ᴊɪʜᴀɴ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛ (+18) ❅☽

By theangels_bambi

39K 567 506

Jeonghan and Joshua oneshot collection smut only Will post rarely for those If you prefer soft and "normal"... More

𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝐏𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞
𝐇𝐨𝐭 (𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭)
𝐈'𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐩
𝐘𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞
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𝐁𝐚𝐫 2

𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐞 (𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭)

1.4K 27 26
By theangels_bambi

5y later (they were 18y in the first part)

It's been now 5 years since this truth or dare and since jeonghan and Joshua got together

They were now graduated and we're both working like their friends

It was the morning when jeonghan woke up for his work and stretch and look beside him and smiled

He lean down and peck his baby and the latter open his eyes and smiled shyly and cover his face

Jh: morning baby
He nod and jeonghan chuckle and remove his hands and admire his face

Jh: don't hide your beauty baby
He so didn't debate and jeonghan smiled and kiss him

He then pull away

Js: you always wake me up this way
Jh: and I'll never stop
Js: and I don't want it to
Jeonghan smiled and peck him then stood up and Joshua blush

Jeonghan turn to him and smirk

He went to his side and caress his cheeks while kneeling

Jh: are you shy because of me shirtless ?
Joshua blush and turn around and cover himself with the blanket

Jh: don't worry baby, don't be shy, you have now till the death apart us to stare at me this way
Joshua hummed and jeonghan chuckle and peck his head that was popping out and left to freshen up for his work


Jeonghan come out and went downstairs to the kitchen and found Joshua cooking breakfast for the two

He went to him and back hug him

He kiss his neck on the old hickey from probably a weeks ago or maybe more and kiss them and caress Joshua's stomach

Js: h hannie leave me I'm cooking
Jh: can't do baby you're irresistible
Joshua blush and jeonghan tease his cheek

Jh: 5 years together and 2y since we're married and you're still so shy ?
Joshua blush and hold with one hand jeonghan's hand that was on his stomach and remove the other one on his cheek with his other hand

Joshua then finish cooking and went to place everything on the counter and both start eating

Js: Stop teasing me
Jh: my baby's cute
Joshua whine and jeonghan chuckle and hold his hand

Jh: you've already freshen up ?
Js: i used another bathroom
Jh: you could have showered with me
Js: hannie~
He whine and jeonghan peck him

He then went to the door and Joshua too

They both come out and went to their own cars and peck each other

Jh: see you tonight baby
Js: see you tonight hannie, good luck
Jeonghan blow a kiss at Joshua and hoped in his car and left

Joshua did the same


Joshua arrived at his work and saw Chan, by luck the both of them worked together

They were now at the cafeteria talking as during the rest of the day they can't meet as they're busy

Js: hey channie
D: hi hyung how are you ?
Js: good and you ?
D: okay
Js: you seem hum
D: shhh, I I hum yk c cheolie and I we hum
Js: ooooo, haha he didn't spare you ?
Chan shook his head as no and blush

Js: cute channie
D: and and you and jeonghan hyung ?
Js: uh ?
D: have you done it recently ?
Js: n no why recently ?
D: when was the last time you did it ?
Js: hum we hum....
Chan gasp

D: you've never done it?
Joshua shook his head and Chan gasp

Js: i is it bad ?
D: no it's just hum, yk you both are married, adults, and when we look at both of you it's seems like you both want to, and it's also kinda in each human being, we all have our own desire for it, at some point we needs it mostly when you're with the person of your life like for you jeonghan and me cheolie
Js: y you think hannie w wants to do it ? H he doesn't seems to be that eager ?
D: he's maybe hiding it ?
Js: b but...
D: why you don't want to ?
Js: i it's not this, I it's just im scared of being hurt, and I'm insecure about my body, you might none stop say I'm pretty, I'm not
D: shua hyung, you're pretty, even one of the prettiest I've ever met
Js: you and the others are more than me
D: stop, let's be honest our whole friend group is a bunch of handsome people
Joshua blush and look down

Js: you really think so
D: I do and others too im sure
Js: hum, y you really think I I should d do it with hannie?
D: are you ready to do it ?
Js: i guess
D: if you're not sure you shouldn't force yourself
Js: it's just im scared jeonghan wouldn't like me after seeing me this way
D: he'll never judge you, he loves you too much for that
Js: r really ?
D: ofc, im wondering you've never realized how he wanted to do it maybe ?
Js: oh....
D: uh ?
Js: h he always when we hum m make out slide his hands under my shirt and make love bites on my neck and h he always propose to shower together
He look down shyly

D: wow, he's being obvious
He chuckle and Joshua nod

Js: i feel bad now
D: you can't feel this way, it's all ok you know
Js: really ?
D: ofc, oh btw you remember tonight we have the school reunion as each 5 years each graduated gather together to meet again

