You All Over Me [BxB]

By chroniclesoftatiana

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[COMPLETED] Meet Jacob and Theodore, the polar opposites within a tight-knit circle of the most esteemed memb... More



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By chroniclesoftatiana

"What was that, Stella?" Theodore grunts as they step out of the house. They stroll along the front yard, surrounded by a beautiful garden brimming with vibrant roses, the scent of freshly cut Bermuda grass mingling in the crisp air.

Stella feigns innocence, her eyes dancing with mischief. "What do you mean?"

"What was that wink?"

He pushes the metal gate open, which lets out a high-pitched squeak that makes them both cringe.

Stella throws her arms up in mock surrender. "Doesn't mean anything."

"Don't toy with me."

Even without discussing it, Theodore and Stella head to the playground where they used to hang out back in high school. The familiar pathway fills Stella with nostalgia, and she can't help but smile at the memories of their youth.

How nice it is to be reunited with her best friend again.


She throws him a leer. "Why are you so flushed?"

"Did he... Did he say something?"


"You know who!"

She bursts out laughing. "Oh my! He confessed!"

Theodore's cheeks turn an even deeper shade of red.

"What did he say?"

"It was... It was a whole thing. I kind of ticked him off, and he suddenly declared that he likes me out of nowhere," Theodore explains.

Stella squeals with excitement, almost jumping. "He really can't keep his feelings to himself, can he? What happened? How'd you upset him?"

The playground is devoid of children. Stella and Theodore sit across from each other on the rusty see-saw.

"I... I actually thought you liked each other," Theodore says, gripping tightly on the handle.


"He asked if you were my girlfriend and when I said no, he was so happy... And then you also said that you like him."

Stella narrows her eyes. "Is that why you were making us hang out?"


"You're so funny! I don't like him for me, idiot. I like him for you."

Theodore grimaces. "That's exactly what he told me."

Stella pushes herself up, her feet dangling in the air as Theodore stays on the ground on the opposite side.

"So, what do you think?"

"Of course, I said no."

She scowls. "What? Why?"

"We don't know each other that much, Stella. And he obviously disliked me for as long as I could remember. And now he wants to date? I can't wrap my head around it."

"It's because neither of you gave each other a chance before!"

"Fair enough. But this is Jacob. While I'm a crowd favorite in the circle, everyone thinks he's arrogant. We don't seem to be compatible," Theodore remarks as he pushes off the ground, lifting himself into the air.

"What's gotten into you? You were the one who told me to suspend my judgment. Why are you suddenly pessimistic? Besides, you can't really tell what's going to happen until you go out with him. Come on, Theo! When was the last time you dated anybody?"

"Three years ago...?"

"See! It's been too long! And you guys are both hot! You'll be so cute together!"

He winces. "Stella..."

She laughs again. "Kidding aside, Jacob seems sincere. What did he say to you when you rejected him?"

Stella adjusts her side of the see-saw, allowing Theodore to descend. They both now stand on their feet, with small rocks poking at their shoes.

Theodore drums his fingers on his thighs. "He said he's going to stick around... And he did ask me if he makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Does he?"

He sighs, "Not really..."

"Is there a chance? Are you not wavering at all?"

"I don't know, Stella. I don't know what I feel about him. All I want is to graduate from law school."

"Alright, alright. I won't press further. But at least think about it! You can manage dating and school at the same time. Theo, saying no right away might have been a bit harsh..."

Theodore scratches his temples and stares up at the sky.

"Alright, alright. It's too late for me to take it back... But I'll think about it."


The days pass by in a blur, and to Theodore's surprise, Jacob performs even better in their majors than he had anticipated. Though Theodore occasionally catches him doodling during class, Jacob seems more engaged and puts in extra effort into his studies. He consistently meets case digest deadlines, with Stella providing some minor tweaks for consistency.

All Jacob had needed, it seems, was a push—a jolt to his motivation. Theodore can't help but reflect on how it shouldn't have taken such a public embarrassment to drive this change. Being humiliated in front of a crowd is never a pleasant experience, and what if it had had the opposite effect on him? Nobody should have to endure humiliation to grow.

Theodore gets up from his study desk and looks out the window, his mouth pressing into a straight line. Why is he thinking of him at such a random time?

He shakes his head and glances at the calendar.

Today is a Saturday, but he decides to stay at his unit, as midterms are fast approaching, and he'd rather dedicate his time to studying than being stuck in traffic.

After stretching his arms, he realizes he has finished reading provisions for Persons and Family Relations. It's time to sweep the floor and vacuum his carpet.

At 2 PM, just after he puts the vacuum away, Theodore's phone rings. He raises an eyebrow when he sees the caller ID.

"Hello, Jacob?"


"What is it? Why did you call?"

"Just checking in. How's it going?"

"Uh, okay... " Theodore nibbles his bottom lip. "I was just cleaning my room."

"You seem to have a real passion for cleaning, huh?"

Theodore scoffs, "Yes. And apparently, you don't."

Jacob laughs, his deep and somewhat sensuous voice resonating across the line. "To be fair, I didn't anticipate bringing someone home that night. I usually like to ensure everything is in order."

