Not His Enya (Geniuses and Ge...

By xxJulyLoveAllen

161K 9.2K 2.6K

After the death of her boyfriend, Enya Mostafa has been trying to get back to normal. Working along side with... More

Bonus chapter-Takeo's Truth


1.5K 123 87
By xxJulyLoveAllen


"What happened?" I asked trying not to panic. Isuel was running around the room throwing Takeo's stuff in a bag.

"We have to get to New York," Isuel said handing me Takeo. She looked nervous and scared as hell.

"Did something happen to Nari?" I asked stopping her and she nodded her head. "Okay" I smiled "Deep breaths" I took a deep breath with her "She'll be okay, do you know what happened?"

"She got shot," she said like she was about to cry and I gave her a hug.

"Isuel she's awake, they just finished her surgery," Eun said coming into the room then stopped when he saw us hugging "You look...okay," he said looking at me.

"Isuel just needed a hug. No use if all of us are panicking, plus you just said she's awake so" I pulled away looking at her.


"I got it, you two go ahead" I saw my brother pushing past Eun and coming into the room with my dad.

I looked at my dad who though he had always been buff and built, his stomach area looked bigger. I took a step towards him while looking Alonzo over in the process "You got hurt?" I asked my dad

"Nothing to worry about piccolo"

I took a deep breath and nodded my head relaxing. I gave my brother and dad hugs and smiled. It definitely wasn't the first time my dad had come home hurt. I was just happy he was home.

Takeo started fussing and I went over to my nightstand grabbing his bottle and sitting down. I opened the baby food and sat it on the nightstand. Takeo looked at his bottle then the baby food and I chuckled "Me and Mom thought it was a good idea to try baby food. He loves it" I looked up at my brother and dad finally noticing the look on their faces. I looked around noticing my husband wasn't with them "Where's Eziō?"

I leaned over throwing up in the trash can while my aunt Bianca rubbed my back.

I didn't remember most of the flight here, I know I changed and fed Takeo before Eun and Isuel took him but I don't remember much.

I remember seeing Eziō in the hospital bed and my grandpa Marco yelling at my aunt Bianca to get me out of there. I felt like I couldn't move, my brain felt stuck, and the next thing I knew I was looking at the ceiling while my grandpa and Aunt Bianca pulled me out of the room.

Nurses and doctors had rushed to check me over but I was fine. Physically at least.

"Marco was right, he is the cutest" my aunt Bianca said "The pictures just don't do him justice"

I wiped my mouth nodding my head. My grandpa came out shutting Eziō's door "Enya" he sighed and I looked up at him "Do you need anything?"

"I don't know," I said feeling weirdly numb. Flashes of Eziō in the hospital bed made me throw up again "W-What-" I shook my head "I don't know"

I started crying again. Not only was my husband in a coma but my fucking uncle died and my auntie got shot and was mentally fucked right now.

"I-I can't breathe," I said feeling like my throat was closing up "I can't-I can't breathe!"

I felt someone hug me and I realized it was my grandpa Marco. I hugged him back and he hugged me tighter "He's going to be fine Enya, Tina's going to be fine. Everything's going to be fine" he pulled my face up and I looked up at him nodding my head "Good. Good" he hugged me again and I took a deep breath. "You need to eat"

My auntie came over setting a plate in front of me "Isn't Matteo's food but it should do" she chuckled

I looked at her and smiled "Thank you, I haven't even been craving any of that stuff"

"Really?" She said sitting in front of me "What have you been craving?"

"Hot dogs" I groaned "Cereal, Fruit, pretzels, Vienna sausages-"

"Have you tried them with hot sauce?"

I paused looking at her "No?"

"Try it"

"Do you have some"

"I do. And your favorite cereal, I'm waiting for Brandi to wake up so she can see the pie I bought her. Key word bought on pie cause you know I don't cook" I laughed knowing my auntie Bianca didn't cook. She was the order out queen.

"So who cooks? Grandpa Marco?"

"What do you think Brandon is here for?" She said and we both started laughing

"And here I thought he helped operate the American mafia"

"Goodness no, that's my job," she said "So how has Aurora been?"

