Heroic Reincarnation [Deku X...

By DrunkenKishibe

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After the war that resulted in the death of the two strongest beings in the world, Izuku Midoriya the Bearer... More

Part-1) ReBorn
Part-2) Grasped Stars
Part-4) Repayed Debt
Part-5) The Mad Dog
Part-6) Beholding Light
Part-7) Memories of Old an New

Part-3) Present Farewell's

451 14 15
By DrunkenKishibe

There Izuku was lying in bed Until he felt a sudden urge "I need to pee real bad" He got out of bed as He made his way to the door hearing his parents moaning behind the wall He grimaced as He opened the door and the first thing he saw was Roxy listening in on them as they did it due to his enhanced Body he heard what she was doing and hoo boy did it make make him flush red as he heard her faint moans As she touched herself he felt himself freeze in place as his mouth was snapped shut as He heard the door to Rudy's room open As he grabbed the handle of the door And shut it not letting rudeus Out if he was awake but due to the closing of the door he alerted Roxy To what he was doing and the both met in eye contact

He felt his heart stop as he gulped and felt the sweat pour from his forehead as Roxy facial expression held one of embarrassed shock and disbelief "I'll just go Now" He said in shock as he saw her get up from the floor to where she was sitting and slowly back peddled into her own room he let go of the door handle to rudues room as he saw Rudy open it "Izuku what happened" He responded to what he could do while still in shock "I...Don't...Know Actually" He Said letting his redness fade away as he decided to use the bathroom in the morning as He shut the door as he laid back in bed Wondering what Roxy was doing In the room next to him he felt a shiver run up his spine at the mere thought of what she was doing

He snuffed the flame out in his lantern as he felt asleep awaiting for the next ignoring the moans his parents made in their room across the hall being he felt his eyes close and as fast as he did He opened them and saw the morning daylight he groaned as he stretched his legs feeling his body tingle as something felt weird he looked down and saw something "Oh No" He had morning wood he grabbed his pillow and smashed his face into it as He groaned as he waited for it to go down and sooner or later it did and he got up and put on some clothes as he left his room and saw Roxy Leaving her room as well the both exchanged Glancss before he felt himself walk past her and down the stairs as he left the house saying "Good morning" to the family as he entered his Shack

He wanted to get last night's incident of his mind so he decided to train for a bithe got rid of shirt so that he didn't soak it with sweat as He Powered up One for All To a max Of 5% at which he felt his muscles tense up as Tiny sparks of Electricity Ran around his body as He heard in the other side of the house Roxy and rudeus Practicing magic so he used healing magic in tandem with One for all He learned this faster to Up the percentages to heal faster than it breaks down his body

He activated Black Wip and started practicing on forming Constructs in shape of a hammer and start inbuing his construct with Touki And something inside his brain strained as he felt a blood burst through his nose this was a first lightheadedness raced through his noggin as he fell face first into the ground the loss of motor functions in his limbs he felt every ability he was using instantly be stopped

He with shaky hands being a nine year old was quite rough in its self in terms of building up muscle and strength for his abilities he groaned as he felt the throbbing inside his head subside as he got up and steadied himself still not completely feeling he heard the door to the Shack open As he saw Rudy Enter "O-oh Rudy what is it you need Little brother" He grabbed onto a wooden pillar as he turned his body to look at rudeus "Your nose is bleeding big brother" He wiped the blood from his nose "It's nothing Rudy Just a little hurt is all you don't have to worry about..." He stopped himself Flash of His family back home seared through his brain

He fell silent As He breathed in and let it out as he "Hey Rudy wanna see something cool" He said as Rudy thought for a little bit before answering "Yes" "Alright hop on my back" He said as he got lower so that rudeus could hop on his back as He felt Rudy Jump on his back as he felt a the small boy sit on hold his shoulders his legs on either side of his neck as felt his arms wrap around head "What'd you want to show me" Rudy said as he got up being sure Rudy was secure as he exited the Shack Rudy in as well as they were outside now

