The Snake king's niece

By WavernSistersforever

5.5K 90 213

Duhvassa is a beautiful female anacondrai who lost her mother but found out that she has an existing uncle Py... More

😔Prologue 😔
🌇chapter 1 new place 🌃
🌇chapter 2 going to town🌇
😊chapter 3 Ninja came 2 visit ☺️
📱Chapter 4 Unexpected phone call📱
💜☺️Chapter 5 1st contact with Uncle Pythor ☺️🖤
💚chapter 6 Acidicus encounter💚
♥️chapter 7 Fangtom encounter♥️
🖤 Chapter 8 Skalidor encounter 🖤
💙Chapter 9 Skales encounter 💙
💜chapter 10 uncle's surprise visit💜
chapter 11 🖤 Mourning in his arms
Chapter 13 settling in
CHAPTER 14 Surprise party (Duhvassa meets Shelly)
💜chapter 15 getting to know my lil cousins 💕
💕Chapter 16: Shopping with Auntie💕
💜Chapter 17 Uncle n, niece time.💜
chapter 18 moving to Ouroboros
chapter 19 - new home
Chapter 20 - Family pool party

Chapter 12 travel to Ouroboros

116 3 13
By WavernSistersforever

It's been 3 days since Uncle Pythor visited me. Thursday night came about. I was packing my suitcases and baking cookies to take to Ouroboros. The cookies I've baked is double chocolate Cherry chip and red velvet dark chocolate chip cookies. I figured that my folks would like to munch on them better than regular chocolate chip cookies.

I have bags packed and ready with the clothes I needed along with some comfy PJs, and a few nice dresses then put my hygiene stuff in a backpack. I've put the things that I'm taking to Ouroboros in the living room along with a queen size purple hunter camouflage blanket and my favorite pillow. I put the cookies I've baked in a good size popcorn tin then made sure that there's enough for everyone to have a nibble, especially my little cousins Freyja and Aurora would love them. I put everything I've packed in the living room, took a nice soak in the tub and hit the hay into bed.
Next morning I've woke up, had my coffee and got dressed in a black knee length sundress, a purple vest and a pair of shorts under the dress along with a pair of comfy black sandals. I've put all 4 of my Bakugan and Panthro in the pet carriers. I gathered my things, load into my truck. I placed the pet carriers in the backseat, gathered my things such as my luggage, blanket and pillow placed in the bed of the truck. I ran up to my house, grab my purse and the popcorn tin of cookies, stepped out and locked the door then ran down to my truck.
I hopped in my truck, got out my phone to give Uncle Pythor a text giving him a heads up to let him know that I'm coming up to Ouroboros to see him and the gang, said a little prayer, buckle up the seat belt and hit the road.
I stopped by the gas station. I got myself a coke and a honey bun, then put gas in my truck and the gas can. While I was paying for my gas, someone yelled out my name and I turned to see Nya walking up to me with a smile. I greeted Nya and gave her a hug Then we had a light conversation. She asked me, "So what are you up to Duhvassa?" "Nothing much Nya, I'm actually on my way to Ouroboros to spend a week with Uncle Pythor and finally get to meet my aunt and cousins for the first time.." I replied. Nya squealed with excitement when she heard what I was talking about.
Lloyd came up to us to see what's the matter then he saw me. "Hey Duhvassa! How's it going with you? " Asked Lloyd when he gives me a hug. I returned the hug and replied, " Nothing much Lloyd!" I've told Lloyd what I'd told Nya. He smiled and nodded then said, "Well I'm happy for you to come down to Ouroboros to spend a week with your uncle!" He told me that he and his ninja folks are on their way to Ouroboros just like I am.
I asked them if I could tag along and we can go to Ouroboros together if it's alright with he and his folks. Lloyd liked the idea. He tells me that he'll talk to his folks about it and let his uncle and parents about it. Both Lloyd and Nya went to their Sensei.
I paid for my gas then Lloyd came back to me with a smile on his face. He informed me that he talked to his folks and agreed to let me tag along to get to Ouroboros together. "Awesome!" I said. "Yeah and by the way Duhvassa..... If it's alright with you if I can ride with you in your truck and help you get to your uncle safely?" Asked Lloyd. "Of course you may ride with me Lloyd!" I answered.
We climbed in my truck then I over to the Ninja's van. Thankfully Lloyd helped me set up the GPS on my cellphone then we all head out on the road and we're on our way to Ouroboros.

