Operation Medea

By airsoftal01

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During a Dark night at Hogwarts, the Goblet of Fire begins to show a word of magic and war. More

Operation Medea Trailer 1
Teaser Trailer 2
Teaser 3
Trailer 2
Official Video Trailer.
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What is Operation Medea ?
December 2022 Update
May 2023 update
July 2023 Update
The Day of Portals
Learning The Truth
From Death to Rebirth
Dawn Of A New World
Americas Secret History
Sicut diabolus vult
Prometheus Spark
Sparks Before the Embers
Power of Knowledge
Embers Rise
WereWolves In London Town

Wolf Hunters

1.2K 25 19
By airsoftal01


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Since the portals appeared, many within the magical world have gained much in terms of freedoms and liberties that had been denied to them by more than a few magical governments, the most major offended being Magical Britain.

Of course this didn't mean that everything was peaceful or that everyone would come together and sing kumbaya, no the more radical among the magical creature community would use this new found openness to begin their own plans and movements thanks to the mysterious 'benefactor' for whom would supply these movements with weapons, training, and even in rare cases safehouses for these movements leadership to hide from their enemies.

The most radical and most dangerous of these movements was the 'Death-Howl' movement lead by one Fenrir Greyback who by most authority's was considered a 'low level threat' of course that was until said man was spotted in Ireland talking with IRA members which at first raised a red flag with Mi6, however this did not raise his threat level until an image of him was provided by the CIA from the hotbed that is the Middle east with photos of the man talking with known middle eastern terrorist or going as far as to fight alongside them.

This caused the man to have his threat level be raised to lead many within the intelligence world to believe he would conduct an attack within the western world. However the one question that is on everyone's mind is his exact location and what his plans are.

His last known location before going to ground was a photo taken with the group known as the Four Horsemen, since then only scant rumors have been heard about him, but all that was about to change when a single CIA/MI6 operation in the Middle East would find evidence that Greyback and the Horsemen were indeed working together.

However all of this would come ahead when intel was sent to Mi6 about a possible attack by not just known members of Death-Howl but also members of werewolf middle eastern terrorist groups as well who were last seen getting into white vans.

With this intel in hand new Scotland yard as well as metro police services dispatched as many officers as they could, among them was Kingsley who had a rookie no-mag with him who was driving a car with both wearing civilian clothes so as not to be spotted so easily.

Of course whether or not they would be able to stop these terrorists was another factor altogether.

Piccadilly Circus

London, England 1994

Kingsley was looking out the car window as his radio crackled to life with the sounds of metro HQ "Sargent Shacklebolt, roger up?"

Kingsley pressing the button on his radio says in a calm voice "go for Shacklebolt." The radio comes to live again as he gets an update from dispatch.

Dispatch came back with an update which wasn't looking good "terror threat level is now critical. Multiple attackers. Bombers or something worse."

Kingsley calmly asks "do we have snipers in position ?"

Dispatch radioed back "negative, not enough time and we don't want to cause alarm to the public." Kingsley's eye twitches abit as he says "Do the terrorist know this?"

This got Dispatch to reply back with a firm "don't go turning London into a warzone, the army is being activated for small scale mobilization in case things get harry, but remember yours and the other team's jobs are to catch these terrorists before they can even do anything. Am i clear Sargant Shacklebolt?"

Kingsley sighs as he gives a firm "Crystal clear dispatch." running a hand over his face he sighs.

The rookie, who was named Jenkins who just joined the force looked at his superior as he asks "so what's the play here sergeant?"

Sarcasm coating his voice "Oh we're not to turn London into a war zone apparently" Kingsley said "Like the terrorists give a flying fuck!"

"Yeah I get you Sergeant, I'll never understand why command won't let us take off the gloves" came the reply from SAS sergeant Kyle "call me Gaz" Garrick

Jenkins nods as he introduces himself "Constable Jenkins, Metro police and a new father as of a month ago." He says with a smile as he keeps his eyes on the road.

Gaz had a smirk on his face "Yeah well we might not have snipers in position" he said "but we have a SAS team on standby close if they even think about trying anything."

