The Secretary of a Cold CEO...

By Insane_adolfa

3.4K 237 85

What It's Like to Be the Secretary of a Cold CEO? In a busy city where ambition rules and the past haunts eve... More

Character intro and Copyright
Chapter 2: What's wrong sir? There must be some misunderstanding. (Edited)
Chapter 3: Sorry, sir, I can't accept this gift (Edited)
Chapter 4: Is this your locket?
Chapter 5: So you are saying Y/n is Miho?
Chapter 6: You were having a nightmare.
Chapter 7: Lee Cha-Jung... yes, I remember her.
Chapter 8: Lazy Sunday? (Edited)
Chapter 9: Alright, I'll take care of it.
Chapter 10: I Still Don't Like Him
Chapter 11: But can these feelings really be... love?
Chapter 12: He left us when we needed him most
Chapter 13: I have no intention of coming back.
Chapter 14: Decision is made, Miss Y/n. End of discussion.
Chapter 15: I wonder if it connects to something-or someone-from your past.
Chapter 16: You pervert, get out of my damn house!
Chapter 17: Yes, obviously... after all, she is mine.
Chapter 18: Why was Mingyu sir coming back now, after all these years?
Chapter 19: You're serious? You want us to be your business partners?

Chapter 1: I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again (Edited)

438 21 6
By Insane_adolfa

Morning 8:00 AM

Alarm rings for the third time since 7:15 AM.

Y/N: "Ugh, why won't it stop?"

(She grabs the alarm, still half-asleep, and sees the time. She jumps out of bed.)

Y/n: "Ohh shit...!! Run Y/n or else you are going to be fired today for sure...!!"

She opens her wardrobe, grabs a formal suit, and rushes to the bathroom.

Meanwhile... I will tell you what's happening here.

A/N: "Y/N is a sweet and kind-hearted girl living with her roommate, Rose, who has already left for work. Y/N's parents live in a small town, and she moved to Seoul to pursue her dreams. She works as a secretary at Jeon Enterprises, where her boss, CEO Jeon Jungkook, is known for being ruthless and demanding. He expects nothing but perfection from his employees, and he is not afraid to fire anyone who does not meet his expectations. Y/n is his personal secretary so she has to be on time or else he may fire her too. cause it's her 3rd time getting late."

Y/N: (Clearing throat) "My dear A/n if you don't mind can we continue the story, I am already getting late"

A/N (chuckles): "Sure, sure. I am leaving, I hope you will not wear the wrong pair of shoes this time"

Y/N (embarrassed): "Yaah, don't expose those things here"

A/N (laughing): "Alright, I'm out. Good luck!"

Y/N grabs her purse and meeting files, then rushes downstairs. She grabs an apple from the dining table and heads to the office.

Y/n takes her purse, and meeting files and runs downstairs. She picks the apple from the fruit basket which was kept on the dining table and rushes to the office.

Seeing that she's already late, she opts for a cab instead of waiting for the bus. She keeps checking her watch anxiously. As she's paying the cab fare, she sees Jungkook entering the building.

Y/N: "Oh no, what do I do? I can't even run after him, but I can't avoid him either. I'm dead meat today."

She hurried behind him, making sure he wouldn't notice her. But as he entered the elevator, he turned and faced her, and they made eye contact. She stood there, stunned in front of him.

Y/n: This was the last thing I wanted to happen today, despite trying to avoid him now I am facing him, should I go inside or wait for another lift?

Jungkook: "Miss Y/N, aren't you getting in?"

Y/N "Uhh? (snapping back to reality) Yes, sir, I'm coming."

Jungkook:(Cold) "Daydreaming in the open lobby is not a good idea."

Y/N: "I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again."

They both get out of the elevator and walk toward his office.

Jungkook (seriously): "What's today's schedule?"

Y/N: "You have two meetings today, sir. One at 11 AM and another after lunch. Here's the file."

Jungkook (glancing at the file): "Alright."

As they walked to his office, Y/N felt nervous after their encounter in the lobby. Jungkook didn't seem to be in a good mood today.

Jungkook: "Miss Y/N, I expect you to be fully prepared for today's meetings. Ensure everything is perfect."

Y/N (determined): "Yes, sir. I'll make sure everything is ready."

Jungkook nodded.

Y/N (trying to lighten the mood): "Is there anything specific you need me to focus on during the meetings?"

Jungkook: "For the first meeting, provide a summary of the key points and be ready to answer questions. During the second meeting, ensure our clients feel valued and address any concerns they have."

Y/N: "Understood, sir. I'll do my best to make both meetings successful."

They headed to the Jungkook office, his office was spacious, with large windows offering a panoramic view of the city. A neatly arranged bookshelf lined one wall, and various awards and accolades were displayed proudly.

As they arrive, Jungkook stops and looks at Y/N.

Jungkook (soft): "Miss Y/N, I expect the best from your team because I know they are capable. Don't let me down."

Y/N (stunned):"Tha...Thank you, sir. I'll work hard to meet your expectations."

