Nemesis (Tails x Reader) Book...

By ElleTheShellBell

9.9K 294 222

Writing from a they/them perspective for ease of gender fluidity! Basically you're an antihero that doesnt be... More

Pt1. Going Down Swinging
Pt2. Like Moths to Flame
Pt3. Heroes and Villains
Pt5. Action and Consequence
Pt6. The Bad Guy
Pt7. Values
Pt8. Whispers of the Heart
Pt9. The Shifting Tide
Pt10. Homecoming Part:1
Pt11. Homecoming Part:2
Pt12. Homecoming Part:3
Pt13. A Bitter Heart
Pt14. Antihero

Pt4. Spicy Sweet

706 20 6
By ElleTheShellBell

After walking for a few minutes in silence the group finally comes across a path, Sonic turning left down the road toward a collection of lights dimly lit in the distance. "We're almost there! Feeling excited yet?" You stare at him in silence, recounting the beating he gave you not that long ago. "Huh, not feeling very chatty? That's cool. Say Tails, didja see that new tech junky place that opened up yet? I think some lady named Nicole runs it, seems like it'd be right up your alley."

Tails' ears flick, the mention of technology immediately grabbing his attention. "Yeah I did! There was this really cool kinetic transponder! I'm pretty sure she makes her own gadgets and sells them since I've NEVER seen that kind of tech outside of a lab let alone being sold someplace!" His face wore a proud and excited grin. Your eyes wander to his, looking over his features as you trace over this never before seen excitement. Sad, this was the first look at a genuine showing of any of their feelings since they captured you. Technology is cool, and the countless number of times you'd try to figure out how Eggman built his devices was... Well you had tried many, many times to no avail.

"I was actually gonna stop by there tomorrow to pick up some materials-" Tails gestures with his hand, a hologram being projected from his glove. From what you could make out it seems like some kind of- Car? Buggy maybe? The blueprint was too complicated to make any sense at a glance, maybe even several glances. "I'm hoping to find some components I can repurpose to make a Quadratic Fusion Engine!"

Sonic chuckles to himself and walks backward as to look at the twin tailed fox, "I have absolutely no idea what that means but it sound way cool! I understood the Quad and Engine but-" A toothy grin stretches across his face, an innocent shrug all that he was able to give as a means of approval.

"Quadratic meaning four-" You cut in, looking at Sonic with a unimpressed half mast stare, "-Fusion meaning combining or mixing, and Engine. It's either making an engine that has four smaller engines running it or an engine that can run off of four different types of fuel." You side eye Tails.

Tails pouted surprised, his brows raising as he looks over at you. "You're- half right-! It's both! An assembly that can use combustion, steam, electric and kinetic momentum. I'm building all the parts individually but once I get them made it should be easy to combine their outputs together! It's a long time project I've been wanting to finish!" He looks at you with bright eyes, practically hopping along the path as he speaks.

You tisk your tongue, looking away from him. "Not very wise of you sharing that with an enemy, fox. I thought you were the smart one."

Tails chuckled, a smug grin creeping onto his face, "Anyone can think of any ol' concept. I know that it would take a real wizard to actually begin to understand the complex mechanics of building something like that." He clears his throat, making sure to say the next bit nice and clearly, "If Eggman was capable of making something like this he would've a long time ago!~" Both Sonic and Tails laughed out loud at the sentiment. You probably should've felt picked on or obligated to say something mean but instead of their laughter feeling mocking it was just... Genuine.

You cross your arms, looking daggers at either of them but unable to think of anything to say. Even after almost dying a little while ago they're still able to laugh this genuinely? No, maybe that was why they could. You had plenty of close calls already, the GUN agents, ancient traps in lost temples, poisonous plants in deep rain forests... After skating the line for long enough you learned that to let your guard down is to roll over and invite something to tear you apart.

These fools would learn that lesson...

The trek continued on, Sonic and Tails making the remainder of the conversation as you made your way into town. It was late but there were still a few buildings with their lights on. An intoxicating aroma drifts into your nostrils.. Fresh butter, a spicy chili sauce with peppers and freshly chopped onions... Topped with- Mustard? Ketchup? Barbecue-? There were so many different scents mixing together, too many for you to place individually.

Sonic snaps his fingers, running up to the warmly lit building, several chairs and tables set up outside. "We're here! Nothing like good ol' Chuck's after a long night of saving the world!"

Tails smiles to Sonic, taking a seat and kicking his feet in anticipation. They both look to you expectantly, Sonic pulling out a chair and tapping his hand on it in presentation. You tilt your head, your arms still crossed in rejection of their attempts. "Eating with you won't make me change my stance on anything. I still think your lot is hopeless, even more so now knowing that you'll bring an enemy to your doorstep willingly and knowingly." Your stomach grumbles, betraying your stony exterior. To be fair you sprung up in the middle of the night and rushed into battle. The small dinner you had the night before was certainly not enough to carry over this long.

"It's just dinner, it's not like we're trying to interrogate you." Sonic casually leaves the chair out, sauntering over to his own and sitting down. "If you want to skip then suit yourself but don't say I didn't warn you."

