
By mholbrook2

15.5K 358 24

I was a floating wolf, a mere servant who hid in the shadows, cooking, and cleaning without being seen. It wa... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 1

1.3K 29 0
By mholbrook2

He stood tall as he addressed the crowd, his lips tugged slightly at the corners as he looked at his pack with pride. He had just returned from war with some of our upper-level warriors. It wasn't our battle to fight, but they had agreed to fight with an ally as they expected the same if something were to happen here.

At least, that's what my father had told me. My father was a floating wolf, something they tended to call people like our family. Wolves that people in our pack paid no attention to because our existence in the pack wasn't significant enough as some of the high-ranking wolves.

The only thing they knew was their rooms were clean and they always had food to eat. The good thing about it though, was that no one noticed us, so we were rarely mistreated unless seen.

The pack we lived in was considered one of the largest packs and one of the most feared because of our strength and numbers. We were known as the Northern Shadow Pack, a name that most packs knew, respected, and often begged for an alliance due to our aid in war.

Our Alpha had returned after spending months fighting a great battle between two packs on another continent. I wasn't able to gain a lot of information about it, but I did know the fight wasn't an easy one. The defeated pack, Silver Lantern, created a massive upheaval and they wouldn't back down.

I was hidden behind a curtain, as I was a mere servant floating wolf with my mother in the kitchen, and servants in the packhouse weren't allowed at most meetings unless it was vital enough. There weren't many of us, so it didn't take away many numbers in the crowded space. We were only two families. The Hamiltons and my family.

I was taking a small bathroom break from making all the food for the celebration tonight in honor of our Alpha and the warriors who fought when I stumbled upon the room. This was the first time I had ever seen him since I was a child, but the connection I felt towards him the second I set eyes on his hard frame was most definite.

In an instant, he must have felt my eyes, his head whipping in my direction in one stiff moment. I jumped back into the curtain and escaped through the small door I had came in. I made it out into the empty hallway, a few meters away from the door.

I wasn't able to get the best look of him other than his forest green eyes, but I had no doubt he was handsome. I placed a hand over my racing heart, closing my eyes. A smile pulled at my lips, a newfound excitement bubbling inside of me at the thought of finding my mate.

Then, I really thought about it. He was an alpha. My Alpha. I heard the door to the meeting room swing open, hitting against the wall. I jumped into the nearest hiding place I could find. It was a small supply closet. I would be in so much trouble if someone saw me. We weren't supposed to be seen, especially by higher ranks or there would be a punishment. We were called floating wolves for a reason.

"Where is she?" I heard his rich velvet voice growl. I pushed my fingers into the wall, my breath picking up speed. "I know she's here."

I knew he would find me. My scent would be strong enough to lead him here. I had caught on to his as well. The scent of fresh lemons and pine entwined swarmed my senses, making me tremble at the intensity. It was stupid for me to hide in the first place. I guess, all in all, I just wanted to buy some time before he actually met me in fear of the possibility that... he might not want me.

It wasn't impossible for Alphas and servants to mate, but most Alphas were paired with other Alphas or another related status judging from what I gathered around the pack. That's what he wanted and what he expected. That was the only way he would get strong pups to take over the pack and continue his legacy. I wasn't sure if I was capable of that.

I wasn't sure if I was capable of even being a Luna. All my life was spent in the kitchen serving food for the pack. I never was allowed to train to fight. I would be a liability.

"She's close." He was louder. I saw the shadow of his footsteps through the crack at the bottom of the door.

"Alpha, there's an emergency near the southern border. Two rogue pups just entered," a voice called. There was a silent pause before he let out a frustrated sigh.

If anything I had ever heard was true about Alpha Rowen, it was always pack over anything else, and in this case, that would even mean me.

"Please let me find you," he whispered before footsteps thundered the hall until there was silence.

I let myself out of the tight-spaced closet, overwhelmed with many emotions. I wanted to run after him and reveal myself to him, but doubt still clouded my mind. I forced my legs to carry me through the mazes of hallways before I found myself back in the kitchen where my mother and older sister, Millie, were preparing the dessert tonight. They both looked up at me when they saw me enter, their eyes examining my state.