Theodore swallows, his pulse racing. "So, um, w-why did you really call?"

Jacob clears his throat, adopting a cool demeanor. "Can I come over?"

"What? Why?"

"You said I could come if I needed help."

Theodore's eyes dart to the full-body mirror beside his wardrobe, and he winces at his disheveled appearance, sweat glistening on his forehead. "Do you really need help?" he stammers, discreetly sniffing his shirt, realizing he needs a quick shower.

"Yeah. What other reason would I have if not school?"

Theodore emits a low grunt, imagining Jacob smirking on the other end of the call. "Fine, fine. Give me fifteen minutes."


"I need to freshen up."

Jacob lets out another malicious peal of laughter.

Theodore seethes, "Jacob! Seriously!"

"What? I'm not saying anything," he answers, indignant. "Alright then, I'll see you in fifteen minutes."

Theodore hangs up the phone and jumps into the shower, pondering his decision to let Jacob come over. He drew the line the moment that he confessed. It should be alright.

At exactly fifteen minutes, Jacob knocks on the front door.

"Thanks for inviting me."

"You invited yourself."

"You invited me first."

Theodore rolls his eyes. "Just come in."

He moves out of his way as Jacob's eyes explore the room, his mouth falling open.

"Your place is spotless. Wow."

Jacob concedes that Theodore's apartment is impeccably clean compared to his own. It exudes the soothing scents of soap, fresh laundry, and lavender. The pristine white carpet bears no traces of dirt or food stains—almost impossible to believe.

"I have all my stuff on the dining table."

"Okay," Jacob says and follows Theodore to the other side of the room. In passing, he steals a glance at the bed and notices two bolster pillows.

Jacob places his notes on the wooden table and takes a seat. Theodore sits across from him and hands him a pile of paper with highlighted words.

"What's this?"

"Summary of the important provisions and their corresponding landmark cases."

Jacob flips the pages, his eyes bulging. "You're too hardworking. You're making me look bad."

"I think you're already doing a good job by yourself."

Jacob smirks, exposing his sharp canine tooth.

"Blunt. I like it."

Theodore grumbles, "Are you just here to chat?"

"Okay, okay. Thanks. I'll read now."

Jacob does keep quiet and begins studying Theodore's notes on Criminal Law. Meanwhile, Theodore ties his bangs into a short bun and wears his reading glasses before delving into the material.

Jacob occasionally seeks Theodore's help with parts he can't grasp, listening attentively as Theodore patiently explains.

"Do you get it now?"

"Yeah, thanks," Jacob answers, glimpsing at Theodore's forehead. "I didn't realize that your forehead is pretty wide."

Theodore glowers at him. "My bangs were just bothering me."

Jacob chuckles, raking his fingers through his hair. "I can cut it for you. I cut mine."

Though it impresses Theodore, he declines, "No, thanks."

Jacob half-shrugs and returns to reading the notes. Theodore subtly stares at him, lightness settling in his chest, satisfied that Jacob is relaxed around him. And that he is doing what he can, regardless if he really wants to be a lawyer or not.

Jacob raises his head all of a sudden. "What is it?"



Three days before the midterm, the library is bursting at the seams; students from the same block congregate in their chosen nooks, their eyes tired and bloodshot.

Austin stifles a yawn, sinking into his chair. "I'm exhausted... I haven't had nearly enough sleep."

Theodore ties his bangs into a bun, his attention fixed on the codal. Jacob's lips curve upward, recalling the past few days when he studied with Theodore in his room. He was quite strict with him. And he liked it. He liked Theodore making sure that he understood the lectures. He liked Theodore getting pissed at him when he was distracted.

He liked that Theodore cared about him.

Austin notices the look on Jacob's face and crosses his legs.


Stella elbows him. He turns her way.


"Are they..."

Stella gives him a pointed look to shut him up.

Denise, the class beadle, approaches them from behind. She takes the empty spot beside Jacob and greets them, "Hi, guys."

"Oh, hi Denise," Austin responds. "What is it?"

"We're throwing an after-midterm party at my place next Friday. I'm just here to invite you."

Stella nods enthusiastically. "Sounds great. Should we bring anything?"

"No, not really," she says, inclining closer to Jacob. "Be sure to come, okay?"

Jacob eyes Theodore. "Are we going?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"I'll go if you go."

Stella suppresses a squeal. Denise cocks her head to the side.

Theodore crumples his notes slightly and straightens his back. "Ah, yes. We'll go. Sure."

Denise dismisses whatever confusion she has held and beams. "Okay. Great. See you. See you, Jacob."

She gets up from the chair and moves on to the next batch of students at the nearby table.

Austin leers at Jacob and murmurs, "Someone has a crush..."

Jacob arches an eyebrow. "Theo, you told Austin?"

Theodore blushes. "What? I didn't—Stella?"

"I didn't..."

"What? What would Stella tell me? I meant Denise. She has a crush on Jacob. Are we talking about something else?"

Stella covers her mouth with a hand. Theodore shakes his head in panic and replies, "No, it's nothing—"

Jacob deadpans, "I told Theo we should go out."

