At The Beginning With You

By Havingfunwithfanfic

65.7K 2.7K 342

The gods see the world being destroyed during the Long Night and decide to fix things. Daemon and Rhaenyra ha... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 1

3.5K 76 32
By Havingfunwithfanfic

Like my other stories, this one got in my head and would not leave until I wrote it down. Lets see where this goes. 😊

As always high Valyrian will be in italics.

The Gods looked while the world was destroyed, the white walkers tearing through the only few people left. They had all worked so hard, working for years so that the prince who was promised would have every single gift needed to defeat the dead. But the dragons' death had left the prince severely unprepared for the coming fight. Even after the gods had intervened and gave Daenerys Targaryen three dragons, it had not been enough. She had not met the promised prince until it was too late. The dance of the dragons had caused everything to go wrong and caused the death of humanity.

"This is not good." Arrax ignored Shrykos, not wanting to admit what he was seeing, he should have known his sister would not give up. "We are getting weaker and I do not think we will be able to recover after this."

"I am aware." They had been growing weaker for years and this would be devastating for them. Losing one of their worlds will have serious consequences.

"What are we supposed to do now?" This time it was Vermax who asked.

"We should go to war with those abominable creatures." Vhagar glared at all the gods in the pantheon. As the Goddess of war, she refused to admit defeat so easily.

"You know we cannot intervene directly." Tyraxes was always the voice of reason, not wanting things to get worse than they already were. "Every time we intervene with the mortal world in person horrible things happen."

"The world is ending either way." Balerion glared at Tyraxes, his head aching due to the number of souls being forced into the underworld before their time. "What else could go wrong?"

"Should I remind you of the Doom of Valyria?" Gaelithox snapped. "I do not think we should make a bad situation even worse."

Arrax hated this, all this death and chaos. The last time this had happened was during the Doom of Valyria, but they had been able to save several of the families that were needed to save the world. The most important one had been the Targaryens, the last dragon riders. The Fourteen Flames and the old gods had created fourteen different worlds, they were supposed to be mirrors of each other. Four of the worlds had already perished due to the issue this current world had, the death of dragons had devastated all their plans. The Targaryen dynasty had been obliterated and now the world was defenseless. They could not lose another world, they were already weak, if they could not save this world they would be defenseless and then all the worlds would perish.

"What if we intervened without having to do it in person?" Arrax lifted his head as he frowned at Tessarion. The room had gone quiet at the goddess' words, she had everyone's attention. "We could send two important Targaryens back in time, two people that can change the course of history and make others listen. The two people whose death caused the end of the dragons."

"You want us to revive Rhaenyra and Daemon and send them back in time?" Aegarax frowned.

"No," Tessarion shook her head. "We take Daemon and Rhaenyra from one of the surviving worlds and send them back in time before this world was destroyed, have them fix what went wrong."

"Yes, but the Daemon and Rhaenyra from the surviving worlds do not know what took place in the worlds that perished." Arrax shook his head. "How can they fix something that they are not aware of?"

"We give them the knowledge." Tessarion shrugged as if the solution was obvious. "We can provide them with the knowledge of what took place. Give them directions on what to do."

"That is not a horrible idea." The more he thought about it the more Arrax liked the idea, if they had a chance to save this world they should take it. "Are we all in agreement?"

"Yes." All fourteen gods answered at the same time.

"How far back should we send them?" Gaelithox asked.

"Should we send them back before Viserys wed Alicent?" Asked Caraxes.

"No," Arrax shook his head, he knew that would not be enough. The Hightowers were not the only ones they had to worry about. "They will go farther back. Let us send them back to the beginning."

Arrax was aware that something like what they were planning would require most of the power they had left. But if they did not do this, if this plan did not succeed then everything would be destroyed. This was a chance they all had to take.


100 A.C.

Daemon stomped out of the tent, annoyed at his grandsire, his brother, his father, and especially his grandmother. The worst part was that he felt bad about being angry at his grandmother because she had passed away a moon before and he missed her. He had always loved and respected his grandmother, she was a loving woman and an excellent queen. He still did not understand how she had condemned him to this awful life, wed to a woman he could not stand. Rhea Royce was the bane of his existence and he wished he could kill her without causing any problems for his grandsire and his father. He had been wed for three years and the marriage was still not consummated, and he did not see how it would be consummated in the near future. He did not want the life he had now, he did not want to be tied to that horrible woman for the rest of his life.

"Kepus!" A smile covered his face as his small niece ran towards him at full speed, a maid running behind her attempting to catch the small child. Daemon went down to his haunches and opened his arms wide, catching the squealing girl, and stood up, throwing her in the air and catching her. "I missed you. Why do you not come to see me?"

"Well, little dragon, I have been busy, but I have missed you very much also." Rhaenyra was the one thing in his life that brought him the most joy. He had adored the little girl since the moment she had been placed in his arms. There was nothing he loved more than making her happy. "Are you enjoying the hunt?"

"Kepa said I cannot hunt." Her annoyed face made him chuckle, she did not enjoy being told no, not that it happened often. "Can you take me?"

"No, your kepa will be upset with me." Her bottom lip stuck out and he could not help but laugh, she knew how to manipulate people to get what she wanted. "But we can go and get some cake."

Her face brightened immediately at the mention of cake, which was one of her favorite things. Daemon dismissed the maid before walking towards one of the far tents, he did not want to see his brother again. Viserys believed that he could tell Daemon what to do just because he was the eldest and because he was in a happy marriage. Daemon was happy that his brother was so in love with his wife and that they had a beautiful child, but that did not mean Daemon wanted to hear his nagging about how he was neglecting his duty. He already got that enough from his grandsire.

