High School DXD: A Heroes Arr...

By AnthonyTyler9

25.1K 717 121

Hello everyone, who has read some of my fan stories that feature Izuku within the world of High School DXD. T... More

Chapter: 1
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 7
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 9
Chapter: 10
Chapter: 11
Governor General Azazel; Kokabiel makes his move
Chapter: 13
Chapter: 14
Chapter: 15
Battle for Kuoh Town!
Chapter: 17
Chapter: 18
Chapter: 19
Chapter: 20
Chapter: 21
Chapter: 22
Chapter: 23
Chapter: 24
Chapter: 25
Chapter: 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter: 28
Chapter: 29
Chapter: 30
Chapter: 31
Author Note!
Chapter: 32

Chapter: 2

1.4K 40 13
By AnthonyTyler9

A/N Hello everyone and thank you for getting this story up to 18 reads! I have been keeping an eye on this story all night, and only got about 4 hours of sleep because my dog had decided that she wanted to get attention from me the entire night and I was up until 5 in the morning. Well I will be making this into a new series that will branch off from the original story of Izuku's Supernatural Problems. But Bakugo won't be stating that Izuku's notebooks are him working to become a villain.

As Izuku was recovering in the hospital Gorou and Miki had returned to the orphanage as they had to finish up the paperwork in adopting Izuku into their family. Izuku had been more kept to himself as they had been talking with him before leaving informing them about his apparent disapproval of All Might after his meeting a few weeks before the whole fight with Bakugo. Once the paperwork was complete, they had returned to the hospital as the doctors gave the boy a clean bill of health as they helped him into their car and drove towards Kuoh Town where they lived. As they were driving Izuku had elected to take a nap in order to reserve his energy in order to keep himself from doing anything too confusing. As he was sleeping the guardians of him looked at him with mere glances as they noticed that his curly green hair with black roots was flowing with the wind that was moving about the inside of the car. Smiling at his sleeping face, Miki Hyoudou had placed her hand over his cheek as she rubbed it softly getting a reaction out of Izuku as his body leaned into the touch as if he was touch starved. She cooed at the action as she continued to rub his head as well as ruffle his hair in order to keep him asleep as she acted on her motherly instincts. Gorou would watch the interaction as he drove with glances as he smiled to himself, his wife was coming back to who she originally was and he was happy for her own recovery. They were closing in on Kuoh Town as they were smiling at the small town, there wasn't as many villain attacks as there were in Musutafu Prefecture, but it was a nice and quiet town. With Izuku not going to Aldera Junior High, the boy could continue to train himself as well as learn in an actual environment that is surrounded by those who are similar to him. Gorou couldn't wait for the boy to come home with a girlfriend, or maybe a boyfriend for the first time as he smirked to himself. He knew that the boy was straight, unlike his son who somehow had managed to fall in love with a boy at the same school he went to. 


Izuku looked at his surroundings as he tried to discern where he was at the moment. He had been sleeping in Gorou's car as he was resting in order to preserve some energy for himself to explore the city with his new parents. It felt so weird to say that though, his original parents didn't want him, but this one felt like he could stay with them no matter what. Looking around himself, he found everything was white in color as he walked through the entire dimension looking around. It was here that red flames started to completely take over the dimension as Izuku turned to find where and who was making these flames inside the area. Looking up he found some jade green eyes staring at him with a mirth in their eyes as they chuckled at his confused expression. [I have been waiting for you to show your true self Partner, color me surprised with how merciful you are to a T. I have been wanting to speak to you for a while, but sadly you won't be capable of talking to me until you activate me. Until then, if you feel the need to get stronger, call out to me using this name] The giant dragon said, as he revealed his full form. He was a massive western dragon that was crimson red in color for his scales, and he had golden horns on the top of his head. His voice was very similar to All Might's very own tone of speaking, but it was more... gentle than that of his original idol. "W-Who are you?" Izuku asked, as the dragon lowered his head to stare at him in the face.