Austin's eyes grow wide. He rises on his feet, his seat screeching on the floor. Students shoot daggers at him. He quickly apologizes and silently plops down again on his chair.

"That... Wow. I didn't realize you're already at that stage..."

"Theo said no," Jacob clarifies.

"Can we please study now?" Theodore mutters.

"No, I want the details... I'm the only one late to the party."

"There are no details," Theodore whispers through clenched teeth, his head turning in different directions to make sure that no one is listening to any of it.

"I'll tell you later," Stella murmurs.

There is nothing to say. Jacob likes him. Theodore doesn't feel the same way.

That's all there is to it.

Theodore steals a quick, furtive glance at Jacob, only to find Jacob already looking at him. Panic surges through him, and he hastily hides his face behind the codal.


"Aaah! Freedom!" Austin screams, his fist thrusting upward. The other three shush him as they depart the classroom with their other classmates.

Mixed reactions reverberate through the corridors. Some students are disgruntled that the allocated time wasn't sufficient, while others are disappointed that what they stayed up all night studying for didn't appear on the exam. Nevertheless, the majority share a sense of relief that the midterms are finally behind them, and they can finally take a breather.

"That was a difficult one, wasn't it?" Stella mutters, twirling the ends of her hair.

"It was. About number 2—"

"No, no, no!" Austin interrupts Theodore. "I don't want to hear about the exam answers. I don't want to know what I got wrong."

"You'll be okay. Stop overreacting," Stella sneers.

Austin smacks his forehead. "Oh, I hope so. Constitutional law is my weakness."

Theodore turns to Jacob. "How did you do, Jake?"

"It was confusing," Jacob responds, tugging his collar. "Multiple choice questions like that always mess with my head. But your notes helped a lot. Thanks."

"Theo's notes?" Stella gapes, then playfully leers at her best friend, who mouths a bewildered 'What?'.

Austin pouts and exclaims, "You got to borrow Theo's notes?"

"You didn't ask, Austin."

Before Austin can rebut, Denise corners them at the university quad steps, her eyes deliberately pinned on Jacob. "Hi, guys! See you tonight at 6? My place is in Diamond Condominiums. Unit 1503."

"Diamond? Isn't that where you live, Jacob?" Austin asks.

The glow in Denise's face becomes palpable. "You live at Diamond?"

Jacob simply bobs his head again.

"So I was right! I thought I saw you swimming at the pool."

Theodore feels his muscles twitch.

"Do you often swim?"

"Uh, yeah."

"I'll see you there then!"

"We'll go," Stella swoops in, diverting Denise's attention.

"Sweet," she says. "See you then."

Denise flicks her eyes to Jacob once more before moving on to the next group.

"Poor Denise," Austin murmurs, shaking his head. "She hears that you live at the same complex and her face lights up. She's crushing on you hard!"

"I've never seen her around."

"Maybe you will soon. She said she'll see you there."

Theodore deadpans and stares off into space. Why does he have to listen to all this?

Stella eyes Austin. "Stop it."

"What? Denise will probably make a move on Jacob. I'm calling it."

Jacob scratches his temple. "That'll be annoying. I'll just tell her that there's someone else I like."

Theodore blushes. "Don't you dare."

Austin and Stella chuckle at the same time.

"Very self-aware, aren't we?" Stella teases.

"Don't you want them to know?" Austin adds.

"No. 'Course not."

Jacob's eyebrows meet. "Why not, Theo?"

"What do you mean 'why not'? They don't have to know that sort of stuff."

"With Jacob's face, he'll always have someone crushing on him. That cool with you?" Austin questions.

"Yes, Austin. It's... It's okay." Theodore stammers, his tone rising.

Jacob looks at him blankly. Stella pokes his arm and says, "As long as he doesn't flirt with them, yeah?"

"I won't," Jacob adds.

Theodore presses his hands on his cheeks. There is no winning against them.

"Theo, can I ask you something personal? You can choose not to answer."

He sighs, "Go ahead, Austin."

"Did you say no because you're straight?"

"You just won't let it go," Theodore grunts, his arms hanging at his sides. "It's not that, Austin. I'm bisexual. But it doesn't mean we have to date just because we're both not straight."

Stella smacks Austin's arm. "Why did you have to—"

"It's alright, Stella. I don't mind," Jacob replies. "I respect Theo's choice."

Theodore's stomach somersaults with a mix of relief and anxiety. He closes his eyes briefly and mutters, "Can we just get going?"

Stella peers at her watch. "Okay, okay. Wanna eat lunch somewhere else? I'm done with the mall across from here."

"Yeah. Fine by me," Austin answers.

"Okay. Find a restaurant. I'll drive," Theodore suggests. "Come on."

The four of them make their way to Theodore's building's underground parking lot, where his white SUV awaits.

"I call shotgun!" Austin hollers, reaching for the passenger seat door.

Jacob swiftly grabs his collar and gently pulls him back. Stella shoots Austin a knowing look, and he grimaces, conceding the front seat battle.

Theodore enters the car, buckles up, and starts the engine. Jacob slides in next to him.

"Alright, guys. Where are we going?"

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