never showed up."

"Okay, now something is definitely wrong here because Barry would never miss out on a good Burrito," Hal said, knowing how much Barry loves Burritos, along with hotdogs, nachos, hamburgers, pizza, cakes, and basically anything he can consume. He has a crazy metabolism, thanks to his meta powers.

"For once, Hal, you're right." She agreed.

"Of course I'm right." He said with a smirk, flipping his hair. "I'm Hal Jordan. When am I ever wrong?" Jessica gives him a deadpan look.

"Oh, there's not enough time in the day to explain that," Jessica replied, as she was familiar with Hal's behavior.

Soon, the two come to the conclusion that their speedy friend is missing.

"Alright, I'll call the girls..."

"And I'll call the boys..."

"And we'll meet at Sweet Justice to get to the bottom of this." Jessica finished as they both went in opposite directions to gather their superhero friends.

However, from the other side of the hallway was a particular group of girls who were also discussing the case of a missing friend. The girl who had her back against a locker was Selina Kyle, and she groaned in frustration because a certain friend hadn't responded to her text messages for hours.

"Rats!" she cursed. "Still can't get a response from Pamela!"

"You don't think Mrs. Plants Lover ditched us? Did she?" Her friend Leslie Willies asked.

"Nah, she might hate people in general, but she can at least stand our company," Selina said as she pulled her phone back into her pocket.

"That's sooooo~ Weird." An eccentric girl said while blowing her bubblegum. This was Harleen Quinzel. "I mean, she didn't show up to class either, but we also had this whole heist that we planned, and we all agreed to meet up at the bank we're about to steal, but then BAM didn't show up at all."

"Yes, with her powers, it's always easy to dig under the bank so we can collect our loot," Selina added.

"But now, we had to fight through a horde of cops. I didn't think that night would end! I couldn't get enough beauty sleep." The clingy girl Carol Ferris responded while stomping her foot.

"Oh! Boo-hoo, Miss Princess of Love here didn't get enough time to sleep in." Leslie mocked in a fake, sweet voice, "Get a grip, Carol, it's just one night. It's not the end of the world!"

Carol quickly turned to the punk girl and punched Leslie on her arm.

"Ow! Jeez, for a pipsqueak in pink, you sure got a mean right hook," Leslie noted while rubbing the sleeve of her jacket.

"I'm on the cheerleading team, you idiot! I can't afford to look like a mess; otherwise, they will throw me out!" Carol explained in a loud, commanding voice, "You understand? One wrinkle, and I'm out! Capiche? I can't afford to look bad! Especially not in front of my... Hal!"

At that, all the girls in the room sigh in exasperation. Carol is fun to be around, but her constant obsession with Hal Jordan is really unbearing.

"Wait... didn't Hal break up with you and block your contacts?" Harleen obviously stated in a confused manner as she blew her bubblegum.

Carol began to growl in anger as her eyes lit up in purple, and she turned to Harleen. "Nobody gets to dump me. Hal might have rejected me. But one day, I'll ensure he will be good enough for me! And then he'll be mine, FOREVER!!!" Carol then let out a maniacal laugh.

"Getting off track here, ladies." Selina said, stopping Carol in her delusional fantasy, "Carol's weird toxic obsession aside, we need to find Pam. I can't imagine what would happen to her outside alone."

"I bet this is because of those Super Hero Girls. They probably bumped into Pam and knew what she was about to do and stop her on her track!" the hot-tempered teen Doris Zeul said with anger. "Oh, I swear when I ran into those dweebs, I'm gonna bump their heads so hard, they're not gonna just feel it tomorrow but their whole lives!!"

"No need to immediately point to the obvious culprit, Doris. We must be careful around them, especially since they somehow allied themselves to those mysterious Shadow Warriors," Selina added.

"Oh yeah, those guys are all over the blog, practically the talk of the town," Leslie complained as she showed them a video of those Shadow Warriors beating up a mutant falcon. "These completely overshadowed my videos!"

"Yeah, and I can't believe they would beat up such cutie mutants. I mean, just look at this mutant birdie!" Harleen showed them the squawking mutant falcon who kept roaring and trashing the place in the video. "Isn't he adorable?"

"That's why we need to be careful, ladies, during our little search at night. Metropolis is filled with more and more mutants as days pass. So we must strike strong and pounce hard if we encounter one of those freaks! Let's show them that despite the creatures roaming in these streets. The Super Villain Girls still are the puuurfect crime team of this city!" Selina declared proudly before walking by with her smirking friends, "Now, let's find our lost little flower. "

-Time skip-

Now that night has fallen upon Metropolis, the two teams of heroes consisting of the Super Hero Girls (minus Keran and Babs because they went to go talk to the owners of the restaurant and ask if they have seen Barry), and the Invinci-Bros have gathered on top of the building of Sweet Justice, all dressed in their superheroes outfit. Standing before the girls are Hal Jordan, aka Green Lantern, the leader of the Invinci-Bros. Like his female counterpart, Green Lantern, Hal can create objects with his Green Lantern Corps ring. Next was Carter Hall, aka Hawkman, the silent but gentle giant of the team. He has wings on his back, which grant him flight and carries a mighty mace that nullifies anything magic. Oliver Queen, aka Green Arrow, is the snooty but brave archer of the Invinci-Bros with excellent hand-eye coordination. And finally, Garth... wait, what's his last name again? Heh, it doesn't matter. Aqualad is the youngest member of the Invinci-Bros. He is also an Atlantean, a race of people who can live underwater. Aqualad can also control water; however, it does work best close to a water source. Their Leader, Steve Trevor, wasn't there since he was busy with military school stuff. Also, he would've distracted Wonder Woman (who has a massive crush on him).

"What did they say? Have they seen him?" Wonder Woman asked when she saw Barbara and Karen return in their superhero suits.

"Yeah, they did, but only yesterday. Barry was in charge of closing and locking up." Bumble bee said.

"And get this. Barry was supposed to start his shift hours ago but never came in!" Batgirl exclaimed. Everyone knows Barry would never miss work, especially when his job is at Sweet Justice. He loves that place!

"Then it is clear our friend is indeed missing and possibly in danger." Wonder Woman stated as she looked over her team and allies with a serious face. "Now, we must find our missing friend, Barry." She declared while holding a fist in the air. "Are you boys ready for this quest?"

