Of Knights and Demons || (Gri...

By waterless-witch

821 28 0

You are the sole daughter of Byakuya Kuchiki, the sole heir to a noble family. Your father has broken from tr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 5

94 4 0
By waterless-witch

You couldn't catch your breath and your eyes were still clouded with tears. You could hear the shuffling of feet and hushed whispers from outside as everyone dispersed. Your heart beats faster with every step Aizen takes towards you, it's beating so hard and fast that it causes pain in your chest. Your face is still throbbing and you can feel your own blood on your face and neck, your shaking uncontrollably. You know that he's upset and you can't tell if some of it lies with you. His attention on you has never been good and you can't handle his taunts or his hands on you right now. You feel like you might break into a thousand pieces.

He came to a stop in front of you, he's silent as he looks down at you, his silence is scary, he's always talking or taunting or monologuing or something but not now. You can't look at him, your still breathing rapidly, "I-I'm sorry, I-I, I didn't-" you try to offer some kind of explanation through your tears but you cut yourself off as he reaches for you. You don't mean to but you flinch away causing his hand to stop for a second midair. You knew it was a mistake but you couldn't stop yourself and more tears fell as you worried about the repressions of your previous action.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He tells you, "Let me see your face." His voice is stern, leaving no room for argument. Slowly and with a shaky breath you look up at him, his face is completely unreadable. His auburn eyes lock with yours for only a second, his fingers brush your jaw lightly, lifting so he can examine your busted lip. He moves your head to the side to observe the cheek that the man had struck, then he moves your chin up and looks at your neck. His hold is light and gentle as he moves you around, careful not to move too fast. Anger flashes across his face but it's gone in an instant. You're terrified of him at this moment and the flash of anger on his face doesn't help, you feel trapped again and like you can't breathe.

He drops your chin just as a light knock sounds on your door. Aizen reaches out again and gently leads you to one of the plush chairs by the window, "Sit." He demands as he goes to answer the door. Aizen cracks open the door and you can hear Gins' voice, they're talking in whispers and you can't quite make out what they're saying, not that your focused on it, istead your trying to stop crying and breathe properly. Gin hands something to Aizen then leaves with a bow, Aizen walks back to you and crouches down to be on level with you. In his hand he carries a small soft cloth and a small vial of antiseptic.

From this angle you have to look down at him slightly, he puts his hand on your knee gently and rubs a few small circles with his thumb. "I need to clean your cut." He tells you softer than he had been speaking to you, than he'd ever spoken to you if you truly thought about it. He doesn't move after he says it though and after a moment you realize that he's waiting for you to respond. He's never waited for your permission or consent for anything else so you don't immediately respond to him. You nod to him in agreement after a moment. His gaze falls from your face and he wets the rag with antiseptic, "This will sting a bit my love." He says before bringing the cloth to your mouth and dabbing lightly. It stings and you try to stay still as to not interrupt him or upset him further. He cleans the wound carefully and daps at the blood around it. He stands back up in front of you, "Stay here." He tells you as he walks to the bathroom.

He emerges a minute later and the cloth is washed and drips a small amount of water onto the floor below as he walks. He crouches beside you again and starts wiping the blood from your face and neck without a word. You stiffen but don't move, his eyes rose to yours slowly.

He stands again, he keeps his hand on your face and wipes the tears from under each of your eyes. Aizen pulls the other chair and sits in front of you, he hunches forward a bit. He breathes a small sign as he observes you. "I need you to tell me what happened." He tells you softly and waits patiently for you to respond.

You take a deep shaky breath and then tell him. You tell him everything about running into the red haired man and Nnoitra in the hall, about what Nnoitra had said and how the red haired man had just laughed along with him. You tell him about how he'd entered your room and what he'd said, how he'd hit you and cornered you. When you finish speaking he sits back in his chair thinking over your words. "Where was your guard? It was Grimmjow correct?" He asks with a stern facial expression.