Js: o oh right
D: advice, do it tonight with jeonghan if you want after the reunion
Js: channie !
Chan chuckle and then both finish eating and left to work


After work

Jeonghan side at his and Joshua's house

Scoups came to prepare themselves for the reunion as they wait for their husbands to come back

Sc: is everything good
Jh: yeah
Sc: you sure ?
Jeonghan sigh and shook his head

Sc: tell me ?
Jh: I feel like something is missing
Sc: oula, something serious ?
Jh: it's weird, it's about yk that, like doing that
Sc: oh, you haven't done it yet and you're thinking he doesn't trust nor want at all ?
Jh: y yeah, I tried my best to show sign and make him comfortable but he seems to either nor get it or just doesn't want to cause he's scared ?
Sc: it's maybe it, talk it out with him, but don't force him, even if you both love each other and are married and that each human have his desire
Jh: I'll never force him I love him too much for it
Sc: I know

They then heard the door and and saw their husbands

Sc: channie !
Chan went to scoups and hug him and peck him and Joshua did the same and peck jeonghan who didn't let go his waist

Jh: alright let's get ready ?


After 30min the four of them got ready and left to the place of the reunion and entered along with the rest of their friends that they met at the entrance

All entered and everyone look at them as they were the popular one at school before

And all the girls still melt seeing each of them

They so went to take drinks and stayed together

Then few students came and already flirt with them

Joshua stayed close to jeonghan as he was still not over the fact he wasn't liked before by others rather than his parents and group of friends

A boy then came and talked to jeonghan

His eyes than land on Joshua and said

B: wow wow wow, Joshua ? How pretty you've become. Wanna dance ? Or something else

Joshua was uncomfortable but didn't say anything and grip jeonghan's sleeves

B: may I?
Joshua shook his head

B: Jeonghan may I take your friend to the dance floor ?
Jh: I'm sorry but you confuse words in your sentence, it's husband not friend
The boy widen his eyes and look at the two and look up and down at Joshua and left

Joshua hug jeonghan and jeonghan hug back and kiss his head

Joshua look up slightly and saw Chan and he nod

Joshua took a deep breath and continue to hug jeonghan

Jh: you okay baby ?
Joshua nod and peck him

Jeonghan smiled and hug him and both talk with their friends


4h later it was now 11:30pm and the reunion ended and everyone left home

Joshua was relived that it was over cause many people came upon them and flirt even with him, except jeonghan he wasn't use to it and he was surprise

They were now in the car and were going home

D: wow shua hyung, many boys even girls were over you
Js: don't mention them
D: why ?
Js: it was annoying and I was uncomfortable
Chan chuckle and scoups look at him and Chan texted him why he said that and scoups smiled and nod and smirk while jeonghan on his side tighten his grip on the steering wheel

They then arrived and got out and Chan and scoups got in their car and left while jeonghan and Joshua entered their house and went to their room


Jeonghan was in front of the mirror when Joshua came behind him and hug him

But jeonghan didn't hug back nor smile

Js: h hannie?
Jh: hmm ?
Js: I is everything okay ?
Jh: yeah, let's go to sleep
Joshua didn't let him go and kiss him jeonghan didn't understand but kiss back

Js: h hannie
Jh: hmm?
Js: d do it
Jeonghan froze and hold his waist

Jh: r really ?
Joshua nod and kiss jeonghan

Jeonghan then pick him up and lay him on the bed and peck him and remove his clothe and his own as leaving his boxer only

When he reach for Joshua shirt he got stop by Joshua who look at his hand and gulp

Jh: baby what's happening ? You don't want anymore ? It's ok if you don't want
Js: t that's not it, it it's just i I'm
Jeonghan smile and caress his hair and cheek and kiss it

Jh: don't be insecure baby, I'll not judge you, I love you no matter what
Js: h how ?
Jh: I know you and love you and can understand you perfectly
Joshua smiled teary eyes and hug jeonghan and nod in his neck

Jeonghan pull away and kiss him then pull away and remove Joshua's shirt and peck his stomach

He then look at Joshua and smile

Jh: you're beautiful baby, so so so beautiful
Js: h hannie, h have you e ever done it ?
Jh: never you're my first baby
Joshua smiled and peck him

Jeonghan then kiss Joshua who kiss back and start whining

He then time to time reach his hand up to touch jeonghan's abs but didn't dare to touch them

Jeonghan so grab his hands and put them on his chest and caress his own chest with Joshua's hand who blush

Jh: don't hesitate im yours, it's all yours baby
Joshua blush more and continue to kiss jeonghan who then kiss on his neck and stomach sucking there and there making hickeys everywhere making Joshua moan none stop

