Behind me

By 0Andromeda

195 74 2

Alice, an ordinary teenager, faced an attempted murder by a serial killer. A survivor, she embarked on a jour... More

Chapter 1-A normal life
Chapter 2- A new beginning
Chapter 3-Echoes of the Past
Chapter 4-Unwanted Reunion
Chapter 5-In Search of the Truth
Chapter 6-Whispers of the Night
Chapter 7-Bound by Fear
Chapter 8-A rival appears
Chapter 9-The first victim
Chapter 10-Moments of Revelation
Chapter 11-Hearts in Conflict
Chapter 12-Finally Love
Chapter 13-The end
Chapter 14-Or not
Chapter 15-New Alliances
Chapter 16-Revealed Secrets
Chapter 17-Captive in the Shadows
Chapter 19-Triumph Through Challenges

Chapter 18-Reclaiming Freedom

2 1 0
By 0Andromeda

After my failed attempt to steal the key during the night, something strange happened the following morning. I woke up and realized that my shoes had disappeared. In their place were a pair of pink slippers.

I was bewildered, and as I approached Jonh, I questioned him about the whereabouts of my shoes. He smiled sinisterly and replied, "I thought the slippers would be more comfortable for you." I had a strange feeling, as if he was trying to prevent me from escaping.

The days in the cabin with Jonh had become unbearably tense. Every attempt to steal the key had failed. I was running out of options, but my determination to escape remained firm.

Until one morning, during breakfast, an idea occurred to me. After finishing breakfast, I waited for the right moment. I went to the room, deliberately threw myself to the floor with a loud crash, as if I had fallen and hurt myself. I began crying loudly and screaming in pain, simulating a serious injury.

Jonh, alarmed, rushed to the room to see what had happened. He questioned if I was okay and in pain. At that moment, while he was distracted, I took action.

I seized the screwdriver, which I had secretly hidden under the mattress during days of preparation. In an act of desperation and determination, I struck his leg with precision. A sharp cry of pain erupted from his throat, echoing through the cabin as his body writhed in agony.

However, his resistance did not wane. With surprising strength, he pushed me away, causing me to hit the wall with force. Excruciating pain overcame me, and I could barely keep my eyes open, but I knew I couldn't falter.

In one last surge of pure adrenaline, while Jonh struggled to remove the screwdriver from his leg and tried to get up, I didn't hesitate. I ran toward him, but his hand closed around my wrist with a force I didn't expect. Determined to defeat him, I tried to bring him down to the ground, using all my strength. With a fierce shove, he finally lost his balance and fell with a crash.

With one final effort, I wrested the key from around his neck and ran toward the cabin door. My hands were trembling, and my heart was racing with adrenaline as I desperately unlocked the door and stepped out into the darkness of the forest.

I didn't look back; my only mission was to put this nightmare behind me and seek help. Running through the forest, I could feel the stones cutting my bare feet, but the pain was nothing compared to the freedom that was finally within my reach. Each step took me further away from that ominous cabin and the threat it represented, and I knew I was on the right path to leave this nightmare behind.

After running aimlessly for some time, I felt as though I had spent hours in escape. Fatigue began to weigh down my steps, and the uncertainty of my destination overwhelmed me. That's when I spotted a majestic solitary pine tree, proudly standing in the middle of the forest.

I sat down at the base of the pine tree, letting my back rest against the sturdy and welcoming trunk. Its imposing presence and the feeling of being under the protection of that tree gave me a sense of security I hadn't experienced in a long time. I looked up at the canopy of needles while the sunlight filtered gently, creating shadow patterns on the forest floor.

There, beside that pine tree, I regained my strength and took a deep breath, knowing that my challenge was far from over but now having a temporary refuge and a renewed sense of direction. It was a moment of respite in the whirlwind of my escape, and the pine tree offered me the tranquility I needed to continue.

The sound of approaching footsteps filled me with dread, and my heart began to race uncontrollably. When I turned to look, there was Jonh emerging from the forest shadows, a piece of fabric tied around his leg to stanch the wound. Jonh made a desperate plea, calling my name.