You can't tell him the whole truth of that, you don't want him to find out about the tea you've been drinking to stop yourself from becoming pregnant. You also don't want Grimmjow in trouble, as rude as he can be he's a much better option than any of the rest that you've met. You think of a quick lie and just go with it before he becomes suspicious, "I-I sent him to get me something from the kitchen," you half lie, "He wasn't gone long I didn't think anything would happen, I'm sorry." You stutter out and let more tears come to your eyes. You think back on all the times Grimmjow had said he wouldn't kill you and you hope that he's right. You hope that by spinning it to look like more of your fault and letting yourself cry again that he'll stop thinking about Grimmjow's involvement and hopefully stop him from questioning where he had been with others.

His gaze softens and he reaches for your hand, "It's not your fault love," he tries to reassure you. "Why don't you go wash real quick? I'll wait here then we'll go take care of this mess." He tells you softly as he runs his thumb across the back of your hand. You nod to him before making your way into the bathroom. Once behind the closed door you let out a sign and rub your hands down your face. Your surprised that he hadn't questioned you further, your tears had never managed to stop him before. Perhaps, you think, because it was someone other than himself who had done it to you. Or maybe because the red haired man had touched what Aizen viewed as his. Either way it didn't matter all that much, he hadn't pressed further and you hoped that it'd be the end of it on your end.

You move to the sink and look at yourself in the mirror. Your hair is a mess from the man pulling you around by it, on your neck a dark choke bruise forms in the shape of the man's fingers. The lower right side of your lip is split and swollen and the skin on your right cheek all the way to you mouth is also blooming in a dark bruise. Your eyes are red and puffy and tear tracks run down your face. You switch on the cold water and cup your hands to wash your face. Once you finish that you brush through your hair again to get it manageable again.

After a few minutes you enter back into the bedroom, Aizen is standing by your shared bed and looks at you, he gives you a light smile. He walks to you and gives your forehead a light peck before looping his arm with yours. "Come sweet girl, we have matters to attend to." He tells you, leading you from the room. You think as you walk, that the two of you must look like a real married couple, besides the fact that you're covered in bruises. He's walking with you in almost a loving way, arm looped through on his own and constantly looking to make sure you're alright.

You can hear the murmuring of countless voices before you even turn down the hall that the throne room lies in. Outside the doors stand two guards with bone masks that you'd never seen before, they both bow to the two of you as you approach before swinging the heavy doors open for you. The room falls deathly silent as you enter. It seems that everyone that worked in the manor and the surrounding ones had been gathered as well as the remaining members of the neighboring families. Aizen keeps his eyes forward as the two of you approach the throne but your eyes dart around the room.

Your eyes lock with Grimmjow's, he's standing to the right of the throne along with Ulquiorra and Nnoitra as well as a number of others that all have masks and are dressed similarly in their black tunic and pants. Aizen leads you up the steps and sits in the throne, he keeps one arm wrapped around your waist and turns you to face the crowd while he rests his cheek on his other balled fist. Most of the crowd is looking at you, no doubt they'd already heard what had happened. Your eyes scan the crowd and eventually you find Lista, her face twisted in an angry scowl as she observes the scene in front of her. You have no doubt that she'd spit venomous words at not only the red haired man but at Aizen too if she'd been given the chance.

Aizen looks to Ulquiorra who nods back to him wordlessly before walking down the steps and out a small door on the side of the room. He returns after a minute dragging the red haired man behind him, the man tries to keep up with him but his feet keep slipping from under him. He's still bleeding, leaving a trail of blood behind him. He's visibly pale and has clearly been beaten more since he'd been in your room. Ulquiorra dumps him on the floor roughly before returning to his spot in the lineup.

The man grunts in pain as he rises to his hands and knees, panting harshly the whole time. He looks up and his eyes flicker between Aizen and yourself a few times. Panic is clearly written on his face as he stares at Aizen's unmoving face. The room is so quiet that you can clearly hear his labored breathing. The man gulps and bows his head to the floor, forehead meeting stone, "Please forgive me, my king, I did not mean to offend you." He says keeping his head bowed.

