《stray together》

By Kohkka

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"I want out! I can't do this anymore." Han spat, slamming his gun on the desk. "Out? It don't work that way... More

Where Strays Belong
Here's Your Prize
First Mission
Tattletales Should Just Keep Their Mouths Shut
Ulterior Motive
Fragmented Memories
Red Lights
Piece Of Trash
Cracking Foundation, Crumbling Walls
It's An Illusion
Wasn't Even Supposed To Be Alive In The First Place
Seven Stages Of Grief
Tie Up Some Loose Ends
When The Dust Settles
Eye For A Lie
Fuel To The Fire
To Have Loved And Lost
The Heist To Pay
Love And Hate Crimes
Because Of Love

Blood In The Ocean For Sharks

317 18 10
By Kohkka

Tokens of various colors slid across the table, stopping in front of Jeongin. He had just won the round of poker with a straight flush, only concealing his shit-eating grin due to the cigar he was smoking.

"Bastard doesn't even go easy on his buddies when playing casual rounds." Heesung lightly complained, restacking his poker chips.

Pulling the cigar out of his mouth and tossing his leg over the other, Jeongin snorted. "Didn't realize you still needed training wheels."

The rest of the room began 'Ooh'ing as if it was a huge burn. Heeseung just shook his head with a smile.

"Watch it, Iyen, that's how you keep making enemies." Huening Kai warned with a chuckle, genuinely concerned for his friend and his smart mouth, but knowing Heeseung wouldn't take it personal.

Becoming more boisterous, Jeongin quickly sat forward, waving his arms around. "You know who is my enemy today? Fucking Beomgyu! Bitchass bought from Lino-hyung yesterday and would rather be in the clouds than with us." Jeongin made it out to be a bigger issue than it was, acting more offended than he could ever actually feel about it.

The statement made Huening Kai cackle and clap, before settling back down. "I'll be sure to let him know you got beef when I see him next time." Which wouldn't be long, seeing as they were roommates, along with their more introverted friend Soobin.

"You just want him to play because you always convince him to go all-in." Jungwon pointed out, shuffling the cards. The periodical thumps on the table shaking all of their drinks, each of their preferred alcoholic beverages threatening to spill over with the rowdiness of them all.

"He is just too easy to rile up! What can I say? I love initiating that chaotic energy. It's always fun." Jeongin smiled, returning the cigar back to his mouth.

"Yo, Iyen, how are things going with your latest information-ship?" Lim Jimin asked, pulling out a plain cigarette.

All of Jeongin's close friends had some idea of the Stray Kids and what they did, or were currently working on. They also knew that aside from Jeongin using gambling to be a source of income for the group, he also gathered information. His latest strategy to do so being what he called "information-ships", using sex and false romance to get what he was after.

"I got the concealed records of all the charges filed against Jung Son."

Jungwon began dealing the cards around the velvet lined table as he asked "Damn, how'd you manage that?" It was an impressive accomplishment, to say the least.

"My dick." The man of the hour bragged, picking up the cards Jungwon dealt him, seeing a queen of hearts and 10 of clubs. "Fuck 'em silly til they're babbling secrets or willing to do anything for me, including sneaking into the office to snag classified documents."

Heeseung folded his hand before popping the lid off his next beer, "You can't be serious. No sex is worth the risk with the people you're after." It wasn't a secret how dangerous Jung Son and his men could be.

"To someone with a sex addiction it is." Jeongin smirked, tossing a few chips in to raise. He hoped his raise would be almost overshadowed by the conversation.

Lim Jimin rolled his eyes at the revelation, mindlessly following the raise and calling. "Of course you got a sex addict." He was usually in disbelief at how Jeongin always seemed to have luck on his side.

Winking, Jeongin watched with internal glee as he successfully raised without raising suspicion.  "Longest standing information-ship to date."

The previous title holders all met the same fate, staring down the barrel of a gun. Either due to turning against Jeongin, getting caught and the other side using them as unsuccessful leverage, or too many errors. But the current arrangement was working well, that Jeongin didn't see there to be any issues in the future.

"Is there anything you aren't good at?" Huening Kai asked, watching as Jungwon turned over the flop, revealing a 9 of spades, king of diamonds, and 5 of clubs.

"Mmm, probably my impulse control."

The entire room broke out in laughter, clearly all in agreement.

Changbin turned to the next page, reading the next report, as he began typing his summary notes on the computer.  "Fuck." He muttered under his breath, processing what he just read.

