The Beast And The Prodigy

By suzangill98

46.1K 5.2K 668

Reinan Andersan A prodigy who earns thousands with a flick of her finger and then spends hours distributing i... More

The Prodigy
The Beast
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Beast
The Beast
The Prodigy.
The Prodigy.
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Beast
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Beast
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Beast
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Beast
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Beast
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Beast
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Beast
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Beast
The Prodigy
The Prodigy
The Beast
The Beast
The Beast

The Prodigy

835 106 6
By suzangill98

My torpid body jerks back to life when I feel the contents of my stomach protesting.

Not again. Aghhhhh!

Flapping open my eyes, I press my palms on the mattress to get up. It was pin drop silent in the room. Darian was in a deep sleep, laying just beside me. And the lights were off.

Rushing to the bathroom, I close the door behind to gag and hurl the toxic substance.

Pheww. Finally. Switching on the tap. I was lucky enough to see the face of water in the last two days.

Splashing my face with it. I look at myself in the mirror to freeze.

Damn. I look like shit.

How much time has passed? Why was my head exploding and what the hell is this stink? I take a whiff of my own shirt and I gag.

Shit. It's me. I am the one stinking of alcohol and vomiting.

The events before I passed out flash in my mind and I groan hitting my palm on my head.

Way too stupid Reina!

Discarding my shirt, I rampage through my clothes when suddenly my eyes stop at the window next door and I freeze.

" I will be there tomorrow. "



I had to follow him tonight! I slapdash my phone screen to see the time impatiently.

9:52 pm

He would have left! Dammit!

It was the only opportunity to unveil the secrets he was hiding. How can I let this golden chance skip!

Changing my shirt into a plain white one. Wrapping my hair into a tight bun over my head and pulling over a black hoody. I fumble , stumbling out with half sneakers on.

Making sure to not wake D up, I softly close the door behind. Stepping out I look out at the deserted alley.

Damn it!

He left!

Stomping my foot. I wanted to cry. Turning around I was going to go back in, dejected  when I caught the silhouette of a figure walking down the eerie silent dark alley.

That broad back, stiff posture.

It's definitely him!


Pulling down the hood I enter into a sprint after him to only slow down a few meters behind him when his heavy footsteps come to a hiatus.

I hop, to cover up behind the wall. Breathing heavily.

Fudge! I was so silent. How come he still caught me?

Peeping in, I find him resuming his walk. And I follow him more discreetly this time.

20 minutes later.

Agh! My legs were sore and I was tired. How long will he continue? And what is this place? I don't even remember how many turns I have taken  and roads I have passed. It felt like I was at the other end of the world. 

I start hearing distant shouts and cheering and my brows furrow.

We were close. I suppose.

He takes the last right turn and as soon as I follow him, I am met with a bustling street at 11 o'clock at night.

My feet stagger to a stop and my eyes widen in shock.

What the hell?

If only I had known this was just the beginning. 

Laggining behind, I rush through the crowds to be only tossed around by the huge frames of the men around.

" Excuse me!"

" Sliding in!"

" Hey!"

" Sorry!"

Crouching, sliding, pacing, I was able to catch up with Veer.

Men were coming in and out of a specific door and I see Veer making way towards it. I follow to only find it to be a staircase, leading to something below.


The name suddenly made sense now.

My heart thuds in my chest. This place looked very dangerous. What is he doing here?

My hands suddenly start turning sweaty. But there was no going back now. The only way is ahead.

There was a queue at the bottom. Everyone was shoving each other to go inside first. But surprisingly the line didn't mean anything for Veer.

He showed a card to the guards  and I see the huge guard rather slightly bowing at him. The crowd gets cleared for him and he gets a VIP entrance.


What is this supposed to mean?

Afraid of losing him in this crowd, I push past the people with great difficulty. My little frame helped and I was just few feet behind him when I see a arm blocking my entry.

" Your ID.  Rs 5000 minimum. And the name you bet on.  "

He speaks impatiently tapping his pen on the note book in his hand and I blink. What ID? And money? Bet? What the hell is even going in there?

I check my pockets to curse in my mind. I hadn't planned this to turn out like this? I wasn't carrying a single cent.


" Hurry up!"

The man roars rudely and I am pushed forward by the propelling force of the thousands of people stomping behind.

" What the hell!"

" We will get late!"

" Move it dammit!"

They start protesting behind. And my anxiety worsens.

" I....I...."

" Get him out."

Him? They think I am a boy. And that 's when I look behind to realise there were just men here. Not a single woman could be spotted.

Testosterone was surging in the air and I was feeling low. Very low.

Adjusting my hood to make sure that my face stays hidden, I try to reason out when I feel a shadow looming behind me.

" This one?"

" Yes"

The huge hulk of a man was ready to get his hands on me when I do the most audacious thing I have ever done in my life. Sliding in from under the guards arm, I run inside to only sneak into the crowd.

" Hey!"

" Stop!"

