By KyleBayan

65.9K 2.6K 785

Wealth, fame, power, Gol D. Roger the king of the pirates obtained this and everything else the world had to... More

Ch 1: Rubber, Slime and The Straw Hat
Ch 2: Enter Lougetown
Ch 3: Calm Before Storm
Ch 4: Chaos, Escape to The Storm
Ch 5: Entering The Grand Line
Ch 6: Resting and Explanations
Ch 7: Secrets at Whiskey Peak
Ch 8: Battle at Whiskey Peak
Ch 9: Contract to Protect The Princess
Ch 10: Scenic Route Through Little Garden
Ch 11: Adventure in The Lost World
Ch 12: Lurking in The Jungle
Ch 13: Wax and Revelation
Ch 14: Jurassic Rumble, Call from a Warlord
Ch 16: The Island with No King
Ch 17: Search for a Doctor
Ch 18: Snow Warning, Climb to The Castle
Ch 19: Chopper, The Monster of Drum Island
Ch 20: End of Wapol's Tyranny
Ch 21: Cherry Blossoms Bloom
Ch 22: New Crewmember and a New Friend
Ch 23: Alabasta, The Kingdom of Sand
Ch 24: Through The Desert
Ch 25: Farewell and Surprise Reunion
Ch 26: Vivi's Determination, Evil in The Shadows
Ch 27: Storming Rainbase, Rimuru vs Hinata
Ch 28: Crocodile's Trap
Ch 29: Escape from Crocodile
Ch 30: Race To Alubarna
Ch 31: Confrontation
Ch 32: Gathering In Alubarna
Ch 33: The End of Baroque Works
Ch 34: The Bonds of Friendship
Ch 35: Search for The Next Island
Ch 36: The Island of Pirates
Ch 37: Reach to The Sky
Ch 38: Head in The Clouds
Ch 39: Island of Angels
Ch 40: Mysteries of Upper Yard
Ch 41: Heavenly Ordeal
Ch 42: Angelic Battle, Island's Mystery
Ch 43: Night Before The Conflict
Ch 44: Enel's Survival Game
Ch 45: Strawhats Vs Enel's Army
Ch 46: Free For All Battle
Ch 47: Death Game's Conclusion
Ch 48: Shocking Confrontation
Ch 49: Tolling of The Bell

Ch 15: Farewell Little Garden

1.1K 55 16
By KyleBayan

After defeating some baroque works agents, everyone went to Dorry's home for a drinking party, where Brogy explained to everyone what Mr. 3 told him.

Dorry: GYEGYAGYAGYAGYA, we've been fighting for so long, we completely forgot about the bounties on our heads since it has been a long time

Vivi: But I'm the reason why baroque works came here in the first place it's my fault 

Nami began pinching Vivi's cheek.

Vivi: oww!

Nami: None of that anymore

Rimuru: That's right. There's no need to be the princess of doom and gloom. Nobody's blaming you

Luffy: Yeah, come on, Vivi. Don't be so sad. Cheers!

While everyone is drinking, Nami feels an itch on her stomach.

Zoro: What's wrong with you?

Nami: It's nothing. Just a bug bite

Zoro: All right. I still can't believe we have to wait for a whole year for the log to reset

Nami: I know. It's definitely something we should be worried about 

Brogy: All of you saved us from those other guys, so if we can, we would really like to return the favor

Luffy: Well, maybe you guys can do something about our log pose so we won't be stuck here

Dorry: I'm afraid that the log pose is something we can't help

Rimuru: Oh well. we could always sail in a random direction 

Rimuru then noticed Sanji frolicking torwards them and waved at him.

Rimuru: Hey Sanji!

Sanji: Captain Rimuru~♡, Nami dear~♡, Vivi, my love~♡ and you guys

Luffy: Hey Sanji!

Luffy waved at Sanji, but both Usopp and Karoo glared at him.

Sanji: You're all still okay! I'm so happy (happy that you lovely women are alright)

Usopp: *grumble* Of course, he's happy. That useless jerk! He showed up after we had taken care of everything!

Karoo: Hmm! Hmm!

Sanji skipped torwards the three women, completely ignoring Usopp, and Karoo suddenly stopped when he noticed Dorry and Brogy. 


Rimuru: Wait, how did you know that guy? 

Nami: Yeah, tell us

Sanji glanced at Nami and then started ogling at Nami. 

Sanji: ooh! Nami, you look absolutely lovely in that outfit~♡

Nami: *irritated* Say that again!

Sanji: Now, now, Nami. If you stand there dressed like that, you'll catch a cold. Here, take my coat

Nami: Oh, thank you 

Sanji took off his coat and covered Nami, then sat on a log. 

Rimuru: So, how do you know Mr. 3?

