Beware the Hárí

By Read_My_Paws

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"Beware dead Elms, for malevolent spirits are afoot. make haste and steer clear lest the spirit prey upon you... More

Beware the Hárí
The Snowstorm
The Wiseman
Words of Warning by a Wiseman
The Cloak
Old Jöstish Wordguide

The Forest

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By Read_My_Paws

For a while, Eynræð experienced no trouble on his travels. "The Hárí, what a superstitious man" says Eynræð. It is then he hears an eerie whistle in the distance. "Must just be the wind" he thinks to himself. The whistling got louder the further he continued down the path until it stopped. "What strange wind" says Eynræð. He stops in his tracks as up ahead he sees the silhouette of a woman in a travel cloak with her back turned to him. "Who are you" Asks Eynræð. But no response. "What is your name" He says louder and more authoritatively. But still no answer. "I demand you to reveal yourself!" Shouts Eynræð. It is then that the woman ahead seems to take notice and walk off the forest path. Wanting to confront the woman, Eynræð follows her. He follows her for what feels like just a moment when she disappears before him. Confused, he continues to try and find her before giving up. "Crazy woman" He says. "Now where did the path go?" He asks himself, realizing he has lost the trail he was following. A fog seemingly formed in what he felt was a few minutes after losing the woman.

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