Written in the stars (Harry P...

By NyaPotter23

4.9K 98 112

What would happen if Lily's sacrifice was still made but she wasn't killed as well as James. And what if a wa... More

A/n and info
Year 1
Part 1 - The Train Ride
Part 2 - The Sorting Ceremony
Part 3 - The First Day
Part 4 - Troll Trama
Part 5 - Quidditch
Part 6 - New discoveries
Part 7 - Home for the Holidays
Part 9 - Dogs and Vines
Part 10 - Keys and Chess
Part 11 - Two faced
Part 12 - Home is where the Heart is
Year 2
Part 13 - The summer of regrets
Part 14 - Harry's new attitude

Part 8 - Detention

188 7 1
By NyaPotter23

"Yeah well, Karma's a bitch."

Yn's Pov:

We were sat in the Library looking for some more info on someone called Nicholas Flamel. I could have sworn I had heard or read that name somewhere but for the life of me I can't remember what I read about him. I decided that I was going to take a break from researching about Glyphs before it drives me into madness. Harry has been the same since Christmas. All he wants to do is spend time with me so I'm finding it hart to even research in peace. I notice Hermione walking over to us with a very large book in her hands.

"I had you looking in the wrong section. How could I be so stupid?" Hermione said as she slammed the book down on to the table. "I checked it out weeks ago for a bit of light reading."

"This is light?" Ron questioned. Me and Hermione gave him a glare. Hermione opened the book and started looking through it as if nothing happened.

"Of course! Here it is!" Hermione said. "Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone."

"Of course I knew the name sounded familiar." I said now remembering what I read about him. The boy's only replied with "-The what?"

"Honestly, don't you two read?" Hermione asked annoyed. I snickered.

"Have you met them?" I said while laughing to myself. The boys only gave me a slight glare while Hermione was trying to contain her laughter. "Anyway. Please continue Mione." I said.

"The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It'll transform any metal into gold and produces the elixir of life which will make the drinker immortal." Hermione explained.

"- Immortal?" Ron questioned.

"It means you'll never die." Hermione said.

"I know what it means!" Ron said defensively, trying not to sound dumb. Harry shushed Ron.

"The only Stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel the noted alchemist who last year celebrated his 665th birthday." Hermione said. We all just looked at each other. " That's what Fluffy's guarding on the third floor. That's what's under the trap door. The Philosopher's Stone."

I then started asking questions and they decided to tell me about there little secret adventure they had the night I was in dumbledore's office. Apparently, when they were walking back from dinner the stairs had changed and they got lost and ended up on the strictly forbidden third floor corridor. They heard filches cat meowing and they didn't want to get into trouble so they ran into a room that had a three headed dog and a trap door in. They apparently barely made it out alive.

The four of us hurried across the soggy, wet grounds outside the castle. Our feet squelched with every step we took. We arrived at a quaint stone hut with a pointed roof by the edge of the forbidden forest. We ran to the front door and began knocking the door. I was the only one who was nervous because we are breaking one of the school rules and I was also the only one here who hasn't properly met Hagrid yet. The door opened revealing a large man who had very long and fluffy hair.

"Hagrid-" Harry began to say before being cut off by the large hairy man.

"Oh hello. Don't wish to be rude, but I'm in no state to entertain." Hagrid said and then began to shut the door.

"We know about the Philosopher's Stone." Harry, Hermione and Ron said in unison. The door then swung open again as Hagrid gave us all a questioning glare. All he did was let out an 'Oh' before walking deeper into the hut leaving the door open which I guess was an invitation to come inside. We all followed him in and took our coats off. Our coats looked a lot like our robes only thicker than and it didn't have sleeves.

"We think Snape's trying to steal it." Harry continued as he began to sit down. I honestly don't think that Snape is trying to steal the stone. He has no motive.

"Snape? Blimey. You're not still on about him are ya?" Hagrid said standing in front of the fire.

"We know he's after the stone. We just don't know why." Harry said so sure that he is right.

"Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone. He's not about to steal it." Hagrid said. I knew it Snape doesn't have a reason to steal it.

"What?" Harry said confused and from Ron to Hagrid.

"You heard. Come on I'm a bit preoccupied today." Hagrid said trying to shoo us out.

"Wait a minute. 'One of the teachers'?" Harry said confused.

"Of course there other things defending the Stone, aren't there. Spells, enchantments." Mione said with a hit of realisation hitting her.

