Dusk til Dawn | n.mikaelson (...

By kmstories1001

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*BOOK ONE OF THE 'TIL SERIES* In which Briana Forbes is full of life, but didn't know what it felt like to tr... More

I: The Last Dance
II: Klaus
III: The Last Day
IV: The Sun Also Rises
V: As I Lay Dying
VI: The Birthday
VII: The Hybrid
VIII: The End of the Affair
IX: Disturbing Behvaior
X: The Reckoning
XI: Smells Like Teen Spirit
XIII: Ordinary People
XIV: Homecoming
XV: The New Deal
XVI: Our Town
XVII: The Ties That Bind
XVIII: Bringing Out the Dead
XIX: Dangerous Liaisons
XX: All My Children
XXI: The Murder of One
XXII: Heart of Darkness
XXIII: Do Not Go Gentle
XXIV: Before Sunset
XXV: The Departed
XXVI: Growing Pains
XXVII: The Rager
XXVIII: The Five
XXVIX: The Killer
XXX: We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes
XXXI: My Brother's Keeper
XXXII: We'll Always Have Bourbon Street
XXXIII: O Come, All Ye Faithful
XXXIV: After School Special
XXXV: Catch Me If You Can
XXXVI: A View to a Kill
XXXVII: Into the Wild
XXXVIII: Down the Rabbit Hole
XXXVIX: Stand By Me
XL: Bring It On
XLI: American Gothic
XLII: The Originals

XII: Ghost World

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By kmstories1001

"Hey! We're not done talking about this!" Briana yelled as she followed Damon into the living room of the Salvatore Boarding House, slamming the door behind her. 

"What the hell do you mean you're going to kill Klaus? He's an original isn't killing him like impossible?" Briana questioned throwing her hands to her hips. 

Damon pressed a hand the bridge of his nose, pinching it in irritation as he turned to face the feisty brunette. 

"Well if we're being specific I'm not going to be the one to kill him, but I found someone who can." Damon turned to face her and was met with her confused look. 

"Who even has the means to kill him? I mean he's the strongest supernatural creature on the earth." Briana asked as she begin to pace. She hadn't even noticed what she was doing but she start biting at her nails out of nerves. 

"I know an evil slut vampire who knows a guy." Damon said jokingly, Briana rolled her eyes. 

"Katherine. Of course. Who's this "guy?" Briana asked annoyed. 

Damon rolled his eyes as he began rolling up the rug Stefan's lunch had stained earlier in the day, "Don't worry about it. The less you know the better. I shouldn't have even told you." He responded bitterly causing Briana to stop in her tracks. 

"Well then why did you tell me?!" Briana exclaimed. She could feel her anger rising. She tried her best to stay calm. 

"Because I know for some insane reason you care about him. Why? I have no idea. I mean never mind the fact that the guy is a proven psychopath, but he also left you here without so much as a goodbye." Damon scoffed, he would never admit it to her, but he knew Briana was too good for Klaus. He knew by doing this he wouldn't only be protecting Elena, he would free Briana from whatever hold the hybrid had on her. 

Briana refused to admit that Klaus abruptly leaving town affected her. Even though they weren't on the best of terms, they both cared too deeply about one another to leave without saying goodbye.

"So you know I care about him and yet you're still going to go through with this? And probably without telling me." Briana crossed her arms over her chest, in that moment, she saw red. 

"What the hell does this guy have on you? He's a monster." Damon said as if it was nothing, but Briana snapped. 

"He doesn't deserve to die Damon." Briana spat through gritted teeth. She had so much she wanted to say, or yell, but she refrained knowing if things got physical, she wouldn't stand a chance. 

"Neither did Jenna-" Damon started but Briana lost it. Before she knew it, her hand slapped Damon across the face. Her face seething with anger. 

Damon angrily grabbed a hold of Briana's shoulders and vamp sped her up against the closest wall. The both of them looking at each other with daggers. If looks could kill, they'd both be dead. 

Before either one of them could make a move a vase from across the room randomly fell off the table, smashing all over the floor. Damon released his grip from Briana's shoulders shooting her a confused look, motioning for him to stay behind him for protection, but Briana's still seething in anger. The low blow and mention of Jenna's death hit her harder than she could have imagined.

"You're little plan is never going to work." Briana pushed past Damon making sure to hit his shoulder with hers as she made her way to the door. His face twisted in confusion, "And whatever the hell that was." She spoke referring to the vase. "Figure it out yourself." 


Briana stormed up the stairs bursting into Caroline's room when she returned home. Her anger still eating her alive. 

