The Last Of Us 2: What it mea...

By LoneWriting2021

3.9K 146 27

In the aftermath of life-altering events, Y/N L/N finds himself trapped in a turbulent struggle to rebuild hi... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Mysterious Dreams
Chapter 3: Confronting The Past
Chapter 5: The Arena
Chapter 6: The City of Ruins
Chapter 7: Lost In The Wilderness
Chapter 8: Chaos Unleashed
Chapter 9: Glimmer Of Hope
Chapter 10: Showdown

Chapter 4: Gathering Intel

418 18 2
By LoneWriting2021


As I walked through the corridor, my hands were tightly cuffed, flanked by soldiers. The glares of onlookers met my eyes, but I chose to respond with a mischievous smile and playful gestures, intentionally trying to annoy them. Suddenly, one of the guards struck me in the gut with the butt of his rifle.

"Damn, you hit like a bitch," I jeered, unable to resist a chuckle. I was swiftly pulled back to my feet, only to come face to face with a member of the WLF organization, who had my baseball bat attached to his hip.

"What? You like it?" he taunted, clearly relishing the situation.

Without hesitation, I swung my fist, landing a solid blow to his face, leaving a visible mark on his nose. "I don't care," I shouted, determinedly. "But I will reclaim my bat."

As I was dragged away from the scene, I continued to make my way towards Colonel Mason's office, driven by a fierce determination to retrieve what was rightfully mine.

Couple hours later:

Cassandra POV:

I found myself in a hotel, stealthily observing a group of WLF members who appeared to be enjoying themselves. Their laughter and merriment turned my stomach, a constant reminder of the dire situation my brother was in. Determination surged within me, compelling me to take whatever action was necessary to locate his whereabouts.

Carefully noting their behaviour and operational patterns, I meticulously planned my next move. With a sniper rifle in hand, I aimed for the head of one of the WLF members, swiftly eliminating them before anyone had a chance to react. Seizing the moment, I swiftly approached the group, brandishing my pistol and opening fire.

In a ruthless display, I eliminated every individual in the hotel, except for two members whom I deemed suitable for interrogation. One of them caught my attention, and I recognized him as Nick. Stepping forward, I confronted him, my voice filled with intensity. "Hello, do you remember me?" I asked, the weight of my words hanging in the air.

Nick glanced at me, his eyes filled with defiance. "No, why would I know you, you crazy person?" he retorted.

Without a moment's hesitation, I delivered a forceful punch to his nose, causing it to break. "I'll ask again," I said firmly, gripping the back of his head to make him face me. "Do you recognize who I am?" I demanded, searching his eyes for any flicker of recognition.

"Cassandra," he whispered, finally acknowledging my identity.

A smirk played on my lips as I maintained my grip on him. "Where is my brother?" I demanded, my voice seething with determination. Pressing a knife against his throat, I warned him, "Don't think for a second that I won't end your life."

Nick trembled and tears streamed down his face, his tough façade crumbling. I struck him repeatedly, my anger fuelling each blow, until he finally choked out, "Okay, I'll tell you."

I produced a map and, using his own blood, I compelled him to mark the location where my brother was being held. "Good," I said with cold satisfaction. Without hesitation, I drew my gun and swiftly ended Nick's life. I then turned my attention to the remaining member, who was bound and visibly terrified. "Your turn," I stated, my voice filled with an unsettling determination.

Ellie POV:

As I rode through the desolate remnants of Seattle with Joel, Dana, and Jessie, I found myself keeping my distance from Joel due to our fractured bond. However, I was gradually beginning to feel more comfortable around him.

While we were traveling, I decided to share the story of how I once saved Joel's life. Dana seemed genuinely interested in hearing it, but Jessie remained somewhat aloof, simply listening without much reaction. As we rode along, I stumbled upon an old tourist map that provided a detailed overview of Seattle. I hoped it might offer some clues as to where Cassandra could have ended up.

Amidst our journey, I glanced over to see Joel reloading his gun with a concerned expression on his face. "What's on your mind, Joel?" I inquired, hoping to initiate a conversation.

"It doesn't matter," he replied curtly, riding ahead to avoid delving into the topic. I continued riding until we reached a hotel infested with infected creatures. We all scanned the area, searching for any advantageous vantage points.

Joel quickly deployed a noise attractor, luring the infected toward a central point. As they converged, I threw a Molotov cocktail, engulfing them in flames. With the assistance of my friends, we swiftly dispatched the burning creatures, ensuring our safety. Joel and Jessie secured the lobby while I surveyed the area, making sure no other threats were lurking.