Waking up with a start, Izuku gasped for air as he looked at his left hand as he felt it pulsate. He shook his head as he tried to come to terms with whatever that was in his dreams, but he hoped that whatever it was would really be real. Getting out of the bed that was for his room, he found that the room was more or less a pigsty and filled to the brim with pornography. Standing up from the bed he started to clean everything up, throwing the porn away as he stretched his arms, and pulled out a lighter. Lighting some of the porn on fire, he placed it in a burn barrel in the backyard as he watched all the porn essentially burn in a blazing glory. "Whoever was their previous son was a hopeless pervert. I will make sure to make them proud and stay away from the perversion." Izuku said to himself as he watched the porn burn in the flames. As he watched the flames, he decided to use that heat in order to start training his body in order to become stronger than he was the previous day. His pain tolerance was already dangerously high, and he needed to make sure that he could fight against Villains without getting hurt too badly. He was going to the test taking at Kuoh Academy in a day, so he needed to clear his head after training his body and mind. Once he finished running around the backyard around 100 times, he moved over to do some pushups and sit ups as well as pull ups in order to work his entire body out. In order to get stronger, he needed to increase his overall strength as well as endurance to stay in a fight. Once his impromptu training session was complete, he started to study for the test of Kuoh Academy in order to make sure that he got the best scores possible to join the prestigious school.

As soon as night came along Izuku had went to sleep as he thought about the dream, he had the previous day during the drive to Kuoh Town. He hoped that it was all just a dream that he needed to wake up from soon in order to not be let down the hard way. The next morning came fast as Izuku woke up in a room that certainly wasn't his, he made sure to remember that he was just adopted so the room won't feel like it was his until far later. Leaving the room, he told Gorou and Miki that he was heading to Kuoh Academy in order to take their tests in order to see if he could get into their school. They bid him farewell as Izuku moved across the town towards the only High School in the area and as soon as he found himself on the campus' grounds he was immediately surrounded by women. "What are you doing here!?" One of the girls commanded. "Um... I am here to take the test to enter your school. They are making it multiple gender school now, right?" Izuku asked as the girls stared at his eyes. Seeing that his question was genuine and not a trap the girls allowed him to enter with the promise that if he does anything that is classified as perverted, they will beat him up. And he retorted to them that he doesn't really like perverts but will do his best to not do anything perverted. Entering the school's gym, he sat down in the chair designated as his own by his name on the seat and he waited for the exams to begin. Within the next hour about 1000 boys had entered the gym as they sat down in their seats, but there was a couple of boys near the back that were mumbling about the women in this school. Shaking his head at that, he might have not really liked perverts, but these guys openly stated that they were perverted, so the girls can take care of them should they be capable of entering. As the test began the proctors had been keeping an eye on the men in order to make sure that they weren't cheating, but one of them... a woman with brown hair that was long enough to reach near her lower rear had kept her eye on Izuku with a concerned expression in her eyes. He seemed to be mentally suffering and he kept it really well hidden from others to the point that it didn't even seem to be bothering him. As soon as the test was over, Izuku had left his paper on the table face down in order to prevent others from cheating by using his answers at the last second. As he walked out of the building the other boys were being shown around the place as they looked at the number of buildings within the school grounds. Izuku kept looking at an old building that was giving off creepy vibes as he shook his head as he thought it was nothing. As he followed the proctor showing them around Izuku never noticed how a white-haired girl was following after him as he walked.

They moved around the entire campus as Izuku pulled out a bento in order to keep himself fed for the day that was ahead of him. He was about to eat some of his food when he saw a white-haired girl who was seemingly watching him from afar as he lifted his bento in the air as the girl seemingly startled and moved closer. "You want to share some lunch with me?" Izuku asked, as the girl merely nodded. Pulling out her own bento, she started to eat as they shared the spot in peace and quiet, he didn't know why she was keeping an eye on him, but he didn't mind the company. He would take it with stride when she would eventually leave him for his disability, and he wouldn't prepare his heart for heartbreak since he knew that it was inevitable. It had been beaten into him that nobody would live a quirkless person, they were useless, wastes of space, and should be exterminated from all life. As he was mentally falling apart, the small girl was watching his expression with confusion as she felt from his aura that he was becoming increasingly more and more depressed. She kept herself close to him when she felt another aura that was seemingly trying to calm the boy down, it was that of a Dragon. And she instinctively had lowered her guard because of his kind nature, and for some reason she wanted to stay close to him in order to stay warm. His aura was completely warm as well, keeping her from becoming cold in the early winter morning. Once they finished eating their lunch, they moved about the campus as they looked at all the activities that they could do in the future. She was genuinely surprised when he saw the Kendo Club fighting it out in the gym as he took notes on their fighting forms. She was impressed with the knowledge he was expressing in the notebook as she stayed near him for the remainder of the day. It seemed to not bother him as he seemed to relax more in her presence than the presences of the other girls and boys. They were leaving the school together when the girl spoke up to Izuku. "Names Koneko Toujo. What's yours?" She asked, as she stared at Izuku. "My name is Midoriya Izuku. Is Koneko your last name?" Izuku asked, as Koneko shook her head in a negative connotation. "What do you want me to call you Toujo-chan?" Izuku asked, as Koneko spoke. "Just call me Koneko." She said, bluntly. "Alright Koneko-Chan." Izuku said, as he ruffled her hair. As they split up from one another she kept an eye on his disappearing form as she projected her aura on him in order to mark him as under Gremory's protection. She walked back to the school to inform her leader about how he felt up close and personal as she walked around the school with him earlier that day.