'Police were called to the scene after multiple reports of gunshots in the area. Upon arrival, responders discovered Choi Gyu Shin (40y), wife Woo Si Yoon (38y), and children Choi Dung Ho (10y), Choi Ji Yeong (6y), Choi Beom Eun (2y), Choi Chun Ha (8m) deceased. All victims were killed execution style, gunshot wound in the middle of the forehead, close proximity. Based on evidence, it is believed the victims were killed in order from oldest to youngest.'

"Hm?" Chan asked from his place across from Changbin, going through emails. He was in contact with a lot of people to know the locations of most of his enemies, Jung Son included.

"He initiated a hit on this guy- and permitted if anyone was home to take care of them too. Execution style on the whole family, starting with the dad and ending with the 8 month old." Changbin replied, his voice cracking as he felt emotional at the thought.

"That's why we aren't going to let him keep getting away with things." Chan assured, flashing a sad smile. He knew that crimes against children hit Changbin especially hard. It definitely bothered Chan, but Changbin had seen so many terrible childhoods, knew how it followed people, affected them for life, that he was consumed with sorrow if he learned of any crime against children.

As Changbin inhaled through clenched teeth, there was a hiss. "An 8 month old wouldn't have been a witness! Like– damn, I know I'm not fond of the foster system but my God, that baby didn't have to die." He cleared his throat aggressively to hold back from crying, "And if they are right and they were killed in that order, fuck, man, those kids' last moments..."

Standing up, Chan walked over to Lino's table, grabbing something from the drawer, returning and holding it out to the younger. "Do you want to go have a smoke, Binnie?"

Changbin stared at the blunt, blinking. "Yeah." He sighed, standing and making his way to the roof access door, followed by Chan who rarely joined the smoke sessions.

Letting the wind blow through his hair as the smoke filled his lungs, Changbin blinked away the tears that wanted to fill his eyes. After a few passes back and forth of the joint, Changbin felt a sense of calm. A blanket to mute the frustration. Chan watched with a comforting smile, glad that he could see the younger relax.

"The pharmaceutical companies that Jung Son had shares in decided to freeze his contract for the time being. Guess they found something worth verifying in their investigation." Chan revealed, hoping that piece of information would pull Changbin away from the report he had read.

Changbin exhaled, raising a brow, "Gonna be interesting when it's time to pay Park Min Ji."

Han walked back to the car, bag in tow from the gas station, opening the door with a smile. "Alright, two energy drinks for me, one juice and one water for you, 3 packs of your faves, a chocolate donut for me, and some seaweed chips for you." He listed off as he plopped in the seat, passing the bag to Lino and shutting his door.

Lino took the bag, scrunching his brows as he asked "Why does your stuff sound like a heart attack waiting to happen?"

Shrugging, "Pretty much is." Han replied casually, putting his seatbelt on.

Shaking his head playfully, Lino spat "Dumbass."

"I need to stay awake during our stakeout after the deal!" Han defended, waving his hands as he was very animated.

"Yeah yeah," Lino chuckled as he sat the bag in the backseat, "We are going to the prostitution district again for this deal. You know 24/SEVEN?"

The mentioned club made Han beam immediately, "Oh! Yeah, I used to frequent that place when one of my drug friends became a stripper. She'd get the money and I'd be present for buying, less chance of her getting hurt. We'd snort in the bathroom together." He recounted, a sparkle in his eyes.

Letting out a breathy snort, Lino lightly laughed, "You're telling it like it's a fond memory."

Gasping at the audacity, Han reaffirmed in a whiny tone "It is! Jinseo was one of my favorite people."

But a certain word stood out to Lino. "Was?"

There was an instant change in Han's expression, melancholy "She... had a lot of inner demons." Han's tone alluded to her being gone.

"Overdose?" Lino asked gently, almost in a whisper, then added onto the question when he got a nod in response, "Accidental or intentional?"

"I... don't even know. She got more reckless around that time, but I don't know if it was the drug addiction or that she was just waiting for the day it took her. She didn't say goodbye, so I would think that it wasn't intentional. But the amount she must've done..." Han trailed off, thinking back to the day he found his friend dead.

"I'm sorry." Lino said, in reference to what Han had experienced, seeing the clear sadness in his face, "It sounds like she was important to you."

Han put the car in drive, looking straight ahead. "Anyway," he cleared his throat, "24/SEVEN."

Taking the hint that Han didn't want to speak on it any further, Lino followed the topic change. "Yeah, the guy is a bartender there."

