The Cold Hard Truth

By Magdoll

107 3 2


Cutting Edges

Summer Madness

58 1 2
By Magdoll

Hot rays of sun prancing across the sidewalk making every slightest touch to radiate steam from every angle onto your body. The chemicals fuming in the air creating a flowing path of air crafted by water to a pool nearby. The screaming earbleeding kids rupture past every corner. The bees busting gaps and scars onto pale skin of anybody disrupting their way to there destination. This is how I feel.
My name is Corey Tanner.
I'm not like the other kids who would think summer is the most magical time of the year. For me summer is a lie. Summer is a time for people to see the true side of each other. Sweat seeping from someone's head you thought never could get warm. The way people act when they get warm and can't cool off. Their attitudes. I don't think of it personaly, I just can't take the thought of this plain name summer, to be the path to all kids happiness.
Really if you think about it really closely, its not the actual summer that makes kids happy its being out of school. Out of the building built like a jailsell to cage kids. That's were I think a different way. I like school. Keeping me away from the death traps outside of my bubble home of a desk. To my surprise myself I'm also not one with the high academic scores either. If the teacher had to pick the most reliable and intellegent pupil among the class, who would it be?
Not me.
Some would use the term, not the smartest tool in the toolbox. I'm not saying I disagree. I range myself as a straight b student with perhaps if I'm feeling lucky a semester I reach an A-. I'm not one to care about every little piece of gossip thrown out among the grade even the stupidest things. Perhaps hypothetically if Molly Mingledwarph second grade princess of the class was to share that I ate boogers in my sleep, I wouldn't even think of crushing her bones every time she flares that perfect white smile until every tooth is gone. See, I wouldn't care.☺
By now, school is over. Summer has just began. The feeling of every care in the world that once hide beneath kids bodies when schoold was in like finals, more tests, jobs, is all gone and thrown away. The things I pry to live off of, gone.
In summer, I Corey Tanner am dumbfounded.

The wind twisted beneath the eroma of over made popcorn. I stand unpaitently waiting for the popcorn to bring when every last kerrnal is cooked to it's last wish. Its summer and all the teenage skinny kids are running breathlessly outside with their tanktops and short shorts. Me, I'm inside with my black T-shirt and lazy shorts. Enjoying a bowl of overmade popcorn. I watch my show making me feel powerful and thankful I'm not the houswive of an army man. I lay consumed of my own iggnorance. Why am I wasting my time inside when I could be smelling flowers and playing ring around the rosey with other immature kids. I may be harsh but that's how Corey Tanner was born and raised. Or at least when Mr. And Mrs. Tanner were here. Before there eccident that discriminated the street. Tore the late 2003 sadan to shreds of glass and torn metal.

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