"Better. She's starting physical therapy this week. Thomas is at the house so I'm sure she's instructing somebody on how to handle him"

"It amazes me how she's the perfect mixture of Brandon and Marco. Brandon told me what she did to Arturo"


"And sinister"

"He deserves it"

"Oh yeah he did"

"After I eat I think I'm going to go chef on Auntie Tina"

"I would wait" She sighed "She uh had to be sedated. She woke up and realized what happened and went out of it again"

"I wish they would've just stayed in Russia"

"Lail told me what happened. How they were targeting Tina"

"I don't get it" I shook my head

"Tina Wilson. Imagine the rep you would get for taking down someone like her"

"My dad told me he must've thought she was dead. He said he looked shocked when he said she was alive but it was too late by then. He said Uncle Sante was fighting back so rough he thought the gunshots were from him."

"Sante must've used his last bit of energy to get the guy who shot Tina." She chuckled and I looked at her crazy "Don't mind me. I have a habit of laughing at the worst times. I'm just thinking about Sante"

"What about him?"

"Sante was crazy about Tina. I'm sure he wanted to kill the guy for revenge but also to keep her name clean. Sante did everything to keep her reputation polished, even when we were younger."

"Really?" I smiled

"Who do you think started the rumors about Tina? It wasn't the people she killed, damn sure wasn't Marco. He wanted the spotlight on him"

"Life's going to be so weird without him"

"How's Matteo holding up?"

"I haven't checked on him. He told me what was going on and then locked himself in the room. Didn't even let my mom in"

"Yeah" my auntie sighed "You know how those two were"

I nodded my head "I should check on him-"

"Just give him a minute. If he doesn't want Aurora or Saif around then he really needs to be by himself"

We heard the door open and looked up seeing Kenji rushing in looking frantic "Where is he?"

"Kenji" I heard my grandpa Marco's voice "Up here"

Kenji looked at me "Are you okay?" I nodded my head "Good. I'll be back"

I watched Kenji rush off with my grandpa Marco before looking back at my auntie Bianca "Don't worry. I'm already having a few people to set you and Takeo up there with Eziō-"

I shook my head and she looked at me "I can't afford to go crazy right now. I'm pregnant, have Takeo and it wouldn't be fair to Eziō for me to just throw away his work" I closed my eyes to stop myself from crying but still cried "I just need to stay in one piece right now, I need to make sure that when he wakes up everything will be fine"

My auntie smiled at me then got up coming over to hug me "I'm so proud of you. You know Marco will help you with whatever you need. Brandon too"

"I know, I'm going to work from here the first few days in case he wakes up"

"Good. Your grandpa Brandon just told me that there will be a meeting at the end of this week. Everyone will be there"

"A gathering?" I asked shocked and she nodded her head "Aljuda told me about them but one hasn't been requested since he was my age"

"Apparently there's been a war going on, everyone wants an update"

"Neutral ground?"





"So, are you going as a Mostafa? Or a Taichi?"

I wiped Takeo's mouth and held him closer to me. I pulled his diaper bag on my shoulder before I felt someone grab it. I turned around and saw Ryu throwing the bag over his shoulder.

"Just hold him. I got this"

"Thank you"

"You shouldn't be carrying a diaper bag and Takeo. You'll strain yourself"

"Takeo's just now getting some weight on him, and the diaper bags are pretty light" I looked at him "I'm sure I can handle it" I joked

"Yeah but Eziō's in a coma, and your mental is shit, that'll start affecting you physically which will affect the baby and-"

"Okay Ryu just carry the damn diaper bag" I chuckled

"Thank you," he said taking a breath "So what's the plan?"

I looked at the door then at Ryu "I'm going to go see my husband this time without getting sick or fainting" I said taking a deep breath and looking down at Takeo "Where's Brandi?"

"Still sleeping, the trip took it out of her and finding out about Sante" he shook his head

I started feeling sick and handed him Takeo, he quickly grabbed him and I went over to the trash can and threw up.

"Shit Enya," Ryu said from behind me

"Let's just deal with one thing at a time okay?" I said before I started throwing up again.

"For fucks sake" I heard my grandpa Marco say "Enya stop throwing up," he said frustrated "Matteo does that shit when he's upset. It's annoying."

"She's pregnant," Ryu said

"I'll allow it"

My grandpa came up handing me a paper towel "How kind of you"

"Go brush your teeth. I know Eziō loves you but I'm sure he doesn't want to smell that shit"


After I came out of the bathroom, I started walking towards Eziō's room when I heard Takeo screaming and crying.

