Not the Boy who lived

By YUR-not-M1-DAD

675 19 0

Harry Potter but it's a girl. No one knows and it's a secret she has to keep. There are other secrets too. H... More

1. Growing up
2. Talking to Snakes
3. But I'm A Girl?!
4. The Keeper of Keys?
5. Train rides to nowhere
6. I think I made friends and enemies
7. Stinky Hats
8. The Dour Potions Professor
9. The duel that didn't happen

10. Halloween

35 2 0
By YUR-not-M1-DAD

The next morning I sent a sharp glare at Malfoy. He had challenged me to the duel and then snitched to get me and Ron in trouble. His shocked face was all the evidence I needed to know it was a set up. The urge to use a hex on him was strong. Maybe something that makes him dizzy or snort like a pig. Something unbecoming of the most proud and prickly Malfoy heir.

Last night's adventure while delightful was also too close for comfort. I released the air out my nose in aggravation. Too close.

"Did you see what that three-headed dog was guarding?" Ron asked. Last night I had told him about meeting fluffy and his mistreatment. The poor Cerberus had little room to move and no windows. How could anyone who loves animals ever submit that puppy to such confinement.

Hermione showed little interest in talking about the events of last night. She seemed to rather ignore it and pretend it didn't happen. Most likely it went completely against her rule following nature. Neville was much the same but only because his timid nature.

Hermione avoided directly talking about, with or near Ron in any way but would at times still talk to me. Asking questions about wizarding culture and books to borrow. I answered each question I could but I also warned her to not to correct other witches or wizards if they differed from the books. Reminding her that they were quite outdated and some families had changed their traditions or learned newer ones, some forgoing old traditions entirely to become muggle friendly. Which seemed wonderful in concept but ridiculous in practice. Samhain being replaced with candy and costumes.

The Dursley's never let me out during Halloween. Fearing it to be a devils holiday while also letting duddykins gorge himself on candy. Personally I think I'd much prefer Samhain. Tribute to magic and fires that go on all night. At midnight, a small glance into the veil to see past loved ones. Who wouldn't want that? Just a glimpse. Parents, sisters and brothers. Those lost too soon or long before our birth.

Ron was glaring fiercely at Malfoy while whispering ideas and insults under his breath. I should've been just as steamed to get him back but I was biding my time. I had learned early on that not every revenge had to be taken immediately. Doing so after you have been wronged only made you the obvious culprit.

The chance only arose a week later when a strange parcel was dropped off at the Gryffindor table. A long parcel that was given with a note not to open it at the table. My eyes turn to the Cheshire like transfigurations teacher. She tips her teacup and that is all the answer. I pass the note of to Ron and shush him and the two of us hurry out the hall.

But halfway out the entrance hall and up the stairs we are stopped by Crabbe, Goyle and Malfoy. Malfoy tears it out of my hands and I move to take it back as quickly.

"That's a broomstick," he give a jealous expression, "you'll be in for it this time Potter! First years aren't allowed brooms."

Ron open his mouth unable to resist. "It's not any broomstick. It's a Nimbus Two Thousand. What did you say you've got a home? A comet two sixty." Ron turns to me with a proud smile. I sigh under my breath but Ron continues. "Comets look flashy but they're not in the same league as a Nimbus."

"What would you know about it, Weasley, you couldn't afford half the handle." Malfoy snapped back. "I suppose you and your brothers have to save up twig by twig." Malfoy taunts and I clench my fingers over the wand in my sleeve.

Before Ron could answer, Professor Flitwick appeared at Malfoy's elbow. "Not arguing. I hope, boys?" He squeaked.

"Potter's been sent a broomstick, professor." Malfoy said quickly.

"Yes, yes that's right." Professor Flitwick beaming at me, "Professor McGonagall told me all about the special circumstances. Potter, what model is it?"

"A Nimbus 2000, sir." I dip my head with a smile. "It's all thanks to Malfoy here that I got it." I add laughingly.