Aizen's eyebrow twitches and his eyes narrow before his face falls back to neutral. "It's not my forgiveness you should be seeking." He answers back sternly.

The man's head lifts for a second to look at you before dropping back down, "Please forgive me my lady-" He tries to begin before getting cut off.

"She's my wife," Aizen tells him, "I rule this land now, that makes her your queen. Address her correctly." He corrects him in that same stern voice, face unmoving as he watches the scene play out before him.

The man shutters and drops a bit lower, clearly struggling to keep himself upright. "Please forgive me my queen," the man starts again, "I did not mean to offend you." He finishes head still bowed and pressed to the stone floor.

Aizen scoffs, "I find it hard to believe that you had no intentions of offending her." Aizen answers, "You entered our room and tried to force yourself on her, what expectation could you possibly offer for such a crime." You hear Gin give a small chuckle at the man somewhere to the side but ignore it to watch the scene continue.

The man is shaking by this point and while Aizen's voice had not reached the level of anger it had been in your bedroom it was well on its way there. "I didn't think you would care!" The man shouts as he raises his head, "Please! I swear it, I'll never touch her again! I won't even look at her! Please! I'll swear my devotion, my very life to service! Please!" The man begs, voice desperate and pleading.

Aizen rises from his throne and stalks towards him leaving you planted where you were. "You thought I would not care if you forced yourself on my wife?" Aizen asks, voice rising in anger. He descends the stairs, "You thought I would allow such an insult? You thought, even if I held no affection for her, that I would be alright with you touching what is mine? You must think awfully high of yourself if that's the case." He says, coming to a stop in front of the man. "What could your devotion offer me? You think a life of service is fitting for assaulting your queen?" The man starts to beg again and reaches for Aizen's pant leg. Aizen unsheathes his sword in an instant, before you can even recognize what's happening he's stabbed downwards into the man's chest. The sword runs through his back and out his chest, it hangs just centimeters from the floor. He's not dead, his eyes are wide and he's gasping for breath. Blood runs down the blade and drips to the stone, you can hear each little splatter.

A chorus of gasps sound around the large throne room, yourself among them. Your hand comes up to cover your mouth in shock as you watch wide eyed. You'd never seen anyone die before, while your kingdom had on occasion had to execute someone you'd never bothered to be in attendance. "You are right about one thing," Aizen says coldly, looking down on the bleeding man. "You will never touch my wife again. You will never look at her again." He pulls the sword from the man and he collapses to the floor, if he's not already dead he will be in a moment. It takes him a moment but he screams, a blood curdling kind of scream. You want to cover your ears and look away but you can't, your body won't move, you're stuck watching this hellish nightmare. The man collapses to the floor and his eyes dart around as if looking for help, no one moves and his chest starts rising slower and slower. Aizen's head raises to look around the room, "Let this be a lesson to those who doubt my devotion. I will not tolerate such an insult again, should this ever happen again death will come much slower." His voice booms through the throne room sternly. You don't look at Aizen though, you're stuck watching the blood seep into the cracks of the floor, the man's chest stops moving and his eyes glaze over. You know he's dead and even though he'd tried to hurt you an awful feeling blooms in your chest.


The room cleared and Aizen ordered someone to go clear your room. He kept you close that day, whatever he was supposed to be doing he'd canceled. He'd brought you to the dinning room for the first time since before you were married and had you eat. To your relief the tea was still brought to you, though the poor servant girl looked scared out of her mind. You thanked her kindly as she left and you hoped she understood how thankful you truly were. You eat in silence, you're unsure of what to say or if you should even say anything. Your mind keeps going back to the throne room. The man had assaulted you, he'd hurt you and he tried to do worse and yet you felt guilty, it had been your fault that he'd died and you didn't even know his name.