Of course before more could be said, the sight of a white van is seen pulling up near them as Shacklebolt looks over and sees inside the van as he reports "i've got eyes on a van that matches the description Mi6 gave us, i've got at least six, maybe eight military age males and females, no weapons visible but i've got armbands of greybacks people. How should we approach this?"

While Kingsley was radioing this in, Gaz was on the radio with Bravo Six.

"Bravo six, this is Sergeant Garrick, we have eyes on the van you and your team need to wheel up now before they do anything. Over"

"Roger Sergeant." Came the reply from Bravo Six, "we are wheels up and inbound now, we will be there in five mikes, now try not to cause anything before we get there aye."

Kingsley soon got his reply as he looked to the others with worry "dispatch says to move in and attempt to apprehend them."

There was a tense silence as Jenkins asked "how long till the army shows up? Can we wait?" concern in his voice as Kingsley just gives a slow shake of his head before pulling out his USP service pistol with a quick check to see if there's one in the chamber he breaths to collect himself as he says in a commanding voice "stay calm, get the civilians clear and do not pop off like a yank." He orders as he slowly unclicks his seatbelt and prepares to move on the van.

Jenkins breathes as he pulls out his sidearm before getting out of their car and slowly approaching the van, stopping to silently get people out of the area even going as far as to order them ''abandon your car and get to safety." as they slowly approached the van with their pistols at the low ready.

As the group moved closer to the van a car beside it opened and out stepped a woman of what look to be slavic descent who went for something only for Jenkins to yell "POLICE! Hands where i can see them!" She shouted in what was clearly Russian before she spoke in broken english "i no threat! was going for wallet!"

Of course the commotion caused the back of the van to open as the occupants inside came out and now being faced with four officers and even more trying to come around front with their bright yellow jackets began shouting orders "NEW SCOTLAND YARD! HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" Commanded Kingsley as he had his service pistol trained on the occupants that were inside the van which did number out to be eight in total who stood with their hands up and clearly looked confused as some who spoke English tried to defuse the situation "were just workers! Were not a threat officers!"

Garrick moving slowly ordered sternly "Keep your hands where we can see them!" The other officers began to follow his pace slowly as they approach the van, once they were well within at least ten feet of the van one of the men shouted in a clear slavic language "Вперёд, братья! Начинайте атаку!"

This caused the driver still in the van to speed off down the road and before anyone could shout a command or even fire off a stunning spell the van exploded into the crowded intersection, the blast from the explosion sent the officers tumbling to the ground due to the shock wave as none had time to get their magical shields up.

Kingsleys ear rang as he tried to get his bearings only to meet with the men from before now pulling out canceled weapons as Jenkins was the first to shout "GUN!" Only to be killed on the spot as he tried to bring up his service pistol.

Kingsley acting quickly brought up his pistol and opened fire on the man who killed Jenkins along side Garricks who killed another as did his fellow officers who open fire, once the shooting was done the radio blared to life as dispatch began to demand over the shocked cries of those around him "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON DOWN THERE!?"

Looking over to the SAS operative who was kneeling near Jenkins he shook his head as Kingsley cursed before he responded to dispatch "there's been an explosion at Piccadilly Circus , shots fired, officers down!" Keeping his service pistol at the ready he scan the area as his fellow officers tried to get the people away or were checking for wounded as he requested "we need medical down here now!" Only for his face to morph into horror as in the distance he heard the clear sounds of screaming and automatic weapons fire.

Only for him to hear one of his officers who was looking around with anger say "look at what they did to our home!"

Gaz checking his magazine nods as he slams it back into his service pistol as he shouts "they're not done yet! LET'S MOVE!" The group nods as they move only for the radios to blare to life with updates "were taking fire from the 2nd floor of the foot locker!" "We have multiple gunman attacking Piccadilly Circus requesting back up!" "OFFICER DOWN! OFFICER DOWN!" "WHERE THE HELL IS THE ARMY!?"

Once the group of officers and SAS operative arrived on the scene it was chaos as they watched as now more armed terrorist were seen attacking the area, shooting at anyone they saw, more than a few mages were seen trying to fight back with their wands, some trying to help anyway they can only to be gun down as fellow constables and other members of the police services tried to fight back against the heavily armed terrorist.