We race up past Malfoy and his goons, as we pass I twirl my wand a little in my sleeve. I cast a small charm that caused Malfoy to start hiccupping, and with his obvious rage the hiccups only became more aggravated.

"Did you do that?" Ron asks at the top of the stairs with smothered laughter.

"Do what?" I ask back with a sharp grin. This only sends Ron into another laugh as he pats me on the back. "If he never stole the Remembrall and tried to get us in trouble I never would've gotten on the team." I say with an excited tone.

"So you think that's a reward for breaking the rules?" Hermione chimes in. She stomped beside us and glared at the parcel in my hands.

"I thought you weren't speaking to us?" Ron asks, "don't stop now it was doing us so much good." He adds making her walk off in a huff.

"She wasn't speaking to you, Ron, just you." I say plainly. "Me and her have actually had a few conversations over homework." I said as we were entering the Gryffindor common room. I should find her later to apologize.

We moved quickly to the dorm and unwrapped the broom. It was nearly as tall as me with a rich brown mahogany handle and thin straight branches at the end that came to a point. Nimbus Two thousand was written in neat swirling cursive on the top of the handle. 7'oclock was nearing and I made movement to leave the castle for the Quiddicth pitch like directed.

The stadium towered over me and hid the setting sun behind its size. When I got inside I couldn't wait before I mounted my broom and began to examine the arena from a higher perspective. Doing one lap around the seats and then around the goalposts, swerving in and out of the holes at the top. The Nimbus 2000 turned far easier than the practice brooms and I grew excited before trying more daring turn and spins. Holding one arm away from the broom I grabbed the rim of the goalpost and the force made me swing through the hole with excess speed. I let loose a carefree yelp of excitement. 

"Potter, come down!" Oliver Wood shouted from the ground, he had arrived with a large brown chest covered in many buckles. I landed a few feet away and walked toward him, a slight feeling of vertigo but I pushed it aside. "Very nice indeed," Wood said. His eyes glinted something fierce. "I see what McGonagall really are a natural. For now we'll just be going over the rules today, then you'll be joining team practices three times a week." 

Opening the crate he revealed four different sized balls. Mentally I had hit myself in the head for not asking to read Ron's copy of Quidditch Through the Ages while I waited till seven. "Right, Quidditch is easy enough understand, even if it's not easy to play. There are seven players on each team. Three are chasers." Wood reached down to take a bright red ball out of the chest. "This is a Quaffle, the Chasers throw the Quaffle to each other and try to get it through one of the hoops to make a goal. Ten points every time the quaffle goes through the hoops. Are you following?" Wood said, pausing.

"The Chasers juggle the Quaffle and put it through the hoops and make ten points. It's a little like basketball, isn't it?" 

Wood's face shift to confusion, "What's basketball?"

"Never mind," I wave off. "Continue."

"Now theres another player on each side called a Keeper,"

"Do they keep the ball out of the goals?" I interrupt.

"Yes, that's my job. Very good, Harry." Wood praised while putting the quaffle back. 

"And what are those?" I point toward the two identical black balls as they move erratically under their restraints.

"Those are Bludgers, here take this," Wood hands me a small club not unlike a short baseball bat or Dudleys Smeltings stick. He moves to unlatch one of the black balls and tells me to stand back. The ball quickly shoots up into the air before throwing itself in direct line of my face. Without thinking I hit the ball and it goes zig-zagging back into the air before trying to hit Wood instead. He catches it and wrestles it to the ground before shoving it back under restraints. 

"See, Bludgers try nocking people off their brooms. That's why you have two Beaters, the Weasley twins are ours- Its their job to protect their side from the Bludgers and try to knock them into the other team. So, think you've got all that?" Wood asked.

"So far, three chasers and a Quaffle, two Beaters and two Bludgers, one keeper." I pause, "Anyone ever die from a Bludger?"