"Hey, over here!" Dana called out, pointing towards drag marks that led upstairs.

We cautiously ascended the stairs, my senses on high alert, anticipating any sudden surprises. It was evident that everyone who had been stationed here was now deceased.

Upon entering one of the rooms, we discovered two dead individuals strapped to chairs, one of them lying on the floor.

I approached one of the captives, with Dina by my side, and inquired, "What happened here?"

"This was Cassandra's doing," I explained, my gaze fixed on the injured individual. "This is one of the people who had kidnapped Y/N."

Dana surveyed the gruesome scene, her expression filled with horror. "This is terrible. Why would Cassandra do something like this?"

Just then, Joel entered the room, his gaze fixed on the lifeless bodies. "Because this is what I taught Y/N," he responded solemnly. "It seems he passed his knowledge down to Cassandra." Joel pointed out a piece of paper in one of the deceased individuals' hands. "There's a gate code here," he said, bending down to examine it.

I quickly jotted down the code in my journal, realizing that Cassandra was willing to go to extreme lengths to save Y/N. It was evident that this mission was not one she could accomplish alone. "Let's get out of here," I suggested, leading the way out of the room.


Seated on a chair, I found myself facing Colonel Mason across his desk as he puffed on his cigar, the smoke filling the room with an eerie glow. I tried my best to appear unfazed, but deep down, I was eager to discover the purpose behind this meeting. "Alright, let's get to the point. What do you want from me?" I asked, my curiosity tinged with a hint of impatience.

Colonel Mason exhaled a cloud of smoke before responding, his voice carrying a hint of authority. "Is this your default attitude?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Default? Are you likening me to a video game character now?" I retorted, my wrists beginning to ache from the restraints. Unbeknownst to Colonel Mason, I had been discreetly working on picking the lock with a paperclip.

"Listen, kid," Colonel Mason continued, his tone more serious. "This world is in ruins, and few are willing to admit that even before the apocalypse, it was on the brink of collapse." He pointed at a portrait on the wall behind him. "My goal is to restore order and make this world whole again."

"Whole?" I questioned, my confusion evident in my voice.

Colonel Mason exhaled another cloud of smoke before turning his attention towards me. "The people of this shattered world are desperate for hope," he explained, his tone carrying a mix of determination and ambition. "By harnessing the power of a cure, I can manipulate them into submission and establish myself as their leader."

I couldn't help but respond with a sarcastic tone. "So, your grand plan is to become the emperor of this world?"

A smug smile crept across Colonel Mason's face as he chuckled. "Oh, my dear, you underestimate me. Not only will I become the ruler, but you will play a pivotal role in making that happen," he declared, pointing a finger directly at me.

"How do you think you can make me help you?" I demanded, my fingers almost unlocking the cuffs.

Colonel Mason's smirk widened. "You don't understand. It's not you who will assist me, it's the other version of you."

His words alarmed me, and I instinctively denied any knowledge of what he was referring to. With a surge of determination, I successfully unlocked my cuffs and swiftly grabbed Colonel Mason's gun. Holding it firmly, I aimed it directly at his face, ready to defend myself. However, something inexplicable occurred.

As I tried to pull the trigger, a strange resistance overcame me. It was as if my mind was preventing my finger from making the final act of violence. I struggled against this internal conflict, desperately attempting to regain control.

Colonel Mason's smirk grew wider. "There he is, the other you," he taunted, his words hitting too close to home. "The one fighting to regain control ever since you started coughing up the infected blood."

Suddenly, a searing pain pierced my shoulder from behind, causing me to crumple and collide with the edge of the desk. I collapsed to the ground, disoriented and in pain. As my vision blurred, I saw Abby entering the room, holding a gun and aiming it at me. But before she could take any action, Colonel Mason swiftly disarmed her and seized control of her weapon.

As Abby's gun was taken from her, she reluctantly holstered it, her expression filled with concern. Colonel Mason leaned down towards me, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "Don't worry, L/N. You'll be dealt with in the arena," he taunted.

His words dripping with malevolence. Before I could react further, an unknown figure appeared and swiftly pulled me away, dragging me into the unknown depths as darkness enveloped my senses.

Ellie POV:

As we made our way through the streets, our group halted at a gate. Dana and Jessie stepped forward to enter the code, while Joel and I focused on getting the generator up and running. I grasped the cord firmly, giving it a series of pulls to activate the generator.