"Are you okay, honey?" Mom worried," You look flushed."

"I'm fine, Mom," I said, hoping she wouldn't ask any more questions.

"Maybe you should get some rest. Today is the celebration tonight and Alpha Rowen is looking for his mate. It might be you," Millie smirked. She always teased me about how she had a dream a long time ago about Alpha Rowen and me and ever since then, she's never dropped it. I hated to admit to her that she was right.

"I don't think I will attend the celebration tonight."

"Why not? It's the one time we're allowed to participate," Millie frowned, her joking demeanor disappearing from her face. "Did something happen?"

"I'm just really tired. I think I'll call it a night."

"At three in the afternoon?"

I nodded. Both of them were hesitant to believe me and I knew they had a million questions to ask me, but reluctantly, they let me retire to my room. Well, the room I shared with Millie, my younger sister, Raegan, and my younger brother, Karter. It was one of the smallest rooms in the castle, barely big enough to fit the large bed that the four of us shared and a small dresser. There wasn't much in there either except the picture frame of our whole family on one of the beige walls.

Both Raegan and Karter were at the younger educational lessons for pups on the main floor of the pack house, so the room was empty. I peeled off my work attire of the simple black dress before pulling on my worn t-shirt and pajama pants. I climbed into the middle of the bed and slipped under the covers. I wondered if my mate thought about me right now as I was thinking of him. I wondered if I would ever be good enough for him.

"Mari! Wake up!"

I fluttered my eyes open. Karter was standing over me with a huge grin.

"Karter, Mom told you not to wake her," Raegan scolded.

"I just couldn't help it," he exclaimed.

"It's alright," I mumbled, sitting up. I let out a yawn, stretching my arms over my head. The two of them were getting ready for the party. Raegan was dressed in a beautiful lavender dress and Karter was wearing a matching tie with his black suit. "What time is it?"

"Six," Raegan answered. "The celebration is starting soon. Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"No," I smiled reassuringly," I'm just going to get some more rest."

"Ok, then."

I could hear the celebration raging through the walls of my room. The music, laughing, shouting. It was almost impossible for me to fall back asleep. Instead, I put on some jeans and a light blue blouse, just in case someone saw me, and then left the confines of my room. I was going for a run. My wolf had been itching to get out after everything that's been happening with meeting our mate.

I didn't blame her for being on edge as I also wanted to be in his arms more than anything, but stupid fear was holding me back. Why couldn't I be stronger, tougher? Why did I have to fear the one thing that would make me happy? I went out the door of the opposite side of the celebration, taking off my clothes and shifting into my wolf gracefully.

That was one of the things I was most proud of. The control I had over my wolf. We were one at all times, never fighting for dominance. I understood how she felt and she understood how I felt.

I ran through the night, the light of the moon glistening on my fur. I ran for what felt like hours before I finally rested by the stream, loving the way I could see the stars in the glistening water.

Marielle, our mate is calling to us.

I sighed and ran back to where I first shifted, changing back into my human form and getting dressed.

He's searching out our scent.

I hid behind the tree as the sounds of leaves crunching alerted me.

He's here.

His large frame came into my view. I gasped, catching a view of his handsome face. His green eyes, light stubble on his chin, sharp jawline. He was perfect. Just as everyone said he was. I pressed myself into the tree, hoping it would hide me more from him, but it was useless. He found me.

"Why are you hiding from me?" He exclaimed, frustration obvious in his voice. "I won't force you but please, let me see you?"

I wanted to. I wanted to so much, but my feet wouldn't move. I was scared. I couldn't help it.

"I know you're behind that tree. I won't hurt you, I promise."

I knew he wouldn't, but that wouldn't stop him from not wanting me when he finds out I'm just a dumb floating wolf. When he found out how pathetic of a mate I was. I wasn't strong enough to lead.

"What's your name? Just tell me that at least."

I hesitated, but what harm would it be? Splinters wedged their way into my skin as I pushed my hands closer to the bark. I felt so indecisive about what I should do. This could make me happy or break me into a thousand pieces.