"Hang on tight don't let go or you'll fall a pretty decent height" "eh?" He then activated float as He used his strength and jumped up "AAAAHHHH" Rudy screamed as he felt the G Force on his body nearly made him slip off but held on tight as can be to Izukus head as he skyrocketed up into the sky as he felt the force upon his body slowly dissipate "You alright Rudy" He heard his older brother's voice as he didn't even know his eyes were closed "I-Im F-f-fine" He then felt his back get reinforced by his brothers hand to make sure he doesn't fall "You can open your eyes if you want it's pretty nice sight from up here it'd be a shame to miss it" He felt his eyes twitch in slight apprehension from being so high up in the air "You don't need to be scared you older brother is here to keep you safe" He felt the soft words as he gained up the courage to open his eyes as he saw it the lands of Buena Village and it was beautiful

"Wooah..." "See not so bad is it Huh rudy" Rudy placed his hands ontop his own head as he felt a smile grace his own lips as he took In the silence with his little brother but Rudy himself felt a little curious at this power his older brother held "Hey Zuku how can you do this" He paused for moment contemplating whether or not he should tell the truth or lie "Rudy can You keep a very tight secret" "Yeah I can" He looked up and saw an upside down Rudy from his point of view

"I have an ability that I was born with a very special Ability do you know why I look so different from our parents" "Yea you have white hair" 'And a humongous Pool of Mana' Rudy said and thought at the same time "there's a simple explanation To that I was born with so much Mana that my body had to change so that I wouldn't be crippled when I came out and it's all due to an ability that I possess that allows me to stockpile energy over time and I'll tell you the rest when the time comes Okay" He smiled as Rudy Saturday with the news Smiled as well

"So can we go down I don't like heights" He felt the nervousness from Rudy return as nodded with a smile as he slowly floated down to the ground As izuku felt more attuned with the way he slowly gravitated to the ground He would have to try something out or at least experiment on something he could do "Hey Izu" He looked up to Rudy" "Do You Like Roxy Sensei" He felt his eyes widen as he nearly choked on spit as he Wobbled in the air scaring both of them

"EHH!?" Was all he could think about him liking Roxy He didn't answer for a moment as his mind was clouded with the thought of Roxy Her smile her blue hair Her personality oh God he did Like her he felt the steam ooze out of his ears As he heard Rudy Giggling to himself

He soon landed on the ground once his feet touched the floor he grabbed Rudy and started lightly tickling him "You think you can tease me Rudy you will rue the day when you start liking someone back I'll tease you to no end mark my words" Rudy would be spasming out trying to stop him as he did after sometime Rudy breathing in and out "Go inside at get something to eat when you you up" He said walking Off

He still felt Red about his own realization that he indeed Fell for The blue haired Woman Known as Roxy Migurdia He shook his head and no matter what it remained in his head only thoughts about her He sighed as he walked to the front Gate seeing his mother and... Roxy there As he felt his heart skip a beat "M-mom I going out for a bit" He said "Ok sweetie stay safe okay" He nodded as he looked at Roxy As she stared back at him They both held eye contact for a bit as he remembered last night's incident He also saw Roxy stare him with a red coating of dust on her cheeks making her look Cute and pretty he slapped himself lightly on the cheek as he waved slightly to her as he got a flushed wave back as he left

As he walked past the wheat fields as he soon found a field opening and a tree in the middle all alone as he decided that would be the best spot to hang out for a while to pass the time he soon felt a throbb in his skull as he felt it not be heavy so no danger but more of a familiar sense he would open his eyes and see the Dark blue hair in his peripheral Vision

He slowly got up feeling the nerves impacting his speech "H-hello R-R-Roxy ho-w have y-you been" He felt a tap on his head "Calm down Unless you want to apologize for peeping on an innocent lady At night" He felt the words clog his vocal tunnel

"Sorry about that didn't mean to look just wanted to use the bathroom so sorry for that" He heard a audible sigh come for the woman "I accept it" He felt a flick to his head as he yelped from the sudden action as he rubbed his forehead Softly as he saw her sit down next to him "Nice spot you have here"

He nodded "Yea I've been coming here for a while now But why did you follow me" He asked "Just wanted to talk that is all" He felt the urge to ask "Talk about what" he could see The Deadpan Look in her eyes as he motioned to the hair "Oh that...I was born with too much Mana inside my body that It was placed under a lots of street that it had to make my body stronger and turning my hair white in the process" He said Roxy being taken at Back "How much Mana do you think you have" He placed a hand on his chin "I don't know exactly but if I had to guess it would be around 50 normal civilians with knowledge on magic at the basic or ten experienced mages combined and even now that might have increased as I'm constantly applying healing magic to my body so I could gain muscle mass more quickly"