Kingsley shot and killed a terrorist who was shooting at a couple of pinned officers who gave thanks as they rushed to help get civilians out of the area.

What made it harder for Kingsley and his team was that the amount of civilians in the area made it hard to get a target, what didn't help was the response from dispatch just compounding the dire situation they were in. "All units, all units- Attack is underway at Piccadilly Circus. Multiple IC1 shooters on site."

One scared officer shouted at Gaz "left or right sir!?" Not knowing what to do only for Gaz to shout out orders "help clear the area of wounded and civilians!" To which the young officer nods as he runs and helps with the evacuation efforts.

One terrorist tried to rush Kingsley only for the man to quick gun him down, staring down at the dead terrorist he notice that the weapon he was using was Russian, infact taking in the noise profile of the weapons he began to notice that all the weapons the terrorist werewolves were using were all Russian which caused one of his fellow officers to shout "ARE THE FUCKING RUSSIANS BACKING THIS ATTACK!?" Kingsley did not comment as he focused on trying to stop the attack and save lives.

"All units be advised we have a hostage situation! I say again we have a hostage situation!" Gaz soon looked at Kingsley as he ordered "ON ME!" Kingsley nods as he follows the SAS operative into a JC Penny where the sounds of sniper fire could be heard, moving up to the second floor the two came about the sight of the terrorist snipers as one of them was seen loading up an RPG to be used.

With quick thinking both dispatched the snipers and prevented the use of the RPG as Gas shouts "clear!" Kingsley giving a once over of the floor to be sure gave a confirming "Clear!" Before the two moved on.

Getting on the radio Gaz reported "This is saber 2, JCPenney secured, snipers are down moving out." Now moving back down to street level Kingsley angeryly asked dispatch "dispatch where eta on the army!?" To which dispatch responded "Army Assault elements as well as Mage elements have been dispatched, unknown ETA at this time over."

Gaz looked in shock at Kingsley who was equally shocked as he grabbed his radio and shouted "This is saber 2! Tell them to hurry the hell up! We don't know how much longer we can last without their help!"

Before Kingsley could hear what dispatch says, he looked up in time to hear one of the terrorist shout "'iilahat alqamar eazimatun!" In arabic before his eyes widen at what he saw the terrorist was about to do as he charged headlong towards a group officers "LOOKOUT!" But it was to late as the Arabic werewolf terrorist pressed a trigger on a detonator which detonated a suicide vest killing him and the officers he charged at.

Kingsley looked on in shock as Gaz cursed before he reported into his radio "all units be advised! We have suicide bombers! Say again! Suicide bombers!" Looking back at Kingsley, Gaz asked "are you good?" To which he just numbly nods before shaking his abit to get his mind straight as he moves up with Gaz.

Dispatch came with another update which for once was some form of good news "all units suspects are retreating to the Tanto building in the Northwest. We need all units converging on the Tanto building NOW!"

Gaz looked towards Kingsley as he asked "how are you on ammo?" Kingsley quickly did a check as he reported "yellow on mags. You?" He asked as Gaz reports "almost red but if worst comes to worst we can pick up the terrorist weapons." Kingsley nods as he moves with Gaz towards the Tanto building.

As they reached the outside of the Tanto building another bomber came running only for the officers to kill him, but the bomber had a dead man's switch as he explodes injuring nearby officers caught in the blast as Gaz reports "this is saber 2 we have officers down outside the Tanto building! Say again officers down!"

Kingsley moved with Gaz to the damaged entrance as both he and Gaz began to move the damaged door that had blocked the way inside the building as dispatch asked. "What is the status of the hostages!?" Right as they moved the damage door one of the terrorists rushed Kingsley with a knife only to be gunned down from a shooter behind them, turning around quickly they saw a squad of soldiers moving towards them with rifles raised only for both Kingsley and Gaz to shout "BLUE! BLUE!"

A man with a large mustache wearing darken combat BDUs, a load bearing harness, holding an M4 carbine walks up as he says "i see you two. You both armed up?"

Both nod "yes sir" Kingsley and Gaz says as the man comes up to help the two move the debris blocking the door as he introduced himself after its move "captain price." Gaz responds in kind "sergeant Garrick." Kingsley follows "Mage Sergeant Shacklebolt." The captain nods as he says to the two in a commanding tone "you two with me."