"You know it, Wondy, because the Invici-Bros never give up on a lost bro in need," Hal said as he and his team struck a pose. "Yo, Bros!" But then they slouched and sighed.

"Man, this really doesn't feel the same without Barry..." Hal muttered in a depressed tone.

"Oh, I hope nothing bad happens to him," Batgirl said in worry.

"Don't worry, we'll find him, Babs, I promise." Comforted Jessica, putting her hand on the vigilante's shoulder.

"That is if a mutant didn't catch him already." Green Arrow retorted, which caused the girls to gasp.

"Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine, Oliver? This is one of your friends we're talking about here!" hissed Zatanna sarcastically, crossing her arms.

"I'm just preparing myself if the worst happens, Zee Zatarra. You think I don't feel anything for the loss of a comrade?" yelled Green Arrow dramatically. Zatanna rolled her eyes at this display.

Batgirl began working on her computer to hack into the security cameras and see if there was anything else she might have missed. That's when Garth asked, "What if a mutant did take him and did something bad to him?"

"Flash is a tough guy. Honestly, I don't know anyone who could break his spirit." Hal said in assurance.

Batgirl finally hacked into the security cameras and examined the footage. There on the screen was a smiling Barry, locking the doors, and was about to head on home but then stopped for a moment to sniff the air for some reason, as if something had caught his attention because the next thing that happened went in the other direction of his home. The footage then showed Barry arriving at the park.

"That's weird. Why would Barry be at the park at night?" Batgirl wondered, but then her question was answered when she and everyone saw that Barry was in front of a hotdog cart and he was eating some hotdogs that were, for some reason, cooked already.

"Aw, Barry, seriously?" Green Lantern said disappointedly. "I thought I was finally able to convince him to go vegan."

"Look, Jess, just because you're a vegetarian doesn't mean everyone else has to be one," Hal said with his arms crossed and a smug smile. "Besides, meat is meant to be eaten. It's the cycle of life, babe." That caused Jessica to slap him in the arm.

"I'm more curious as to why there would be cooked hotdogs late at night?" Zatanna curiously pointed out. As the footage went on, they saw vines grabbing Barry and destroying the camera before the perpetrator was revealed, making the footage static.

"It was Poison Ivy! Case closed! Now we just need to find her and throw her leafy butt in jail!" Stated Supergirl, as she and the others were about to take off, except Bumble Bee, Batgirl, and female Green Lantern as the latter stopped them.

"Guys, wait, all we see is vines but not Poison Ivy herself. It could be someone new who's able to move vines." Jessica stated.

"Plus, even if it was her, we still don't know where she is or why she took Barry," Karen said as everyone looked at each other.

"I tried to access the other cameras, but they ended up destroyed too, which means I can't track down Barry this way," Barbra stated.

"If we are to find our missing friend, then I believe we are in need of more assistance." Wonder Woman stated, sharing a knowing look with her fellow sisters while the boys were confused.

"And we know just the right people to help us!" Batgirl said grinning. It's about time the Invinci-Bros meet a certain group of turtles.

The scene cuts to the top of a roof where the Mad Dogz are present doing an internet video.

"Greetings, internet. It is I, Bootyyy_Shaker 9000, and welcome to one of my channels," Donnie greeted, recording himself on his phone. "Now, tonight's episode: Fruit Slice!"

The camera then focuses on Leo with his signature weapon, preparing to slice the fruits that are presented to him on a folded table, which consists of pumpkins, zucchinis, and tomatoes.

"I am ready to present my mad skills to the world! Now behold, people!" Leo confidently stated while doing some sword poses.

"Go Leo!!" Mikey cheered Leo on from the sideline.

"Show those veggies who's boss, bro!!!!" Raph rooted Leo next to Mikey.

"Weren't you listening? We are doing fruit slices. Pumpkins, zucchini, and tomatoes are considered fruits!" Donnie pointed out.

"Tomato, Tomatoes. Let's slice some fruits!!" Stated Leo zealously, as he was about to slice the pumpkin in half while letting out a battle cry.

"HOT SOUP!!!!!!!-"


The Superheroes girls then show up, throwing the blue-masked turtle off his game and causing him to stumble and crash into the folding table and the fruits on it, creating a giant mess of mashed fruits all over the place.

"Ha, Epic fail!" Commented the middle child of the turtle at his twin brother's misfortune, who had the top of a pumpkin hanging on his head. "Oh, I'm going to get so many likes from this." That earned him a smack to the back of the head by his oldest brother. He turns his attention to the girls.

"Hey, girls, what's up?" Raph asked. The girls gave the boys a look, not amused that they were slacking off on their duties. "What?"

"Shouldn't you guys be looking for Oozesquitoes?" Asked an annoyed Zatanna.

"What, can't a turtle take a break after a long day of Oozesquito hunting?" Leo retorted as he wiped the mashed fruit off his face.

"And what better way to take a break than to increase my popularity on social media." Donnie started proudly.

"Wait...Are you posting videos of yourselves on the Internet?" Karen questioned, then gasped in realization. "But people are gonna see you-"

Donnie interrupted her, who put his finger over her mouth, "Ah, ah, ah, a social media that only YOKAI can use."

"Is your social media fame more important than supervillains kidnapping a fellow superhero?" Asked Wonder Woman with her arms crossed. Now, that got the boy's attention.

"I'm sorry, kidnap-who-now?" Leo asked.

"Our friend Barry, aka The Flash, was kidnapped last night, and we don't know where he is," Batgirl explains, pulling out her phone and showing the turtle of Barry's last moment before getting captured. "We have a lead as to who took him, but we still don't know where they are?"

"Oh, hey, I've heard of him! The Flash is the living lightning bolt. He's faster than fast and quicker than quick." Mikey confirmed. "He's also part of a superhero team, the Invinci— the Invinci-? Invinci-Buds? No, that's not it. Invinci-Dudes? No. Invinci-Fellas?"

"Mikey, Focus!" Raph interrupted.

"Turtles, will you aid us in our search for the Flash?" Wonder Woman asked.

Before the Mad Dogz could say anything, the Invinci-Bros showed up.

"Alright, girls, what's this new team you want to- OhMyGosh!?!" Hal exclaimed as the other boys were shocked to see humanoid turtles with weapons.