"Alice, where are you? Come out, I promise I won't harm you," he said, trying to persuade me to reveal my location.

Feeling pressured, and even with my wounded feet, I decided it was time to attempt escape again. I got up and began to run, despite the excruciating pain in my cut feet. Jonh, limping, also began to chase me, but he couldn't run quickly.

I ran desperately until I reached a waterfall that flowed into a deep river. I was cornered, with nowhere to go. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I stared down at the turbulent water below. Jonh approached and made a desperate attempt to convince me to return to the cabin. "Why don't we go back to the cabin, Alice? I thought you were enjoying living with me."

My response was an indignant scream. "That's not living, Jonh! It's being imprisoned. I'd rather die than go back to that nightmare!"

Without hesitation, I ran toward the waterfall, determined to escape at any cost. Jonh made a desperate attempt to grab me but failed. I leaped from the edge of the waterfall and plunged into the river. The current was powerful and unrelenting, dragging me downstream amid the churning waters. My decision was made, and I was willing to face the river to ensure my freedom.

In the turbulent river current, I struggled to keep my head above water. The deafening roar of the waterfall echoed around me, and I felt the water's force pulling me relentlessly. Bubbles of air escaped my lungs as I fought in the turbulent waters.

The river carried me away from the waterfall, and I fought to reach the riverbank. My hands clung to rocks and branches in the hope of finding some support. Every breath was a challenge in those fast, frigid waters.

Finally, after an intense and desperate struggle, I managed to drag myself onto the riverbank. I was far from Jonh, and he couldn't reach me anymore. I got up, completely soaked and shivering from the cold. The tingling sensation in my fingers was intense, and my legs felt as heavy as lead. Every step was a superhuman effort.

Despite being weak and exhausted, I kept walking, determined to find help. However, after some time on foot, the fatigue became overwhelming, and I ended up losing the strength in my legs, collapsing to the ground. I lay down, feeling the cold earth beneath my body, and closed my eyes for a moment to rest.

In the silence of the forest, amidst the sounds of animals, I began to hear the distant rumble of car engines. I opened my eyes and, with an incredible effort, got up and staggered in the direction of the sound. The weakness was almost unbearable, but the hope of escape propelled me.

Finally, I reached a road and saw a van approaching. Without hesitation, I ran into the middle of the road, waving my arms frantically, hoping someone would see me.

The van stopped, and an elderly man in hunting clothes stepped out. He expressed concern at my condition and rushed over to me.

He asked me gently if I was okay, and between sobs, I began to tell my story. The man was shocked by my narrative and immediately offered to help.

He accompanied me to the van and, with comforting kindness, gave me a blanket to warm up, as I was trembling from the cold. Then, he drove me to the nearest hospital.

At the hospital, I received medical care for my wounded feet and head, as well as psychological support to cope with the trauma I had experienced. After sharing my story with the doctors, they promptly contacted the police to arrest John.

While the doctors were taking care of me, my father arrived at the hospital. He embraced me warmly, expressing visible relief at seeing me safe. With tenderness in his eyes, he asked if I was okay, and I nodded, as words were unnecessary at that moment.

I then told my father that I wanted to go home. He looked at the doctors and asked if they could discharge me, and they confirmed that it was safe to do so. My father picked me up and carried me to the car, assuring me that he would never let me out of his sight.

During the car ride home, I finally felt safe and protected. I fell asleep in the car, knowing that I was finally out of the nightmare.

When I woke up, I was in my room, feeling safer than I had in a long time. I got up and went in search of my father. In the living room, I found Filipe and Liam. I ran to Liam and hugged him with gratitude, expressing how happy I was to see him well. He patted my head and thanked me, saying that if it weren't for me, the phone I had placed in his coffin when he was buried, the police, and my father wouldn't have found him in time.

I asked Liam if they had arrested John, and he explained that the police had searched all the cabins in the area where they found me, but he wasn't there.