"Ah I see" Roxy said but internally she broke down 'HOW COULD SUCH A YOUNG PERSON HAVE SO MUCH MANA AND HE DOESNT WISH TO BE A MAGE' after her internal Debate she found another question that's been on her mind "What about your other thing how are you able to float in the air"

"Oh that I just explained it to Rudeus but I can share some of it to you Only a little bit Though" She nodded "I was born with the ability not of magic or touki could do and that it stockpiles energy over time and it only gets stronger the more I train it along with my body and soul He smiled but it faltered a bit "but..." And Roxy spoke in as well "But?" It destroys my body the higher the power percentage I use that's why I use healing magic on my body all the time because I'm trying to gain mastery of this power everyday and in return my Mana is constantly growing more and more everyday"

He would make an example of this as he held out his arm in front of her As he would concentrate One for all Into his arm as well as focusing all the healing magic into his arm as he did this as he placed the Amp percentage to 5% as red Veins would appear over his arm and fade with Blue lightning "See it would normally Tear the muscle but I'm focusing healing magic into my arm so that it's fine as long as I keep concentration" He explained to Roxy as she touched his arm Feeling the electricity tickling her finger along with a more tense and bulked muscle in the bonus as he she would blush and start touching his arm more than examining the ability now just looking at his muscles "Uh Roxy Sensei" That made her snap out of her trance as she found what she was doing and retracted her arm

"Sorry got a little distracted ehehehe" She laughed quietly to this as he stared at her Not minding that she was groping his arm in the slightest almost reminding him of Hatsume from his previous life she also stared back Deep Ocean Blues staring into turquoise eyes "You have really Beautiful Eyes Roxy" He said without thinking he noticed it the effects it had Almost making Roxy Give him wide eyes as red covered her face almost matching the shape of a tomato once he realized what he said he turned the same color as her

He sat there in silence Letting the wind brush throught his white hair "You have very handsome white hair" He heard it as he slowly looked over and saw her with her mage hat in her hands covering her mouth with it as she looked bold in her words as she spoke it to him he then saw her slowly scoot closer to him he then felt her arm next to his arm they were touching as they sat there shoulder to shoulder as they stared off in to the distance As the time passed faster and faster the day would end and the week and the months as well came to an end and soon came the grand event

In that Time He got to know Roxy on more personal Basis As well getting closer with her as she also got close with the entire family with the benefit of having Night classes now with Roxy To which he didn't mind knowledge is great after all

"Magic supposedly originated in the distant past when a certain race spoke with spirits and used wind and earth to defend themselves from external Threats modern Magic is the result of humans imitating that Magic and formalizing it during their long war with demonkind" Each time Rudy would try and be a lecher he would chop Rudy's head making him pay attention

"Magic has its history, too Huh?" Roxy would lightly smack the giant book she was reading out of on top of rudys head "Naturally"roxy would hold a small pout and would blink a couple times which he find cute "Still I'm surprised this world has spirits and demon's in it too huh" "of course it does Oh and im a demon too by the way" That would peak his interest "Wow are you really" He would ask "Yes Izuku didn't you notice how surprised Paul and Zenith were to see me?" He would nod as rudeus would bud in

"Was it because your tiny" "I am not tiny" Rudeus would look at Izuku and then back at Roxy "But izukus the same height as you and he's about to turn ten" They both looked at eacher other and then quickly looked away as Rudy grinned a cocktail smile as they would hear Roxy Cough into her hand as he she continued "They were surprised to see my hair color" "Is it due with being part of the demon race" "Yes have you ever heard of the terrifying race of demon's called the superd" "I've read about it But only a little on what they are" He asked his mentor as Rudy nodded in conjunction with him

"Are they scary" Rudy would ask curiously as Roxy would nod "They are four or five centuries ago there was a big war between humans and demon's called the Laplace war in that war the superb went on a rampage and they slaughtered friend and foe alike with regard for women and children that earned them the hatred of every race after the war ended I'm told they were driven from the demon Continent that shows how dangerous they are" He nodded intaking the information Keeping a open mind in case he ever ran into one as he heard Roxy continue again