Glancing over quickly to look at Lino, before returning his eyes to the road to turn out onto the street, Han asked "Who? I might know him."


Han thought about it for a moment, as he hadn't been to the club since he lost his friend, but the name didn't ring a bell. "No, he must be new."

The older just nodded, his mind still lingering on the conversation Han cut short. Han had been the open book, and to not want to speak on something was unlike the guy he had gotten to know thus far. Lino also knew he had his own reservations, and wouldn't want people speculating, so he tried to ignore it.

The drive to the prostitution district was quicker this time, as Han knew where he was going instead of waiting for directions. Though he only recently drove for the first time, he knew the streets well.

"My old stomping grounds." Han quipped, parking in front of the red and black building, flashing neon signs luring people in. It felt extremely nostalgic, and a wave of comfort washed over Han, who stared at the building, while Lino texted the person they were meeting.

Jung Kook (Namjoon's friend)

We're out in the front, black Altima

Nice dude, I'm parking rn. Be there in a minute

However, the make and model of Lino's vehicle was known to many. Including Namjoon, and now, Racha. Felix leaned against the lamppost in his outfit of choice for the plan. A baby pink mini pleated skirt that barely covered his ass, paired with a see-through, loose fit, black net shirt, showing off a pink chest harness with heart-shaped metal loops making his nipples the main focus, and knee high leather heeled boots. He spent a few hours putting on makeup, making him look almost unrecognizable, and wore a luscious blonde wig.

Hyunjin and Seungmin weren't far from Felix, keeping a close watch on him as he was like blood in the ocean for sharks, and they wouldn't let a damn thing happen to him.

"I'm telling you right now, if someone so much as bumps into him, I will go snap their necks, even if it ruins the plan." Hyunjin almost growled, cracking his knuckles.

Seungmin glanced between Felix and the car he knew to be Lino's. "Absolutely, lover boy." He agreed, noticing someone approaching the car.

Han perked up, motioning towards the guy who looked like he was heading directly towards them. "That must be him."

"Mm, be ready." Lino ordered, insinuating Han's gun, then getting the drugs ready before the unfamiliar face walked up to the window, waiting on it to roll down.

"Lino?" The guy asked, looking at both of the males in the car to see which one responded. He had a few face piercings, a messy haircut, and tattoos decorating plenty of his skin.

Lino gave one nod up to signal it was him. "Jung Kook?"

"Yeah! How's it going?" Jungkook asked, a light and kind tone in his voice, a little raspy likely being a smoker.

"Alright, you?" Lino asked, feeling the new customer out while waiting on the money to be held out. Han had his hand tight around the steering wheel, and the other at his hip, ready to grab his gun if needed.

Jungkook pulled out the cash from his jean pocket, slyly offering over the open window. "Man, it's going. Life has been pretty stressful recently and I just want a break, ya know?"

Taking the cash, and counting it out, Lino nodded. "Yeah, I get it. You like working here? Definitely an interesting crowd."

"Dude, I love it. People come to this side of town with money in their pockets, ready to throw. My last gig, shit, I barely made a fourth of what I'm making here." Jungkook seemed to speak genuinely, and made the deal feel less uneasy for being a new customer. "How is it going for you, man? I didn't catch your name."

A little taken aback, Han took a second to reply, trying to manage keeping focus. "I'm Han. It's good. How long ago did you start here? I used to come pretty often."

"Ah, you like the views? I started about... 6 weeks ago?" The end of the sentence getting higher in pitch.

By that point, Lino had counted the money and was now extending the drugs out to Jungkook, while Han answered, still keeping a careful watch. "No, I wasn't here for the 'views'. I knew a lot of the people who worked here, and just came to hang."

"That's what's up man. If you ever wanna swing by again just come visit me and I'll hook you up. I make stupid money here, I can cover your tab." Jungkook offered, smiling as he put the drugs Lino gave him in his backpack. "Same goes for you, dude."

Instinctively, Lino had his finger on the button, ready to roll the window up. "Thanks, but I'm not really the club type. That's the last of my misfits, I just have coke after that. So if you end up wanting anything else, that's all I got."

Jungkook nodded, "Gotcha. 'Preciate it, man. RM told me you make the cleanest, safest, best kinda stuff. I'll prob hit you up next time I want a lil something."

"RM?" Lino asked curiously, since he was put in contact with Jungkook through Namjoon.

