Enigma (Tokyo Revengers)

Galing kay AMS495

292 11 0

"Maybe in another timeline, we would be saved. Maybe in another timeline, our story would be rewritten. Maybe... Higit pa

Prologue (Part 1)
Prologue (Part 2)
Chapter 1 (Lifeless)
Chapter 2 (First ever friend..)
Chapter 3 (Unexpected)
Chapter 4 (Mizo middle.)
Chapter 5 (Reborn)

Chapter 6 (Timeleapers)

20 1 0
Galing kay AMS495


No one's Pov:

"He is awake!"

The now 26 years old Takemichi heard a male voice as he sat up on the bed.

"Huh? Where am I?" The young man asked, looking around the room.

Spotting a calender, he read the date, 'July 4th 2017... Was that all a dream?'

"But wait.. How did I survive that?" Takemichi said out loud, remebering the incoming train.
"I actually survived that?! And no scratches?!"

He said loudly, inspecting his own body for injuries, only to find none.

"Can I speak to him alone?"

A male voice was heard, looking up, Takemichi found a young black haired man dressed in a grey suit.

"Sure, this man saved your life, by the way."

"It's been a while." The unknown man said as they were left alone.

"Huh?" Takemichi asked as he watched the man walk up to him.

"Who are you?"

"I am Tachibana Naoto. That day, you changed my fate." Naoto explained to him, causing more confusion to the 26 years old.

"Huh? That day? But you...you died"

"You traveled through time, You traveled through time and with that changed the present and saved my life."

Takemichi was left speechless.

So all that...wasn't a dream..

Naoto took out a chair and sat down on it.

"Twelve years ago today, you traveled back in time...remember what you told me on the swings?"

Nodding his head in response, Naoto took it as a sign to continue.

"I studied very hard and became a police officer...so that I could save my sister."

"Wait...then Hinata is.....?!"

Naoto stopped him by looking down on the floor in disappointment.

"I am truly sorry! I did everything I could,but...."

Looking up, he gave Takemichi a glare, "Please help me save my sister, Hanakagi!"

"Me? Save...her..?" Takemichi muttered, processing the words as Naoto nodded.

(A while later)

The two men were currently in Naoto's apartment, the younger man gave Takemichi all the files he needed to read through.

On his walls were pictures of people, who the older suspected were important to save Hinata Tachibana.

How am I even going to save her?....

Takemitchi thought

"I have observed something about your power.
You jumped from the present time, July 4th
2017 to July 4th 2005, which means you can go back to the same date 12 years ago. I believe that is your power." Naoto explained. "But I also noticed something else....."

"Huh? Like what?" Takemitchi asked in curiosity.

"I'm not sure.......but I think......that there's another Time Leaper."

"What?...." Takemitchi mumbled in shock. "So you're telling me that someone else is going through the same thing as I am?"

"Probably....but it's really just a guess..?.." Naoto said, well, more like asked.

"And who is it?" Takemitchi asked in curiosity.

Naoto sighed before walking towards his desk, and pulled a picture frame from under the desk.

Taking it in his hands and showing it to Takemichi.

"Takemitchi-Kun, Tell me what do you think about this picture."

The second Takemitchi's eyes landed on the photo, his eyes widened as he gasped.

"This women in the photo! I know her! She came to the convenience store I work at the other day and bought a CD!" He exclaimed while explaining. "But what does she has anything to do with any of this. And who is this man?"

"This man that you're seeing right now, is Kisaki Tetta, Japan's most dangerous gangster and illegal syndicate leader." Naoto explained.

"And this women.....is his most cherished and beloved.....she is his wife....Alice Myoga."

"W-W-Wh-at?......" Takemitchi stuttered, he tried to form a sentence.





As in Alice Myoga..

Alice Myoga......

She was my best friend.....

Takemitchi thought in shock.

So now she is married to a criminal?........

I'm such an idiot, I can't believe I never recognized her back then at the store....

I know it's been 12 years but still......

"H-H-How did Alice get involved with such a guy...?..." Takemitchi mumbled in shock. "H-How did she even meet such a guy in the first place?...."

"That's why, I've arranged a meeting with Alice." Naoto said.

"What?! You did?!" Takemitchi exclaimed in shock. "When?....."

"Right now..." The young officer replied. "We're meeting her right now in the cafe that's 6 blocks away from the police station."

"But it's the middle of the night."

"Exactly, so that no one can see us, still, we have to keep our guard up at all times, she might have someone guarding her." Naoto said. "Come on, we're leaving in 10 minutes."

30 minutes later, the two men finally arrived at the cafe where they were supposed to meet her.