"I was often told about them as a child if you stay up late the super will come and gobble you up" 'Huh even have stories to keep children in check just like how mom used to keep me in check' He reminisced on the past "Anyway pay attention never go near anyone with emerald green hair and what looks like a red gem on their forehead she said getting close to izuku "And what will happen if I do" "they might murder your whole family" "Well be careful for the future" He said as Roxy joined him sitting on the bed

As Roxy played with her dark blue hair "My hair Can Look like that shade of green in the wrong light" as Rudy kneels on the chair he was sitting on and reverses "Izuku Thinks you have pretty Hair Miss" He felt his jaw cramp up As he looked at Rudy as he stumbled on trying to clear it up as he slowly looked over to Roxy as she stared at him "T-thank You but you should save things like that say to a girl you like some day" she told him as he felt embarrassed on how Rudy exposed him like this "But he does like you miss look he's even red in the chee-" He quickly placed a hand on Rudy's mouth as he tried to explain But Roxy beat him to it

"W-w-well If you still feel that way in 4 year from now You could try saying it to me In person this time" He felt his legs give out from under him as he collapsed to the floor a mumbling mess steam flowing from his head "I think you broke him Miss" she looked on stuned that she broke the boy "Uh how are we going to move him"

"I got it" Rudy hopped of his chair and started dragging his older brother out of Roxy's room "Thank you miss for the lesson" "Your welcome and good night" She said as he struggled to get izuku out of the room and finally shut the door only to open it up To take a peak at her change "The supervisor will gobble you up" He with unchanging eyes slowly shut the door "Okay" He slowly whispered as he returned to dragging izuku to the his room and soon as he did drag izuku to him room he just left bis brother on the floor and left the room shutting the door

As the year would pass as we see Rudy Casting both wind and fire magic in the sky as it combust in a giant explosion 'Rudy been getting better and better with how he uses magic offensively He's a monster in the making on the otherhand he's terrible at swordmanship" He saw as paul gave an example cutting a Boulder in half with ease Using Touki to empower his wooden blade and when Rudy tried to do it bounced off and rattled his little body "Like this" "You idiot that's stepping in with a hop and then wham and woosh then slam" He laughed to himself at the scene

Later he saw Roxy casting water magic to let a light sprinkle over the crops as he leaned on the stone guardrail as he took a breathe in and let it out as he saw rudy look at the two boys playing just outside the property as they would look at him wave as he looked back at Rudy he saw him sat on the floor petrified He would walk over "what are you doing over here" He would say As he also felt the presence of Roxy behind him as he turned and saw both them walking to Rudy as he heard him speak

"Oh nothing" He dismissed the worry as he turned back and stared at the children playing as he joined Rudy and Roxy as well as the three of them stared out to the wheat fields as the wind would blow past them the gentleness of it and the crisp air served to be of great feeling as He heard Roxy speak up "My hometown was in a place where not even a single blade of grass would grow so I can't really describe how this scenery makes me feel" "I feel at ease" was all he could muster out before a calm silence over took the moment

As Rudy turned his back to the fields as he spoke to the two of them "I really am Enjoying myself Miss I hope everyday keeps going like this" She would look out to the distant mountains as she speak "You can see the mountains in the distance" The red dragon mountains correct?" He would say As Roxy nodded "correct Your studying hard far to the north of here beyond those mountains is a country called Ranoa"

"What's it like" He would say rudeus paying close attention to the conversation "In the winter it's very cold and covered in deep snow that covers your entire body" she would motion the snow being taller than her body "That's amazing I'd love to see it" He nodded to rudeus Comment

"Ranoa University of magic is the best school of magic in the world it offers advanced up-to-date lectures" He found interest in this school as he heard it from Roxy "At magic University, social status and pride don't matter as it takes in students of all races and dillengtly pursues magical research she would get closer to the both of them as she would place a hand on both their shoulders as she spoke "If you two want to continue walking towards the path of magic Rudy, Izuku then I recommend you both go to Ranoa"

He nodded as he looked down to Rudy as he in a timid voice said "I'd have to leave the house before I could" He found if confusing of what he said as Rudy continued "Oh nothing its just rgar I don't need to go that place when I only need the one master I have miss Roxy" She would stare and gain a downcast expression "Don't call me your master" Huh was all he could say before she spoke again "I'm sure you both will easily surpass me you wouldn't want to call someone worse than you *Master*" He thought of a moment "I really wouldn't mind Roxy" He said as she looked at him "You'll understand sooner or later Izuku"