"My word!" Green Arrow exclaimed dramatically in shock as Hawkman grunted and raised his mace.

"What the heck are those things!?!" Asked a shocked Aqua Lad.

"Monsters!" Hawkman shouted as he pulled out his mace. The turtles took offense at being called things.

"Scoff, rude! And for the record, we are not monsters. We're turtles!" the purple turtle stated.

"Yeah! The Teenage Turtles who are Ninjas and Mutants!" Raphael declared proudly despite the obvious facepalm of his brothers.

"Okay, Raph, are you doing this on purpose, or do you seriously not know how to say our team name correctly?" Leo asked, annoyed.

"Mutants!!" Exclaimed the bros. They got into a fighting stance. "Alright, mutant scum, get ready for a beating by the Invinci-Bros!" Hal declared.

"Invinci-Bros! That's what they're called!" Mikey remembered. "Uh oh." The turtles were confused and alarmed when they saw the bros about to attack.

The Girls saw this too, and quickly put themselves between the two groups.

"Guys, wait! Stop!" Jessica said.

"What are you girls doing? Why are you stopping us from pounding these freaks?" Hal asked.

"These MUTANTS are not like the other mutants. They are warriors." Wonder Woman stated. "And our new friends."

"F-friends? You mean to tell us that you're friends with these- theses- monstrosities?" Green Arrow muttered while the turtles took more offense.

"Oh, oh, okay, you know what?! You're just mad because we look WAY better in green than you do!" Leo insulted. "Speaking of which, ring, ring, Robin Hood just called. He wants his clothes back!" Zatanna quietly snickered at that comeback. Green Arrow growled at that insult, pulled out his bow, and aimed his arrow at Leo. In response, Leo pulled out his sword.

"Alright, alright, cool it, you two," Supergirl chuckled as she got between them.

"Um, maybe you guys will get along better if you properly introduce yourselves." Bumble Bee shyly suggested. The Invinci-Bros looked at each other in question and shrugged in agreement.

"Okay," Hal confirms.

"Great, now guys meet-" Batgirl began but was interrupted.

"The greatest superheroes of Metropolis!!!" The bros then began their introduction routine (minus Flash).

"Green Lantern!" The first to introduce themselves was the male lantern. He used his ring to create a basketball, twirling it on his finger and, without looking, threw it behind him in a net hoop that he also made.

"Green Arrow!~" The second was the archer, shooting six arrows into the sky, making sparkle confetti fall as he made a graceful bow.

"Hawkman!" Third, he flew a bit to the sky before raising his mace and slamming it to the ground.

"And Aqua Lad!" And finally, it was Garth's turn. He just pulled out water from a bottle and levitated over his head.

The boys then got together as Hal finally said, "Together we are...THE INVINCI-BROS!" he and his team then struck a pose. "Yo, Bros!" But then again, slouch and sighed.

"Yup, still not the same..." The bros really miss Barry.

"I hate to admit it, but that was awesome!" Leo confessed. "We should do something like that. That way, a certain SOMEONE can say our team name right." Leo looks at Raph, pointing out his slip-ups.

"You know there's a nicer way to criticize people, right?" Raph asked.

"Wow, first we met the Superhero Girls, and now we're meeting the Invinci-Bros. I love this town!" Mikey said with delight. He then realized something. "Wait a minute, your name is Green Lantern, right?" he asked Hal.

"Yeah?" Hal Jordan replied.

"Jess, isn't your name also Green Lantern?" Mikey asked Jessica

"That's right." Jessica Cruz answered casually. Mikey pondered for the moment. He gasped in shock and clenched his chest. The background cracked like a mirror as Mikey turned pale.

"Oh boy..." Raph winced.

"Here we go," Leo commented.

"And that Mikey is one of the many trials life will put you through, cold and harsh reality," Donnie explained.

"Are- are you two actually- Mr and Mrs Green Lantern?!" Mikey finally asked, on the verge of breaking down. Jessica was utterly shocked to hear such a question, while Hal was completely confused.

"Wait, Wha?! NO!!! No, we're not Mr and Mrs Green Lantern! We're not even together! Heck, we're not even close to BEING together! I wouldn't be caught dead dating that doofus!" Jessica ranted.

"Heh, her lost." Hal chuckled under his breath.

"Shut it, Hal!" Jessica took a deep breath and regained her composure. "Mikey, let me explain very carefully. While Hal and I are called Green Lanterns, that doesn't mean we're married. It just means we work at the same corps.

"Corps?" Mikey tilted his head.

"Yes! The Green Lantern Corps." Jessica explained as she and Hal lit up their rings and showed him the Green Lantern symbol. "Green Lanterns are an intergalactic police force dedicated to protecting sentient life in every form. We are chosen for our ability to overcome great fear and given a power ring fueled by the strength of our willpower. And it just so happens that me and Hal are in the same sectors." she said as she showed the young box turtle illustration and record of the Green Lantern with her ring.

"Oooooohhhh! Well, that explains everything." Mikey responded.

"So you understand now, Mikey?" Jessica asked.

"Yup, that means you're still single." Mikey carelessly answered. 

"I'm sorry, what?"

"What?!" Mikey realized what he said and tried to dodge the question. Leo then pushes him to the side.

"HOLD UP! If I'm hearing this correctly, that means you can travel through space, go to different planets, and fight aliens. That's just like being Jupiter Jim but as a superhero!" Leo said with astonishment. "Now, who do I have to talk to for this job?"

"Whoa, you're a Jim Jupiter fan?!" a surprised Aqualad asked.

"Uh, YEAH! Jupiter Jim is the best sci-fi franchise of all time!" Leo declared.

"I know, right?!" Aqualad strongly agrees, with stars in his eyes. "He has comics, action figures, movies..."

"By any chance, is your favorite JJ film Jupiter Jim Sails The Seven Galaxies?" Leo asked.


"YO!!!" Leo and Aqualad high-fived each other.

"You guys like Jupiter Jim? Lame." Hal mocked as he snickered. Leo and Aqualad glared at him in response. "If we're talking about the greatest films of all time, then Lou Jitsu is where it's at. That guy is the GOAT!

"You're a fan of our dad?" Raph asked. Hal thought he had misheard Raph and took a minute to process that information.