"Never at Hogwarts. A few broken jaws but nothing too serious. Now the last member of the team is the Seeker. That's you. And you don't have to worry about the Quaffle or the Bludger." Somehow I didn't believe him and he must've seen it on my face because he laughs. "Don't worry, the Weasleys are more than a match for the Bludgers." He bends down again to retrieve the last and final ball, something small and golden. No bigger than a walnut and it had small fluttering silver wings like a dragonfly. 

"This is the Golden Snitch, and its the most important ball of the lot. It's very hard to catch because its so fast and hard to see. It's the Seekers job to catch it. You'll have to weave in and out between Chasers, Beaters, Bludgers and the Quaffle to get it before the other team's Seeker, because whichever Seeker catches the Snitch earns their team a 'Hundred and Fifty points, so they nearly always win. That's why Seekers get fouled so much. A game of Quidditch only ends when the Snitch is caught, so it can go on for ages. I think the record is three months, they had to keep bringing on substitutes so the players could sleep." 

"Well that's it, any questions?"

I shook my head no, letting my eyes glance the pitch again I felt confident I understood and could play accordingly.

"We won't be practicing with the Snitch yet, its too dark and we may lose it." I doubted I would be able to loose something so shiny but did not correct him. "Let's start out with these for now," Wood pulled out a bag of golf balls out of his pocket. A few minutes later I was back in the air again while Wood threw threw golf balls as hard as he could in every direction. I didn't miss any in the half hour we practiced. By the end of it the sun had fully set and darkness was taking over.

"That Quidditch cup will have our names on it this year." Wood said proudly as we trudged up to the castle. I didn't give much energy to the conversation as I gazed longingly at the waning  crescent moon, It had already been a month since my last shift at the Dursley's and I could probably hold it off another moon but I still needed access to raw meat for my diet. And while the idea of hunting in the Forbidden Forest seems swell and all, I don't know enough about the dangers lurking under its canopy.

We reached the castle too soon and my exhaustion began to make itself known.  Wood separated down another hall as he put the trunk away after I affirmed I could make it back to the common room by myself. 

The next moon came and passed, I had locked myself in the bathroom in case I did unwillingly shift. I didn't. I was more tired than usual, what, with Quidditch practice three times a week and a heavier course load. Despite all that, the castle was beginning to feel more and more like home. 

Halloween morning I was again the first to wake in our dorms, making my way to the lavatory I showered and dressed quickly not wanting to be caught. I still had maybe another hour before the next boy woke up. Ron usually being the last. 

I caught the smell of baked pumpkins wafting through the air and smiled again. In Charms, Professor Flitwick announced we would start making objects fly. We were put up into pairs, I had asked to be put with Neville after he kept trying to catch my eye. Ron, was unfortunately paired with Hermione causing me to wince. To pair the two of them was disaster waiting to happen. Hermione hadn't spoken to either of us since the incident with the broom. I had tried apologizing to her but she gave me the silent treatment and anytime I tried to sit with her in the library she would move. My biggest concern is that Ron would again say something stupid making her hate us all the more. 

"Now don't forget that nice wrist movement we've been practicing." the professor squeaked atop his pile of books to be visible. I really wish he'd just use a chair or anything else besides books. "Swish and flick, remember, swish and flick. And saying the magic word properly is very important, too -- never forger Wizard Baruffio, who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on his chest."

I studied the feather and watched my classmates focus. Most of them were shouting their incantation and others were angry at the feather, there goes Seamus Finnigan setting fire to his. I already knew I could do the spell after practicing it and others when I was getting my clothes fitted. But I hesitated just like I did turning matches to needles. I don't need to be the best and I don't want that expectation. So I let my feather float and inch off the table before again dropping it. 

To the table beside us Ron was not doing well at all. "Wingardium Leviosa!" he shouted waving his long arms like a bird. 

"You're saying it wrong," Hermione corrected fed up. "Its Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the gar long. 