Sanji: Well, I just finished speaking with that, Mr. 0 guy over a transponder snail which belonged to someone he called Mr 3

Rimuru: That makes sense 

Vivi: Did you really!?

Sanji: Yeah, he thought I was Mr. 3, so I let him believe it, and since I have him on the line, I figured I told him we are all dead

Vivi: So he thinks he doesn't have to send people after us anymore 

Rimuru started playfully slapping Sanji's back.

Rimuru: Great thinking, Sanji! That was a really smart move!

Sanji: Thank you for the compliment, captain~♡ 

Usopp: So you're saying that we are finally free of people chasing us now, but we can't go anywhere anyway? *crying*

Sanji: Why? Is there something we need to take care of here? That's a real shame after I managed to get my hands on this thing

Sanji brought out an eternal pose to alabasta, shocking everyone as their jaws dropped to the ground. 

Sanji: What?

Luffy: An eternal pose to alabasta! Alright!

Everyone began celebrating, and Rimuru gave Sanji a playful punch.

Rimuru: Good job! You really outdone yourself this time, Sanji!

Sanji: it was my pleasure, Rimuru~♡ 

Vivi then hugged Sanji. 

Vivi: Thank you, Sanji, thank you. I was getting really worried. Thank you

Sanji: Don't mention it. I'm happy to do it for you, Vivi~

Sanji is in a state of total bliss.

Luffy raised his mug.


Usopp: Aren't we already doing a drinking party?

Nami: we don't have time for another party

Nami then glanced at Rimuru and Luffy. 

Nami: Come on, we don't have time to be sitting here

Rimuru: Lighten up Nami. We should alteast finish this one barrel

Nami: Fine

Zoro stood up and began walking to the jungle.

Sanji: Hey Zoro. Did you forget about our hunting contest?

Zoro: Nope. Hate to tell you this, but we both lost. The volcano we used as a mark went off a while ago, so it's a draw

Dorry and Brogy, who overheard Sanji and Zoro's talk about their competition and felt a sense of familiarity, and began thinking. 

Brogy/Dorry: (hunting contest?)

Brogy: something about that sounds familiar somehow?

Luffy: Hey, Giant old guys 

Luffy snapped the two giants out of the train of thought.

Luffy: it's been a lot of fun, but we gotta go

Rimuru: Yeah, we got a promise to keep 

Brogy: Of course. We can tell you need to get going

Dorry: it's too bad you have to leave so soon. I hope you get to your homeland in time

Vivi: Me too. Thank you 

The crew began heading to the going merry.

Luffy: See ya!

Rimuru: Try not to drink all of the booze 

Luffy: And try not to die anymore, okay?

Karoo: Quack!

Usopp: master Brogy, I'm going to go visit elbaf someday!

Later, once the crew reached the merry, Zoro raised the anchor, and they traveled west.

Luffy: Set sail

Rimuru: Those two said that following this path leads to the western end of the island 

Luffy: Hey, Rimuru. Do you have some meat on you?

Rimuru: I have tons of Dino meat stashed in my stomach. Sanji, once we reached the sea fire up the stove, I wanna try Dino hamburgers 

Sanji: Of course, captain Rimuru~♡

Luffy: sounds tasty. Sanji, make some for me, too!

Sanji: Fine. Just wait until we reach the sea

Once they saw the sea, they noticed that Dorry and Brogy stood on each side of the river with their weapons on hand.

Brogy: A great danger still lies ahead of you

Dorry: it is an obstacle that has always been here. Trying to prevent people from reaching the next island

Rimuru: (What kind of danger are they talking about?)

Dorry: Every one of you fought like true warriors in order to protect the pride of our duel

Brogy: And because you're willing to do that no matter what enemy you face

Dorry: We will never let them destroy your pride, friends 

Brogy: You must have faith in what we say. Go straight! No matter what happens, never change course, understand?!

Luffy: Yeah, got it!

Rimuru: we trust you

After they reached the sea, something massive began rising from the sea.

Karoo: QUACK!!


Rimuru: It's a giant goldfish!?

Dorry: Hello, island eater

Brogy: In the name of elbaf, you will open the path

The two giants raised their weapons and began coating them in haki, grabbing the attention of Rimuru.

Rimuru ran to the back of the ship and saw the giants in a battle pose as the ship was entering the giant fish's mouth.

Rimuru: What are those two doing?

Dorry: The only thing we can't pierce with these weapons is the great bloodstained snake!

Brogy: But together, our weapons form the most powerful weapon elbafh can offer the giant spear

As the goldfish closed its mouth, Rimuru used her observation haki to watch the giants' moves.

Dorry/Brogy: HAKOKU!!

The two giants swung their weapons so hard they unleashed a powerful shockwave, which also destroyed their weapons. 

Back to the rest of the crew.

Everyone but Rimuru is split between those who want to turn around and those who want to keep going forward.