I ran to the room nearly busting the door open and looked around. Ryu was holding Takeo who was crying trying to get out of his hands. Ryu looked guilty and Grandpa Marco was just standing in front of Eziō. Kenji was on the other side of Eziō's bed and looked up before looking back down at Eziō.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Maybe it isn't a good idea he comes in here," Ryu said and came over handing me Takeo.

"Oh," I said understanding. I looked down at Takeo who was hiccuping and still moving around "Hey baby?" I looked at him and he looked up at me with red eyes, he looked over at Eziō then back at me, and started crying again. I looked over at Eziō before walking out of the room and sitting down with Takeo "Daddy just needs some rest okay?" I started to bounce him "He'll be okay"

"Hm?" I felt someone shaking me awake and looked over seeing Kenji.

"Not too comfortable"

"Takeo fusses whenever I stand up" I sighed and looked down at Takeo who was finally asleep "I didn't think he would know"

"He wanted to go to him and Ryu wouldn't let him. I told him not to, his wounds are still fresh"

"I get it, Kenji. You don't have to explain"

"I do. Takeo is your and Eziō's child"

"And you're his grandpa, I know you would never do anything I would have to question" I looked at him and he gave me a half smile "Now Sakura? Maybe" I said and we both chuckled

"She's already talking about taking him out on missions with her"

"Absolutely not!" I said laughing

"She used to do it with Eziō" he laughed "She would strap him to her back, without me knowing might I add"

"She really loves him"

"Terribly, he was like our first child"

"That's what she said. I-Is she okay?"

"She hasn't said anything, she's just quiet"

I looked at him "She should come"

"She had to watch-"

"I'll go back to Japan"

"Enya" he looked at me and shook his head "You haven't even seen him"

"I can't Kenji," I said tearing up "I don't want to see him like that. It's too much, I told him not to go. He would've been fine if he didn't go" I said crying

"Matteo wouldn't," he said lowly and I looked at him "He stopped the guy before he could stab Matteo again"

"I want my husband awake," I said not knowing how else to respond.

"Just give him some time Enya. He will be fine, you know how stubborn Eziō is"

I chuckle nodding my head "He told me he liked me for years before he started to hate me"

Kenji scoffed "He didn't hate you. He hated you were with Gabriel, and used that whole family excuse to justify it"

"I wish he would've just told me," I said wiping my face "We could've been together longer, had more times like we do" I looked at him "You know he loves reading right?"


"A few weeks ago, before all of this happened we were in the library and I saw he had the whole Witcher book collection. I went crazy, I love that book series. He told me he never read them"

Kenji shook his head smiling "No those were Sakura's. We used to take the boys in there to read at least once a week. Eziō was always very serious and wanted to study human nature. I blame his father"

"You blame yourself?"

He looked at me before nodding his head "Sometimes. For a lot of things"

"Well don't. He barely talks about your brother, only you and Sakura."

"Still doesn't make me feel better about leaving him there, I could have-"

"He would have killed you and Sakura was pregnant. Eziō knew that"

"He was a child" Kenji wiped his face "Sakura was upset about being pregnant because we knew that would happen. He would want Eziō back, for years we thought Eziō was upset with us"

"He wasn't" I looked at him "Eziō just wanted you guys safe"

"That isn't his job Enya"

"That doesn't matter" I chuckled "Ask any kid on earth what they would do to protect their parents. The good ones at least. I can't even begin to tell you what I would do for mine"

He scoffed smiling "Sakura thought he didn't love her anymore, we both did"

"I think you guys should talk"

"Oh, he's going to get an ear full when he wakes up" he reached for Takeo and I handed him to him. Takeo woke up for a second looking at Kenji before going back to sleep "Did you get him to read the books?"

"Oh I got him to do more than that" I laughed

"Really?" He chuckled

"We made a fort in the library and read all the books in a week. He was hooked after that, so then I told him about the games. We went out and got two PlayStations and played all the games together. Then we started the show, we had popcorn and snacks and would boo the show if stuff came up that we didn't like or wasn't in the book"

"It was a lot of popcorn on the floor huh"

"Oh my god" I threw my head back laughing "It was like a little pile of it"

"That's how you want to see him"

"Yeah. It is, I mean I'm thankful he isn't dead, and I'm thankful my dad is fine. But I would do anything for him to be here with me right now"

"Go see him. Like you said, he's not dead Enya. Maybe it'll be all romantic and he'll hear your voice and wake up" Kenji said and I laughed

"He probably isn't even in a coma and is just soaking up me having a mental breakdown"

"That does sound like Eziō," he said and we both laughed

I stood up and went into his room before I could even talk myself out of it. My grandpa Marco looked at me "Don't you fucking faint again. You're too tall and heavy for me to move you around like that"

"I'm sorry all I hear is a short man mumbling, or do you call that talking"

"5'11 is a normal height. Not my fault your grandmother is the height of a skyscraper"

"Isn't your daughter taller than you?"