"You do it, then, if your so clever." Ron snarled making me wince.

Hermione rolled up her sleeves before saying the spell properly and doing the right hand movements causing her feather to rise off the desk until it was well over our heads. 

"Oh, Well done!" Flitwick clapped, "Everyone see here, Miss Granger's done it!"

Ron was not happy.

"It's no wonder no one can stand her," Ron said as we walked though the corridor to our next class, "she's a nightmare honestly."

Someone knocked into me as they hurried past us, Hermione, and she's crying. "I- I think she heard you, Ron." I moved to follow and comfort her but Ron tugged me in the other direction and then the crowd was also pushing. I should've gone after her. 

Hermione didn't turn up at all for the next class and the classes after that. I took extra notes and hoped they would be legible enough for her to read. 

On the way down to the great hall for the Halloween feast, we overheard Pavarti Patil telling Lavender that Hermione was crying in the girls' bathroom. I punched Ron in the shoulder making him whine, "What was that for?" I wanted to reprimand him, something, but the second we entered the great hall his face was wiped of anything besides amazement at the decorations. Even I was swept up in the theatrics.

A thousand live bats swooped around the floating candles and Jack-o-lanterns. The feast appeared easily but I had no appetite. "What you said was really mean, Ron. You'll apologize later, right?"

"I guess," Ron said, already grabbing food to eat. But that all ended when Quirrell came into the hall running, turban askew and terror filled face. "Troll! Troll in the dungeons!-- Thought you ought to know." he said before passing out.

There was an uproar from students as the leapt from their seats in fright, I stayed seated and looked around at them all. The commotion only died down after several purple firecrackers left Professor Dumbledore's wand. "Prefects, lead your houses back to the dormitories immediately."

"Follow me! Stick together, first years! No need to fear the Troll if you follow my orders! Stay close behind me, now. Make way, first years coming through! Excuse me, I'm a Prefect."

"How could a Troll get in?" I asked but what I was really thinking is what kind of a Defense professor can't Defend against a troll... unless he's the one who let it in? But then another though hit, "Hermione!"

"What about her?" Ron asked still not catching on.

"She doesn't know about the Troll." 

"Oh alright, but Percy better not see us." Ron says drolly.

I huff before we both melt into the crowd of Hufflepuffs and then down the hall of the bathroom. We had just turned the corner when I heard the sound of footsteps, I push me and Ron into a corner and wait. Its not Percy but Snape. He crosses the corridor before disappearing from sight. 

Quietly we creep after Snape's footsteps and further toward the bathroom. I sniffed the air and caught a putrid scent that made me screw my face up, "Do you smell that?"

"Gah that's disgusting." 

A harsh grunting noise came next, shuffling footfalls of gigantic feet. Even through my shoes I could feel the vibrations as it came closer, again we hid in a dark shadow as we watched it emerge from the moon light. 

It was horrible. Twelve feet tall, dull grey skin like an elephant, a great lumpy body like a boulder and a coconut for a head. Short legs as thick as trees and flat horned feet. The smell only became more prevalent until I felt like I was gagging on it. It was holding a large club that dragged the ground and would likely kill us if it hit us directly. 

The troll stopped in a doorway peering in. It must've made up its tiny mind because it slouched into the room. "We could get past it, we still need to find Hermione." I said quietly turning to Ron but then we both heard a scream come from the room with the troll. "Hermione!" I yelled before running toward the room. Ron tried to hold me back but I was quicker and stronger. I slid into the room and slammed into a wall. 

Hermione was shrinking against the opposite wall, looking faint. The only thing between us being a troll whose sights were on her. "Hermione!" I shouted making her look at me, tears were gathering and she looked so scared. Ron came running in next, looking all the scared he could be but was trying to be brave. "Confuse it!" I yelled before running beneath its legs and toward Hermione. I tried pulling her up but she seemed too frozen. I knew I couldn't pick her up and fight off the troll. 

