dove ━━ meet my ocs

By mockingsjay

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"i thought it was a bird but it was just a paper bag." ❪ a book for my ocs because i love them... More

━━zion adams.
━━clea satine.
━━quinn carter.
━━malakai davis.

━━harley harper.

566 3 0
By mockingsjay

layout inspired by gojoslove.
fandom: you / book: saviour complex
trigger warnings: mention of suicide, mention of self harm, mention of abuse/neglect, mention of death, mention of weapons, mention of mental illness.


legal name: harley ivy harper
birth name: harley ivy harper
name analysis:
━━harley ☆ old english / hare's meadow
━━ivy ☆ british / eternity
━━harper ☆ european / harp player
━━har ☆ by peach / used patronisingly, fake nice
━━harp ☆ by beck / used endearingly, instead of name
━━ley ☆ by joe / used endearingly & friendly
species: human
━━twenty four ☆ s1
━━twenty five ☆ s2
━━twenty seven ☆ s3
gender identity: female
pronouns: she/they
sexuality: bisexual
religion: atheist
date of birth: may 1st 1995
place of birth: new york city
date of death: n/a
place of death: n/a
ethnicity: english american
nationality: american
accent: new york city english
languages known:
━━american english ☆ birth language / learnt from parents
━━spanish ☆ knows basics / learnt age sixteen for fun
━━french ☆ knows basics / learnt age sixteen for fun
━━latin ☆ intermediate knowledge / learning for fun
social class: middle class
━━high school ☆ graduated.
━━university ☆ graduated. psychology & english literature & art.
previous occupation(s):
━━selling ☆ she would sell food and drink and gum to her fellow students in high school for a cheap price. this was to buy her own clothes that her mother would not buy her. she acquired these items through shoplifting and was never caught.
━━doing people's homework ☆ this was in high school as well as sometimes in university. she would usually assist people from the same subjects as her but would do other subjects if the person paid highly. she was able to do this because she had a lot of spare time.
current occupation(s):
━━waitress/cook/barista at cafè ☆ they work at a cafè within a book store. they alternate between delivering people's orders and creating meals and coffee.
━━selling poems ☆ she will write short poems for a person to give to their friend/lover/family/etc. this is their side job.
criminal record:
━━assault / age 16 ☆ harley had many fights in school and the one time she had a fight outside of school, the cops were called afterward and her mother had to pay a fine for the assault.
first appearance: s1e1 - pilot
first line: "beck, you need to calm down, honey."
last appearance:  n/a
last line: n/a


face claim: emmy rossum
voice claim: emmy rossum
alternative face claim(s): n/a
hair colour: dark brown
hair texture: wavy
hair length:
━━medium ☆ s1
━━short ☆ s2-s3
common hairstyles: down with a middle part / in a messy bun / in a messy plait
eye colour: brown
height: 5'6/168cm
glasses/contacts: none
piercings: all parts of her right ear / nostril hoop / belly button
scars: small white cuts on her stomach from self harm
━━semi-colon on inside of right wrist ☆ this is to represent her battle against depression, self harm and suicide. it comes from the saying, 'a semi colon is used when the author could have ended the sentence but chose not to. you are the author, the sentence is your life.'
━━flower on chest ☆ it is a shakily drawn daisy with a sad face with the date '14/02/13' written around it. this drawing was made by harley's late sister. it was one of the last things she had drawn before she committed suicide. the date is the date of her death. the ink was mixed with her sister's ashes.
outfit gallery:

character colour: brown
scent: lavender & fresh ink & cigarettes
prized possession(s):
━━pearl necklace ☆ it matches with beck and had a tracker inside of it that is on beck's phone, and harley has the same for beck on her phone, so that the girls can always check each other's location.
━━bunny plushie ☆ it is very worn down and has its eyes missing. it also smells musty, but harley isn't aware. when the bunny is hugged, it says 'i love you' in both her mother's and sister's voice together. it was her sister's plushie, made when she was seven, and harley kept it once her sister died.
━━her notebook ☆ it is a small brown notebook stained with lipstick, paint and cigarette ash. harley writes small bits of poems or sometimes draws in it. she is constantly adding more paper so it is small in height but thick in width. she has had it since she was seventeen, but has only recently started using it in the past two years when she decided to try be more present in her life and find meaning. it is full of melancholy.
━━pepper spray/switchblade ☆ she has the spray in s1 and the blade in s2 and onward. they feel safe when they have these because they feel secure in their self defence.
dominant hand: right
appearances: s1 & s2 & s3