She would get up and walk back into the house "I'll go talk to her Rudy" He walked hastily to the door as he opened it and closed it quietly as he saw Roxy just a couple of feet away as she had her hand out in a way fashion to cast incantationless spells a moment passed and nothing happened she brought her hand back and a look of disappointment made it self known to her facial features as she brought her hand to face as he moved as he slowly brought a hand to her hand as he gently grasped it and cupped her hand in his

She was obviously startled by this as she looked back and saw Izuku "I know you can grow more Your limiting yourself I know you have lots more potential Within you Roxy I can just tell" "Easy for you to say Your blesses with large amounts of Mana" He nodded "I know But I know that you can still grow stronger but your limiting yourself mentally and that's stopping yourself from growing So Roxy please go past your limits and go beyond Plus Ultra alright" He smiled At her Letting her take in the sight of a shining smile of someone believing she can get stronger "Ok I'll at least try If that makes you satisfied Alright" He nodded and smiled he left afterwards

More times passed by and it was his and rudeus Birthday which happened whenever a person turned 5, 10 ,15 and so on Zenith And ilia Made a feast for the two birthday kids surprisingly being born on the same day just different time with izuku being born earlier by a larger margin As the family had a thing in it as when a child turns 15 they are now an Adult and he only had five more years until that happened

"Happy Birthday Rudy/Izuku!!!" He heard the collective cheer from everyone inside the home "Thank You everyone Really" He said " Thank You very much" Rudy spoke as well he smiled at his little brother as he ruffled his hair just a little bit 'it's been a while since I last had a birthday' He thought as he saw Paul perform a magic trick a swallowing a sword straight into his gullet clearly drunk out of his mind he basked in the warmness it brought him deeply

Paul would extend a sword to Rudy "Happy Birthday this is for you" Paul would let Rudy have the sword as the weight would drag him down quite a bit with the weight it held as Rudy pulled it slightly out of its sheeth as he fully sheethed it again as he saw the the slight uninterest In his eyes as paul spoke "You may still be too young for that sword but a man had to carry a sword inside his heart you have to be prepared to defend those who are dear to you you'll have a wife and kids of your own someday" He said quickly looking at izuku and then Roxy then letting a quick cough as he continued as he only realized what he said

"It will be your duty to protect them you can't get full of yourself just because you know a little magic even of magic is bad in close combat and can't keep up with fast paced battles swordmanship has the advantage there" Both paul and izuku nodded in sync as paul was lightly chopped on neck by Zenith as she Huffed lightly before kneeling down to Rudy as she presented a book of magic towards Rudy "Happy Birthday here Rudy you like books so..." He opened the book and the the happiness burst onto his face "Thank you very much Mother's just what I wanted" Paul had a sad face that Rudy preferred His mother's present over his but he moved on

"Now it's time for your presents Zuku" He heard his father say as he looked on suprise "You got me presents you didn't need to I'm fine really" He said but Paul Insisted until he finally Gave in

You have a very special Case Son I got you no ordinary Present Follow me He nodded as the family follow behind as paul opened the door in his room and he saw a stand of armor it matched his eye color of a turtquoise cloth and light gold edges on the waist side it was beautiful From a swordsmans perspective only as he felt his hair be ruffled as he looked and saw Paul Grinning "You aren't going to be able to fit the armor just yet but once you turn fifteen you'll be able to wear it no problem" He slowly walked up to it and Touched it was sturdy from his inspection "How did you get this armor it looks expensive" He said as paul had a grin that could match bakugou

"I had a old friend make it and enchant it as well and I can say that it took a while to make the money to get that made just for you" He felt grateful beyond belief "Thank you its just what I wanted thank You dad" Paul Smiled A heartfelt one as he heard that He felt a tear come to his eye and he wiped it away "cmon you still have another present from your mother even if it's not better than mine" He saw Paul get a chop on the head as he Zenith Come from behind him as she presented to him his present "Uh Mom what is it"

"It's a heirloom That you should only use when you find someone special that you want to be with for the the rest of your life Okay the gold one is yours and the silver is for your lucky lady" She said as he opened the box and saw two Rings two gems inside two rings 'Oh It's two marriage rings...OH ITS TWO MARRIAGE RINGs'