Tails picks up one of the small lantern lights, the warm glow illuminating his face. "To put it into better terms for the way you look at things, we would have a harder time getting information out of you if you're starving." He smiles up at you, the angle of the lighting accenting his fur to look a vibrant glowing orange. His eyes seem to pop between the dim atmosphere and warm tones. "That's not why but- If you need some reason to let go of the pride that's going to keep you from having a proper meal then I think that works, right?"

This is stupid. Playing nice with the enemy? What are they even thinking? Do they even know what I've done..? All the times I'd sabotage their things and steal information-

You didn't realize that you had already sat down, coming back to your senses as both of the others looked at you smugly. "Fine. But you're paying. Don't expect a thank you, as far as I'm concerned this is just you preying on my hunger to force companionship."

Sonic rolls his eyes, leaning back in his chair, "Yeah sure, you can keep telling yourself that~"

The waiter comes out to take everyone's orders. The menu itself is completely foreign to you, Sonic ordering for you and giving you a wink in confidence. Tails orders something called a Chilly Chili Dog? Sonic orders two Chili Cheese Supremes- the names at this place seemed a little too punny.. There was something called a Habanero Helper. A Bean Bruiser and Bean Buster... Too much alliteration and puns...

It wasn't a long wait until the server came back out, the doors to the restaurant releasing an intoxicating scent that grows stronger as they approach the table. They set the platters of food down in front of you all respectively. Tails got what looked like pepper chilidogs with accents of mint sprinkled on top, Sonic's and yours were stacked- peppers, onions, chili sauce, mustard, relish of some kind and beans all slathered on top of a thick hot dog that appeared to be grilled to perfection. You had eaten a chili dog before but nothing that was ever prepared with so much care and craftsmanship. You hated to admit it to yourself but- these actually looked REALLY good.

Sonic and Tails start eating their meals, their usual constant chatter finally stopping as they were forced to use their mouths to actually eat instead. They looked to be enjoying the food, both of them slurping and chewing as to make sure they don't lose a single bit of precious and delicious cargo. You look down at your plate, the scent practically pulling you down into it's embrace. You cautiously take a bite, the flavors beginning to dance on your tongue. The texture of the hotdog was so crisp and yet still soft and juicy on the inside. The chili mixed in, then the peppers delivering a strong kick of spice that almost overtook you. Then the mustard intervened with the help of the sweet relish cooling down the fire that was about to ignite in your mouth. The ketchup caught up, evening out the tastes and creating a harmony in your mouth.

It was good.. Spicy as hell but... Very carefully prepared so it wouldn't be too much.

You didn't realize that you had started to smile as you took a second bite. After finishing the first chilidog on your plate you quickly move to the second hoping to hold on to the taste that ensnared your heart. You get about halfway through before you come back to reality, Sonic and Tails both looking at you in amusement. You hesitantly set the hoagie down, dabbing your mouth with a napkin. "It's rude to stare when someone's eating, why not focus on what you're doing instead?" They didn't respond, looking between each other quietly holding their expressions before looking back at you. You feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, averting your gaze from either of them.

Sonic was the first to break, a chortle cackling from his throat followed by an emphatic laugh as he leaned back in his chair, almost bucking himself out as he slaps the table a few times. Tails giggles, trying to keep it in but also can't help himself, throwing his head back and laughing deeply, holding a hand over his stomach.

You feel a tickle in your chest, the urge to laugh scratching it's way up as you look between both of them and feeling more silly as you thought about your loss of composure. The spice lingering on your tongue seemed to change... It was almost becoming a little sweeter as you let a repressed chuckle from for lips before pushing it all back down again.

The dinner comes to an end, all of you making your way over to an inn of sorts for the night. Sonic chats up the staff at the reception desk, the attendant trying to give him a room for free but Sonic still insisting on paying. You make your way up to the room and enter to see it's a setup for a family of four people. One large bed and two smaller beds, a bathroom and closet. Sonic stretches and zips into the bathroom. The water runs for no more than maybe 30 seconds before he's back out. It was impressive honestly and you had no idea how he worked the water to properly clean himself that fast.

"So I was thinking Tails and I can take the smaller beds and you can have the big one." Sonic dashed over to one of the small beds, immediately reclining on it.

You look at the carefree hedgehog pensively, then at Tails. "Now we're sharing a room?"

Tails shrugs, "We're not nearby our houses, I would've liked being at the lab but that's too far away without a plane." He makes his way over to the bathroom, grabbing a towel. "Is that alright? I mean it beats sleeping in a tree for the night." He closes the door as the sound of water patters within.

You get onto the big bed crossing your legs in a meditative sitting position. "Not worried I'll try to take you out in the night?"

Sonic shakes his head, "Nah, I don't think you'd do that. I'm not as smart as Tails but with how stealthy you are I'm sure you could've attacked us in our homes wayyy long ago if you wanted. I don't really know what you want but I don't think it's that."

Your expression hardens. No making friends with the enemy (y/n)... Once we're fighting again you know it'll be the same as it always has been... "You wouldn't understand what I want, hedgehog." You turn facing the wall, lowering your head and shutting your eyes as you meditate.

You swear you hear Sonic sigh, but he doesn't say anything in return. Hours go by as you continue your meditation till you believe the other two may have finally fallen asleep. After that much food there was no way they wouldn't be out like a light eventually, all you needed to do was be patient...

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