━━fear of losing her loved ones ☆ this has already happened with her sister, and so harley has an increased fear of losing her loved ones. 'losing' meaning through death, moving away, the loved one finding someone better, etc. this leads to harley's intense jealousy issues as they have the fear of losing their loved one through being replaced. this also leads to harley's violence and why she forgives joe so easily after s1: she does not want to lose someone she cares about again.
━━fear of mediocrity ☆ harley hates the idea of having a normal, boring life. this is why they constantly try new skills/hobbies and why she loves reading, it is escapism for her.
━━fear of being alone ☆ her entire existence and happiness is dependent on being around the people she loves. if she is alone, then her life is meaningless.
mental conditions:
━━c-ptsd ☆ undiagnosed. this is the complex trauma she has from her abusive mother, abusive father and the loss of her sister.
━━borderline personality disorder ☆ undiagnosed. this manifests in a deep fear of abandonment, unstable and co-dependent relationships, explosive anger and more. cause is trauma from childhood.
━━depression ☆ undiagnosed. harley was depressed in her teenage years due to being surrounded by negativity from her mom. harley is mostly recovered now, though sometimes still experiences numbness and suicidal thought due to her bpd. she sometimes self harms if the stress of her daily life gets too much for her, or if her emotions are too strong for her to handle.
positive traits: caring / protective / creative / deep / outspoken / loyal / mature
negative traits: clingy / jealous / impulsive / aggressive / moody / aloof / grumpy
first impression: grumpy
typical mood: pensive
primary virtue:
━━caring ☆ no matter if people like harley or not, it is extremely clear to see that they care deeply and with their whole heart. this consists from small acts of kindness to strangers to a roaring overprotection of their loved ones, as well as a big sense of justice.
primary vice:
━━aggressive ☆ harley is aggressive no matter what. this comes from their impulsivity and their rocky childhood. she gets angry over small things and it leads to huge outbursts. she can get physically violent and have to restrain herself from attacking others, or she can shout and cuss people out.
independent / dependent: dependent
introverted / extroverted: introverted
dominant smarts: streetsmart
optimistic / pessimistic: optimistic
soft spots: her loved ones & baby animals & cute romances & troubled kids
goals: to find meaning in her life
━━languages ☆ she can speak french, spanish and latin.
━━writing ☆ they write beautiful poems.
━━painting ☆ harley paints a lot in their free time and is quite good at it.
━━combat ☆ she has never had official lessons but she is quite good at fighting. harley can take and throw a punch. she fought a lot in high school and has experience overpowering different types of opponents.
━━baking/cooking ☆ she has advanced knowledge and dedicates time to learning new recipes, specifically ones from different countries.
━━up-cycling clothes ☆ harley was poor as a child and had to learn this so that she could have decent and wearable clothes.
━━thievery ☆ they often shoplifted in high school and has developed a good ability to steal different items, no matter shape or size.
━━photography ☆ harley learnt a bit about photography in her early twenties, and used to take photos of her everyday life e.g birds in the sky, people drinking coffee. she gave it up as a hobby but sometimes still brings her camera to special occasions.
━━reading ☆ harley reads faster than the average person.
distinct talent: languages & combat
biggest weakness: her loved ones
likes: the smell of fresh books & cigarettes & music & reading & lavender & a gloomy sky & pomegranate & black coffee
dislikes: bigots & moral superiority & well adjusted people & bragging & selfishness
habits: smoking when bored, stressed or in thought & playing with her necklace & chewing on her hair & scrunching up her nose & showering too often & always chewing gum & using british slang
pet peeves: neglectful parents & moral superiority & bragging & unsolicited advice
an event that would break them: being alone & losing love quinn & seeing her mother again
favourite season: autumn
favourite animal: cats
favourite movie: donnie darko
favourite book: alice in wonderland
favourite music artist: fiona apple
booksmart: 7/10
combat: 8/10
comedy: 5/10
confidence: 9/10
collaboration: 7/10
emotional control: 3/10
flirting: 5/10
kindness: 7/10
leadership: 6/10
loyalty: 9/10
lust: 8/10
manipulation: 4/10
responsibility: 10/10
sarcasm: 7/10
selfishness: 4/10
streetsmart: 8/10
drinking habits: rarely, mostly on special occasions & when love drinks wine, harley will drink with her
smoking habits: very often, at least once a day
addictions: smoking & self harm (recovered)
moral alignment: chaotic neutral
personality type: infj
zodiac sign: taurus
okokok / lalala: okokok
temperament: choleric
deadly sin: wrath
animal representative: wolf (intelligence, self reliance, mystery, perseverance, loyalty)
soldier / poet / king: soldier (righteousness, strength, violence)
tropes: tragic backstory & anti-hero & yandere & wolf in sheep's clothing & tomboy
similar characters:
━━chloe price ☆ both are aloof, sarcastic, stubborn, bold, have alternative aesthetics, are prone to outbursts, bpd coded, are in love with their best friends
━━maeve wiley ☆ both are intelligent, sarcastic, feminist, brunette, readers, writers, loyal
━━fiona gallagher ☆ both are headstrong, tough, aggressive, determined, bad parents


