.•What Once Was•. (vix...

cockroachquesadilla által

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"𝘓𝘦𝘵'𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴." In the amidst of a boring life, Y/n finds herse... Több

All for Them.
Don't do anything reckless.
A Nice Gesture.
Secrets are key.
Heartfelt & Corny Convos.
Bubbling Fountain.
Tip from Little Man.
On the Run.
Unsaid Goodbyes.
The Way it is Now.
Talk about It.
Lost & Found.
On One Condition.
Not Alone.
Famous Soup.


108 3 0
cockroachquesadilla által

You clutched onto Vi's hand as you wandered about on the streets, trying your best to seem composed.
You had on a rather fancy outfit, seemingly passing as a fellow Piltie. You easily looked like you belonged, and only took about a couple of minutes to get ready.

Vi on the other hand, was a little bit more difficult to tame. She complained about how all the outfits looked too feminine, or how she didn't like the colors, or how they looked 'funky'. Despite all her complaining, you had managed to finally find an outfit that suited her and her liking.
Her fiery pink locks of hair were difficult to try and brush, and her bickering didn't help.
So, you just gave up and slapped on a hat.

She grumbled as she walked down the street beside you, fixing the blazer that you had helped put on her.
"Remind me why we're doing this?"
"To live a little, you big grump."
You scoffed, nudging her slightly. She rolled her eyes.
"Sleeping is also 'living a little', you know that?"

Vi stopped retorting when you gave her a side eye.
"We could always go back. I could ask Caitlyn to find me a room and you can go sleep off on your own, if that's what you want." You stated rather casually, enjoying how her expression quickly turned into a shocked one.
"No, no! That's not what I meant.. you know what? Never mind."
You smiled at her answer.
"That's what I thought."
The pink haired girl groaned.
"You're gonna be the death of me."

A little laugh left your lips, before you turned to look around.
The buildings that surrounded you both had an intricate architecture, one that you thought was rather lovely.
"They're such perfectionists. What's wrong with a little crookedness?"
She mumbled, noticing how your eyes lingered onto the buildings the two of you passed.
Funny enough, you didn't know where you were going. You just made sure to remember the path you took so that you'd know how to make your way back to the Kiramman's home.

"I think you don't have to worry about crookedness when you have the money, love."
You quipped, shrugging.
"Psh, who needs money when you know how to steal?"
Your eyes widened, and you immediately elbowed her when a few eyes turned to look your way.
Mustering out a fake laugh, you picked up your pace and dragged her along.
"Violet! Could you have said that any louder?!"
She scoffed.
"Nobody here knows me! It's not like they'll remember this, anyway. They've got rich people things to worry about."

You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
"If you say so."
She just obliged as you dragged her along the busy streets of Piltover, neither of you knowing where you two were headed.
"What exactly do you plan on doing? Because in all honesty... I'm kind of hungry,"
She muttered, scratching the back of her neck.
"And we don't have any money."
Your eyes widened when she said that.
That was unfortunately true, so there was a very high chance that neither of you would be able to do something fun without a single coin in your pockets.
Money did buy happiness.

"Fuck." You muttered, rubbing your temples.
Vi smirked, liking the way her question freaked you out.
"We're gonna have to do it your way, I fear."
You mumbled, looking up at her only to see a proud look on her face.
"My way? Oh ho... care to enlighten me? I don't think I understood."
You gritted your teeth.
"We're gonna have to steal."
Vi's brows raised.
"I'm sorry, I don't think I got that. Care to repeat yourself?"
"Shut the hell up! You understood me the first time you cocky woman."

You grumbled, grabbing her arm and dragging her along to the nearest food place.
She could only snicker, getting a huge kick out of bothering you.
My, had she missed this.
"I don't know how we're going to do this. This place isn't exactly... unsafe."
You muttered, looking at several Enforcers posted about the city.
"Don't worry, I got this. Follow me, Cupcake."
She winked at you, before taking the lead and pulling you alongside her.
For somebody who was unenthusiastic of going on this adventure, she sure as hell seemed happy now.

She dragged you along to a store, where bustling crowds walked about as they shopped.
The store was practically filled with high end fashion, making you want the earth to swallow you whole as you gazed upon your own borrowed clothes.
Vi looked around closely, before you noticed that she crept closely to a distracted man who was  listening to his woman's rambling, quickly seizing his wallet from his back pocket and stuffing it into her blazer.
You wanted to laugh, in all honesty, but couldn't as you knew you would draw the man's attention.
The pink woman quickly dragged you along to another section of the store, making it seem as though the two of you were looking around before finally leaving the area.

