At The Beginning With You

By Havingfunwithfanfic

67.5K 2.8K 346

The gods see the world being destroyed during the Long Night and decide to fix things. Daemon and Rhaenyra ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 4

1.8K 72 14
By Havingfunwithfanfic

Aemma talks to Daemon after finding out what Viserys did. Baelon, Viserys and Daemon speak to the two time travelers. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Aemma knocked on the doors and waited just a few seconds before the doors opened and Daemon's surprised face appeared. She could tell he had not been expecting her, his eyes were a little guarded as he stepped aside and allowed her to enter his chambers. She waited until the doors closed before looking at him.
"I am sorry to bother you." He did not say anything, just stared at her. "I just wanted to make sure everything is well with you."
"You mean after my brother accused me of molesting my niece?" Aemma flinched and his eyes softened. "I am sorry, I did not mean to snap at you."
"I understand why you are angry Daemon." Her husband had crossed a line when he said those horrible things to his brother. "He should have never said that to you. I know it is not true. You love Rhaenyra and always try your hardest to make her happy, I know you would never hurt her."
"Your husband does not seem to think the same." Her brother-by-law looked tired and a bit annoyed. "He said I was not allowed to spend time with Rhaenyra unless you or he were present."
"Of course, you can spend time with your niece." Aemma shook her head. "Even when I am not present, I trust you to protect her."
Both she and Baelon had attempted to speak to Viserys, but he did not seem to want to understand what they were saying to him. He was very upset and made it clear that he did not want his daughter to wed his brother. Baelon had been very upset with Viserys's attitude, but her husband would not listen to anyone. They had returned to the Red Keep early in the morning, and Baelon had accompanied Damon and Nyra to their chambers, which they were all surprised to realize were already set up for them. Nyra even had gowns that had been made for her. Aemma had to admit the gods were very thorough and people truly believed Nyra was Jaehaerys's youngest daughter. She was treated with all the respect due to a princess of the blood, while Damon was treated like a prince. It was a bit strange to see people treating them like they were a fixture in the palace while Aemma had no memory of ever seeing them before yesterday.
There was a knock on the door and Aemma smiled at Daemon.
"I brought you a surprise." She looked toward the doors before calling out. "Enter."
The doors opened and Rhaenyra ran in with something in her hands. Her smile grew even larger as she looked at Dameon and Aemma did not miss the way her brother-by-law's eyes softened immediately.
"Uncle." Rhaenyra giggled when Daemon picked her up and kissed her chubby cheeks. She wrapped an arm around his neck, patting his back with her small hands. "Mama said you were sad because papa was mean to you." Rhaenyra's look was determined as she stared at Daemon. "Do not be sad, I yelled at papa."
"You did?" Daemon asked amusement all over his face.
"She did." Aemma laughed, kissing the top of her daughter's head. "There was a lot of yelling and finger-wagging and she even attempted to punish him by sending him to his chambers without supper."
"You did?" Daemon laughed.
"Yes." Rhaenyra's face was surly as she stared at her uncle. "But mama said I cannot punish him." She placed a hand next to her mouth as she attempted to whisper, not realizing that her whispering was still very loud. "Do not worry, I stole his cake."
Daemon and Aemma could not help but laugh as the small girl showed her treasure to her uncle. A single honey cake that had been carefully wrapped.
"And what are we going to do with the cake?" Daemon whispered loudly.
"We are going to eat it." Rhaenyra's satisfied look made Aemma chuckle.
"But there is only one cake in there," Daemon said with a mock frown. "You do not like sharing your cake."
"I like sharing it with you, uncle." While it was true that Rhaenyra refused to share her cakes with anyone, apparently, Daemon was the exception. "You are my favorite person."
Daemon's smile was so large that every trace of sadness or anger he had been feeling because of his brother disappeared. He kissed the little girl's head before taking the piece of cake she was offering.
"I will go and leave you both alone." Aemma smiled at both of them. "Just bring her over a bit before supper."
"Thank you, Aemma," Daemon said with a smile.
She was aware he was not thanking her for just bringing Rhaenyra, but for trusting him with her daughter. She would have to speak to her husband.

                                                               Daemon Targaryen (19 years old.)

                                                   Rhaenyra Targaryen (3 years old.)