"Did you know about Damon's idiotic plan?" Briana burst through the door to Caroline's bedroom startling her younger sister who was sitting on her bed. 

"Woah Bri calm down." Caroline sat up straight giving her sister her full attention. Briana took a deep breath. 

"Damon is full of idiotic plans I'm going to need you to be more specific about which one you are talking about." Caroline joked looking up at her sister paced back and forth. 

"The one where he's planning to kill Klaus." Briana spoke, still pacing. 

"Oh that one. Yeah. I knew about it." Caroline said nonchalantly as Briana stopped in her tracks. 

"And you didn't think it was something you should mention?" Briana rose her voice as she turned to face her sister. The agitation present in her voice. Caroline looked at her sister slightly confused as to why she was so mad.

"I'm sorry! I figured Damon would tell you your role in it once he figured everything out. What's the big deal?" Caroline spoke innocently. 

It was in that moment that Caroline had no clue. Since Briana got back into town things have been so chaotic that she hasn't had the time to tell Caroline about her summer. About Klaus. 

Briana sighed giving her sister an apologetic look for her outburst. Briana knew Caroline would never hurt her on purpose, which is why her knowledge of the plan was so upsetting, but she calmed down realizing her sister didn't know the extent of her connection with Klaus. 

"I think it's time we talk about my summer away." 


Briana spent hours filling Caroline in on every little detail of her summer with Klaus and Stefan. The werewolf hunting, the failed hybrid attempts, the late night talks with Klaus and the connection they formed. How deep their connection really is. 

It was the first time since she had been home she let anyone see her cry. Over Klaus, over everything that happened at the school, over the fact that he left her without even saying goodbye. 

At the end of the conversation, Briana was pleasantly surprised about how supportive and comforting her sister was about the entire situation. Briana wasn't and idiot. She knew that Klaus was no one in this groups favorite person, but of all of them, Caroline would be the one to put her differences with him aside for the sake of her sister's happiness. 

When Briana finally finished, she looked down to see Caroline's hand comfortingly on top of hers. Caroline lifted her hand to wipe some stray tears from Briana's face. Briana sending her a thankful smile. 

"I'm sorry, you must think I'm awful." Briana sniffled as she wiped another tear. 

"Bri, you're my sister I'm always going to love you, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to judge your questionable choice in men. Even if they have a British accent" Caroline smiled making light of the situation. 

Briana cracked a smile and slight laugh at the response. 

 Caroline was always able to make Briana smile even on her worst days since they were little girls. She could make light of any situation just like she was doing now, and most importantly she always has Briana's back. 


 The next morning Briana woke up to the consistent buzzing from her cell phone. She rolled over to see Caroline was calling, she groggily answered. 

"Hello." Briana spoke tiredly having just woken up, she rubbed her eyes as they adjusted to the life. 

"I need your help. We have a ghost problem." Caroline spoke as if it was a completely normal sentence. 

"Do you even hear the words coming out of your mouth right now?" Briana asked back slightly chuckling under her breath. 

"I know its ridiculous but I'm serious! Meet Bonnie and I at the old witch house." Caroline spoke swiftly hanging up before Briana could even reply. 

Briana quickly got up and dressed before making her way over the witch house. She had forgotten how creepy this place was. She approached the door slowly but every step she took made the porch creek creeping her out even more. 

When she walked through the entry way she didn't see Caroline or Bonnie. 

"Hello? Care?" Briana called out as she turned a corner, still no sight of the two girls.

"Caroline seriously this place is creepy!" Briana called out again, jumping as the door to the basement flew open. Briana placed her hand to her chest as she caught her breath before walking down the stairs. 

"I mean seriously you guys you drag me out to this abandoned house and then you don't  ev-" Briana complained as she made her way down the stairs, she stopped when she saw Caroline, Bonnie and Bonnie's Grams looking up at her. 

Briana made her way down the steps and next to her sister as Bonnie cried in disbelief, holding onto the hands of the woman who raised her. 

"Stop your tears. We don't have time for crying." Grams slightly joked as Bonnie cracked a smile. 

"Nice to see you girls again." Grams looked in the direction of the Forbes sisters. 

Caroline and Briana chuckled nervously, "Hi Ms. Sheila." 

Grams started explaining to Bonnie that the door to the other side was cracked open when she brought Jeremy back to life and that there was an old witch who was using Vicki Donovan to cement a foothold in the physical world. 

"What does the witch want?" Bonnie asked through her tears. 

"That's original vampire business. Not yours." Grams spoke calmly as Briana stiffened thinking about not only her connection with Klaus, but her friendship with Rebekah. 