"Please, sweetheart. Don't be scared." His pleas were too much to handle. It made me feel like he might care for me after all and it would shatter me if I found he wasn't genuine.

I took a deep breath ready to step out from hiding when familiar strawberry blonde hair rushed from the direction of the celebration. Pain rippled through my chest as she wraps her arms around his neck and meets his lips with hers. Without looking back, I scramble away, trying to hold in my tears.

I raced into my empty room and fell onto my bed. I curled into a ball, sobbing into my pillow. I know I could never have him, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

The morning arrives all too fast. The ache in my chest still lingered from yesterday's events. Like most wolves, I always dreamed of my mate, but I never imagined it to feel like this. I never thought it would hurt this much.

My siblings were still sleeping, even Millie, who always wakes up a bit before dawn. I moved to stand up slowly so I didn't wake any of them. I'm not in the mood to hear every detail of last night's celebration. Getting away with a couple of stirs, I got myself ready early for work for the day. Hopefully, I'd be busy enough to take my mind off of my mate. My alpha.

I pushed the door open to the kitchen, tying my apron around my back. Mom was already there with Mrs. Hamilton, reading over the orders from the pack. Hearing me enter, they both looked up at me in surprise.

"Good morning, honey," Mom rushed over to me, her small hands cupping my cheeks," Are you feeling better?"

" Yes, much," I smiled slightly, hoping it was believable for now.

She didn't look too convinced, but she didn't ask any questions. I was grateful. I wouldn't have any answers.

"We were letting the kids sleep in today, Mari. If you want, you can go rest," Mrs. Hamilton offered.

"It's okay. I want to stay." 

I moved to the sink to wash my hands while listening to the orders my mom reads off the list. It was the usual round of chores of preparing meals and cleaning. Other than the extended request to finish any further work from the celebration last night, it was like every other day. Although, I assumed my family and the Hamiltons did most of it before they headed in for the night.

"We also have to prepare a room for the Alpha. He'll be gathering girls above 18 from the pack to search for his mate this evening," Mom finished, folding the list and placing it in the pocket of her apron. "He's certain she's in this pack."

Mrs. Hamilton beamed," I can't wait to find who the young girl is. I hope she's as sweet as Luna Nyla."

Breakfast doesn't take long to prepare and soon enough, I'm helping my mother place the food into the dining hall. Though the room was empty, in roughly five minutes it would be packed to the brim. I sat down piping-hot platters of food in the middle of the massive round tables. My mother tended to the long tables in the front of the room where Alpha and his family sat as well as any guest he had, usually women.

A small ache pained my chest at the thought. I shook my head. I need to focus.

I always wanted to sit in here. I wondered what it was like, to watch the others my age eating with their friends, joking all the time, and just being a normal teen. The best part, I wouldn't have to hide. Maybe I'd be with my mate right now.

I sat the last dish down and went back to help my mother.

"Mom?" I called, breaking out of our comfortable silence.

"Yes, sweetie?" she glanced at me. I grabbed the semi-heavy plates she handed me and placed them on the other spots of the table. Finishing up, we exit out into the servant passageways.

"Are we included in the gathering tonight?" I asked, hiding my shaking hands behind my back.

"I asked if he wanted my girls, but he said it wasn't necessary. Last night was a luxury to be among the others. We were instructed to remain as we always have."

I nodded, disappointed. He didn't even want to try and meet me.

My mother stopped walking and placed her hand on my shoulder," What's the matter, sweetie?"

"Nothing," I lied, looking down to my feet. "It's not like he'd ever have a mate of our status anyways."

"Mari?" Mom placed her finger under my chin, forcing me to look into her eyes. "What is it?"

My eyes filled with unwanted tears, my lower lip trembling," I spied on the meeting yesterday."

"Marielle!" she gasped," What if someone saw you? You'd be-"

"H-he's my mate." Tears slipped down my cheek. I told myself I wouldn't cry again, but it's inevitable to stop.

"Oh, honey," she sighed, pulling me close into her arms.

I sniffled," He doesn't even want to meet me."

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