Books in a one-shot ( ish )

By -Clair-de-lune-

7 1 0

Stories I've made in math because math is easy ( for now ) More

The time Apocalypse

Idk what do call this one

2 0 0
By -Clair-de-lune-

A 'The wilds' type story if yk what I mean.

The screaming was easy to hear, the rumbling easy to feel, the fear easy to sense, but nothing was actually "easy" about this. This was all just literal death. It's all the final moments of everyone's life. It all doesn't matter . But let's turn back for a second before proceeding.

CHAPTER 1: The Erickson's

Three hours earlier

"I hate planes."

"Aww, is it because of the video I showed you earlier?" Noel's brother twisted him.

"What? No, that video was fake." The teasing became a conversation, and a conversation a argument. They where brothers after all, what else would they do?

"Nole. Joshua. Stop fighting and help me with your siblings." Their mom was some how single-handily holding a baby, trying to stop a 4 year old from running away, trying to get another 4 year old to stop singing off the top of her lungs, and trying to get her husband to stop ignoring this whole thing.

The boys just look at each other, "Now." Their mom looks at them with crazy eyes meaning 'if you don't help me right now I am going to kill you both." So they rushed to help her before they were milk carton kids.

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