━━mother ☆ unnamed, alive.
━━father ☆ unnamed, alive.
━━sister ☆ hannah, deceased. committed suicide age twelve.
children: n/a
family relationships:
━━mother ☆ 3/10. harley's mother provided the basic necessities for her and rarely met her emotional needs. she was treated like a doll that mother could make harley do what she wanted; she was dressed in hyper-feminine dressed and bows despite harley hating it. she was excpected ti be the perfect child who did their chores, achieved great things and ultimately didn't bother mother. when harley entered high school, she developed a rebellious streak and began to be neglected by her mother, often having to cook her own food and do her own laundry, as well as being verbally berated by her mother on the daily, being called 'stinky/disgusting/disgraceful/irritating'. harley left her mother's house age 17 after her sister's suicide, vowing to not have the same happen to her, and has not spoken to her mother since despite her attempts to reach out.
━━father ☆ 0/10. he left harley's mother after hannah was born; when harley was age 4. she doesn't remember him. her mother used to sometimes recount how neglectful he was.
━━sister ☆ 10/10. they were each other's everything. harley and hannah were inseparable and were best friends, they were extremely co-dependent. harley sometimes feels guilt for not being able to prevent hannah's suicide, but has mostly moved past it now.
━━han ☆ black cat, alive. the cat started to hang around her mother's house after hannah's death, being very clingy to harley. harley called the cat 'han' after her late sister, and eventually brought the cat with her when she left the house, hoping that it was her sister reincarnated.
mentor(s): n/a
friend(s): ellie alves & paco & blythe & annika & lynn
neutral(s): gabe & lucy & sunrise
frenemies: peach salinger & delilah alves & forty quinn
enemies: henderson & candace & dr nicky & quinn parents & benji
love interest(s):
━━joe goldberg ☆ s1-s3 / friends to lovers & forbidden romance & partners in crime / happiness is a butterfly by lana del rey
━━guinevere beck ☆ s1 / unrequited love & childhood friends & just friends / are we still friends? by tyler the creator
━━love quinn ☆ s2-s3 / friends to lovers & love makes you evil & yandere / romantic lover by eyedress


character playlist:
━━doll parts by hole ☆ he only loves those things because he loves to see them break. i fake it so real, i am beyond fake, and someday, you will ache like i ache.
━━crazy girls by too poor ☆ said he likes crazy girls, but he hates when i act crazy, it takes two to toxic.
━━whispers by halsey ☆ why do you need love so badly? bet it's because of her daddy. bet she was brutal and bratty, bet that she'll never be happy. i bet that you're right.
━━emotions by brenda lee ☆ emotions, what are you doing? don't you know you'll be my ruin? you've got me crying again. when will you let this heartache end? emotions, you get me upset. why make me remember what i wanna forget?
━━i will follow him by peggy march ☆ i will follow him wherever he may go. and near him, i always will be for nothing can keep me away. he is my destiny.
━━i know by fiona apple ☆ so be it, i'm your crowbar, if that's what i am so far until you get out of this mess. and i will pretend that i don't know of your sins until you are ready to confess. but all the time, i'll know.
━━always showering ☆ this is because her mother would always berade her for being 'stinky' (this was done to dissuade harley from wearing her own masculine clothes and not hyper-feminine ones) and so she grew a fear of smelling badly. she also got used to showering and bathing being her only time to have true privacy and relaxation, so she had a lot of them as a kid and this carried into adulthood. they have 2-3 showers a day.
━━chewing gum ☆ this is also because of her mother. harley grew a fear of smelling bad, including her breath, so she is always chewing gum to avoid that issue, especially because she smokes so much.
━━masculine ☆ harley mostly wears muted reds, browns, blacks and blues. she does not wear feminine clothes at all and wouldn't be caught dead i  a skirt or dress...until s3. she had a major dislike for feminine clothes because her mother forced her to wear them as a child, but with the help of love, harley finds dresses and skirts she likes and starts to wear them.
━━honey ☆ harley calls the people she loves 'honey'. this is an easy way to see if they have a crush on someone, as they will start to refer to then as 'honey', even if they haven't realised their feelings are romantic yet.
━━baseball bat ☆ harley sleeps with a baseball bat beside her bed in s1 in case an intruder breaks in. this changes in s2 and onwards though as she is sleeping beside joe & love and feels safe.
━━slang ☆ harley's mother is british and so harley has picked up a lot of british slang and sometimes she uses it, e.g saying cuppa instead of cup of tea, saying knackered not tired, and using bloke. though she always corrects herself after because they don't want any part of themselves to be associated with their mother.

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