Suddenly, they were pushed forward by a powerful shockwave, which not only saved them by punching a hole in the fish but also propelled them far away.

Everyone was amazed at what happened as they were sent flying through the air.

Luffy: woo-hoo! We're flying!

Rimuru: (woah! That move looks awesome!)


After they landed back in the water, the crew began sailing off.

After a while at sea Nami suddenly collapsed and they immediately broughther to the girl's bedroom. 

Vivi and Rimuru are currently doing their best to treat Nami while the men could only watch.

Rimuru: Vivi, do you know why Nami got sick?

Vivi: it's most likely climate, It's quite normal. You see, some sailors in the grand line aren't used to the weather and can become quite ill

Rimuru: I see

Sanji: *sobbing* Nami 

Vivi: Is there anyone on the ship with the slightest amount of medical experience?

Luffyand Usopp pointed at Nami, remembering how she treated someone from scurvy while Rimuru raised her hand.

Rimuru: I have little knowledge about medicine, but I doubt that it will be useful in this scenario 

Luffy: When you're sick, eating lots of meat always helps. Right Sanji?

Sanji: *sobbing* meat is protein which gives the body energy to operate properly. I can cook her something that will give her some energy, but I doubt it will help because I'm not a doctor. Besides, if my cooking made a difference, then she'd never get sick, I put a hundred time sore care into preparing meals for the girls than for you losers. I serve Nami and Rimuru fresh meats and vegetables to ensure a balanced diet, anything that's remotely rotten or moldy. I feed it to you 

Usopp: JERK!

Luffy: Oh well, it still tastes good to me. Hahahahaha 

Sanji: *sigh* My point is that as long as I'm this ship's cook, I can feed Nami better when in terms of nutrition. I can do anything in the kitchen, still I do know that there are different kinds of food for different kinds of illnesses. But I can't make that call she needs to be diagnosed by a doctor so they can tell us how to help her

Luffy: Just feed her everything we got

Sanji: Oh, shut up. She doesn't have the energy to eat. She's sick

Vivi used a thermometer to check Nami's temperature and was shocked at the result.

Vivi: 104° This is bad!

Usopp: There's bound to be doctors in alabasta that could help, right? How much longer till we get there?

Vivi: I don't know. It should be atleast a week but that's too long

Rimuru: Nami, can you give me the log pose?

Nami: Sure

Luffy: Aren't we just overreacting? Isn't she just a little sick?

Sanji and Usopp tilted their heads in confusion. 

Sanji/Usopp: I don't know. I've never been this sick


Rimuru: Nami is really sick. She might have gotten a seriously dangerous disease that could kill her

Sanji/Usopp/Luffy: GYAAAAAA!!

The three men and Karoo began panicking. 

Rimuru/Vivi: Shut up!

As Rimuru and Vivi are trying to calm the guys down, Nami tells Vivi to read a newspaper in her workstation. 

Usopp went to get the newspaper and gave it to Vivi.

Upon reading the news, Vivi is in a state of shock that the civil war in alabasta has gotten worse.

Nami: The uprising in alabasta will escalate, and things will get ugly. That paper you're looking at is three days old. I'm sorry I didn't say something earlier, we can't change our speed so I didn't want to worry you. There's nothing anyone can do right now. Do you understand Luffy?

Luffy: Hmm....... things are bad and are beyond our control 

Rimuru: eh, close enough. 

Usopp: Nami look. You need to see a doctor 

Nami: im fine. The thermometer must be broken. Nobody who's sick has reached 104°. It's probably just a case of heatstroke. There's nothing a doctor would do for me that time won't. Besides, we don't have time to hunt for one. We need to head straight for alabasta. I really appreciate the concern 

Nami stood up and left the room.

Luffy: Huh, she sure recovered fast

Usopp: No, she's faking it


After hearing Zoro calling everyone, Usopp, Luffy, and Sanji left the room to check up on what was happening.

Vivi, who is still staring at the newspaper in dispar, was startled when Rimuru touched her shoulder.

Rimuru: Vivi, I know you're worried about alabasta, but I'm more concerned about Nami. We're  moving as fast as we can, but if her condition gets any worse, then I would have to prioritize her health. I'm sorry. I know that Luffy would too if he understands how diseases work

Rimuru left the room to check what's happening outside, leaving Vivi alone to think.

After being left to think about her priorities, Vivi made up her mind and headed to deck.

Vivi: I have to ask you all a favor. As a passenger on your ship, it's not my place to ask this, but I have no choice. My homeland is in jeopardy of being destroyed, so I would really appreciate it if we could move a little faster. Every minute I'm out here puts more of my people in danger of losing their lives, we need to head to alabasta at full speed

Nami: Of course we will. My captain made a promise

Rimuru: Nami 

Vivi: Then it's settled. we need to stop on an island to find Nami a doctor. We need to get Nami healthy again. After all, we need her at the helm to move at top speed

Luffy: Right. No one makes the ship move like Nami

Rimuru: I agree

Usopp: Hold on. Won't finding a doctor for Nami take time the citizens of alabasta don't have?