Then he found another ring a singular gold one that He took out inspected it "What about this one" He said as Zenith Happily explained "Oh this I got from a very special adventure me and your father went on when we were younger and attained I call it the Ring of Favor and protection" She said as she took it and gently grabbed izuku hand and put the ring on his middle finger and almost immediately he felt the effects of the ring a rush of energy that rejuvenated his body as well as feeling like he could carry the world on his shoulder

And another thing he felt was that the ring shrunk to accommodate for his finger size "Amazing" was all he could really muster out as he shut the box and held it closely "I'll be sure to keep it safe Mom" "Oh you precious boy" She hugged him "I want grandchildren Okay don't make me wait too long or I'll tell Roxy Okay sweetie" He felt a shiver up his spine as his mother let go of the hug and gave him a normal smile witha murderous intent behind it as he gulped as he nodded "Good Okay now the two of you go see Roxy she has two present for you two" Izuku Looked back as he saw rudy reading from his book as he tapped him on the shoulder as he waved for him to come

"Cmon Rudy We have Roxy waiting for us" "Hmm!" Rudeus responded as he hopped of the chair and left leaving both parents in the room who sighed in content with how their children are as izuku and Rudy made their way to the dinning room as they see Roxy waiting for them as she kneeled in front of Rudy "Here Rudy" It was a magical wand "Thats a magical stone it acts to amplify magic power so it should be useful" as Rudy held it out "It's really pretty" He had to admit that as well it was Pretty "Students who master beginner magic are customarily given wands but you could already use it so it slipped my mind my apologies" Rudy would be quick "No thank you very much, I'll take good care of it master" She looked stunned for a moment before he smile faltered into a sad one and returning to a more happier one as she closed her eyes

"You've learned four types of advanced attack magic at your age feel free to act a little more conceited" She said as Rudy responded "No its because you taught me well master"

"Now for you Izuku" she held out a wrappings as he tool it "What is it" "Enchanted wrappings so that you limit the damage to your arms by a certain degree All while allowing you to use a lot more strength than Usual" He started wrapping them on his arms and then suddenly a bunch of charms would appear on his wrappings as he felt the secured safety of the wrappings 'It's just like my Mid Gauntlets only exception is that its made of cloth and magic'

"I love it thank you Roxy" He said letting Roxy gain the faintest of red dust upon her cheek as she ruffled rudeus hair "Be that as it may, there's now very little left that I'm able to teach you now" All that left rudeus and izukus mouths were 'Huh' as he saw both Paul and Zenith Hug in sadness

"Rudy, I'll hold your graduation exam tomorrow" "Graduation?" Later that night he had all his present in his room as he saw the armor stand his Box Of rings for the future and his Magic Wrappings as he thought of the past and future as he decided to go to sleep awaiting tommorrrow to arrive

As he blinks and sees paul Caressing Caravaggio "There There" as rudeus from behind his mother's leg spoke in a tense and worried tone "Outside"

"Yes, outside the village" as he heard Rudy trying anyway to have the graduation ceremony here instead "Can't we do it in the garden"

"We Cannot" she spoke again "We can't, huh?" As his mother perks up "He never wants to go out for some reason maybe he's scared of monsters" as Roxy dispells that theory "You don't run into many monsters in this area and even if you do they're weak so you could beat them"

As paul Come closer to him "Rudy, Caravaggio I'd really docile" ad Rudy rushes behind Mother as paul is stunned and shocked as he Gains a sad expression one of worry as Roxy gains a smug grin "Let me guess your scared of horses" as Rudy rebutes this "I-I'm really not scared of horses"

He sighed as Roxy continued on "You act your age when I least expect it" Izuku would appear behind Rudy as he with one hand grabbed Rudy who was very light as he planted him on the horse with Roxy "Once your accustomed to it'll stop being scary in no time" she clicked her hell with Caravaggio as The horse started walking forward as he saw rudy shut his eyes as be braced to leave the house "Master I can't" "Don't worry I'm with you so there's nothing to be afraid of" He said as Roxy Hummed in agreement he waved at his parents as he left "Rudy hang in there!"