When the both of you stepped out, she burst out laughing.
"That was the easiest job I have ever done in my life."
You rolled your eyes, smiling.
You two walked for a little while, finally when the coast was clear, before she pulled out the wallet and counted the cash.
He was loaded.
There were several bills in it, and you knew that you could buy yourself an entire five course meal with this kind of money.
"Holy shit."
You gawked, making Vi laugh.

"You're welcome, sweetheart."
It was now your turn to scoff.
"Hey! I never asked you to pickpocket somebody."
"You didn't, but I saved this little trip of yours before it could get ruined."
"Fine, fine... I guess you're right."
She giddily pecked your cheek, grinning.
"Let's get ourselves the most delicious meal we'll ever eat."

And so, the two of you walked around for a little before finding a small restaurant that seemed appetizing enough.
There, you two ate to your hearts content.
Vi had ordered practically everything she could see, and was absolutely flabbergasted when she saw that there was steak in the menu.
This was a dish that you could only ever dream of in the Undercity, and one could die before ever tasting such delicacy.
So of course, she had that ordered.
You simply ordered 1 dish, because frankly you weren't that hungry, and you didn't want to waste any food.

You were barely even finishing your plate when you saw that Vi's plates were licked clean, and it made your eyes widen.
"Jeez... I didn't want any, thanks."
You muttered, watching as she carelessly wiped her face on one of the napkins.
"I told you I was hungry, woman."
"I can tell."
She only threw the napkin at you, making her burst out laughing when it landed on your face.
"Oh you're so gonna regret that. Watch your back, Violet."
You grumbled, placing the napkin aside as you finished eating.

She only shrugged, sticking out her tongue at you like a child.
When you were finally done, she proudly paid the tab and even left a tip behind.
How wonderful it is to spend money that's not yours.
You two were back outside, wandering about and wondering what to do next.
Vi was talking to you every now and then, but now you couldn't even listen.
Your mind was somewhere else entirely, thinking about Ekko, and most importantly, your little girl back at home.
Biting the inside of your cheek and fiddling with the edges of your nails was not gone unnoticed by Vi, so she was quick to pull you into an alleyway and grab your attention.

"What's wrong?"
She asked, her voice soft.
"Hm? Oh, nothing. Just thinking about what to do next..."
You tried brushing it off, afraid that you may annoy her with your separation anxiety.
You knew Ekko was okay, because Vi had told you so, but was he really?
Not to mention the fact that Bex must be worried sick now that both you and Ekko aren't with her.
Thankfully Scar was there, and he was great with her, but he could only do so much.
"You've always been a horrible liar, you know that?"
She sighed.

"Talk to me, love. What's wrong?"
You hesitated.
"I'm just worried. Worried about Bex and Ekko... even though I know they'll be okay. I just... I can't seem to help it."
You muttered, Vi's eyes softening when you said that.
"Truth is I wanted to go out and see if maybe I'd get distracted from those worries, but seems not."
"Hey, that's totally normal. You love them, of course you're worried about them. But you know what? Ekko is a resilient guy who sure as hell knows how to beat some ass, and well, I may not know Bexie that well, but I know that she has a wonderful mother who most definitely taught her to be strong. Sorry, monny, I mean."
She corrected herself, making you chuckle.

"How do you always say the perfect things to make me feel better?"
"Cause I'm Vi. I'm just superior in every way shape or form."
You groaned, pushing her playfully.
"Get on with it you."
She smiled, quick to take your hand and press a soft kiss onto it.
"Don't get worked up too much, babe. You look prettier when you're happy."
Your lips tugged into a smile, a warm feeling dancing on your cheeks.
"Atta girl! That's the smile I love."
You only rolled your eyes as she dragged you along, your smile only growing bigger.

The two of you were wandering aimlessly yet again before she seemingly stopped, her jaw practically on the floor.
"Do you see what I see?"
"Um... a theater?"
You wondered, confused as to why Vi seemed suddenly excited.
"Don't tell me that you've never dreamt of going to one of these fancy places and seeing opera singers?!"
"Not... really..."
"Well I don't care, we're going!"
She exclaimed, taking your hand and forcing you to follow along behind her.
That is, until she noticed the sign in the ticket stand that said 'reservations only'.

"Fucking shit. This is so stupid!"
She grumbled, about to turn back before you stopped her.
She seemed eager to see something like this, and that warmed your heart, so you were not gonna let her miss this.
Now it was you pulling her along as you walked up to the ticket stand, a serious look on your face.
"Y/n what are you-"
The man who was dozing off quickly sat up once he realized he had company, clearing his throat.
"Good evening. Your reservation names, please?"