Lloyd and I had good conversations while driving and listening to the directions from the GPS on my phone. We followed the rest of the ninja till we arrived in Ouroboros.
I drove to the entrance and stopped by 2 fangpyre guards. They greeted me with a smile and asked for my ID. I handed them my ID card out of my wallet. When they saw my ID and realized who I am then looking back at me. "Woah! You must be Duhvassa Chumsworth right?" Said one of the Fangpyre guards. I smiled and nodded then politely told them, "Yes I am Duhvassa Chumsworth of New Orleans gentlemen!" They smiled, handed me back my ID and let me by.
Meanwhile in front of the palace.
The ninja arrived then they were greeted by Pythor, y/n, princesses Freyja and Aurora, and the generals. Everyone was greeting and giving each other high fives and fist bumps. Pythor was looking around and wondering where his favorite ninja buddy is at. He turns to Sensei Wu then ask, "Excuse me Sensei Wu! Do you and the rest of the ninja know where Lloyd could be at?" "Lloyd will be here at any moment with you know who!" Replied Sensei Wu with a smile.

Pythor was about to ask Sensei Wu then suddenly he heard a distinctive sound of a truck engine. He turns his head and saw a very familiar black truck at the gate. Pythor knew it's his niece's truck and tells the guards to let her in. The guards opened the gates to let the truck drove up and parked next to the Ninja's van.
Lloyd got out of the passenger side and walked up to Pythor to greet him then gives him a hug. "Lloyd! It's good to see you again buddy!" Said Pythor as he returned the hug. "It's good to see you again too Pythor! I hope you and everyone are happy to see your niece who came all the way to Ouroboros for the first time." Said Lloyd as he let go and pointed his thumb at the truck.
I've opened the door and hopped out of my truck carrying the popcorn tin of cookies in my arm. Uncle Pythor slithered to me and greeted me with a big hug. "Hey uncle Pythor, it's good to see you again!" I said to him as I returned the hug. "It's good to see you too Duhvassa, I've been dreaming of this day when you finally came to your ancestral home and spend a week with us sweetheart!" Said uncle Pythor as he's hugging me.
Uncle Pythor let's go of me then he notices the large popcorn tin in my right arm. "What do you have there Duhvassa?" Asked uncle Pythor as he pointed at the tin I'm holding. I've opened the tin to show him the cookies. "Cookies I've baked last night, I figured that it's better to not come here empty handed Uncle!" I said to him. "How deliciously sweet treats they are, we can definitely have these for a snack one day!" Said uncle Pythor as he looks he looks inside the tin. I closed the tin and uncle Pythor calls over a servant to take the large tin of cookies inside. I handed it to the servant I took the tin of cookies inside the palace.

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms hugging my waist. I looked down and realized a little girl with pretty white ash blonde hair is hugging me. I couldn't help myself to hug her back. She looks up to me and smiled. "Hi cousin Duhvassa! I'm Aurora!" Said the girl. "Why hello there Aurora, it's good to meet you little cousin!" I said as I shook her little hand. An another little girl came up and greeted me. "Hello cousin Duhvassa! I'm Freyja!" Said Freyja as she sticks her hand out to shake hands with me.
I give him a firm hand shake then give her a big hug. Freyja returned the hug and let's go of me. Uncle Pythor introduced my cousins to me. Then introduces me to my aunt y/n who walks up to me. I shook her hand and gives me a hug. "It's good to finally meet you Duhvassa, I'm so happy that you're here sweetheart." Said y/n as she strokes my cheek. "It's good to meet you too Auntie!" I said to Aunt y/n.
The Generals greeted me and gives me hugs. They're all happy to see me again including Ms Selma and Skales Jr. Then I looked at my truck then ask my uncle and aunt, "Excuse me Uncle Pythor and aunt y/n! How are we gonna get my things inside and where to park my truck at?" Uncle Pythor and aunt y/n looked at each other then they informed me that they'll have their servants take my things to my room for me and uncle Pythor offered to park my truck in their garage for me. He knows that I can trust him. Thankfully I agreed with their offer and I've let them know that I have my Bakugan and cat in the backseat of my truck.
I've opened the back door of my truck and got both pet carriers out with aunt y/n's help. I handed the carrier that contained my Bakugan to my aunt then I got out the other one with Panthro in it. I handed my truck keys to uncle Pythor, then we all head inside the palace as uncle Pythor went to park my truck and calls up the servants to unload my stuff out of it.

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