"I don't want you getting in the middle of that." Grams reassured Bonnie, "Any of you." She spoke sternly turning towards the Forbes sisters, but her eyes locked on Briana, giving her a slight nod. 

Briana couldn't help herself, "What does she want with the originals?" She stepped forward in curiosity, Caroline grabbing her by the arm to pull her back. 

"You don't worry about that." Grams spoke calmly looking towards Briana. "You just stay away from him. From all of them." Briana stepped back towards Caroline uneasy. 

Grams redirected her focus back to Bonnie, "You have to close that door to restore the balance of nature. We need the talisman." Bonnie looked confused, but Briana knew exactly what she was talking about. 

"Elena's necklace." Briana spoke up as Grams nodded slightly, Caroline pulling out her phone to call Elena. Bonnie looked at Briana confused as to how she knew what they would need, she could practically see the wheels turning in Briana's head. 

The original witch. It was her necklace. Of course she had it out for the originals. For Klaus. 

Caroline reappeared, "Well Elena said she gave Damon the necklace and big shocker he's not answering. I'm gonna go over to the house and look for it. Bri come with me." 

Briana nodded and stepped towards her sister before Grams grabbed her arm to stop her, turning Briana back towards the older woman. 

"Briana, I mean it. She knows about you. She knows you're his weakness and she will use you to get to him. Be careful." The older woman now cupping Briana's face. A serious tone coating her voice that spoke just above a whisper. 

All Briana could muster was a shaky nod of her head before she followed Caroline out of the house, Gram's words replaying in her head: 

'You're his weakness'


Caroline and Briana tore the Salvatore Boarding House to shreds looking in every possible crevice for the necklace and no luck. Their search was interrupted by Elena calling Caroline. 

"Did you find it?" Elena asked through the phone before Caroline could even greet her. A sense of urgency in the doppelgängers voice. 

"No we've looked everywhere. What's going on?" Caroline asked worriedly catching Briana's attention. 

"The ghosts of the tomb vampires killed Tobias Fell. You better find it quick before they start going through the founding families alphabetically." Elena spoke as two girls gulped knowing them and their mom was on the hit list. 

"I'm telling you Elena we've looked everywhere. It's not here. Someone must have taken it." Briana explained as her sister held out the phone. 

It was like a light bulb went off in Caroline's head. 

"Tell Jeremy to check with his ghost ex girl friend." Caroline replied snarky knowing how much Bonnie has been hurting with the presence of Anna. 

The two could hear Elena ask her younger brother on the other side of the phone before responding, "He says Anna doesn't have it." 

Caroline rolled her eyes, her anger taking over, "Jeremy you are an even bigger idiot than I thought. Wake up before you lose everything." Caroline snapped hanging up the phone looking at her sister with a semi fearful glare. 


Briana and Caroline gave up searching the Salvatore House and made their way back to the witch house.

Caroline looked up from a text on her phone, "Jeremy's got the necklace. He's going to meet Bonnie at the witch house."

Briana slammed on the breaks as Frederick, one of the tomb vampires, appeared in the middle of the street. As the two girls looked in his direction, they noticed Carol Lockwood's car smoking, crashed into a tree. 

Caroline's face went pale with worry. 

"Bri I'm going to get out of the car and you are going to drive away from here and go find mom." Caroline spoke relatively calm. 

"What? Absolutely not. I am not leaving you here." Briana protested. 

"Bri, Bonnie has her ghost boyfriend drama. You have your original hybrid or witch or whatever boyfriend drama and right now the mother of mine is about to be ghost bait." Caroline explained, her voice shaky. 

"First of all he's not my boyfriend." Briana exclaimed but Caroline shot her a 'not the time' look to shut her up. 

"Just please go and find mom. If they are after Mrs. Lockwood who knows if they...th- already got to her. And make sure Bonnie sends all the ghosts away." Caroline swallowed back her worry as both girls mind's wandered to the safety of their mother. 

Caroline made her way out of the car. Briana knew she needed to drive away, but she couldn't leave Caroline to fend for herself. 

Briana watched as Caroline went after the tomb vampires ghosts. Fiercely attacking every one of them that tried to stop her. Briana admired how fearless her sister is. How strong and powerful she is being outnumbered and so young. 

It was the first time since Caroline transitioned, Briana was envious. She was tired of being frail and needing protection all the time. 

Caroline was strong, and ageless, a force to be reckoned with. She was powerful. In that moment, she was everything Briana wanted to be. 

But Briana was something much more valuable in her eyes, she is alive. 

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