"Oh- RM is Namjoon's childhood nickname." Jungkook happily explained. The two guys in the car nodded, finding the answer to be reasonable. "Anyway, I better go, shift starts soon. Thanks guys." And with that, Jungkook took his leave.

Once Jungkook got far enough away, Felix made his move toward the car. Lino had just rolled up the window, so Felix gently knocked with his knuckles. At first, Lino ignored it. The second knock, he went to verbally reject the offer of what he assumed was a prostitute, rolling down his window only slightly. "Not interes-"

"I'm looking for Lino." Felix said, not disguising his voice at all.

The direct mention of his name made Lino pause, surprised. In fact, the entire thing confused him. The person was clearly a prostitute, but were they a guy, based on their chest and voice, or a girl, based on their looks? And how did they know him to begin with? Not only that, but his car?

"Word is going around you are looking for a Lee Hui Won," Felix started, supporting himself by resting both arms above the window, then leaning his upper body down, as he noticed the two males in the car share a look. "how much are you willing to pay for proof of where I last saw Hui Won?"

Then, it clicked for Lino. A guy made to look feminine, an all too familiar order. This must be either another victim, or someone Hui Won had sold. "How much do you want?" He quietly asked, keeping his eyes forward to avoid looking at the stranger who reminded him too much of his past.


Scoffing, "For what kind of proof, exactly?" Han cut in, not too convinced. He wasn't aware of Lino's thought process, so he didn't understand why Lino would consider it so easily.

Felix looked around, like he was making sure no one could hear him, though he was just acting. "I have pictures on my phone from the other day."

"Show us, then." Han demanded. He saw how Lino almost shrunk in the seat as he debated it, and was trying to help navigate the conversation.

"I don't have my phone when I'm out here. My boss does. If you want the proof, and you get the money, we can meet later and exchange?" Felix offered, just as Seungmin planned.

"What's your number?" Lino asked finally, getting a glare from Han.

As Felix told his number to Lino, who saved it in his phone, Han tightened his grip on his gun. Something didn't feel right. "Text me about 3am tonight. By then my boss gives me my phone back."

Lino nodded, and Han rolled the window up himself. "Are you sure-" Han started, getting interrupted.

"I have to try. That entire.. appearance.. is something I could see being forced to do." The elder admitted, letting the secret dissolve on his tongue like cotton candy.

Han sat silent for a moment, unsure if he should delve further, or if he should be thankful for the small information he was given. "Is it something you had to do?"

Being asked such an intimate question made chill bumps cover Lino's skin. And he was afraid to give anyone that image of himself. "Was she important to you?" He turned the focus around, a clear tremble in his voice.

And that question stung Han. He sighed, feeling the resistance from Lino. "She was."

"Tell me?" It was like Lino was proposing a trade, needing a nudge to tell such a difficult detail of his trauma.

Biting his lip, turning to face away from Lino, Han mumbled, "She was the only person who ever loved me."

Lino squeezed his eyes shut. He could do it. He could tell Han. Because Han told him. Through a shaky breath, Lino whispered. "Yeah, it was something I had to do."

Silence fell upon the two for a moment, until Han turned to look at Lino, while preparing to drive again. The sound of the gear shift causing Lino to open his eyes. He held his free hand out, to which Lino hesitantly took. "I'm sorry."

"Me too. I shouldn't have asked." Lino muttered, guilt stirring in him.

"No, it's okay. I shouldn't have asked." Han retorted, driving away to head to Namjoon's to stake out.

As Felix rounded the corner to meet back up with Hyunjin and Seungmin, Hyunjin grabbed him aggressively by the hips, yanking him close and tying his jacket around his waist. "Did you really have to lean on the car like that? You had your whole ass on display!"

"I had to play my part, Jinnie." Felix chuckled at the urgency of Hyunjin covering him up.

Getting more aggressive and angry as he put Seungmin's jacket over the Australian's shoulders now, Hyunjin seethed. "That wasn't necessary for the plan, Felix."

"Damn, no need to be so territorial, Hyun-jealous." Seungmin teased, pulling Hyunjin's hands away from Felix.

"Get your ass in the car so you can get home and out of this." Hyunjin spat, walking ahead of the younger two, almost a stomp in his step.

The two younger boys giggled amongst themselves. "But he 'doesn't care about us'." Seungmin mocked, wrapping his arm around Felix's waist as they walked together.

"Should I piss him off even more and have you take the harness off?" Felix cackled, leaning into Seungmin's shoulder.


I'm considering renaming this story, would you guys be alright with that? It would involve the word "Strays"
Let me know!

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