It had been a few days since Izuku had been at Kuoh Academy in order to see if he could make it into the school. He had gotten a letter notice that he was accepted and that his uniform would arrive within the next week. So during that week Izuku had trained himself as he asked if he could get a wooden bokken in order to learn how to fight with a blade. Gorou and Miki had looked at one another confused, but they just let it go as the boy was seen training outside with it as he tried his best to master the blade on his own without a master to train him. They were proud that he wasn't a pervert like their previous son and was hoping that he would be capable of making friends at this new school. It was now the first day of school and Izuku had gotten his uniform on and was making his way towards the door of the house as he looked at Gorou and Miki with trepidation. "You look handsome young man, inform us how your first day went." Miki said, as she smiled at him. "I will, Mrs. Hyoudou. See you when school is over." Izuku said, closing the door. "It's nice to see you happy Miki." Gorou said, as he got ready for work. "See you after work honey." Gorou said, as he left the home.

Izuku walked towards the school as he was thinking about how he got to this point in his life, he had been abused by his peers his entire life and he finally found a family who wanted him. Everything was going perfectly, and he could finally find peace and quiet in a school. "GET BACK HERE YOU PERVERTS!?" A group of girls screamed as they ran past him chasing two boys in particular. Izuku looked at the disappearing forms of the group in question, as he shrugged his shoulders as he had better things to do other than save a couple of perverts from the girls. He was entering the classroom as he looked for his assigned seat in the room and found himself near the back where he could study without being seen. He smiled to himself as he sat down in his seat, pulling out his notebooks about Heroes and Villain's as well as how these notebooks talked about their quirks, he added information about certain Heroes and Villains as they debuted. It wasn't long before the first class of the new schoolyear had begun and Izuku placed his notebook away as he started to take notes on the classwork. He was so caught up in his note-taking that he never noticed how two girls in his class were staring at him in shock of his muttering. It was time for lunch as Izuku walked out of the building as he made his way over to a Cherry Blossom Tree in order to rest underneath it. He always prioritized peace over eating any day of the week so that he could get a slight nap over it. As he was about to fall asleep, he found the white-haired girl standing over him again as she stared into his fluttering eyes as they were closing. Her face got a little bit closer when his eyes suddenly became slits as he stared at her more vividly. "What are you doing here Koneko-chan?" Izuku asked, as he nearly fell asleep right there. "Was making sure that you weren't falling asleep. Lunch only lasts for about an hour." The girl bluntly said, as Izuku sighed. Sitting up he pulled out his bento as he placed it next to himself as he revealed his Katsudon to her as she stared at it in awe. "You can have a bite of it if you want." Izuku said, looking away. The girl used her chopsticks to grab a piece of the Katsudon in order to test it out, and she could immediately tell that this boy was one to keep. "Can you make me a lunch everyday as well?" Koneko asked, looking at him. "Why? My food can't be that good. I just follow the recipe for it and just keep it heated up at the right temperature." Izuku said, as the girl finished her bite really fast. The two ate their lunch in peace as the day continued. As soon as the school day was over, Izuku was seen leaving the campus and heading home as he stretched his body. He was walking down the road towards his home with the Hyoudou family as he smiled to himself. His life was finally turning around, but that was when everything returned to pain and suffering in a moment. He felt a presence that was malicious in nature and found a woman in a black two-piece swimsuit that did nothing to hide her assets. She had black wings coming from the back of her well... back as she floated in the air nearby. "So you are this current generations Red Dragon Emperor, you haven't seemed to have awakened your Sacred Gear, so I will kill you now." The woman said, as she pulled out a red-light spear that was jagged. She threw it at Izuku and as he watched the spear get closer and closer, he noticed how it was seemingly... slow in coming to him. And as he reached out to grab it, he was able to touch it before holding on to it before using the momentum that the spear had that was dragging him on the ground to spin his body around and throw it back at its user with just as much power. As soon as the spear came close to the woman who was floating in the air, she dodged just in the knick of time as she glared at him hatefully. "So you have some training, you won't be capable of killing me!" The winged woman said, as she flew towards him. Izuku got into a fighting stance as he prepared for a fight to the death with this certain villainess. As she pulled out a light dagger, she started to swing her arms around in a frenzy as Izuku ducked and dodged out