Bringing up his rifle at the low ready the two follow suit as they scan the area with the captain ordering "check those corners." As they approach the stairs they can hear the hostages calling for help, as they move up to the second floor the three come to a man who was pleading for his life "please i'm not one of them! Help me please!"

Attached to the mans body was a suicide vest, but to the shock of Kingsley their were runes on the vest as he looked at it and tried to use his wand to try and undo the locks "damn it! The locks have runes on them to keep me from using the unlock spell!" The man looked at the three as they tried to find a way to get the bomb vest off of him as he began to plead "please! please! save me! I just want to see my daughters! PLEASE!"

Gaz looked at the vest as it began to beep faster as the Captain said "its going off!" To the shock of both Kingsley and Gaz they were both pushed as the Captain grabs the man then throws him over the ledge as the bomb goes off sending the three once again to the ground.

Coughing abit Captain Price gets on his radio as he reports "all stations- Bombers clear. Prep medical were coming out." Standing up Captain Price spoke up in a commanding voice to the hostages "everybody stay calm. We're gonna get you out of here."

Looking at the two Price asks "you two broken?" To which Kingsley spoke up "shaken but good sir." Gaz nods as he adds "im good." Price soon helps the two up as they make it outside the building only to be met with a sight both never thought they would see in their lives, even to Kingsley who had seen the blood war never thought he would see the sight before him.

Gaz walked over to one of the fallen terrorists and with a cry of anger he kicked the body, Kingsley and Price looked at him.

"You okay Sergeant," Price asked him.

Gaz breaths as he shakes his head "No! Sir. We should have stopped this, we could have stopped this! Sir." He said as Kingsley stayed silent as he kept surveying the medics still gathering the bodies which caused his stomach to turn a little but deep down he couldn't help but agree.

"You had credible intel" Price asked.

Gaz was silent as he looked at Price with a questioning look "sir?"

"You had credible Intel that could have prevented this attack?" Price asked neutrally.

Kingsley looks at Gaz as he looks back at Price asking "sir, permission to speak freely?"

Price looked at Kingsley "Granted" he said tensely

Gaz finally unleashes his real feelings "we had these bastards by the balls! We and even the bobby's had enough intel we could have nailed them! Yet we can't do our job because these bloody MPs in the house of commons won't take the damn gloves off to let us do our damn job and admit we're at war with terrorists!" Breathing a bit as he looks at a clearly calm Price, not even angry, and a clearly scared Kingsley who believes both him and Gaz were gonna be removed from this operation due to the man's outburst.

Price just kept a leveled face as he turns towards Kingsley and says towards the man "and you?"

Kingsley, while being more calmer about the situation, answers the Captain "we knew Greyback was a threat well before her highness took back control of magical Britain. However our minister always told my boss to 'sweep it under the rug' or 'it's not a big threat' and the most common one was 'they're just a beast, they're not that smart.' Well I can safely say that if we had the ability to do our jobs back then, then this attack would have never happened to begin with."

Price was silent as he looked at the two sergeants before he just nodded "alright, you two are with me then."

Both men wouldn't know it, but both were now on the frontlines of a war on terror as across Europe, Asia, and the middle east similar attacks were being carried out by Death's Howl with what seemed like no motive behind them.

Until news stations around the globe received packages containing a VHS tape with a message from Greyback himself.

Once the message was played it showed Greyback in what looked to be a room with weapons lining walls of a nondescript room sitting in a chair looking at the camera. "Our war is not for our faith. We fight to remove all foreign influence from our people. We are Death's Howl, we are the true werewolves."

Taking a breath Greyback continues his speech to the world "we fight without sorrow, we will wage war without sympathy, this is the only way to live and die a true werewolf. We will continue to do so until our fellow brothers and sisters of our kind have been finally freed from the oppressor's who have chained us, killed us, and branded us monsters." With that the message ended as the world now watched and waited for the next attack.

But for those of the elite special forces and NATOs anti terrorism units, they were already on the move trying to track down Greyback and his terrorist cells.

In the coming days these elite units tasked with the elimination of the Deaths Howl terrorist would come to be known as.

The Wolf Hunters.

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