"No she isn't" he glared at me "We're the same height"

"Oh now that she's in a wheelchair"

"I've hit pregnant women before. Even murdered a few"

"I'm shivering in fear"

"Come say something to your comatose husband. Or do you need to sit down and have another panic attack"

"Didn't your nephew get stabbed in the chest or something?"

"Didn't your mother get shot up?"

"Is it hot down there? You know? Being so close to hell? It's like a preview for your eternal suffering"

"My eternal suffering is standing in front of me" I gasped and he started laughing "You'll never get one up on me. I was married to your grandmother"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes "How are you feeling?"

"Don't use me to avoid talking to your husband" he stood up and went over grabbing some papers "Wedding gift you asked about"

I took the papers from him and looked them over. I looked at them confused before looking at my grandpa "I don't understand?"

"Your husband is fucking crazy that's what"

I chuckled nodding my head "Yeah I know that, but it doesn't explain why my other grandpa is his dad now"

My grandpa rubbed his hands on his pants "Let me start by saying I did this for you and Eziō because of how codependent you two little shits are. Not Brandon"


"Eziō wanted to be closer to you" he rolled his eyes "because apparently being married to you wasn't enough. So I thought, instead of me adopting him Brandon could. Since Brandon and Laila didn't have another kid the Allen line ends with my wife and Brandon."

I slowly nodded my head "So Eziō gets the Allen last name and we continue the line?"

"Brandon gets all the show while my DNA continues to grow"

I rolled my eyes "You love him. Shut up. The Allen name ending had nothing to do with nothing. There was no reason for my grandpa Brandon to adopt him" I smiled at him

"Don't nobody love Brandon except that crazy bitch you call grandma"

"Did my mom give you a hug when you told her?"

"Shut up" he shook his head and looked out the window "And yeah she did, you know she pretends to love him."

"Right" I shook my head then I grabbed Eziō's hand and relaxed when I felt it was warm "You're crazy," I said to him "Only you would think of something like that" I kissed his hand and my grandpa patted my back before leaving out. I watched the door close and looked back at Eziō "You promised Eziō, so I need you to wake up now" I said crying "Please? I want my husband back. I want you back Eziō!" I cried "Just fucking wake up!" I laid my head on his arm crying harder "Please"

"You okay?" I jumped looking up at Eun standing over me

"Yeah," I said pushing my hair back "I didn't even realize I fell asleep"

"I'm sure the baby and everything going on is making you more tired"

"I don't even feel like myself, I'm hungry and tired all the time" I looked up at Eun "I want some jerk chicken"

He chuckled "Then we'll get you some jerk chicken"

"How's Nari?" I asked and Eun helped me stand up. I looked at Eziō "I'll be back baby" I leaned over kissing his face. I turned around and Eun wrapped his arms around my waist "Where's Takeo?"

"Bianca has him"

"Has anyone checked on my auntie" I sighed then shook my head "I just asked you about Nari. How's Nari?"

"She's fine Enya, and it's okay that your head is all over the place. You just need to relax okay?"

"I am"


"I'm gonna go check on my auntie first then go see Nari."

"You know we're I'll be if you need me"

"I know"

"And you'll come to get me if you need me right Enya?"

"Scouts honor" I held up my hand

He rolled his eyes and we both laughed "I'll take it" I gave him a hug and he hugged me back "I'm serious"

"I know. I will"


I pulled away and walked off towards my aunt's room before I started crying again. If Eun caught me crying I would be under strict supervision until I felt better and I just didn't need that right now. Takeo and the baby were keeping me grounded right now, and that was enough for right now.

I knocked on the door and opened it, my auntie was lying in bed with her back away from the door. The tv was off and it was dark in the room for it to be daytime.


She turned around looking at me, it was like she didn't see me at first before she sat up and gave me a fake smile.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" She sat up and patted the spot next to her "Turn on that light"

I turned the light on and my auntie who had always looked young and radiant looked drained and colorless. Somehow her skin looked grey, and her eyes dull. I didn't waste a second before going over and hugging her, I felt her crying and it made me cry. My auntie sobbed in my ear and I just held her tighter "My-My Sante" she cried harder "He-He thought I was dead b-but I wasn't. I wasn't" she cried. She pulled away wiping her face off and holding her chin up "You know what he said to me?"