Joel pressed the button to send power to the door control. "Okay, put in the code," he instructed Dana and Jessie.

However, the two of them were embroiled in a heated argument, completely disregarding Joel's words. Frustrated, I raised my voice. "Hey! We need that gate unlocked!" My call managed to break through their bickering, and Dana swiftly punched in the code, successfully opening the gate.

Joel crossed his arms and offered a rare compliment. "Not bad, kid," he said, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Don't call me that," I retorted, mounting my horse, with Dana joining me. We rode forward, leaving Joel with a glimpse of his saddened expression. I tried my best to ignore it, understanding that our bond remained fractured.

As we rode down the desolate street, my horse leaped over a small barricade. Suddenly, an explosion erupted, throwing me off the horse and onto the ground. Through the haze, I caught a glimpse of Dina sliding off a broken piece of road, disappearing from sight.

Reacting swiftly, Jessie leaped over a nearby wall to escape and avoid being shot, while Joel took cover behind a car, returning fire at our attackers. Despite his valiant efforts, he eventually had to retreat to evade capture.

In the midst of the chaos, a man emerged, his menacing presence overpowering. He fired a shot, killing my horse, and I desperately crawled towards my hunting rifle. But before I could reach it, the man snatched it from my grasp and struck me in the face, causing me to lose consciousness.

Joel POV:

Wandering the streets, my senses heightened by the distant clamour of approaching people. It was crucial that I locate Ellie and figure out where they were taking her. I also needed to stay vigilant for any sign of Dina or Jessie.

Gripping my shotgun tightly, I cautiously made my way through the alleyway, my eyes scanning for any hints or clues. As I reached a building, I spotted a walkway that offered a higher vantage point. Swiftly, I climbed up, hoping to gain an advantage.

From my elevated position, I spotted a man carrying Ellie's unconscious body. Standing beside him was a familiar face, one of the individuals responsible for attacking me and kidnapping Y/N. Anger surged through me, propelling me into action. Without hesitation, I unleashed a barrage of rounds, aiming to eliminate them.

However, my cover was blown as they quickly identified my position. Bullets flew in my direction, forcing me to take cover and return fire. The exchange of gunfire intensified, the air filled with the sound of thunderous shots. Determined to rescue Ellie and avenge Y/N's abduction, I fought back with all my skill and determination.

I swiftly leaped across to another rooftop, my senses still on high alert. Suddenly, a beam of light caught my attention, and I realized it was Jessie signalling me. Without hesitation, I made my way over to him, descending a nearby ladder and dropping down to join him.

"Jesus Christ, dude. What the fuck do we do?" Jessie whispered, his voice laced with fear and panic.

I swiftly covered his mouth, signalling for him to stay calm. "Stay calm, and follow my lead," I whispered back, my voice steady and determined. With a sense of urgency, we began to move, our primary goal to track down the location where they had taken Ellie. However, despite our efforts, we soon lost track of their trail.

"Fucking hell," I muttered under my breath, frustration and determination burning within me. Without hesitation, I altered our course, veering in a completely different direction. We couldn't afford to waste any more time.

Ellie POV:

When I regained consciousness, I found myself bound to a table leg with tightly wound tape. I struggled, attempting to free myself from the restraints, when my eyes met a familiar face. the same man who had played a part in Y/N's kidnapping.

A smirk spread across his face. "Didn't think I'd ever see you again," he taunted, leaning back in his chair. "How did you find us?"

I couldn't help but respond with a touch of sarcasm. "Oh, I just asked around for a guy with a scar. It wasn't that hard," I quipped, subtly mocking his scar.

The man brandished a switchblade, pressing it against my neck. "We should've never left you alive back in Jackson," he hissed.

I maintained a defiant smile. "That's your problem," I retorted, refusing to show any signs of fear.

Suddenly, the man who had knocked me unconscious entered the room, addressing the knife-wielding man as Jordan. He introduced himself as Mike, and the two began discussing what to do with me. However, my attention was drawn to a movement in the corner of my eye.

To my surprise, Cassandra silently entered the room, placing a finger to her lips, signalling me to remain quiet. I nodded in understanding, and then, redirecting both Jordan and Mike's attention, I called out, "Hey, you idiots! Where is the man you kidnapped?"

Jordan approached, bending down to confront me. "Why should we tell you?" he sneered.

"Because," I replied, a smirk playing on my lips, "I might spare your lives if you do."