The second the two stepped a foot in the cafe, they felt an uncomfortable tension in the air, but they didn't care, they had to meet her at all cost.

In the back of the cafe, they spotted a women sitting patiently.

She was a tall women with familiar blonde hair tied in a bun, and a loose of hair falling freely on her gorgeous soft face.

She was sitting as her back was facing the two men.

Sensing that someone was watching her, she turned around.

Her beautiful turquoise eyes were as pure and beautiful as ever.

But still lifeless.

She was just like a doll, beautiful but lifeless.

Takemitchi looked at his old childhood best friend, wondering if she really was the same person she was back then.

Her eyes held so much sadness.

But then suddenly, the sadness in her eyes vanished as she looked at Takemitchi and smiled widely.

"It sure been a long time, Takemitchi." She said joyfully.

"Myoga-San, I can't thank you enough for accepting my request of meetin—."

"Let's just skip the formalities and get this over with." Alice cut Naoto off rudely.

She then looked at the two seats in front of her, signaling them to sit.

"Okay." Naoto said, looking unbothered as he hesitated to take a seat.

He was secretly checking his surroundings. Trying to look for any suspicious people.

He clearly couldn't trust Alice.

"Don't worry." She finally said. "I checked my surroundings before coming here, nobody followed me."

How did she know?.....

Naoto thought in confusion.

However, the two sat down as Naoto started with the topic straight forward.

"Myoga-San, the main reason why I wanted the see you here today is because I want you to help me."


"It's about the Tokyo Manji Gang."


"Myoga-San, I believe that your husband has something to do with the Tokyo Manji Gang."

Alice's eyes widened with that.

"Your husband is Kisaki Tetta, isn't he?"


"Myoga-San, are you aware that he is the syndicate leader of the most criminal organization in all of Japan?"

"You're asking me questions you already have the answers of." Alice stated coldly. "I'm pretty sure that the real reason why you called me all the way here is for something else. I can tell you're having a bit of a trouble on how to discuss the topic, but I'll make it easier for you and say it, you're here because you're suspicious of me being a Time Leaper, right?"

With that statement, both men's eyes widened largely.

Alice sipped off her coffee elegantly then continued. "To be honest, you are right, I'm a time leaper." She looked at Takemitchi. "Just like you, my old friend."

What a smart women.....

Naoto thought.

She dodged off my questions by answering the main interest question in our minds.

This is no ordinary women, she's dangerous.

"B-But h-how did you know?" Takemitchi asked in confusion and nervousness.

"I had traveled to the past exactly when you did, I was with you the whole time and it was obvious to tell." She answered. "You kinda gave yourself away."

"Naoto," Takemitchi said. "Let's take Alice back to your apartment so we can discuss the whole thing more properly."

Naoto looked at him wide eyed.

He quickly took him to a corner.

"Takemitchi-Kun! I said that we couldn't let our guard down for anything, and you want to take her back to my apartment?!" Naoto whispered-Shouted. "Alice may be your childhood friend, but let's not forget that she is married to that criminal who is also accused of killing my sister, and you don't even know how much she's changed through all these 12 years!"

"But she just confirmed our suspicions, she is also a time leaper, and you said it yourself, I need another Time leaper to help me!" Takemitchi whispered-Shouted back. "And she is Alice! My very first best friend! She would never do anything to hurt me! We shouldn't judge her when we don't even know why she married kisaki in the first place!"

Naoto sighed as his grip on Takemitchi loosened.

He had given up.

"Listen, Takemitchi." He said angrily, massaging his forehead. "I will never allow that women to step even a foot in my home."

"Fine by me!" Takemitchi said. "She can come to my apartment!"


The two men stopped their argument as they heard the familiar voice and turned around to look at Alice.

"It's understandable that you're not going to trust me." She said as her eyes were reflecting something. It was some sort of emotion for the first time since Takemitchi met her again. "But please...believe that my intentions of helping you is completely pure...I also want to take him down."

"And why is that?" Naoto asked.

"The one who killed Hinata.....is Kisaki Tetta." She mumbled, taking both men by surprise. "I want to bring him down...at all cost."

"And why would you want to bring your own husband down?" Naoto asked seriously.


There was no reply.

Alice couldn't answer that question at all.

The only thing she knows is that she had to do it to save someone incredibly important to her.

Naoto sighed in defeat before looking at her.

"Fine, follow us."

Was all he said as they all made their way to the young detective's house.

With that they started their task, for the next two days, Takemichi and Alice realized that they might have agreed to help a sadist as they spent their time locked in Naoto's apartment reading all the information he had on the incident and the suspects.