"That's right." Hagrid said confirming what mione said. "Waste of bloody time, if you ask me. Ain't no one gonna get past fluffy. Ain't a soul knows how, except for me and Dumbledore." Hagrid said and then he started muttering to himself about how he shouldn't have us that. All of a sudden, a mysterious rattling came from the fire place behind Hagrid. Hagrid turned around and reached into the pot in the fire place to grab something. I tried to see what it was but I couldn't see. Hagrid had started saying how it's hot and walked over to the table to place it down. We all got up to see what was happening and walk over to the table. On the table was what looked to be a giant egg.

"Uh Hagrid, what exactly is that?" Harry asked confused and concerned.

"That? It's, uh. It's, um..." Hagrid began to answer trying to find the right words.

"I know what that is!" Ron said. "But, Hagrid, how did you get one?"

"I won it. Off a stranger I met down at the pub." Hagrid answered. "Seemed quite glad to be rid of it, as a matter of fact." Hagrid continued rather confused. And then it hit me. I know what it is too. It's a dragon egg but dragon eggs are really rare and hard to find. The egg began to rattle more and it started moving. We all began to inch back. The egg then shattered and pieces flew all across the room. The dragon let out a noise.

"Is that..." Hermione said as realisation hit her again. Mione seems slow today. "...a dragon?" Mione continued after the slight pause.

"That's not just a dragon. That's a Norwegian Ridgeback. My brother Charlie works with these in Romania." Ron said.

"Isn't he beautiful? Oh, bless him. Look, he knows his mummy." Hagrid said as tears of happiness formed in his eyes and laughing. Hagrid began to stroke the dragon and said "Hello, Norbert."

"Norbert?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah, well. He's gotta have a name, don't he?" Hagrid said. "Don't you, Norbert?" Hagrid tickled Norbert causing Norbert to hick up which made Norbert set light to Hagrid's beard. Hagrid quickly put out the flames. "He'll have to be trained up a bit, of course." Hagrid said looking at all of us. Hagrid squinted his eyes at a window and said "Who's that?" We all turned around to look at where Hagrid was looking to see the one and only Draco Malfoy watching us from a window. Draco immediately ran for it once he saw that we had caught him. Draco has obviously gone to go tell someone that we were walking around after hours. This means word will reach Cedric and Cedric will be fuming.

We all quickly got our coats back on, said goodbye to Hagrid and we left and then began to walk back to the castle.

We were walking down the corridor and Harry began talking to Ron. I swear they want someone to know that we are breaking school rules.

We almost reached Mcgonagall's classroom when Professor Mcgonagall herself walked out. We all looked shocked at Mcgonagall.

"Good evening." Mcgonagall said to all of us. Draco then stepped out from behind Mcgonagall smirking.

We all stood there in Mcgonagall's classroom as we get interrogate. Draco stood off to the side watching and clearly enjoying the show.

"Nothing, I repeat, nothing..." Mcgonagall scolded us. "...gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore, as punishment for your actions. 50 points will be taken."

"50?!" Harry said at the injustice.

"Each. And to ensure it doesn't happen again. All five of you will receive detention."Mcgonagall said. Draco walked up to the professor's desk and said.

"Excuse me, professor, perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said the five of us."

"No, you heard me correctly Mr.Malfoy." Mcgonagall said and I began to smirk. "You see. Honourable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You will join your classmates in detention."

Droco looked at us displeased and then is sight landed on me as I smirked.

We began to walk down to Hagrid's hut again but this time escorted by Filtch and Draco. Draco walked up to me and began to talk to me.

"You know I never took you as a rule breaker Y/n." Draco said to me but no one else could hear.

"Well you don't know me." I said in response without looking at him.

"So unfair how I got detention. When I did nothing wrong." Draco said.

"Yeah well, Karma's a bitch." I said as I walked fast to walk side by side with Mione.

"You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight." Filtch said to us as Hagrid walked out of his hut. "He's got a little job to do inside the Dark Forest."

Hagrid looked like he was seconds away from bursting into tears.

"Good God, man you're not still on about that bloody dragon, are you?" Filch said. Hagrid looks at us as tears well in his eyes.

"Norbert's gone. Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony."

"Well that's good isn't it. He's with his own kind." Hermione said.

"Yeah well, what if he don't like Romania?" Hagrid said as a few tears escape "What if the other dragons are mean to him? He's only a baby after all."