The authorities decided to intensify the search, mobilizing specialized teams and sniffer dogs to follow John's trail. Checkpoints were set up on the roads and trails surrounding the area, with the hope of intercepting him if he attempted to escape.

Liam looked at me and told me not to worry, emphasizing that John could no longer harm me. He stressed that an alert had been issued, and the authorities were determined to capture him.

Liam gave me some great news: due to the evidence I had discovered about the professor having an alibi for the night of Kate's murder, the school's website recording the timing of test score submissions, he had been cleared and released. It was a relief to know that justice had been served, and he was free from any unjust accusations.

Days passed since the alert for John's capture had been issued, and the authorities continued their relentless search. The local community was on high alert, and everyone was determined to help capture him and ensure he was held accountable for his actions.

However, John remained a fugitive, and there were concerns that he might try to leave the country to avoid capture. Security was heightened at airports, ports, and border checkpoints to prevent his escape.

I decided to go to Emily's house to meet with the girls. Their warm embrace conveyed a sense of relief and joy at seeing me well.

We sat around the table, where Emily had prepared a delicious cake. While enjoying the desserts, we began to talk about everyday things, sharing funny stories. It was a moment of relaxation and friendship, and I longed to forget the traumatic events that had affected me.

They said that during the time I was absent, the professor had distributed a sheet on which each of them was supposed to write about their dream careers.

It was heartwarming to hear the dreams and aspirations of my friends. Each of them had a unique vision for the future, and it was inspiring to see how clear they were about their dream careers.

Raven, passionate about storytelling from an early age, aspired to be a writer, seeing in writing a way to share her imagination and narratives with the world.

Daisy, with her love for education and her desire to positively influence the lives of young people, dreamed of becoming a teacher, believing that the classroom was where she could make a difference.

Samantha, a talented athlete and passionate about volleyball, dreamed of becoming a professional player, believing she could inspire others to pursue their athletic dreams.

Luna, fascinated by video games and skilled in programming and design, envisioned a career as a game developer, wanting to innovate in the gaming industry and provide fun to players.

Finally, Emily, with her exceptional culinary talent, aspired to be a pastry chef, seeing confectionery as a form of art and a way to delight people with her sweet creations.

They shared a sheet with me, and on it was written, "My dream is to be..." and I completed it with "a veterinarian." A smile spread across their faces, and they said that this choice was very fitting for me. It was reassuring to know that they had thought of me, even when I was going through such a difficult time.

That moment of camaraderie and support among friends was a reminder of how friendship and the sharing of dreams could be a source of strength and motivation in our lives.

Suddenly, I received a call from my father, eager for me to turn on the television and tune in to the news. Emily acted quickly, turning on the TV as our hearts raced.

The journalist began to report on the relentless search for the serial killer that had kept the community on high alert. The tension in the air was palpable, as everyone longed for a resolution to the nightmare.

Then, the news everyone had been waiting for finally arrived: "Finally, a crucial tip has emerged from a local resident who reported seeing a man identical to the alert photo near the airstrip. The entire community was on high alert, and the authorities reacted immediately, rushing to the potential discovery site.

The criminal was finally found trying to board a private plane, a small monoplane. That desperate escape attempt was the last gasp of a cornered criminal.

The search team and the authorities acted quickly and efficiently. The criminal desperately tried to board the aircraft, hoping to flee, but he was completely cornered. The authorities arrested him right there, and finally, the net closed in on him.

The capture of the criminal brought immense relief to the community, ending a search that had kept everyone in suspense. Now, justice was on its way, and the criminal would be held accountable for his actions, bringing a deep sense of security and closing a dark chapter that had haunted our town.

After hearing the exciting news of the capture of the criminal, tears of relief welled up in my eyes. Emily, with teary eyes, began to cry as well. Soon, all the girls joined in a collective hug, sharing tears of joy and relief.

Luna expressed what we were all feeling: "Finally, I feel safe." And I knew exactly what she meant. The sense of fear and uncertainty we had experienced was finally coming to an end, and hope was rekindling in our hearts. It was the beginning of a lighter and more peaceful chapter in our lives.

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