Jh: baby, are you sure of it ?
Js: y yes h hannie d do it
Jh: pleasure

He so remove his own boxer and Joshua gulp

Jeonghan caress his hair and peck him

He then remove Joshua's boxer and smirk

Jh: wow
Js: h hannie, d do it p please
Jh: I need to prepare you ok ?
Joshua nod

Jeonghan so pull Joshua on his lap as he sat on the bed and pull Joshua close to him and suck his neck while he enter his fingers in Joshua's hole to stretch him

Js: aaaah~hmmm~ h hannie~
Jh: shhh, baby it's only the beginning
Jeonghan then felt after few minutes Joshua's relaxing and loosing up and so remove his fingers and turn Joshua on his back on the bed and caress his stomach and cheek and nod and Joshua nod back

Jh: it'll be painful at first but then it'll be ok, let's protect ourselves hmm ?
He was about to grab a condom when Joshua stop him

Jh: baby we...
Js: I I want to f feel it c completely
Jh: you sure ?
Js: you're clean ?
Jh: I'm, you ?
Js: y yes
Jh: alright, breath in and breath out ok
Joshua nod and did it and jeonghan start entering making Joshua hold his breath

Js: hmm~ hmm~ aaah~ s shit~
Jh: I'm almost in fully
Joshua nod teary eyes and scream as jeonghan push in one go in fully

Jh: shh, I'm sorry baby
Js: I it's ok
Jh: I'll let you adjust oki ?
Joshua nod squinting his eyes

Js: y you can move
Jeonghan nod and kiss him then start moving

Immediately Joshua start to moan loud

Js: aaaaa~ h hannie
Jh: baby would you make me happy and call me daddy
Js: w why ?
Jh: i think you know ?
He nod and sigh

Jeonghan then continue to thrust

Jh: aaagh~ baby you're so good, you feel so good baby, continue to moan baby
Js: d daddy~~ p please~
Jh: tell me baby ?
Js: f faster
Jeonghan smirk and did as he was told and thrust way faster than before making Joshua widen his eyes

Jh: argh fuck baby you're so good, fuck baby
He so went deeper and place his hands on Joshua's stomachs and caress it

Jh: you want me to hit here more baby ?
Jh: as your wish baby

Jeonghan so continue to thrust hard, fast and deep inside Joshua and reach his stomach as Joshua asked and felt he was coming

Jh: baby, I'm coming be ready and relax
Joshua nod squinting his eyes at how good he was feeling

Js: h hannie~?
Jh: yes~ ugh~ b baby ?
Js: I I m feeling something c coming
Jh: shh let it happen it's ok
Joshua nod and cum immediately on both of their abdomens

Js: argh~ d daddy I I love you
Jh: me too~ argh baby~ I'm coming be ready
Joshua smiled and nod and continue to moan and jeonghan lean in and kiss Joshua passionately

Jh: fuck f finally
Js: aaaah~ f feels so good~
Jh: how is it baby ?
Js: w warm a and good
Jeonghan smirk and kiss him

Joshua kissed back and hug jeonghan

After few minutes like this jeonghan pull away and pick him up and took him to the shower

Both entered and jeonghan hug Joshua then kiss him

Joshua kiss back and moan in the kiss

Jeonghan then pull away and both wash themselves then come out and change and then change the bedding


They then lay on their bed and jeonghan pull Joshua to him and peck him

Jh: I love you baby
Js: I love you too
Jh: you ok ?
Js: I im
Jh: you're not hurt ? Y you didn't felt uncomfortable ?
Js: n no, I I loved it I I t was pleasant
He said shyly hiding his face in jeonghan's chest who hug him and pull him closer and rub his back

Jh: thank you for trusting me
Js: I love you hannie, I'm sorry to not have....
Jh: shh it's okay baby, it's normal, and you shouldn't blame yourself you shouldn't force yourself and if you're ready it's good but if you weren't we could still wait okay ?
Joshua nod and hug jeonghan and kiss him and got on his lap and both make out with each other

Joshua moan in the kiss and then pull away and took a deep breath and suck on jeonghan's neck and make few hickey and lick them then kiss jeonghan again

Who smile and caress Joshua's nape

They then pull away after few minutes of making out and Joshua roll on the side and hug jeonghan and both fall asleep smiling and hugging each other


The next day

They woke up and Jeonghan caress Joshua's cheeks and bring medicine on the side for when joshua wake up in case

Joshua then woke up fed minutes later and peck jeonghan's cheek and tried to sit up but yelp at the pain

Jh: here baby
Joshua so swallow the pill and thank him and hug him

Jh: I'll make breakfast wait a bit hmm ?
He nod and few minutes after jeonghan came back with a tray of food and both ate breakfast in their bed and enjoy the morning together

Jh: I love you my baby shua
Js I love you too hannie
They kiss each other and jeonghan pick Joshua's hand and kiss his wedding ring and Joshua does the same

Both then enjoy the day chilling and being happy together


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅

ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ ᴍɪᴀ

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