When I turned around again it was moving toward Ron who had been throwing things at it. "Oy Pea- brain!" Ron kept backing up until there was nothing to backup into. No

I ran at the troll and jumped onto its back. The anger, desperation and fear all built up until I felt like screaming. I could feel my vision sharpen as my nails grew and began to dig harshly into the Trolls skin until I was close to its head and began to rip at its face. Big meaty hands swung around trying to grab me but I held on tighter. You can't hurt them! I won't let you! I screamed as I dug my nails and fingers into an eye socket. The troll screamed as well and began to bump into things to get me off.

The Troll caught my robes and managed to throw me off and into the sinks. I laid there for a second in pain with my forearms on the ground. I couldn't breathe. "Now I'm Mad." I whispered before standing up and drawing my wand. I didn't use words as I pointed my wand at the sink and then toward the Troll's head. One, two, three, swung in quick succession toward its head until it has tottered and fell unconscious. 

I kept my eyes on the troll even as Ron came toward me. "Is it Dead?" Hermione asked from the corner. I doubt she could get up after the shock.

"Unconscious, and it will stay that way if it wants to stay alive." I hissed the latter words under my breathe.

The bathroom door slammed open followed by thudding steps making us look up. I knew we were loud but why did it take them this long! The first to enter was Professor McGonagall, closely followed by Snape, with Quirrell in the rear. Quirrell took one look at the troll, let out a whimper and had to sit on a toilet to clutch his heart making all my opinions of him quickly go down the drain. 

Snape bent over the Troll. Professor McGonagall was looking at me and Ron. Her lips curled so tight together they were white. 

"What on Earth were you thinking of?" She said with a cold kind of fury like Aunt Petunia would use in public. I breathed through my nose making my chest rise as I calmed myself. "You're lucky you weren't killed.  Why aren't you in your dormitory?"

Snape looked up from the troll to stare at me and I tried to not avert my eyes from his glare. 

"Please, Professor McGonagall-- they were looking for me." Hermione said stepping up and using the wall as support, when she tried to walk towards us she looked like she might faint and I rushed to catch her. "I heard about the troll because I -- I thought I could deal with it on my own -- You know because I've read about them." 

"Bollocks." I hissed out as I caught her and hit my bruise. 

"Mister Potter?" McGonagall asked in surprise at my curse.

"You heard me," Maybe it was the anger at seeing Ron and Hermione almost hurt or maybe the aggravation from an unsatisfying partial shift. But I was tired, angry and sore. "Someone was picking on Hermione earlier, she didn't come to classes after that and when we heard about the troll, we knew, she didn't. We were just gonna grab her and run back to our common room when this--" I breathed heavier as my anger came back, "This-- mouth-breathing bag of flesh came in here, we heard her scream and I ran inside. Ron tried to stop me but." I exhaled heavier and glared at the unconscious creature before staring defiantly at Professor McGonagall. 

"I see." McGonagall said unsure what else to say. "Are any of you injured?" She glanced at the blood on my hand and I motioned to the unconscious troll. "You are very lucky to be alive, You each win Gryffindor Five points. Professor Dumbledore will be informed of this. You may go." 

I gave a short bow as I helped Hermione walk while Ron followed behind. None of us spoke until we reached the moving stairs. "Bloody hell Harry, what was that?" Ron asked.

"I was angry." 

"But Harry you can't just talk to a teacher like that." Hermione input.

"I don't care how I spoke, its like she said, we are lucky to be alive." I must've over extended on the next step because I clutched my side where I knew bruises would be from being thrown into the sinks. Maybe it was more than just bruises.


"I'm fine."

After that there was an unmistaken bond formed between us three. Hermione took Ron and me under wing with studying and Ron tried to teach her about wizard culture. Of course he still thought she was a know it all.

"I wrote notes for you if you want them, you can pick which is most legible." I offered Hermione over breakfast the next morning.

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