I don't look back after that. Pushing in my way from in between the crazy crowd. I hear my own heart thumping in my chest. I don't remember for how long I continued to push myself deeper.

The further I went, the denser the crowd got. And the next time I looked back. The face of that hulk of man was no where to be found.

I lost him.

Phew. Finally.  I take in a deep breath to look up and the world stopped.

A boxing rink.

Caged by wires.

Covered in dried blood.

My footstep staggered back and I only hit a person chest.

" Hey! What where you are stepping!"

He screams and I bow in apology, to only hit another one behind. The people looked scary here. The aura no less.
What was I thinking coming here?

This was a mistake !

Earlier I was so lost in following Veer that I didn't took notice of my surroundings, but now that I did.

I won't lie.

I was scared.

I didn't knew anyone here. Veer is the only face I would recognize but he is no where to be seen.

Even if he is here, I am sure I will not be able to find him.

I hug myself, trying to look as invisible as I could . In this crazy mob I was surrounded by men. They were touching me, hitting me with elbows, screaming and cheering on top of their lungs.

I know I sound pathetic.

But I just wanted to go home. The sweat and blood stink was making me nauseated. 

Turning around I try to search for the exit but my heart dropped when I see the door closing. The same guard stood in front of it with arms folded in front of his chest.

Looking around at the crowd.

Oh god!

Veer where are you!

The anxiety made me feel suffocated. I just wanted to breathe. I don't care if Veer gives me a piece of his mind for following him, I just wanted to get out.

He was my last resort.

My pleas are interrupted by the lights dimming and I see the spotlight falling on a man on the stage.

" Welcome everyone to the most awaited part of the night!"

"The bloodbath!"

Men screamed like crazy and I press my palms on the ear. Are they planning to make me deaf or what?

And what are they so excited to see? Blood?

Why don't they punch themselves to get a better demonstration and closer view? Pathetic.

" Without further adieu. Let's begin! The first opponent we have is the one who is named death himself. Famous for leaving all his opponents unconscious and with countless broken bones. If you survived a match with him and come out walking? You would be lucky!"

" Please welcome the heartless killing machine DEATH! "

I get on my toes to see a person walking up the stage. With a huge 6'5 built, muscles ripping and dark deep scar running down his chest.

Indeed. He looked like a killer machine.

Just starting at him can make a child piss his pants.

Rattling the mesh door closed, he walks in. And I rather feel the stage small under his frame. His each step made the ground shake and I gulp. Starting blankly at him.

I pity his opponent already.

This man is can kill with a flick of his finger.

The crowd went crazy. But I was surprised to see only countable people screaming. Majority were silent.

I really don't know why.

The man, death pounds his fist in the air. Seeking support and encouragement but the majority still remained silent.

Looking rather bored.

What's with this reaction? Am I the only one feeling scared to death by this man here?

" Now. Welcoming the man you all have been waiting for. Put your hands together for none other the undefeated champion of this place! Don't let his beautiful face fool you, he is diamond who has been cut everyday to be the hardest and the strongest man known to walk on this planet ! He is my and all of ours pride!"

" The very King of the underworld! The BEAST!"

The crowd lost it. They screeemed so loudly that I feel my eardrum crying. Pushing back from the people I see almost everyone joining the majority.

So everyone is with him.

This so called beast.


Intrigued by this man I wanted to see him but the crowd was blocking my view. All those standing in back also rushed forward to catch his glimpse.

He was nothing less than a celebrity here. I have never seen anyone go so crazy for someone before.

I get on top of a chair to see. And I find a man walking up the stage confidently.

Unlike Death, this man walked with the swiftness and firmness of a viper. Rooted. Each step calculated. Balanced.

His back was to me and a dark hood covered his identity.

Surprisingly the hood looked familiar.

Where have I seen it? Since when did I start recognising men's hoods now?

What am I doing? Getting distracted. I should search for Veer dammit!

Looking around I try to locate him to no avail. I need to go closer. Entering the crazy crowd again I was the only one looking lost there.

I almost reach near the cage while searching for him. When suddenly I see the man, Beast taking his hood off. Removing it and throwing it aside.

My eyes stuck on his back and I gawk at it like a creep. Fuc*! It's a perfect with muscles redefined. Shining under the lights, I bet it was enough to have any girl drop her panties.

It's a good thing there were no girls here. Or there would be in need of even more bodyguards.

They wouldn't leave this smoking hot beast alone.

Death had muscles, no doubt. But they were just too much. I mean it gets unattractive for me when it's sculptures to highly. But Beast? His muscle were just perfect. Not over. Enough to show he had the deadly combination of strength and flexibility that Death lacks.

Snap out if it!

I takes my eyes off him to search for that stupid brute instead when my eyes catch an eagle tattoo behind Bests neck and my brows furrow.

I gave seen it before.

That night, through the window....


No...this can't be!

My eyes widen and my hands grip the wired cage to stare at the man called beast. And then it happens. 

He turns.

" Veer?"

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