The Past Comes Back to Bite

By greenmarisa

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Everything has been peaceful and nice for the lovely couple... almost too quiet. And when it's been serene fo... More



84 11 5
By greenmarisa

"I don't care what we have to do. We're gonna find my daughter." I crossed my arms and stared at the screen.

"We will. It's just hard because she doesn't have her phone. We can't track her easily." Zayn rapidly typed away.

"I understand that." I aggressively spoke. "But, that's not an excuse for us because Carla is on a mission to abduct her."

"We're working as best as we can, Mia." Matt tried to smoothe everything over.

"Clearly, not well enough." I scoffed. "She took Zena. Yeira's next." I shook my head. "And we don't even have a location on Zena!"

"We'll find her as well." Jade rubbed my arm. "Just be a little patient."

"I can't be when my world is literally ending!" I was beyond frustrated.

"Mia." Matt held a hand out. "Let's go to another room."


"Mia." He sternly spoke. "You two, keep working." Jade and Zayn nodded. "This way." He guided me outside.

I scoffed, but complied. The two of us went to an adjacent room. I reluctantly sat down and crossed my arms while Matt leaned against a table. He crossed his arms and took a deep breath before speaking.

"In any normal circumstance, I'd pull you from this case." I opened my mouth to retort, but he held a hand up. "The only reason I'm choosing to allow you to continue is that I know you won't stop. Even if you're not working with us, you'd work independently. And I'd rather work with you, so that we can collaborate and move faster." He stated. "You're way too emotional about this."

"Matt, it's my family."

"And I understand." He nodded. "I'm not criticizing. I'm stating the obvious. This is too personal for you that you're beginning to make mistakes. You're rushing and being careless. You need to take a deep breath and slow down."

"My kids-"

"Mia." He softly spoke. "Being emotional and making rash decisions isn't gonna save them. It's not gonna help us find them any sooner. We need a calm and collected Amelia for this to work. I know it's hard, but I need you to semi-detach yourself."

"I'll try." I sighed because he's right.

"Now, if this didn't involve your family...what would you do?.

"I'd..." I shook my head as I tried to think logically. "A person who lives off the grid." I stated. "Do we know any frequent spots they visit? What they like to do? Interests? Hobbies? Preferred location? Foods they like? Cultures? Lifestyle-" I paused.

"You have an idea." He smirked.

"Yeira was in the US because of Zena. Not because she liked it or anything. She's more of a European type girl."

"You thinking France because she's more accustomed to that culture?"

"No." I shook my head. "More comfortable with the language, but the culture is too stuffy. She likes to let loose and have fun and no cares."

"Different European country."

"Warmer. More tropic. Party. Drink." I then rolled my eyes. "Hot girls."

"Okay." Matt thought aloud. "Western or eastern-"

"Definitely western since Eastern Europe would remind her of the vamp realm." I nodded.

"Okay." Matt muttered. "Spain? Portugal? Greece?.

"I..." I continued thinking. "One of those."

"What else?"

"Is there a signature look the individual has?" I flung my head back. "What do they always wear or drive or-" I sat up with a start. "I've got it."

I sped out the chair and entered back in the control room. Zayn and Jade glanced up as I hastily made my way to the monitor. I found scratch paper and scribbled a terrible drawing. Where's Lara the artist when you need her?

"Here!" I thrusted it at Zayn.

"Umm... what am I looking at?" He tilted the picture.

"A bracelet." I then began typing away so that AI could make a digital design. Thank you ChatGPT.

"So... this bracelet-"

"Okay, it created it. Let's match it to any video feed. She must've been caught on camera somewhere." I rapidly typed away.

"I'm still on the bracelet-"

I ignored Zayn and watched as the algorithm went through billions of videos. My eyes rapidly raced across the screen as I watched the calculation for matches. I began to get disheartened, but saw positive matches in multiple videos. All located in Spain.

"She's in Spain." I stated.

"Hold up!" Zayn interrupted me. "How do we know that's she's really in Spain?!" He faced me. "None of these videos have her face in it. All 5 literally show either a wrist, the full hand, an arm, BUT NO FACE!"

"Zayn." Matt stepped forward as I rushed to pack up. "Never question a mother's intuition." He smirked.

"What's significant about the bracelet?" Jade helped pack up.

"I gave it to her." I closed a case. "Well, more like she stole it. I recognized it, but allowed her to keep it." I chuckled. "She never takes it off because she claims it reminds her of home... or me." I blushed and continued packing.

"Off to Spain we go."

"Ibiza." Zayn looked at the location. "Party capital of Espana."