Rudy soon opened his eyes and saw he was safe and saw izuku walking beside them well he was floating just of the ground so he had the ability to save strength he was just holding onto the horse as man came by on his own horse and passed by saying "Thanks for the other day" As Roxy responded "Your welcome" as Rudy looked on feeling more and more relieved with each passing person in which they greeted soon Rudy felt relief as he leaned on Roxy "So you still scared Rudy" He said "No I'm fine now" and soon they made it a familiar spot both Izuku and Roxy frequently visited

"Been a while since we've been here Eh Roxy" He said as she nodded "This is a spot We use frequently" "It feels nice huh?" "I will now use a Saint level water spell I can cast it only once watch closely and memorize it and then cast it that is your final exam" "Are we doing it away from people because it's a secret spell" As izuku buds in this time "No it will harm and or destroy the crops and people in the village" as Roxy takes a deep breathe in and let's it out in a exhale

"Grand spirit of water and imperial prince of lighting who ascends the Heavens grant my wish and being and bring about a savage blessing display your might to insignificant beings strike awe with a blow of your divine hammer on the anvil and cover the land in water Ah rain sweep all else away and expel everything cumulonimbus" she Casted the speel as a large and Raging storm brewded as large winds and lighting crackled as rudeus nearly was flown away as izuku grabbed him keeping him safe as lighting struck Caravaggio as they could tell from the yell from the animal as Roxy let out a surprised yelp "Huh? AH! Wh-what should I do?" "I got this" Izuku Spoke as he hurried over and Casted saint level healing magic as Caravaggio was fully healed just a little tired now

"That was a close one m-may I ask you to keep this between us?" "You have my word Roxy that I won't tell anyone" He said "Please don't" She shook her head and slapped her face lightly "Now you try it! I'll protect Caravaggio with Izuku here as well" He nodded as he stood back as Roxy Casted an earth Spell and had a Dome form around them as he noticed Roxy standing a bit closer to him to which he reddened a little but he shook it off and stated at Rudy as he pulled out his wand as he spoke "Grand spirit of water and imperial prince of lighting who ascends the Heavens grant my wish and being and bring about a savage blessing display your might to insignificant beings strike awe with a blow of your divine hammer on the anvil and cover the land in water Ah rain sweep all else away and expel everything cumulonimbus" as a larger storm than even roxys appeared as Rudy was at the center playing in the wind as the light soon came

As the storm passed as the three of them were sitting on a tree log "I didn't tell you to make it bigger than my demonstration" "Did I overdo it"rudy said as He responded "just a bit Rudy Just a bit" as Roxy spoke "It's a shame now there really is nothing I can teach you as he smiled bitterly as the day passed and night came with Roxy having her things as she was ready to leave the village as paul and Zenith tried convincing her to stay "You don't have to leave you know Roxy I have a lot more recipes to teach you" " Yeah the villagers would love to have you around" as Roxy turned back "I'm grateful but I plan to travel the world and home my magical abilities over again and this time try and surpass myself"

"I see well I guess...sorry it looks like our son's made you lose confidence" "thats a terrible way of putting it" Izuku said to paul as Roxy came close to the both of them "Izuku Rudy I did the best I could but it seems I lack the ability to guide you" That's not true" He said as Rudy spoke as well "you taught us all sorts of things master" She smiled as she raised her hand before a dawn of realization struck and she put down her hand she wrapped a necklace around Rudeus Neck "What's this?" "A charm from my hometown I didn't have time to prepare a graduation party so this will have to do" as Rudy had tears welling up in his eyes "I'll treasure it" "That would make me happy then"

She then turned to Izuku Who was looking away As he felt the tears nearly escaping his globes "Izuku I also want you to have this" She pulled out a Medallion With a string forming a necklace as he wrapped it on his neck "It's a necklace I made in my time spending with you has been some of the greatest moments I will ever Have" "I'll be sure to never lose it" He said clutching it close "I also want to give you this she leaned in close and he felt a peck from her lips on his "Don't make me wait forever Okay Izu" She said quietly only for him to heat as he nodded as he leaned back as he looked down at the necklace he now had it was a beautiful silver with three gems and a symbol of water in the middle of the large Medallion he held onto it

"Now it's time I go" She got up with her briefcase of items she got up with the entirety of the family Tearing up "Goodbye" She spoke as she started leaving as both izuku and Rudy as they watched on as then they both ran after her Rudy nearly tripping "ROXY/MASTER! THANK YOU VERY MUCH"


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