You thought about asking but with how angry your husband had been you didn't want to chance his anger turning on you. Aizen stayed gentle the rest of the day, he took you to the library and had even offered to take you to the gardens. You reject his offer as kindly as you can. You don't talk much unless he directly asks you a question. Unlike Grimmjow, Aizen lets you read in silence, you pick up one of the plant books rather than one of the ones you were using to form your escape plan. You couldn't risk him catching on to your plan, today's events only solidify your need to escape.

He takes you again to the dining room for super, then back to your shared room. As you enter you expect him to take you as he normally does, but he doesn't. Instead he tells you where to find a nightgown and tells you to dress for bed. You do so, a bit confused but you do as he's asked. When you enter back into the room from the bathroom he leads you to bed. You're tense and ready for what comes next but it never does. He pulls you into bed, then he moves you so that you're laying with your head on his chest, the same as when he'd finish with you. He's silent for a long time, seemingly content to just stroke your hair, "I'd kill every last one of them before I'd let that happen again." He tells you decidedly. You know what he means and so you don't question him, in fact you don't say anything acknowledging that you'd heard him. You wouldn't want that, that weight on your soul.

You wonder vaguely if he's upset if you'd been hurt or if he's upset that some tried to take what was his. You leaned more towards the second option. He very much enjoyed parading you around during your wedding and had always done whatever he wanted with you, he was just upset that someone else decided that they could do the same. Eventually your mind wandered to Grimmjow, he'd be leaving tomorrow and you doubt you'd see him before he did. Not that you wanted to, you think to yourself confused by your own train of thoughts. You can't help but wonder about if he'll catch Renji and his group, you hope not, if they'd made it this long hopefully they can hold out until they find safety. Wherever safety may be.

You wonder about Loly and how she came about as being your guard, she seems to hate you based on your one interaction. Vaguely you remember Nnoitra saying that Grimmjow had volunteered for this and you highly doubted that Loly had done the same. You fall asleep eventually and just like normal Aizen is gone before you wake.


Loly was exactly how you'd expected her to be. She didn't speak to you unless it was absolutely necessary and you were fine with the arrangement. You wrote her out a list of books you wanted and asked her to see to it that they were brought to you. As difficult as it was to read with Grimmjow talking to you, you knew it would be nothing compared to trying to read while feeling Loly's piercing scowl. When she brings your meals to you she huffs and slams things much like a child throwing a tantrum would. You'd done a lot of fluffing up your list with other books to hopefully look less suspicious and she doesn't give you any reason to think that she'd caught on. If you're being honest, you think she believes you're stupid, which is fine with you.

The week progressed slowly and you were bored. You actually thought that you missed Grimmjow before forcing yourself to change your line of thought. You did not miss him or care that he was gone or wonder if he was okay. Why would you? He was rude and did things just to piss you off and make you angry. You couldn't stand him, so why did you care so much? You don't want to think about him but you can't seem to stop yourself. The whole dilemma frustrates you to no end, it makes you want to rip your hair out when you get stuck in these loops where he occupies your whole brain.

Aizen for his part doesn't touch you at all. He just comes to bed, pulls you close to him and sleeps. Sometimes he tries to talk to you and you give as short of an answer as you can each time. He strokes your hair and keeps you close and he's always gone when you wake up. The food you'd been brought always held your cup of tea and luckily no one had questioned it, while Aizen was not touching you now that didn't mean that he wouldn't start again soon. It was only a matter of time and you knew that. He wanted an heir and he wouldn't hold off forever.

On the seventh day after Grimmjow's departure your eyes start crossing with how much you've read and you decide to take a bath, needing something else to do. You have a basic idea of where you think you need to go. It'll take a while on foot and you don't know that you could make it on your own but still its something. You also have no idea how you'd slip your guards. Loly seemed like she'd be easier than Grimmjow to escape from but it would still be a difficult task.

You dry yourself off after your bath and wrap a towel around yourself. It's early enough in the evening that Aizen wouldn't be back yet but late enough that Loly wouldn't bother you again either. So you decide to find a nightgown and dress for bed. You were still towel drying your hair when you left the bathroom and nearly jumped out of your skin at the sight of Grimmjow standing by the window.