"WHAAAT?!" Hal exclaimed in shock. He grabs Raph by the arms. "Your dad is Lou Jitsu?! That is awesome! I've seen all of his movies! You gotta get me his autograph!"

"Well, that's gonna be hard since Dad is back in New York," Donnie answered.

"Did you say New York?!" Green Arrow asked with stars in his eyes. "The big apple, the city that never sleeps, and the birthplace of Broadway theater." 

"And the home of the pizza pigeon!" Mikey added. That got Hawkman's attention.

"The pizza, what?" Hawkman asked as he shoved his fellow bros out of the way.

"The pizza pigeon, a pigeon that eats pizza. Show them, Raph." Ralph pulls out his phone and shows the bros the video of the pigeon eating pizza. Hawkman was in awe by the sight. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Breathtaking," Hawkman added. The bros and the turtles were starting to get along. The girls are relieved by the outcome.

"Wait, who's Lou Jitsu?" Bumble Bee whispered.

"The better question is, who's Jupiter Jim?" Zatanna added.

"I think they're famous movie stars?" Batgirl guessed.

"Yeah, for super cheesy action movies." Supergirl mocked. "Though not as cheesy as their bromance."

"Hey! We can hear you, you know!" Hal Jordan stated, offended by Supergirl's comment.

"And how DARE YOU mock our sense of brotherhood with our fellow bros!" Green Arrow declared as he put his arms around Donnie and Leo's shoulders.

"Oh, that's right! We never caught your guys' name." Aqualad remembered.

"That's because we haven't THROWN it yet." Leo pun, making the girls groan in annoyance. "Allow us to introduce ourselves officially. You're up first, big brother." He tags up Raph.

"I'm Raphael, the leader of the team who's ready for a fight!" 

"I'm Leonardo, the team's face man who always makes a scene!"

"I'm Michelangelo, who brings the razzamatazz to the team, thanks to my mad skills!" 

"I'm Donatello, the turtle of science who rocks machines!" Donnie finally introduces himself. "And together we are... heh, we go by many names. Mad Dogs. Shadow Warriors." 

"You?! You are the Shadow Warriors?!" Green Arrow asked, surprised.

"That be we, greeny," Leo confirms. "But thanks to Bumble Bee, we prefer to be known as-"

"The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!" the turtles struck a pose. "HOT SOUP!!!" the bros applaud on the turtles' performance.

"Dude, that was awesome!" Hal Jordan complimented

"Did you four rehearse that, or was that you're first try? Because I give that a five-star performance!" Green Arrow added. "Bravo, turtles, bravo!" The boys continue to chat amongst themselves over their common interests. The girls, however, have grown tired of the boys' long bonding experience. Wonder Woman whistled, making the boys stop their conversation and getting their attention.

"I am pleased to see you boys getting along, but now we must return to an important matter." Wonder Woman stated.

"Right, yes, the case of the missing Speedster," Donnie said. "So you want us to assist you in finding your Flashy friend, correct?"

"Yes, we might know who took him, according to these." Batgirl showed the footage from last night at the park where their dear friend Barry got taken.

"Jeez, whatever this was, it sure is a gardener's worst nightmare," Leo noted as he stared at the vines covering the place on the footage.

"We think Poison Ivy is behind this," Supergirl stated. "Actually, I'm the only one who thinks she did it, but others honestly think it was somebody else for some reason."

"Poison Ivy?! She's a supervillain from Gotham." Mikey recalls. "She has the power to control plant life, is an eco-terrorist, and hates humanity with a vengeance. She kind of reminds me of Draxum."

"Draxum?" Aqualad asked.

"We'll explain later," Leo replied.

"So Poison Ivy can control plants like those vines in the video." Raph pointed out. "So it has to be her!" 

"Ha! See, even they know it was her!" Supergirl boasted. Jessica rolled her eyes.

"I'm afraid without any other leads, Poison Ivy is our main suspect." Wonder Woman stated. "Come, heroes, let us bring the Supervillain Girls into question."

"Oh darling, do you know it's not nice to accuse someone of something they didn't do?" Said a familiar, sultry voice.

Everyone turned to see where the Supervillain girls (minus Poison Ivy) appeared from an upper building. There was their leader dressed in a cat-like costume, Catwoman, a sultry, sassy cat burglar with a passion for stealing precious objects. Beside her on her left was Harley Quinn, a young jester woman with an unhealthy habit of causing chaos and mayhem wherever she went. The light-blue-skinned woman whose whole body was surging with electricity was Livewire, a troublemaker punk girl who loves to humiliate others with her unique power to control and manipulate electricity. Standing above them from behind was a hulking woman who was at least three times the girls' size, heck even bigger than Raph, introducing Giganta, a rude, hot-tempered villainess with a monstrous strength to match and a dumb personality... And then there was this one girl, floating above them with a glare at a specific person, Star Sapphire, a Violet Lantern, a somewhat envious and vengeful one at that. When he saw who it was, Hal got scared and hid behind Hawkman, who raised a brow in confusion.

"Don't let her see me!" Hal whispered to Hawkman.

"What are you fiendish criminals doing here!?!" Wonder Woman demanded, raising her sword in a stance.

"We're here because you have taken something that's ours. A certain flower, I might add." Stated Catwoman, readying her claws.

"We know you super jerks have Ivy, so give her up!!" Harley Quinn demanded, holding her mallet menacingly. "Or else I'm gonna smash those tiny bitsy bones of yours in a million kinds of ways!"

"Hey, we were going to ask you the same thing, clown face!!" Stated Supergirl, who was ready to rumble. "We know that little plant freak has captured the Flash and is holding him, who knows where hostage. Now give him up, or it's beat down time for all of you!!"

"Mikey, you've been on a roll with people in tights. Any idea who these scary ladies are?" Raph whispered, confused by the situation.

"OHMIGOSH!!! The Supervillain Girls!" Mikey's fanboy outburst caught the attention of the Supervillain Girls, who finally noticed the mutant turtles' presence.

"Mikey, are you seriously fan-boying over supervillains?!" Zatanna whispered, appalled that Mikey would be excited to meet criminals.

"To be fair, this is the first time me and my brothers encounter big-shot villains. So this is a huge step for us!" Mikey confirms with a grin

"Who are these puke-colored losers?" Giganta asked rudely. "Why are they dressed up like frogs?"