Y/N is taken aback by Jungkook's sudden change in tone.

Y/N (in her mind): "Did he just talk softly to me? Is this the same cold boss who always shouts at me?"

Jungkook: "Miss Y/N, are you listening?"

Y/N (snapping out of her thoughts): "Yes, sir."

Jungkook: "Is something bothering you? Why are you so distracted today?"

Y/N: "No, sir. I'm fine."

Jungkook: "Be attentive during the meetings. No mistakes. I expect your best."

Jungkook still looked serious, but he seemed a bit pleased.

Time Skips to 11 AM

Client 1: "Miss Y/N, could you please summarize the main points again?"

Y/N (confidently): "Certainly, here's a concise summary of the key points..."

Client 2: "Your explanation is very clear, Miss Y/N."

Client 3: "I must say, you're quite impressive. It's rare to see someone so well-prepared."

Y/N (grateful): "Thank you for your kind words. I'm here to ensure everything runs smoothly."

After the meeting...

Client: "Thank you again for your time, Mr. Jungkook. We're excited to get started on this project."

Jungkook: "The pleasure was ours. We're looking forward to working with you."

As the clients leave, Jungkook turns to Y/N.

Jungkook: "I'm very proud of you, Miss Y/N. You did an excellent job today."

Y/N: "Thank you, sir."

Jungkook: "Don't let your guard down. The second meeting is even more crucial."

Y/N: "I won't, sir."

Jungkook walks away without another word.

Suho: "Great job, Y/N. Once again boss praised you!"

Yeri (shocked): "Yeah, that's rare! I've never seen him praise anyone but Y/N."

Taehyun "I guess being personal secretary has it's own perk."

Nayeon (teasing): "I think the boss has a crush on Y/N."

Y/N (blushing): "Stop it, you all. It's nothing like that."

Suho (teasing): "Looks like someone's cheeks are burning"

Huening Kai (playing along): "Why are you blushing, Y/N?"

Y/N (blushing even more): "Who's blushing? No one is blushing. Get back to work, or I'll tell the boss."

Suho (laughing): "Okay okay, Boss's secretory"

Everyone praised Y/N, except for one person fuming with jealousy – Seo Mi-ri. She was originally supposed to give the presentation, but due to a mistake, Jungkook removed her from the team and asked Y/N to handle it.

As Y/N went to her desk, which had minimalist decor, provided a calming yet professional atmosphere. She headed straight to her desk, a neatly organized space adorned with a small potted plant and a framed photo of her friends. She took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anticipation and determination for the second meeting.

Y/N: "Sir, it's almost time for lunch."

Jungkook: "Okay, you can go first. I'll join you in five minutes."

Y/N: "No, sir. I'll skip lunch today to prepare for the second meeting."

Jungkook stood up and faced Y/N, who looked worried.

Y/N: "Is something wrong, sir? Did I mess up?"

He closed the file she was working on.

Jungkook: "I believe in you, Miss Y/N. I know you'll do your best in the meeting. Let's go, and don't skip your meal."

Y/N hesitated but decided to join him.

After lunch, she went to the restroom, and while she was there, she received a call informing her that the clients had arrived. She quickly called Jungkook to let him know.


Y/N: "Sir, the clients are here. Let's go."

Jungkook: "Alright, I'm on my way."

However, during the second meeting, Y/N made a mistake. She accidentally gave the clients incorrect information about the product. The clients were upset and confused, losing interest in the deal.

Despite Y/N's best efforts, the meeting ended with the clients undecided. They said they needed time to reconsider their options.

After the meeting, Jungkook was furious.

Jungkook (angrily): "What were you thinking, Miss Y/N? You messed up the entire meeting!"

Y/N (flinching): "I'm so sorry, sir. I didn't mean to make a mistake."

Jungkook (still angry): "You're supposed to help me close deals, not lose them!"

Y/N (on the verge of tears): "I know, sir. I'll try my best to do better next time."

Jungkook (sighing): "I hope so. Because if you don't, I'll find someone who can."

Jungkook stormed off, leaving Y/N alone in the conference room.

Y/N was heartbroken. She knew she had made a mistake and worried about losing her job. She felt bad for Jungkook, knowing he was counting on her.

When Y/N got back home, her roommate, Rose immediately noticed that something was very wrong. Y/n entered the house and headed towards her room looking down. Rose came over with a worried look and asked Y/n

Rose (concerned): "Y/N, what's wrong? You look really upset."

Y/N (hesitant, barely meeting Rose's eyes): "I... I had a tough day at work, but I'll be fine. Don't worry about it."

Rose (insisting, holding Y/N's wrist): "Are you sure? You don't look fine. And why won't you face me?"

Y/N finally looked up, revealing her puffy, teary eyes.

Rose (shocked): "Y/N, what happened? You look like you've been crying. Are you okay?"

Unable to hold back any longer, Y/N collapsed into Rose's arms, her body shaking with sobs. Y/N's voice shook as she told the story of the terrible meeting, tears welling up in her eyes.