"Yep, she's there." Matt, Jade and I simultaneously spoke.

"Let's go." Matt rounded us up. "I've got a plane."

Before we left, I rushed to the computer and tagged a worm to any video involving Yeira. This'll give Carla a thing to bitch about. I also programmed any video with Yeira's face to cause a destructive virus on servers. Sorry the rest of the world, but I've gotta protect my child. There! I pressed enter.

"Ready." I faced my team.


Third Person POV

"Find this girl!" Carla shouted at her team of hackers. "It shouldn't be that hard!"

"She's not using any technology. This girl is like off the grid." One of them spoke.

Carla stepped back and thought for a moment. It was unusual for someone of Yeira's generation to not be so attached to technology. She placed her hands on the desk and deeply inhaled. She hung her head while thinking of another strategy.

"See if she's in any pictures or videos. In the background or something."

The team nodded and began searching for videos or pictures of her. They couldn't find any pictures and Yeira appeared to avoid any security cameras. Carla then realized the girl had no intention of being found. She was purposely making it difficult to track her.

"Carla." One of them spoke. "Think I've got a hit."

Carla nodded and moved next to him. The video showed a match. He went to play it, but an error occurred. He furrowed his brows and typed some more, but his computer suddenly locked up. He frantically typed, but the more he typed the worse it got.

"Found the video."

Carla moved to the next member and watched him hit play. He was then stunned when his computer locked up as well. Carla looked around before it dawned on her. She quickly commanded everyone not to click the video. All hands flew into the air so they wouldn't accidentally hit it.

"Smart, Amelia." Carla chuckled. "You launched a worm on all devices searching for your daughter." Carla snickered. "That means you know where she is."

Carla thought for a moment before focusing on the frame of the video. She then peered closely at the background before becoming furious. She slapped the table in anger.

"I know that beach! She's in Ibiza!" Carla ran a hand over her head. "She's fucking been in Spain this entire time!" She snapped.

Carla then left and ordered a plane to be ready. She hastily walked down the halls and to the car detail. Carla shook her head in irritation since Yeira had been under her nose this entire time.

"Well, Amelia. Let's see who gets to Ibiza first." She muttered.


Amelia anxiously awaited the plane's arrival. When it finally landed, the team swiftly entered one of the cars. Matt had organized a militia team to meet them at the location. It didn't take long to arrive at the beach based on how fast they drove. Amelia quickly exited the car and began surveying the beach.

Zayn had to jog to catch up as she quickly walked along the beach. Zayn had his binoculars as he looked around in search of Yeira. Matt commented that the location of the beach bar wasn't too far ahead. Amelia nodded and moved even faster.

"Are we sure she didn't leave?" Zayn tripped over his feet.

"Yeira parties all day long. If there was an opportunity for a 24 hr party, she'd say it wants long enough." Amelia spoke over her shoulder. "This is supposed to be a rave party, so she'll definitely not be leaving anytime soon."

They slowed when they got closer to the beach party. Their jaws dropped because how the hell were they supposed to find Yeira in this crowd?! Matt looked perplexed and stared at everyone in disbelief. Jade suggested splitting up which they reluctantly agreed. Jade and Amelia partnered together while Matt and Zayn ventured off.

The two of them squeezed through the crowd while searching for the youngster. Amelia figured that Yeira would be at the craziest part of the party, but the entire party was unhinged. People kept bouncing Jade and Amelia while they danced to the DJ.

"Where the hell is my kid?!" Amelia snapped.

"Umm...Mia?" She faced Jade. "Is that Yeira on stage doing this limbo?" She pointed behind Amelia.

Amelia turned and facepalmed at the fact that her kid was literally on stage doing the limbo. Yeira cheered with the crowd as she successfully passed underneath the stick. She then took a shot and jumped in the air. Yeira quickly took another shot glass, placed it in her mouth, and then managed to pour it into the mouth of a nearby girl. Jade shot Amelia a look.

"Thought she had a girlfriend?"

"Thought you weren't gonna judge my kid." Amelia snarked. "Let's get her."

Yeira then began dancing to the Macarena. Amelia shook her head as she moved closer to the stage. It was a feat in itself since the crowd was so dense. Jade and Amelia got separated while moving past the people. Yeira then joined a conga line and got a bit handsy with a girl. The girl flung her head back and laughed with Yeira. Yeira shot her a wink and whispered something salacious to her.

Amelia had finally gotten close to the stage when Yeira spun the girl around. The girl laughed as she swayed. She then wrapped her arms around Yeira's neck. Yeira dipped her making her hysterically laugh. Yeira then pulled her back up just as a loud bang was heard.