"They're turtles, meathead!" Livewire stated in exasperation, which Giganta growled at the insult.

"And not just any turtles." Catwoman stated, "I assumed you four are the infamous Shadow Warriors?"

"Whoa, you heard of us?!" Mikey asked in astonishment with stars in his eyes.

"Indeed, we have. You four have made quite a reputation in this city." Catwoman verifies. "However, I didn't think the Shadow Warriors would actually be green mutant mask-wearing freaks!" she mocked with such harsh words. "Scraping the bottom of the barrel are we, Wonder Woman!" she laughed with her posse. The girls and the bros saw the hurt expressions on the turtles' faces. The ninjas' feelings were hurt, if not their pride.

"Wow, you really are villains. That was just mean." The sensitive softshell commented.

"Aw, is the turtle baby gonna cry?!" Live wire taunted in a baby tone. Her insults fueled Supergirl's rising fury to the point where she had enough.

"The only ones who are gonna cry is you if you don't back off!" Supergirl barked, defending her mutant friends. Harley then pushed Catwoman and Livewire out of her way.

"Hey, those big dummies deserve worse for what they did to that cute little mutant!" Harley's expression quickly saddened. "How could you be so cruel toward Mr. Birdie?"

"That BIRDIE was harassing a mother and her 3-year-old son!" Leo countered. "He was not family friendly!"

"Exactly! You should have let him be, you jerks!" Harley shouted back.

"Oh no, she's a psycho. Why did it have to be a psycho? Don't go for that type, Donatello. Don't you dare go for that type!" Donnie muttered to himself quietly while Catwoman just pushed Harley away.

"Anyway, turtles, this fight doesn't concern you. So why don't you be good little freaks of nature and go back to the shadows where you belong, or else you'll get more than a few claw marks on your jolly green faces." Catwoman threatened as she extended her claws to them. Raph has had it with the cat burglar's tone.

"Hey, you step to our friends. You step to us, too!!" Raph said, standing his ground. "And I wouldn't be making any threats if I were you. Since you creeps are outnumbered."

"Does that mean you are responsible for kidnapping our friend?!?" Accused Star Sapphire as she flared in anger, scaring the turtles. "Are you planning on kidnapping my Hally-Wal next!?!"

"Uh, who's Hally-Wal?" Mikey asked with a raised brow.

"My boyfriend, that's who!!!!" Star Sapphire responded aggressively, pointing to a trembling Hal, who pointed at himself.

"I thought you guys broke up?" Harley innocently asked, even though she asked the same question as Harleen. Which in return only fuels the violet lantern's ire.

"Well, someone's obsessive." The blue turtle sarcastically said under his breath. Too bad Star Sapphire heard it. She sharply turned her head in his direction, giving him a death glare as Leo retreated his head a bit into his shell.

"Wait a minute, back up. You guys think we took Poison Ivy?" Bee asks, feeling that something is not quite right.

"Shut it, bug!" shouted Giganta, which made Bumblebee yelp in fright. "You losers always came between us and our plans. So that can only be you!"

"No, wait, Giganta, that's not what I-" Catwoman tried to reason with the hulking girl, but before she could even finish her sentence, Giganta had already jumped from the spot and attempted to crush the smaller girl with her fist which the latter could only block with her arms. But before she could hit her, her first was caught by a giant red hand. This confused the giant woman until she noticed a glaring Raph who caught it mid-smash.

"Hey! Why don't you pick on somebody of my size!" Growled the snapping turtle.

Giganta was initially surprised, then got angry as she stood tall, towering over him. "What did you say, little frog freak?"

Raph then backed up a bit but then stood his ground. "Like I said, Giant Lady. You mess with our friends. You mess with us." Donnie then came up behind him to whisper in his ear. "Yeah, Raph, as your brother, I believe you should-"

"Relax, Don, I got this-" Raph was then punched in the face and sent flying into a wall.

"I did try to tell him." Donnie winced.

"Ow..." Raph muttered in a daze.

"Raph!" Bumble bee yelled worriedly and ran to his side. "Are you okay!?"

The three brothers glare at the giant woman.

"Hey! Nobody does that to our brother except for his brothers!!" Declared the blue turtle as he and the other two prepared their weapons.

Catwoman pitched the bridge of her nose at Giganta's foolish action. "Well, I guess we're doing this then..."

"Oh, come on, Kitty Cat, they had it coming!" Harley responded.

"Oh, it's on," Supergirl said while cracking her knuckles, and then all chaos broke loose as both teams charged at each other, causing a large explosion on the rooftop. Livewire and Donnie face-off, landing on the street.

"Alright, turtle, let's see what you got." She said cockily, charging up her electricity power from a nearby light post.

"Oh, you want to see what I got?! Then prepare to eat science, lightning bolt!" Donnie then transformed his tech bo into a flamethrower, unleashing a torrent of flames at the metahuman, only for her to smirk and disappear in a flash of lightning, avoiding the fire.

The purple brother looked at his handiwork only to stare in pure confusion at the fact she was gone. "Wait, what in the name of?" Then he noticed the wires on the street sparkling with blue electricity. "Oh, so you can travel through electrical current? Quite annoying but to be expected."

Livewire reappears behind the soft shell with a smile and a raised brow. "So I guess that makes you the smart one." her smirk widened sadistically. "Fine, I always enjoy kicking guys like you around. And by the way, the name's Livewire!!" she declared as her whole body sparkled with blueish electricity and threw a lightning beam at Donnie, who kept dodging all her assaults with acrobatic stunts. The meta-human grunted at each missed attempt. She then threw one more lightning bolt at Donnie, who, in reflex, slammed up a nearby manhole cover with his tech bo and tossed it at his opponent like a frisbee, who yelped as she barely managed to dodge it in time. Donnie has then managed to get close to Livewire, transformed his bo into a fist mallet, and punched her in the face.

"Unlucky for you, this genius doesn't get kicked around that easily," Donnie said, full of himself, as Livewire snarled in anger. She then shifted her eyes to where they stood: a subway ventilation! The villain smiled with a toothy grin as she slammed her hands on it, causing her electricity to course through the metal, reaching for Donnie, whose pupils shrank at the danger in front of him and so made a back-flip in the air to dodge it, what he didn't notice however was that the electricity has reached his battle shell and tech-bo causing them to sparkle in dysfunction.