Baelon was a bit confused by his eldest son's attitude, Viserys had always been the sweet one, the one to avoid conflict. He had been shocked when he found Daemon and Viserys fighting and even more surprised when he discovered the reason why. For some unknown reason discovering that Rhaenyra would wed Daemon in the future had angered his son greatly and he could not understand why. While the norm for the Targaryens was to wed brother and sister, wedding nice and uncle was not so far-fetched.
Baelon had always known that Viserys was a bit envious of his younger brother. While Viserys had struggled in training everyone could see Daemon had been born a warrior, feeling at home the moment a sword had been placed in his hands. Daemon had been more handsome, taller, and better with women. But none of these things had ever been an issue until Rhaenyra was born. While Daemon had never particularly liked children, he had melted the moment Rhaenyra had been placed in his arms. The rogue prince had been wrapped around the finger of a babe a few days old. As Rhaenyra grew, it was clear who her favorite person was. Daemon had been the first person she had walked to and the first word she said was kepus. Viserys's jealousy had grown then and he had attempted everything in his power to take Rhaenyra's love and affection. The small girl did not ignore her parents, or anyone else for that matter. She was always full of laughs and love for everyone she came in contact with. That was how she gained the name of the realm's delight. But Viserys did not care about that, he cared about the fact that Rhaenyra preferred her uncle over everyone else.
Even with all of that, Baelon had never believed his eldest son would dare to accuse his brother of molesting his child. Everyone could tell that Daemon would protect Rhaenyra until his last breath. Viserys was not ready to see his daughter as an adult, and being confronted with a grown Rhaenyra, who was married to a much older Dameon had pushed him over the edge. Baelon could tell that Damon and Nyra, as everyone called the two people who had traveled through time now, knew something had happened between Viserys and the younger Daemon, but they had not made any comments. Baelon had the impression that Viserys opposition to Daemon and Rhaenyra being together was not something new for the married duo. The whole situation made Baelon a bit sad, knowing that his eldest son was so opposed to seeing Rhaenyra and Daemon happy.
"Father." He did not move as Viserys walked up to him. "I was told you wanted to see me."
"Yes, we are waiting for your brother, I have sent one of the guards for him." Viserys's annoyed look made Baelon's annoyance rise. "You have something you want to say?"
"No, father." Viserys lowered his eyes and swallowed, not enjoying being confronted.
Daemon arrived not long after that, glaring at Viserys briefly before looking at him and nodding his head.
"I am aware that your relationship is not the best at this time, but I need you both to put that aside." He made sure his voice was firm, there was no time for games or petty jealousies. "There are two people who traveled through time because something so horrible happened that the gods deemed it necessary. We need to find out what will happen and plan accordingly."
"Have either Dae.. Damon or Nyra said anything?" Daemon's confusion when speaking about their visitors was understandable. "I have not seen them since we arrived yesterday."
"No, I believe they are trying to understand how they are seen at court before making any moves or providing us with information." Baelon shrugged. "Damon made it clear he will not do anything that will place his wife in danger."
"Let us speak to them," Viserys said, ignoring the comment Baelon had made about Damon's love for his wife. "Maybe they can give us a bit of information now."
"The guards said they are in the godswood," Baelon said as he started walking in that direction. "Let us see if we can speak to them without being overheard."
Once they made it to the godswood Baelon looked around the entrance but did not see anyone. The three men moved inside the garden, but there was no one by the heart tree. They made their way towards the refreshment table and all three men came to a stop at the image that met their eyes.
Nyra was sitting on top of the table, the older version of his son was standing between her legs. Both of them were kissing with such passion that even Baelon flushed, not sure if he should leave and let them finish or interrupt them. Nyra moved her legs, wrapping them around her husband's waist, making him smile against her mouth. Damon's hand moved, inching up the skirt of her gown until most of her leg was uncovered. Their mouths met again as one of Nyra's hands moved to Damon's neck, pulling his head down towards her. Nyra reminded Baelon of his wife, his beautiful Alyssa, who had been taken from him far too soon.
Baelon heard a choking sound and turned to the left to see Viserys, whose face was so red it was almost purple. He seemed to be having some kind of attack as he stared at the couple in front of them. Baelon opened his mouth, but Viserys seemed to lose it before he could say anything.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" Damon and Nyra jumped and looked towards the three of them. Viserys moved closer as Baelon shook his head at his son's stupidity.
"I was kissing my wife before you so rudely interrupted." Damon rolled his eyes before lowering Nyra's skirts and assisting her off the table. "Could you people not have waited a bit longer before coming here?"
"We apologize." Baelon cleared his throat. "We did not know you would be uhm... Occupied."
"It is fine," Nyra said while giving them an amused smile. Damon's look said it was not fine and he was not happy about the interruption. "Isn't that right Daemon?"
"No, I would n..." Nyra elbowed her husband's stomach making him grunt and stick his bottom lip out. Baelon had to hide his amusement when he realized the man was pouting. "It is fine."
"We have come to speak to you. You have been here for two days and still have not told us anything about what is supposed to happen." Viserys's voice was annoyed. "You have to tell us why you were sent back."
"I do not have to tell you shit." Damon's eyes narrowed as he looked at Viserys. "I believe you need to change your tone."
"Daemon." Nyra turned to her husband and Baelon saw the way the man's eyes immediately softened. He could tell that even though Damon was physically stronger, his wife had him under her control. "We should give them some information at least, they must have several questions." Nyra gestured to the chairs and waited for them to sit down. "There are several events that will cause the fall of House Targaryen. Not everything will happen immediately, but our house will fall and our entire family will be annihilated."
"Our dragons will die in just a few years." Damon sat down and pulled Nyra into his lap, kissing her bare shoulder before looking at them. "Once they do the world will be doomed."
Baelon was so shocked he could not speak. What they were saying sounded like a nightmare and impossible. It was not so easy to kill a dragon, their house commanded ten of them at this time. It was unthinkable to believe they would die and the Targaryens would be destroyed.
"Is there anything we can do to prevent this?" Daemon asked, looking afraid at the thought of losing Caraxes and his family and Baelon placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I believe there is, that is the reason the Gods sent us here, to stop it from happening." Nyra's voice was gentle and Baelon saw the way it calmed Daemon immediately, his young son letting out a sigh of relief. "We will reveal more things as they are needed, but we need to be careful. We cannot trust anyone from outside our family. No one else must know about this."
"Of course." Baelon nodded in understanding. "We will keep all of this between us."
"Oh, you are not the one we are worried about," Damon said before turning to Viserys. "It is my brother who needs to understand the importance of secrecy."
"I would never say anything." Viserys glared at Damon.
"Yes, you would." Damon snorted. "Your ability to fuck up is only preceded by your weakness. Do not do anything that will cause our family to be in danger, I do not want to be in the uncomfortable position of having to kill you."
Baelon, Viserys, and Daemon's eyes widened at Damon's words. Baelon knew how much his younger son loved his brother. The fact that Daemon's older self was willing to kill Viserys meant that some of what had happened was his eldest son's fault. It was a scary thought, knowing that one of his sons was to blame for the fall of their family and the end of the world. 

                                                      Rhaenyra Targaryen (17 years old.)

                                                           Daemon Targaryen (33 years old.)

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