Daemon entered the tent and sat down, setting Rhaenyra on his lap before handing her one of the honey cakes that had been placed on the table. He ran his hand over her hair as she ate the small cake happily.

"I knew she would be with you." Daemon looked up to see his father standing close to them, an amused smile on his face. "Aemma was worried when she could not find her."

"She found me when I was out for a walk." Daemon kissed the top of her head before looking up at his father. "She wanted to go hunting, but we came to a compromise."

"Well, that is good." Baelon's face was indulgent as he looked at Daemon. "I do not think Viserys and Aemma would be happy if you took their small troublemaker hunting."

Rhaenyra looked up at Baelon, giving him a smile and Daemon watched as his father chuckled, looking at the little girl, whose face was covered in cake. His father convinced Rhaenyra to play with one of the maids in the farthest corner of the tent before sitting down next to Daemon.

"I hope you know your brother did not mean anything by what he said." Daemon tensed but did not say anything. "I have spoken to him and advised him to keep his opinions to himself."

"I hate that he believes that he can tell me what to do." Daemon shook his head. "I already get enough scolding from grandsire, I do not see why I have to get it from Viserys also."

"I am sorry." His father put a hand on his shoulder. "But I would like to know what you have against your wife. She has always been perfectly polite the few times she has spoken to me."

"I hate her, and she hates me. She is cold and not who I would have chosen to be my wife." He was frustrated because no one attempted to see things from his point of view. "You got to pick your wife, Viserys was allowed to pick his wife and even Rhaenys was able to pick her husband. Why is it that I was forced to wed a woman I do not and will never love? Why was I not allowed to have a Valyrian bride, like everyone else?"

"I know my mother was harsh on you when she forced you to wed Rhea." His father let out a sigh. "I love my mother, but she made a mistake in that respect."

He was happy that his father understood what was happening, but there was nothing the spring prince could do. At least not until he became king. Daemon was hoping that his father would dissolve his marriage once he ascended to the throne. As of now, his father was his only hope, or he would have to kill his wife to be rid of her.

                                                                Daemon Targaryen (19 years old.)

                                                             Rhaenyra Targaryen (3 years old.)


Daemon was calmer after speaking to his father and spending some time with his niece. Now he just needed to stay away from his brother, his father and other lords would not appreciate it if he punched his brother in the face. He also did not want to worry his sister by law and his niece. The day was pleasant and he did not want to spend all his time stuck in a tent. This hunt had been set up to celebrate his grandsire's name day, but Jaehaerys had not been feeling well and decided to stay in the Red Keep. Daemon knew that the truth was his grandsire missed his grandmother. Jaehaerys's mood had changed completely since Queen Alyssane had passed, sadness seemed to consume the man. Daemon could not blame him, they had all been sad since his grandmother had passed. Even his father was not his usually easygoing self.

Daemon was deep into the woods when there was a loud noise, it sounded like something had crashed. It was so loud that his horse was spooked, raising on his hind legs and almost throwing him. It took him a few minutes to calm down his horse, as he looked towards where the noise had come from, but could not see anything. He urged his horse forward as the animal fought him every step of the way, not wanting to approach what he seemed as dangerous. He saw some damage done to the trees and knew he was close. His horse continued to fight him until Daemon got tired of fighting with the animal and got off the horse, deciding to investigate what the problem was.

He knew that people would come to investigate too. The noise had been loud enough that people back in camp would have heard it. He followed the path highlighted by damaged trees. The farther he moved the more damaged the trees became, he could tell something giant had come through here to be able to cause the damage it had. He moved through some brushes and came to a halt, his mouth falling open at the image in front of him.

"Caraxes?" He could not help the wonder in his voice.

The large red dragon in front of him was Caraxes, he would know his dragon anywhere. But this dragon looked larger, also older. The large dragon straightened up and shook himself, debris and dust falling off him. It appeared Caraxes had crashed into the trees, but Daemon was wondering what he was even doing here. He knew that his dragon was in the dragon pit, his father had not wanted any of them to bring their dragons to the hunt.

"Daemon?" He turned to look at his father, who was looking at the large red dragon in shock. Baelon appeared confused, but then so was he. "Caraxes? What is he doing here and why does he look so different?"

"I do not know." The dragon did not take his eyes away from either man, but he did not look aggressive. "He does not feel like he usually does. There is something different about him."

"Yes, I can see that." Baelon moved closer until he was standing next to Daemon. "He looks larger than he did yesterday. Dragons do not grow this much overnight."

"Father! Daemon!" His brother appeared, walking through the brush and coming to a dead stop when he saw Caraxes. "What?"

"Do not ask." Daemon shook his head before his brother could start. "We are just as confused as you are."

"I believe I can help with that." A voice from the left said.

Daemon's sword was out as he turned towards the man and his eyes widened until it felt like they would pop out of his head. His father and brother had also froze, not moving a muscle as they stared at the man standing there. Baelon looked at him, before looking back at the other man. It was shocking, nothing like this had ever happened. Baelon took a step closer to the other man.

"Daemon?" Baelon's voice was unsure as he stared at the man who looked just like his son, except he was older.

The man in front of them looked to be in his thirties, but there was no denying that he looked just like Daemon did. How was this possible? What was happening?

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