Vivi: That's right. So the sooner we get Nami to a doctor, the sooner we get to alabasta 

Rimuru: smart choice. But we need to take care of that first

Rimuru nonchalantly points at a hurricane with her thumb, causing everyone to panic.

Elsewhere, a marine ship is sailing in the grand line. 

Soldier: Captain smoker, we just intercepted a very intriguing signal

Smoker: What is it?

The marine soldier told Smoker the call they got, which got the marine captain interested. 


After being called, Tashigi hurried out of her quarters and fell on the stairs to the deck.


Tashigi looked at the marine soldier's wrist and saw a small black transponder snail.

Tashigi: Oh, neat. A black transpoder snail listening device

Smoker: Listen closely. We picked up this conversation minutes ago

Tashigi went to Smoker's side, and they began listening to Sanji and Crocodile's interaction. 

Soldier: The rest of the message is undecipherable, sir

Smoker: it's a faint signal, but there are key phrases and names listed in the conversation that clearly stood out. Princess Vivi, straw hats, orders via letters, and Mr. 0

Tashigi: Mr 0? Could that be a codename for somebody? If that's possible, then he could be connected to that suspicious swordsman we caught earlier 

Tashigi points at a man tied up on deck.

Tashigi: What did he say his name was? Mr 11?

Smoker: possibly part of a criminal organization that uses numbers for codename and sends orders via letters. Does that sound about right?

Mr 11: Huh? Mr 0, organization, I have no idea what you're going on about

Smoker: Then how do you explain the letter of detailed orders we found in your pocket.

Mr 11 flinched, which caught Smoker's attention.

Mr 11: (that letter!? I thought i burned it) W-wait... that's not mine

Smoker: That's funny because we never actually found anything in your pocket.

The man cried, realizing that he just fell for a simple lie.

Smoker then sat on a chair.

Smoker: a while back, Rimuru mentioned that she was offered to join an organization called "baroque works". Right now what concerns me is that them mentioned alabasta's Princess Vivi who is currently missing according to the reports

Tashigi: Excuse me for asking. But isn't alabasta currently in the middle of a coup. I wonder if this baroque works and the straw hat pirates could somehow be involved in the uprising

Smoker: Who knows. All I know for certain is that this is the only clue we have to the straw hats whereabouts 

Tashigi: Then this means we know where where going?

Smoker: Yes. I want you to contact headquarters and get an eternal pose

Soldier: Yes, sir

The soldier salute then ran inside to contact the marine headquarters. 

Smoker: it's time we pay a visit to alabasta, the kingdom of sand

Tashigi: captain Smoker, isn't there a vice-admiral stationed at alabasta and the surrounding islands?

Smoker: Yeah. I heard she requested to be transferred to that area, after she heard about the possibility of a civil war

Tashigi: Shouldn't we ask her for permission to enter her area?

Smoker: im sure she wouldn't mind. If there is a possibility that a crime syndicate is operating in her turf, she'd definitely won't mind the extra help

Tashigi: But captain smoker!

Smoker: Alright, alright. I should at least contact her to let her know why we're headed there

Smoker glanced at another soldier.

smoker: you there

Soldier: sir?!

Smoker: After we've received confirmation that headquarters will send us an eternal pose, hand me a transponder snail

Soldier: Yes, sir!

The soldier saluted then left.

A few moments later, the soldier returned and handed Smoker the transponder snail. 

Smoker diled a number on the snail.

After a few moments, the call was answered and a feminine voice can be heard.

???: Who is this?

Smoker: This is Captain Smoker

???: Smoker, i heard that you left your post at Lougetown and now headquarters is having problems dealing with your mess

Smoker: i was chasing after a criminal with a unusually high bounty, so i was only doing my job

???: *sigh* so, why are you calling me? I'm very busy at the moment 

Smoker: I'm calling because I am requesting permission to enter your area

???: why is that?

Smoker: I happened to stumble upon an interesting tip,

???: a tip?

Smoker: its about a secret organization that is possibly running in alabasta 

???: might i ask how you got that information?

Smoker: as i mentioned i am currently following a certain band of pirates. I happen to stumble across a suspicious individual and arrested him

???: I see. With the possibility of a civil war happening in alabasta, the last thing I need is a bunch of criminals running around causing more trouble 

Smoker: so do I have your permission?

???: yes, you have my permission. But i do need you to tell me more about the information you've got. Meet me at Rainbase once you arrive at alabasta 

Smoker: fine by me. I'll see you at alabasta, Vice-admiral Hinata Sakaguchi 

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