I haven't slept at all...so tired...

The man thought, nearly falling asleep in front of the laptop if it wasn't for Naoto slapping him over the head.

"Focus. You need to pack as much information about the Tokyo Manji Gang into your head."

He is insane... Does he want to get us killed?!

Takemichi sighed and looked towards his childhood friend.

Alice sat in a desk that was a few centimeters away from him reading through some documents.

She also seemed tired from the lack of sleep but she wasn't complaining.

"Manjiro Sano and Kisaki Tetta, if these two hadn't met, the Tokyo Manji Gang wouldn't have existed." Alice stated as she tiredly flipped through the documents. "And that means Hinata Tachibana wouldn't have died."

Naoto nodded.

"In that report, you'll find some of what the Tokyo Manji Gang has been up to that hasn't reported to the media. Those are information my predecessor risked his life gathering." As Naoto explained he pulled out a photo that made both of Takemitchi and Alice go sick. "The last photo is actually him."

Takemitchi and Alice looked at him for more explanation.

"He was investigating undercover when he was discovered and killed. In one of his eye sockets, they founded the media device that fully recorded his murder in place of his gouged-out eyeball."

This information was only making them sicker and sicker.

"I kept requesting transfers, until they finally assigned me on my predecessor's investigation around 6 months ago. They closed the case on the murder, since nobody wanted to cause panic, thought that was only one of the reasons." Naoto put his mug down. "The Tokyo Manji Gang was already under Tetta Kisaki's rule before it happened."

"But is all this really necessary to save Hina?" Takemichi asked while rubbing his neck in pain.

"If there is a problem with your power, is that you can only go back to this date 12 years ago."
Naoto explained.

"But that is just your observation. You are apparently alive right now, so what happened back then must be real, but I don't know if I can go back aga-"

"If we can go back to the day my sister and keep them away from making the same moves as in the original time line, it might be possible to save her!" Naoto yelled while glaring up at the ceiling, clearly frustrated with the current situation. "But... because we can't go back to the exact dates we want to, we have to do everything we can right now...but...."

"But?..." Takemitchi asked.

"It seems that there are 2 time leaders, without each other, they wouldn't succeed." Naoto guessed.

"So in order to go back, I need Alice?" Takemitchi asked, looking at Alice who looked back at him in confusion.

"Yes." Naoto replied then turned away from the whiteboard and looked at the stunned two time leapers. "You two need to go back in time right now. To when you were in middle school 12 years ago and meet someone."

"Who?" Takemichi asked.

"Toman for now has two leaders, Sano Manjiro and Kisaki Tetta." Naoto answered, pointing at the picture of a man with longer blond hair that was geled back, the name under it saying 'Sano Maniiro' and then at a different of a man with blond short hair and glasses, under it was
'Kisaki Tetta' written.

"Yikes.." Takemitchi stuttered, they looked intimidating.

But what both Naoto and Takemitchi didn't notice, was the eyes of full terror Alice was sending the picture with the man named Kisaki Tetta.

The poor women was breathing heavily yet tried to keep it under control so they wouldn't notice.

No one......

She thought.

No one must find out the truth.........

Because if anyone did then he'd—

"So if I go back to school and prevent them from ever meeting...I-I get what you mean Naoto..."
Takemichi got up to face him, "But how am I supposed to go back in time again?"

"Takemichi-kun, you said when you came back, you shook hands with me."

"Oh yeah."

"That might be the trigger. You saved me back then and I might have become a part of your power that way."

I see...

I thought he was a bit crazy but he actually believes I can travel in time.

That is probably why he is so serious..

Takemitchi thought.

"'Takemichi-kun, are you ready?" Takemichi looked down at his hands, he was afraid of the possible outcomes, but he wanted to save his ex-girlfriend.

"Yeah I am."

"So Sano and Kisaki met in August exactly 12 years ago. Find one of them, stay by his side and prevent them from ever meeting."

"I will give it a shot." Takemichi sighed, knowing there is no backing down anymore.

"You two are the only ones who can save her now." Naoto told them as he offered both his hands to the two time leapers.

They all shook hands then Takemichi and Alice felt their world turn black,

Except this time there was a goal in mind.


Enigma Facts:

Takemitchi and Alice are both time leapers.

They both time leap at the exact time one of them does.

Both trigger is Naoto Tachibana.

This Timeline is supposedly different from the one in the 1st chapter.



Why do you think Alice was seriously scared when she saw Kisaki's picture?

What did he do to her?

Why doesn't she want anyone to find out the truth?

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