Y/N (sobbing, voice trembling): "I messed up at work, and my boss was so angry. I don't know what to do. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

Rose is her childhood friend who had always been protective of her,  Rose anger boiling inside her as she listened to Y/N's story.

Rose (fuming, her eyes blazing): "That Jungkook has no right to treat you like that! He's nothing but a cruel, heartless guy."

Y/N (sobbing harder, her voice breaking): "I know it was my fault. I didn't realize I had the wrong documents but...but... He yelled at me in front of everyone. He was furious, Rose. It was so humiliating."

Seeing Y/N so broken, Rose's anger deepened, but she softened her tone and pulled Y/N into a tighter hug, rubbing her back soothingly.

Rose (calm): "I'm sorry I got so worked up. I just hate seeing you like this. We'll figure things out together, okay? You're not alone."

Y/N (clinging to Rose): "Thank you for always being there for me. I'm so lucky to have you."

Rose (supportive, but with steely determination): "You're strong, Y/N. You've faced worse and come out stronger. Jungkook might be tough, but you have the talent and grit to prove yourself. He has no right to make you feel this way."

Y/N nodded, wiping her tears with the back of her han.

Rose (gentle, yet firm): "Let's not dwell on this tonight. How about we have dinner and watch a movie to take your mind off things?"

Y/N (sniffing, managing a small smile): "Sounds good, but I am hungry."

Rose (smiling, though her eyes still flickered with anger): "Great, I'll order the food. You pick the movie."

As Rose stepped away to grab her phone, she cast one last look at Y/N, vowing silently to herself that she would find a way to make sure no one, especially not Jungkook, would ever hurt her friend like this again. Y/N went to freshen up until the food arrived.

In the bathroom, Y/N's mind raced with thoughts of how to fix her mistake.

After dinner and movie night, they went to sleep.

The next day, Y/N arrived early and started working on a presentation addressing all the clients' concerns. She stayed late every night for a week, perfecting it. Finally, she felt confident and asked Jungkook for another meeting with the clients.

Jungkook (cold): "Why? They said they needed time to reconsider."

Y/N: "I know, sir. But I've prepared a presentation that addresses all their concerns."

Jungkook (sighing): "Fine. But if you mess up again, you're fired."

Y/N: "I understand, sir. I won't let you down."

Y/N went to the meeting and delivered her presentation perfectly. The clients were impressed with her knowledge and professionalism, agreeing to move forward with the deal.

Client 1: "I'm very impressed with your presentation, Miss Y/N. You were knowledgeable and passionate about your product."

Client 2: "I agree. Your new marketing strategy is well thought out."

Client 3: "Yes, we're interested in moving forward. We'd like to discuss some terms and conditions in more detail."

Y/N: "Of course. I'm happy to answer any questions."

They spent the next hour discussing the terms and conditions, eventually reaching an agreement. The clients signed the contract.

Client 1: "It's been a pleasure working with you, Miss Y/N. We're confident this partnership will be a success."

Client 2: "Yes, we're looking forward to it."

Client 3: "Thank you for your time and consideration."

Y/N: "The pleasure was mine. I'm excited to get started."

The clients shook Y/N's hand and then left. Y/n smiled as she watched them go.

She had done it. She had closed the deal.

Jungkook watched her every action throughout the meeting, smiling the whole time. He was very proud of her.

After the meeting, Jungkook approached Y/N.

Jungkook (cold): "Good job, Y/N. I'm glad you fixed your mistake."

Y/N: "Thank you, sir."

Jungkook (cold): "But don't let it happen again."

Y/N: "I won't, sir."

Jungkook walks away without another word but as he turned a wide smile appeared on his face which he was hiding from Y/n.

Y/n knows that Jungkook is still a bit angry with her, but she's also grateful that he gave her second chance. She's determined to work hard and prove herself to him.

Time Skips to Night at Jungkook's House

His bedroom was a mess. He was tense and searching for something all over the house even his maids were searching with him.

Jungkook's locket was missing, and he searched for it everywhere, but he couldn't find it. He used to wear it daily and never took it off, but due to the Y/n's blunder at the office, he didn't notice for weeks that his locket was missing.

He was getting frustrated. He knew he had left it somewhere in his office but couldn't remember where.

Next Day in his office

Finally, he decided to check the CCTV footage from the past week or two. He sat down in front of the monitor and started scrolling through the footage.

At first, there was nothing unusual. Just Jungkook going about his day, having meetings, and signing papers. But then, he saw something that made his blood boil.

Jungkook (yelling): "Miss Y/N, come here right now!"

Y/N (scared): "What happened, sir? Did I make a mistake?"

He grabbed her hand and took her to the presentation team.

Y/N in mind: I guess this is my last day here. But what did I do? Did clients again cancel the deal? Omg, what should I do now?

Everyone gathered around Y/n. The environment was tense. Seo mi-ri was enjoying the show.

Suddenly Jungkook spoke

Jungkook: "You know, right? I can get hundreds of employees like you. I don't even have to think twice before firing you.

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