Donnie landed on a bench, keeping him safe from the bolts. He got up and pointed his bo to Livewire. "Haha, nice try, electro girl. But alas, your plan failed once again as predicted. Now, why don't you have a taste now of my- wait, what?" He noticed his bo and battle shell malfunctioning as his weapon refused to transform, and the battle shell didn't pull his mechanical arms out, which sent him into full panic mode as he shook his weapon. "No, no, no. Please don't do this to me right now! I need you more than anything. Please stay with me." but the tech bo wasn't responding, instead shutting itself off. "Traitor..." he muttered

He immediately turned to Livewire, who merely chuckled to herself as she rubbed her fingers together. "What's the matter now? Having issues?" Livewire's fingers lit up with electricity as she unleashed a devastating electric beam on Donnie, who was sent to the wall and muttered in pain. Livewire sadistically laughed as she amped up the energy of her lightning power to put more pressure on the turtle.

"Aw, why the long-face turtle bummer?" Livewire wickedly cackled as she took out her phone, "You should smile for the camera, ho ho yeah, Livewire gettin' one the shadow warriors shell kicked will truly be worth a million views!" However, she came to a stop when she was hit on the cheek, sending her flying toward a pile of trash. It turns out it was Batgirl who stood broadly with her own bo staff in hand.

"Nobody hurts my tech buddy Livewire, especially not to some sick, desperate attention seeker like you who also makes videos out of others suffering." Batgirl declared as she pointed an accused finger at the colored girl who got up and wiped off the trash on her. "Alright, Brat-girl you asked for it, I'm gonna-"

However, Livewire felt a splash on her cheek before she could finish. She blinked a few times in confusion before turning her head toward the direction it came from. It turns out to be a nervous Aqualad with his empty water bottle. He planned to take down Livewire by using his own water. But since he didn't have a large quantity on him, he couldn't take Livewire out all the way.

Livewire just put a hand on her hips with a raised brow. "Really, Aquanerd? I mean...really?"

"Hey! I could have taken you down if we had been in the ocean or a public pool." Aqualad argued back with crossed arms. Livewire just gave him a look before growling and shooting lightning at him. He yelped as he quickly dodged the attack. However, before she could throw one more bolt, it was blocked by a green energy field.

"Huh?" Livewire turned around to see she was encased in a green bubble made by Jessica. In frustration, she threw bolt after bolt in a vain attempt to get herself out.

Meanwhile, Batgirl ran to a fried Donnie and helped him get up. "You alright there, Donnie?" she concernedly asked.

"Yup!" Donnie responded with a thumbs up despite his worrying state. "I smell like fried bacon, and my brain feels like melted ice cream. But otherwise, no major injuries!"

"Guys!" Green Lantern called out, struggling to maintain her barrier. "A little help over here? I can't contain her for long!"

Finally, by letting out a cry, Livewire unleashed multiple bolts of blue electricity from her body, breaking her out of her prison as Jessica fell to the ground in exhaustion. "Hugh! Hal, would you help us over here?!" she called out to her male counterpart, who was floating above them, looking around wildly for any sign of Star Sapphire before turning to his friends.

"Oh, sure!" Hal nodded as he flew their way with large green boxing gloves he made and dashed toward them only to be halted by a certain fuming Violet Lantern.

"C-C-C-CAROL?!!" Hal sputtered, stopping him in his tracks.

"You don't think you could escape me, Hal Jordan?! We need to have a little talk, you and me!" angrily said Star Sapphire to a trembling Hal.

"Come on, Hal! Stop being afraid of her!!!" The female green lantern ordered as she tried to block all of Livewire's attacks. This causes Carol to turn her attention to Jessica and glare at her menacingly.

"Don't tell my Hally-Wal what to do!!" She screeched as she threw one of her deadly hearts at Jessica. She didn't have the time to dodge until a chain wrapped around her and pulled her out of the shot, hitting Livewire instead. Her rescuer was Mikey, holding his signature weapon: the Kusari-fundo.

"Mikey! You saved me!" Said Jessica in surprise and relief.

"Always here to help Jess!" Mikey said as he winked in confidence. However, on the inside, he was squealing in joy at how he managed to save his crush.

Meanwhile, Carol grabbed Hal by the suit, speaking in a low, threatening tone while Hal whimpered in fear, "You. Me. Talk. Now."

"What?! But what about our friends? You don't want to save Poison Ivy?! My buddy Flash is also in trouble!" Hal questioned in confusion.

"Oh, I think our friends will have no trouble finding them. But for now, it's time to face the consequences, Hal!" she cackled as she took off into the sky, dragging a screaming Hal along with her into space.

As Jessica and Mikey stared at the scenery, the young Hispanic girl just dropped her shoulder and sighed in exhaustion. "You know what? I'm not gonna pull him out of this one. He had it coming."

The young turtle box turtle beside her winced. "Sheesh, just what did this guy do that made her go so nutsy on him?"

"He broke up with her over text..." she started to explain.

"Oh! Well, I mean, yeah, that's rough, but I still think she can-

"...on Valentine's Day." she finished while looking to the side.

"That monster!!" Mikey gasped in shock, looking into the sky. However, a familiar mallet smashed him in the face before he could add more.

"Ow! No fair kooky clown!" angrily said Mikey with a bruised face.

"Sorry, pal, but your face was in the way of my mallet!" Harley said as she kept swinging, with Mikey dodging each of them. "Hold still, shrimp!!!"

"Why don't you make me!!" Taunted the orange turtle, to which Harley responded by taking out a pop gun and taking a shot at Mikey. He avoids the hit quite easily.

'Ha! Miss me!!!" Boasted Mikey.

But the pop shot ricocheted through the buildings, a lamppost, a trash can, and a widow before landing right behind Mikey's head, which exploded in return. While Mikey is blindsided, Harley playfully tiptoes towards him and slams her mallet on his head. Mikey tries to recover by standing on his feet while looking dizzy. Meanwhile, Harley smiles as she teasingly pretends that her mallet is on Mikey's side.

"Look out, little tortoise, she's right behind you!" The "mallet" said to a still dizzy Mikey in warning.