Yeira's jaw dropped as a bullet passed through the girl's head. Yeira stared at her in shock before dropping her corpse.

"I swear I didn't do that." Yeira faced the crowd.

Yeira heard another bang, but moved at the last second. She was quick, but the bullet still grazed her cheek. Yeira cupped her bleeding cheek as she stuttered forward. She then dove behind a barrier as shots rang out. The crowd began to panic and stampeded away.

Yeira hid behind the DJ booth while attempting to get her bearings. Yeira then winced when the sexy bartender was shot dead. Yeira groaned because she was gonna do whipped cream shots off her tits later. And just like that, her plans got canceled.


"Mum?!" Yeira was shocked. "What are you doing here?" She called out.

Amelia was behind a nearby barrier. She ducked from the oncoming shots. Amelia couldn't even move to shoot back since they kept firing bullet after bullet at her. Amelia gritted her teeth and motioned for Yeira to brace herself. Yeira was confused until she saw Amelia sprint towards her.

Amelia dove beside Yeira and avoided every shot. She crashed into Yeira causing the two to grip their heads. Amelia shook her head and looked at Yeira.

"Okay, I know it looks bad. But, hear me out. I didn't kill her. I was just drinking and-"

Amelia interrupted Yeira by embracing her. Yeira awkwardly hugged back since this was not how she thought their reunion would go. She assumed Amelia would've been pissed at her for leaving Canada without any warning.

"Was expecting more yelling, but this works." Yeira snickered.

"I was so worried about you." Amelia held her shoulders. "Don't go off the grid like that again!"

"Okay, okay. I just needed time and-"

"I don't give a damn! Never again!"

"Promise." Yeira quickly spoke. "But, jeez. Who'd I piss off?" Yeira lowered herself even more since the bullets were chipping away at the wood.

"Not you." Amelia shook her head. "Me." She stated. "I've got to get you out of here."

"Cool, I'd like to leave too." Yeira nodded. "Shocked that Maman isn't helping you though. Why isn't she whizzing around and killing them? Useless." Yeira grumbled.

"She's..." Amelia took a deep breath. "She's been taken."

"What?" Yeira was stunned.

"And your sister." Yeira felt her heart drop. "That's why I really need to get you out of here. I'm not allowing them to take you as well."

"Okay." Yeira whispered.

Amelia grabbed the back of Yeira's shirt and dragged the girl after herself. Yeira squeaked as Amelia dragged her into a nearby alley. The two sprinted down the alley and avoided the many gunshots. Amelia looked up and noticed snipers, so she shop at them. The two of them found a car approaching.

Amelia lifted her gun and fired shots at the car. She then pointed it at the driver and demand he leave. He was freaking out as she pulled him out the car. Amelia then hopped in the driver seat while Yeira slid into the passenger. Mila then whizzed the car around as bikes and cars sped their way.

"Hold on." Mila stated before flooring it.

Yeira held onto the handle as Mila expertly drove the car. Mila managed to maneuver the car between narrow alleyways, down stairs, used a car transporting truck as a ramp. Yeira simply stared at her mother in disbelief. Unfortunately, they still had people chasing and shooting at them.

Mila managed to turn the car into a blocked passageway. The two of them screamed a they sped down the tunnel. Mila slammed on the brakes as they barreled through another blocked passageway. Yeira gripped her head since she head slammed into the airbag. Mila quickly unbuckled herself and told Yeira to follow suit. Yeira groaned, but complied.

The two of them realized they were in an underground subway. They could hear the train coming, so they sprinted down the tunnel. They found an entryway just as the train came by. Mila used her shoulder to open another door which found them in the train station with everyone else. The two of them casually walked along the crowds to blend in.

"They wouldn't cause a scene in a train station, would they?" Yeira inquired. Just as she asked, shots were fired.

"Guess they would!" Mila grabbed Yeira and ran.

The two of them joined the frantic crowd. The two kept ducking to avoid any shots. They eventually made it outside when Yeira noticed a group. She grabbed Mila and led her to the makeshift campsite. They quickly slid next to the group and placed the garbage bags over them.

They kept their heads low as the gunmen ran past them. Once everything calmed down, they removed the bags. Mila was rapidly breathing while Yeira craned her neck for anyone else. Yeira then finally settled back down before facing the confused people.

"I love the homeless!" Yeira announced. "Got any weed?" Mila facepalmed at that. 

Poor Yei can't enjoy partying her life away :/

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