Suddenly, a gunshot echoed through the room, taking down Mike instantly. Jordan swiftly retaliated, firing at the glass, shattering it. It was then that I realized Dina had come to our rescue. I strained against the tape, trying to weaken it and free myself.

In the midst of the chaos, Cassandra made her move. She struck, stabbing Jordan in the leg with precision. The blade dug deep, causing his bone to pop out of place, making it nearly impossible for him to escape. With a swift and forceful stomp, Cassandra broke his leg completely.

Jordan screamed in agony, clutching his injured leg. "Fuck!" he cried out, writhing in pain.

Cassandra approached, cutting the tape that bound me, freeing me from the table. I hurried over to assist Dina, helping her to her feet. However, the sound of approaching guards grew louder by the moment. I lightly touched Cassandra's arm, a sense of urgency in my voice. "We need to go."

"No." Cassandra brushed off my suggestion, instead approaching Jordan's side. Her voice filled with anger, she demanded, "Where's my brother?" Running her knife along his throat, she applied pressure, increasing the urgency of her inquiry. She then searched his pockets, retrieving a polaroid picture of a girl named Leah.

Holding the photo of Leah up to Jordan's face, Cassandra issued a chilling ultimatum. "If you don't want her to die, then tell me what you know!" Her voice dripped with fury. "Where's my brother?"

Gargling on blood, Jordan managed to respond, "Okay, I don't exactly know where he is, but Isaac sold him to one of his old associates."

My foot pressed down on Jordan's injured leg as I interjected, "What's the associate's name?"

Jordan winced in pain, fear evident in his eyes. "I don't know! I'm not high-ranking enough to have that information. Only people like Isaac, Abby, and Owen would know," he exclaimed.

"Good," Cassandra declared coldly. Without hesitation, she plunged her knife into Jordan's neck. He coughed, spitting up blood, muttering Leah's name before succumbing to his injuries. I gazed at Cassandra as she searched Jordan's lifeless body, eventually uncovering a letter.

Taking the letter from Cassandra, I carefully read its contents before noting down the location of Leah and her team at a nearby TV station building. I folded the letter and tucked it away, my mind focused on the task at hand.

However, as I turned to face Cassandra, I noticed a cold expression on her face as she wiped the blood off her knife. I approached her cautiously, calling out her name. She started to walk away, seemingly unwilling to engage in conversation. Determined to make amends, I spoke up again.

"Cass," I said, my voice filled with sincerity. "I'm sorry. I know I mishandled what happened between me and Y/N. I realize now that I treated it wrongly."

Cassandra swiftly turned around, her gaze piercing into mine. Her question hung heavy in the air, demanding an honest answer. "Do you still love him?"

I paused for a moment, searching deep within myself for the truth. The complexity of my emotions made it difficult to give a straightforward response. With a slight shrug of my shoulders, I replied, "I don't know, honestly. It's a complicated situation, and I need time to figure it out. But regardless, I don't want him to die."

Cassandra's shoulders slumped, and she turned to face me fully. Her eyes softened, revealing the depth of her concern. "Then be prepared," she said, her voice filled with determination. "Because I'm willing to do whatever it takes to save my brother."

I extended my hand towards Cassandra, a gesture of solidarity and unity. "Both of us will," I affirmed, my voice filled with determination.

Cassandra hesitated for a moment, but then she reached out and shook my hand, the act mending the fractures in our friendship. Just as the tension began to dissipate, my attention was abruptly drawn to Joel's presence. Startled, I instinctively drew my gun, only to lower it as I recognized him. A smile escaped his lips as he approached, extending his arms for a hug.

Allowing myself to embrace the moment, I patted Joel on the back, acknowledging that our problems weren't instantly resolved but recognizing that this was a step in the right direction. "This doesn't fix everything," I admitted, "but it's a start."

Joel's smile widened, radiating relief. "That's all I needed to hear," he replied sincerely.

Dina's voice broke through our moment of reconciliation, inquiring about Jessie's whereabouts. Joel explained that Jessie was at an abandoned old theatre building, which served as a secure hideout. With a nod of agreement, Joel suggested we leave the current location. I followed him, eager to find and rescue Y/N, fully aware of the sacrifices that lay ahead.

As I walked, Cassandra passed by me, unexpectedly offering something. It was the necklace I had angrily thrown back at Y/N during our breakup. I couldn't believe that he had kept it all this time. 

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I gratefully accepted the necklace, slipping it back around my neck. It was a tangible reminder of the love we once shared, fuelling my determination to locate and save him, no matter the cost.

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