"Aw, thanks for the heads up, Mr. Hammer," Mikey said to the smiley face of the hammer while seeing stars, but the hatch of the hammer opened, revealing a black boxing glove that punched Mikey in the face.

"Hahaha! Hope that punchline landed right!" Harley laughed at her own joke before she felt the ground stomping. "Hey! Watch it, Giganta! I'm trying to bash some heads here," she yelled to the hulking woman who was busy handling Supergirl and Hawkman.

"Don't tell me what to do!!" she yelled back as she tried to swat away the two fliers with her fist. However, she was soon hit by a punch on the cheek from Supergirl, who couldn't help but boast about it. "Hah! How's that for ya Giganta?"

Giganta grumbled as she rubbed her bruised face before being hit on the head by a familiar mace. Hawkman yelled triumphantly but was grabbed by the talons by Giganta, who slammed him on the ground several times before throwing him into a nearby building.

Furious at that, the Kryptonian girl used her heat vision against the giant girl's hand, burning her a bit in the process. Giants then threw a car at Supergirl, which she dodged in reflexes, interrupting the beam. Supergirl then delivers a powerful diving elbow drop on Giganta's head before the latter smacks her down with a powerful slap.

Supergirl grunted as she got up, with Giganta cracking her knuckles in delight, preparing to finish off the Kryptonian, only to suddenly shrink into a small, tight violet box that made her feel cramped.

"Hey! Let me out of here!" Giganta ordered.

"Wow! Nice save there, Zatanna!" Supergirl complimented as said magician came floating toward her.

"Oh, it's nothing, just an old trick in the book that my dad first taught me," Zatanna said to herself.

Finally recovering from his dizziness, Raph stood up with Bumblebee, helping him.

"Huh...Karen? Is that you?... What happened?" Raphael asked as his blurry vision came clear, and he saw the young hero

"Yeah, it's me. Giganta got you good..." Bumblebee with a little remorse on herself.

"Ah, no worries, I have taken worse. Just need to take a little breather," Raph assured while getting up. "Say, are the others still fighting? Because I'm up for a little revenge on Giant Lady," he said as he cracked his knuckles.

"Yes, they are." Bumblebee pointed to the battle on the street that was occurring. However, when he was about to join the fight, he noticed Bumble Bee looked slightly conflicted.

"Um, something bothering you?" Raph asked in concern.

"Yes! Because this doesn't make any sense! I mean, I know we suspected Poison Ivy to be our culprit. But you heard the villains! They don't know just as much as we don't, and I doubt they would attack us like that for no reason." Bumblebee snapped, explaining her reasoning.

"Why? They usually don't?" Raph asked.

Bumblebee paused momentarily, thinking back on all the time they fought with Super Villain Girls. "Case in point, I think there could be someone out there who is capturing the meta-humans."

Raph blinked in confusion.

"It's a term we use for humans with superpowers," she explained to the turtle.

"Oh! But you saw the camera footage, right? Apparently, it's that plant girl who kidnapped your friend." Raph retorted back.

However, before she could argue back, Raph turned his head toward the street, much to the confusion of Bumblebee.

"Raph? Is there a problem?"

"I don't know if Giant Girl hurt me hard enough to make me see things, but...I thought I saw a pink blur for one moment in there." Raph points in a certain direction.

"A...Pink Blur?" Bumblebee questioned.

Back to the fight, Leonardo was fighting against Catwoman as the two of them exchanged sword clashes and claw swipes.

"You fight pretty good." Catwoman complimented as she kept exchanging claw slashes. "Too bad your skills matched with a pretty sloppy personality."

"Sloppy? I ain't sloppy, kitten." Leo responded as he blocked all her claw strikes with his sword. "I'm just blessed with a radical attitude!"

"And an arrogant one, too? Oh, I'm just gonna have so much fun with you." Catwoman mischievously smiled as she took out her whip and dealt multiple strikes at Leo, leaving marks on his skin. Then she grasps Leo's sword from his hands and throws it elsewhere.

"Hey, my Odachi!" However, before he could have time to react, Catwoman tied both his hands with her whip and repeatedly slammed a lamppost several times.

When she finished, Leo was completely dizzy with stars flying above his head in a cartoon fashion.

"Oh honey, are you alright now?" Catwoman said in fake concern.

"Yup, don't worry now, miss Puss in Boots, looking good, feline good! Now excuse me while I lay on this sweet road who looks particularly comfortable for some reason!" Leo responded with a dumb smile on his face before falling to the ground.

Catwoman smiled triumphantly, "Ha, looks like I was worrying over nothing. It turns out they're just a bunch of amateurs," she said while looking around, seeing the turtles in pretty bad shapes. However, her gloating was interrupted when an arrow almost hit her from behind. Luckily, with her sharp reflexes, she dodged it in time.

Looking, she angrily hissed when she saw Green Arrow perching from a building with a confident air and his bow in hand. "Well, lucky us, they're not the only ones who fight evildoers. Wouldn't you agree?"

"No, I think you boys are even worse." Catwoman retorted back.

"AH! Such insolence, you filthy alley cat!" Green Arrow shouted in outrage before firing a volley of arrows at the cat burglar, only for the latter to throw her own claws at them like darts, destroying them in the process.

Before she could climb to that building and rip that lousy excuse of an archer a new one, she was attacked from behind by Wonder Woman, who attempted to strike her sword on the cat, only for Catwoman to block it in time with her claws. However, it was difficult for her to hold on against Wonder Woman's superior Amazonian strength.

"Hey! Sneak attacks are my things, you know?!" she snapped to the princess.

"Spare me your words, you filthy thief!" Wonder Woman shouted back, "Now, you're going to tell me exactly where you are holding Flash so we can seize this fight!"

Catwoman just rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Like we know where that speedy mouse went off? We should be asking the same thing: what did you do with Poison Ivy?"

"What? We have done nothing and have not heard of Ivy's disappearance until now." Wonder Woman countered back.

"Don't play dumb with me, princess. Then who actually did it?!!" Catwoman shouted back, but before she could even get a response from Wonder Woman, the light above switched off, much to their confusion.

In fact, all the street lights suddenly went out, much to everyone's surprise. They all stopped fighting and were all left in this unsettling darkness. Their only light was Livewire's lightning body and Green Lantern's light.