"What did he say?"

"That he loved me," she said smiling with tears in her eyes "And that I was right, that he should've been more patient" She bit her lip shaking her head "I never wanted to be so wrong in my life. You know I've spent my whole life with him, he's the only person I've ever loved"

"I know Auntie, Uncle Sante adored you" I grabbed her hand and she smiled and nodded her head

"When we were growing up I would always tell him 'Be patient Sante' 'Not right now Sante,' 'Just a little more time Sante' 'Just a bit longer'. Then when Matteo and Aurora got together and we could finally be together he told me I was right again" She smiled "'I just needed to be patient' We went and got married the next day after Kaito died"

"I remember" I smiled "Uncle Sante couldn't stop smiling."

"You know I never really cared about marriage and all that stuff. I just wanted to be with him, but seeing him so happy and excited. Oh, it made me want to do anything he wanted. His smile was worth everything to me, I would do anything for it" She smiled sadly

"How about I go get you some tea and snack and we watch those movies we used to watch when I was younger. I'm sure Grandpa has a few around here somewhere"

My auntie looked up at me and smiled "I would love that Enya" she put her hand on my face "You and your mother always know how to make me feel better"

"We love you"

"I love you girls too. So much, Aurora is the closest I have to a daughter and you a granddaughter. You two mean the world to me"

I gave her another hug "I love you so much, Auntie"

"I love you too Enya, I'm going to call your mom then we can watch those movies"

"Okay, I'll be right back" I stood up and went out of the room bumping into my grandpa Marco in the process.

"Thank goodness you're not crying"

"Hush, do you have Cinderella 2 and Mulan 2?"

"Yeah the DVDs are in your room, but you know we have Disney Plus right?"

"The DVDs are better. Gotta have that nostalgic dvd intro"

"You might want to grab Oceans 11 too"

"Oceans 11?"

"It was Sante's favorite movie"

"How do you even know that?"

"Tina talks about him so much" he rolled his eyes "Plus when they visited I didn't have a choice but to get the damn movie. Tina would cry about how Sante had nothing to watch"

"Where is it?"

"Me and Bianca's bedroom. Don't go in there touching anything either"

"Don't worry I won't flush your Viagra"

"Yeah well I got it from your old ass daddy"

"Didn't your best friend fuck your daughter and get her pregnant or something?"

"Get out of my house"

"And you said I would never one up on you" I laughed evilly walking away

I had everything in a bag and went into my aunt's room. "Auntie I grabbed your favorite snacks but forgot the tea. I can just grab it, I grabbed Oceans 11 too-" I looked up not seeing her in the bed.

I heard the shower running and sat the snacks down on the bed when I saw a piece of paper on the bed.

I want to see his smile. Watch those movies for me.

Love Auntie.

I looked over at the door and then over at the nurses cart not even noticing the draws were open. I went over grabbing the door knob and the door was locked "Auntie!" I ran out of the room screaming "Grandpa! Kenji! Eun! Help me! Grandpa! Help me!"

My grandpa Marco came out of Eziō's room with Kenji looking panicked "Enya what's-"

"Auntie, I think auntie-"

He and Kenji both ran to her room and Eun came running out of Nari's room "What's wrong Enya?"

"My auntie-" I stopped hearing a gunshot and ran into my auntie's room.

I heard my grandpa yell and I ran into the bathroom while Kenji tried to hold me back but I had already seen everything. A long needle was on the floor and my auntie's wrist was cut.

"Tina!" My grandpa took his shirt off and wrapped her wrist up "You selfish fucking bitch! Don't you do this!"

"Shit" Eun said and ran out of the room.

"Tina look at me!" He yelled, "Fucking look at me, Tina!" He said with his voice strained and I noticed he was crying. Doctors and nurses rushed in pushing us out of the way, Kenji went over grabbing Marco who was trying to fight his way back to my auntie. "Got damn it Tina!" He pulled away from Kenji and punched the wall. "You fucking bitch!" He screamed and punched the wall again.

I went over hugging him from behind and he held my arms not turning around.

Somehow we both ended up on the ground sitting and still hugging each other. I think for the first time we were just too scared to let each other go.

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