You immediately came up with foolproof names.
"Minerva and Cillian Longbottom."
You could hear Vi's voice about to crack up, before you tightened your hold on her hand in order to signal her to quiet down.
"Erm... I'm sorry, ma'am, but I don't see-"
"WHAT?! Recheck your list this instant, young man!"
The skittish lad in front of you complied, before looking up at you nervously. He held the list up, motioning to the fact that your names were clearly absent, before you saw that the last name 'Kiramman' was present. Knowing Caitlyn's family is incredibly wealthy, its no doubt that one of her aunts or uncles attends such events.

"Your names aren't on the list, ma'am, I apologize."
"This is absolutely disappointing! Our family has attended these events for ages, and suddenly our names aren't on the list?! This is absurd!"
You shook your head furiously, before turning to look at Vi.
"Can you believe that, my love? I guess we'll have to inform the Kiramman's that we won't be attending this year..."
The man's eyes immediately widened.
"Ah, er, I'm sure I could make some adjustments! We're terribly sorry for this inconvenience, go right ahead."
He motioned to the now unlocked doors, giving you a shy smile.

"Thank you, young man. I will keep in a good word for you."
He nodded as you two entered the building, a huge grin on your face.
"Holy shit. You just did that. That was... amazing!"
Vi exclaimed triumphantly once you two were well into the building, wrapping her arms around you and kissing you.
She was smiling into the kiss, and you could practically taste her happiness.
"I know, I know, I'm pretty amazing."
"You are. Now, let's hurry before it starts!"

She hauled you eagerly, making sure to snatch up some popcorn for the show.
You two got into some empty seats, which miraculously were right in front of the stage.
Honestly, you did not understand Vi's excitement, but you were happy to see her so enthusiastic.
Her eyes never left the opera singer the second she came on stage, and you could've sworn that there were some tears in her eyes.
Though, you made sure to get your revenge from earlier, and you threw a handful of popcorn at her face when she was too distracted.

"Hey-! You know what? I'm too busy to argue right now."
She sighed, shaking off the salt from her face before turning her attention back on the singer.
You two sat there for about an two hours before the show finally ended.
You were almost gonna die from boredom, whereas Vi felt as though this was too short to enjoy.
She kept on rambling about how absolutely mesmerizing the singer's vocal range was, and how she definitely deserved the full show.

"And when she did that one pitch, I thought I was in heaven. She had the voice of an angel!"
You smiled, laughing.
"I did not take you for a person who would enjoy a 40 year old lady singing incoherently."
"It is not incoherent, it is simply another language we are not familiar with."
"If you say so..."
You stated, making her roll her eyes.
The two of you were already making your way back to Caitlyn's home, given as the sun was already beginning to set, and the council meet was gonna start in a couple of hours.

Vi had made sure to assist you in climbing up the railing of the building, given as how you were still healing from your stubborn wound, and the two of you made it back to the Kiramman house safely.
You made your way back onto the bed, beginning to untie the fancy boots you had taken from the closet.
Vi on the other hand, had gotten frustrated with her fancy clothes and was quick to tear them off.
You had no shame as you stared at her bare back, your eyes never leaving her.

"I can feel you staring, Cupcake."
Her voice cut through the silence, making you heat up in embarrassment.
You returned to untying the boots, before you felt her towering over you.
"I never said it was a bad thing. I just don't like it when you act like this is your first time seeing me like this."
She quipped with her usual sassiness, making you look up.
That is, before she immediately placed her lips onto yours as she pushed you back on the bed.
"Vi... not now-"
You stated in muffled breaths as she continued to kiss you, but you could not find the strength in you to actually stop her. You wanted this too.

"Oh come on... who cares? The meeting is in two hours, we have time..."
She breathed out, a smirk on her lips as she quickly took off your boots for you.
The way her bare body flexed with her every move made you blush, and you knew you wanted more of her.
You agreed, trapping her lips with yours yet again.
You could taste the remnants of butter on her lips, the salty taste mixing up with her natural sweetness.

She was quick to tear off the rest of your clothing, hungrily trailing kisses all over your neck and chest.
You tried to keep quiet as she bit down and sucked lower and lower, making her smirk.
"Don't fight it, love. What had you said earlier... that these walls were as solid as rock?"
Right. How could she forget?
"Shut up."
You grunted, heat spreading fast on your face like wildfire.
A wicked grin played at her lips.
"Make me."

And that you did...

         •. ゜★。・゜☆ .•

Ayo? What just happened? 🤔 MWAHAHA
Sorry for the incredibly late update, everything has just been superr eventful that I never have time to write.
Hopefully I didn't disappoint!
Even though this chapter was probably really boring, I apologize 😭

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