"Hey! Who turned off the light?" Harley asked in irritation while Mikey was getting up and rubbing his head.

"Um...Happy Birthday?" He declared in confusion.

"What's going on?" Batgirl questioned, holding a bruised Donnie, who put on his goggles for a better view of the darkness.

Then, all of a sudden, everyone heard a scream, and it was Aqualad! But before everyone could see the condition of the young Atlanta. He was gone like he wasn't even here to begin with.

"Aqualad!!" Hawkman yelled in a surprisingly loud voice.

"Where did he go now?!" Green Arrow asked in concern, looking around.

"Wait, Water boy is gone?" Harley Quinn questioned.

"No...Not Aqualad, too..." Supergirl muttered in horror.

"Wait. I saw it!" Donnie suddenly declared.

Everyone turned to Donnie. "What do you mean you saw it? We can't see a darn thing in this darkness!" Green Arrow shouted.

"It...It was too fast to see." Donnie said, taking off his goggles. "But I think I saw a blur taking the little water boy along with him."

"Oh! A blur took your friend away? How is that convenient?" Catwoman said with pure sarcasm, taking advantage of Wonder Woman's moment of distraction to kick her in the chin. "Do you really expect us to believe in such a charade?"

"When will you come to understand that wasn't us, Catwoman!" Stated Wonder Woman.

"H-Hey! G- Get away from me!!"

"Livewire?" Catwoman questioned, not expecting such a frightful tone from her friend. When she turned around, she saw that the electric villain was throwing bolt after bolt in what she thought was a random direction in a frantic manner. But in a blink of an eye, something struck her, and in a blink of an eye, she was gone...

"Livewire!" Catwoman shouted in worry.

"Sparky! NOOOO!!!" Harley screamed as she held her hand.

"Wait, what?" Green Lantern asked in confusion. "So it really wasn't their doing?"

"Of course it wasn't, you idiot!!!" the feline felon hissed heavily.

"Ah!" Giganta shouted from the box she was trapped in, "I knew it. You are the ones who captured Poison Ivy."

"Oh, sure!" Zatanna snapped sarcastically, "Like we would capture our own friends. Wake up already, Giganta. There's obviously a third party involved in this!"

"And I'm going to find out who..." Declared Supergirl with a slight tone of anger as she took off into the sky.

"Supergirl! Wait!" Wonder Woman insisted, but it was already too late.

Catwoman pinched the bridge of her nose. "What does she think she can do now? The Flash took her away!"

"It wasn't Flash, you simpleton, he would never do such a thing!" rebuked Green Arrow.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know who else can run as fast as a blur."

Now that the young Kryptonian had reached a considerable height, reaching the city's skyscrapers, she focused her senses on her supervision and hearing.

"Show yourself, you no-good kidnapper," Supergirl murmured as she darted her eyes from left to right on every corner of every street of the city.

And then, the blonde tensed up before she spotted something on a particular street. Now, it was something that couldn't be spotted that easily by a human eye. Still, thanks to her Kryptonian biology, she could spot two unconscious Aqualad and Livewire being dragged away by a pink force unseen force.

"Bingo! Looks like you got a little too greedy, you Flash wannabe!" Supergirl smirks as she dives back into the city and gives chase to the mysterious kidnapper.

As she trailed off after said blur, it suddenly turned around the corner, which surprised Supergirl. She widened her eyes in shock when she was about to hit a truck, which she avoided just in time by flying above him.

"Come on..." she muttered under her breath before she went off once again after the culprit.

She flies after him once again, resuming their little chase. She flew a little above the road, avoiding the cars in the process, and noticed that blur was starting to distance her, so while greeting her teeth, she kicked up her speed.

However, it seemed the blur had noticed this and decided to play it dirty. By spinning in circles, it began to create a huge tornado that sucked all the cars in it, but then the tornado suddenly stopped making all the vehicles start to fall off, much to Supergirl's horror.

"NO!!" Supergirl shrieked as she stopped in her tracks and used her super speed to catch every single car. After she captured all of them and gently put them back where they were, she lowered her guard and breathed relief. "Whoo, that was a close one."

Then, the people get out of their cars and praise the young hero for her actions.

"Yeah! Hooray for Supergirl!"

"She saved us!"

"You saved my baby!"

Of course, as easy to please as she was, she couldn't hold back waving back, "Yeah, nothing to it!" That was a mistake on her part, which gave the assailant the time to flee. "What?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!"

Supergirl once again flew at the pink blur across the street. But now she felt more annoyed by this chase than anything.

"Hurg, this is getting nowhere..." Supergirl groaned, but then she saw an alleyway just ahead of them and smirked. "I think I got an idea. You wanna play dirty? I can play dirty, too."

Supergirl then gained some altitude and used her laser vision above the blur to block his path, making it turn to the alleyway she was aiming for.

"Gotcha!" The blonde exclaimed as she followed the culprit through the alley.

The blur continued to speed his way through the alley before coming to a stop when he reached a wall, making him grunt in anger as he narrowed his red eyes through the darkness. But right before he could turn back, his eyes widened when Supergirl was in front of him with a not-so-happy expression on her face.

"Alright, Speedy, show yourself. You're gonna put down Aqualad and...Livewire too, I guess?" she ordered, though she was hesitant about letting the culprit capture Livewire. "And you better tell me where you're keeping Flash and why you have his speed, or it's pummeled season for you!"

And so the culprit did as she asked, letting the two unconscious meta-humans slowly down on the ground.

"Alright, that's it. Now show me your ugly mug." Supergirl commanded.

And so as the eyes of the culprit narrowed and gave a low chuckle. As he approached her, letting himself get revealed to her, when he stepped out of the shadows, the Kryptonian eyes widened in surprise, letting her guard down.

"Wait...You're a-"

It was a huge mistake on her part because as soon as she gasped, the culprit smirked and dashed towards her and made his hand vibrate so fast that it phased through Supergirl's torso. She screamed in pain. The culprit grabbed her arm so she wouldn't get away.

When the culprit was done, he let her go and fell into exhaustion on the cold hard ground. As her vision was getting blurry and falling into unconsciousness, she could vaguely see two pink hooves clopping towards her as the culprit laughed and...snorted.

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