of the way before kicking her in the gut sending her skidding backwards. Running towards her with a surprising amount of agility, he was on her before she could even try to escape from him when he punched her in the face before spin kicking her into the ground. As she bounced from the ground, he grabbed her face and slammed her into the ground multiple times as she cried out in pain as he then tossed her in the air and kicked her across the courtyard. He looked around to see if anyone was around to see this when he saw that the sky was purple and black in color. "What is going on here?" He muttered to himself. "H-How are you this s-strong!?" The winged woman called out angrily. "I have been training since I was a young child, I won't have myself be taken down without a fight." Izuku said, settling into his fighting stance again. He was completely calm as he and the girl moved about the area in a small circle as she started to use her true speed. Instincts were now what we're keeping Izuku in the fight as he was dodging each strike with barely being cut on his clothes as well as skin. The power of the Light dagger that she was using was applying a small sting to his skin that he could easily power through, Kacchan's explosions were more powerful than her light spear/daggers. Their fight became a deadly dance as the two fought for supremacy in order to survive the night, eventually Izuku won out in their little battle as he landed multiple blows to her solar plexus as he pinned her to the ground where she couldn't hold her hands in front of her. They were positioned on her back where if she used her power, she would impale herself before even impaling him. "Why are you after me? Speak now or I might actually try and kill you, which is not what I want." Izuku said, as he growled audibly in her ear. "H-How can a useless human even... beat me! I-I am Raynare! One of the surviving members of the G-Great War!" Raynare cried out as Izuku pulled a little on her arm. Izuku's mind was going a mile a minute as he tried to comprehend this Great War that she was talking about, before he noticed that she was struggling even more. As he tightened his grip on her, she started to struggle free, and she twisted her hand enough that she could make her spear and impale him in that moment. As she took that chance, Izuku felt his lower abdomen be pierced, as he grunted in more than slight pain. Deciding to keep the spear there to stop the bleeding from getting worse, Izuku jumped back from the woman as he felt sluggish in his movements. "I will not allow someone, not even a worthless human, a waste of space like you to defeat me! I am a survivor of the Fallen Angel Faction from the Great War! I will not be killed here!" She called out, as she recalled her spear from his stomach. As his blood was pulled out from his body, he fell to a knee as he coughed up globs of blood from his mouth as he stared at the woman landing before himself. "You are just too dangerous for my kind, and Lord Azazel will be proud of me for taking you out before you became a problem in the future." Raynare said, readying her spear to pierce him again. That was when Izuku stood up to full height of 5'5 as he punched her in the gut again. Coughing up saliva, she dropped her spear as Izuku walked sluggishly over to it and leaned down to grab it. As soon as it was in his hands, he walked back to Raynare as he glared at her back, unknown to him his eyes became slits as he walked over to the girl with fury in his eyes. Standing behind her now that she was on the ground coughing up her insides, he slammed the spear into her own stomach as she coughed up blood now. Looking behind herself she saw the nearly dead eyes of her target staring at her in fury as well as indifference as he pulled out the spear as she fell to the ground in pain. He then stabbed the spear into her head killing her instantly and turning her into a massive explosion of black feathers. As soon as he looked at the feathers on the ground, he chuckled to himself as he thought it was nearly impossible. "Heh... hehehe. I guess I fought a Fallen Angel from legend. I guess the world still wishes to fuck me over." Izuku said, as he walked down the courtyard to leave. As he was about to leave the park, his body decided to then give out as he collapsed to the ground, and he pulled himself to the wall. "Welp, I guess I couldn't stay alive long enough for Miki Houdou and Gorou Hyoudou to love me like a family." Izuku said, coughing up more blood. As he was nearly losing consciousness, he never noticed how a red magic circle was appearing right next to him as a woman with blood red hair looked around the area before coming to him. "Oh no! I can't believe that you were attacked. But from what it looks like you defeated the attacker. Don't worry you'll be safe, I know where you live as well, please save me from my problems and protect me." The feminine voice said, as he blacked out.

A/N That is the end of the chapter I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. I am extremely tired at the moment as I just want to sleep at the moment before just reading some other stories on the internet. The goal for the next chapter is 32 reads, if you make it there within the next day or so I will make another chapter.

4211 Words!

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