"Oh for God's sake, pull yourself together man. You're going into the Forest after all." Filch said. I was really tempted to ask filch if he was Heartless or something because he seems to really be lacking empathy. Filch then continued speaking. "Got to have your wits about you."

"The Forest? I thought that was a joke. We can't go in there. Students aren't allowed. And there are..." Draco said trying to come up with an excuse. A howl was heard in the distance. "...werewolves."

"There's more than werewolves in those trees, lad. You can be sure of that." He looks at all our worried faces. And then he says. "Nighty-night." Filch walks off leaving the five of us with Hagrid.

"Right. Let's go." Hagrid said still visibly upset. Hagrid let the way to the woods and the five of us followed.

We were following Hagrid aimlessly in the woods. I walked with Hermione while Harry walked with Ron and Draco walked alone.

We came up to a very shiny puddle. Hagrid stopped and dipped two of his fingers in it. It looked like liquid silver.  Hagrid inspected it.

"Hagrid what is that?" Harry asked.

"What we're here for. See that?" Hagrid said showing us the stuff on his fingers. "That's unicorn blood, that is. I found one dead a few weeks ago. Now, this one's been hurt bad by something." An eerie sound of leaves rustling fills the silence. "So it's our job to go and find the poor beast. We'll split into three groups. Ron you'll be with me. Y/n and Hermione you two will go together. And, Harry, you'll go with Malfoy."

Draco looked displeased with who he was paired with. "Okay. Then I get Fang."

"Fine. Just so you know, he's a bloody coward." Hagrid says with fang making a little whining noise.

We all head our separate ways. Once we were out of sight of anyone I got a piece of paper out my pocket that I had pre drawn light glyphs on. I activated the glyph and a little ball of light hovered over my hand. We kept walking when we heard a scream from in the forest. Me and Mione look at  each other in panic and I quickly put out the ball of light as me and Hermione sprinted back.

When we got there we saw Hagrid and Ron looking worried.

"What happened? Who screamed?" I asked. Both Hagrid and Ron gave a shrug. Seconds later, Fang came running at us with Draco not far behind. It turns out Harry didn't follow Draco so we all started heading in the direction that Harry and Draco had initially walked. We finally found Harry and he was talking to a Centaur.

"Hello there, Firenze. I see you met our young Mr.Potter." Hagrid said as we arrived. "You all right there, Harry."

The Centaur said goodbye to Harry in a very well mannered way. I immediately ran down and tackled Harry in a hug.

"Next time, don't just stand there. But there hopefully won't be a next time." I said as I hugged Harry. I felt him nod as he hugged me. We all head back up to the castle and we made our way up to our common rooms.

"You mean, You-Know-Who is out there right now in the Forest?" Hermione said as we sat on the sofas.

"But he's weak. He's living off the unicorns." Harry said pacing in front of the fire place. "Don't you see? We had it wrong. Snape doesn't want to stone for himself. He wants it for Voldemort. With the elixir of life, Voldemort will be strong again. He'll- He'll come back." Harry said finally sitting down.

"But if he comes back, you don't think he'll try to kill you, do you?" Ron ask concerned.

"I think, if he had the chance, he might have tried tonight." Harry said as Ron gulped really loudly.

"And to think I've been worrying about my Potions final." Ron commented.

"Hang on a minute. We're forgetting one thing." Hermione said. We all looked at her. "Who's the one wizard Voldemort always feared?" She paused. "Dumbledore. As long as Dumbledore is around, Harry, you're safe. As long as Dumbledore is around, you can't be touched." Hermione said reassuring Harry. We all head to bed to get at least some sleep because it's been a very long night.


Any-gay. Here is the next chapter. I can't believe that this story is already over 1k reads. I'm sorry about the how late the last chapter was. I won't get too far into it and I can't promise that something like that won't happen again. But I can try. I really do hope that people reading really enjoy the book.

I had a comment about how Cedric is barely mentioned and how there aren't any scenes with him. But you do have to remember that Cedric is in like 3rd year and will most likely spend time hanging out with his friends and Y/n is in her first year so she is going to be more focused at have a deep bond with her new friends. I hope that this make sense.

Any-gay I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. Oh and if my logic is correct I should end up posting a park at midnight on the 24th December. So on Christmas Eve there will be a part for you guys to read so either read it the day it comes out or read it on Christmas Day. Any-gay see you soon my little nifflers. Byeeeee.


Word count: 2673 words

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