He stood there, idly flipping through one of your books on local wildlife and cocking his head to observe the sketches inside. He lets his eyes fall slowly to you and you notice a rather large cut to the right side of his forehead, it had been stitched up but looked painful. His eyes widen a bit as he looks at your state of undress. His eyes move slowly over you then snap back to your exposed legs for a long moment before he forces his eyes away to meet your own eyes. Your whole body flushes more than it already was from the hot bath. He'd looked at you before in a less than modest way but this time felt different. You'd never had this much on display. You'd always been covered by something, even if it was just the blanket on your bed. "Miss me that much?" He says with a lazy smirk forming on his face, there was no hint of irritation or anger in his voice, just amusement. "And to think I thought the morning with the tea was a treat." He said unabashedly.

You just stared at him with a loss for words. "You're back- what are you- when- why are you in here?" You asked stuttering, you couldn't figure out what to ask first and so instead it came out a jumbled mess. He watched you try to figure out what was going on and each time you tripped up his smirk grew. You hated how flustered you were and you didn't know what to do. You thought about just turning around and going to change but you didn't want to either out of embarrassment.

He laughs as he watches your face continue to redden, "Just got back," he said with a shrug while still smirking. "Heard you hadn't really come out since I'd been gone, so I came to check on you." He said, your eyes narrowed waiting for him to say something lewd or insulting the way he always did. "Now as pretty as a sight you make," He said, letting his eyes ranke over you again, slowly, like he was taking in a work of art and you shift a bit, feeling awkward under his gaze. "I'll be in the hall so you can change. Come get me when you're done and I'll tell you all about hunting your knight." He held your gaze dramatically as he turned to leave.

As you dress you can't help but think that he seems like he's in a good mood. You don't think you'd ever seen him in such a good mood. He was still being lewd and trying to get a rise out of you but he wasn't being angry about it. You also thought about the cut to his head. You knew he'd been sent out to track Renji and whoever else had left with him and you couldn't help but wonder who could have gotten the upper hand on him like that. You'd only seen him fight one time but it had been terrifying. He was fast and strong and held a level of brutality that you'd only ever seen one other time from Nnoitra.

You also couldn't help but worry for Renji himself. You hoped they didn't catch him. You didn't want that threat hanging over your head again. Also, assuming Aizen didn't kill him and use him as an example, you knew he'd be tortured. You didn't want to think about that and decided that if Grimmjow tells you that he'd been caught then you don't want to hear anything else. You don't need the details of how he'd been hurt or killed if he was already dead.

You finish dressing and brush your hair out quickly before going to let him back in. You can't help but feel something like relief at him being back, which confused you a lot. You weren't friends and he spent his time tormenting you for fun. He was kind to you though, at least compared to Loly or Nnoitra. You decide you're done thinking about it and pull the door open, Grimmjow stares down at you as you move out of his way so he can step in. You're a bit nervous about inviting him in, it's a line that you'd never crossed and you're dressed in only a tin nightgown which doesn't help matters. He'd barged in on his own before and come to bring you the tea but never had you invited him in to talk. It felt strange and made you anxious but you wanted to know about his head wound and if he'd caught Renji.

Grimmjow gives a small whistle, "Wow, I've never been invited into a princesses private room before. I must be real special huh, princess?" He said with a side eye'd look towards you as he strode through to the center of the room.

You just rolled your eyes with a light huff. "Would you like to sit or are you going to make lewd comments at me all night?" You ask sarcastically.

He laughs loudly before he answers you back, "Well, I was going to, unless," he says drawing out the word, his head lols to the side, "You have another lewd idea in mind. You'd have to keep real quiet though, I don't really feel like getting my head cut off by your husband y'know?" He raises just one eyebrow suggestively at you. You fluster completely, your whole face turns red and you ball your hands. You don't know what to say and stutter a few times before he interrupts you, "Calm down princess, I'm just messing around. I wouldn't do that to you. Well, I would but not under these circumstances." He says with a light roll of his eyes as he plopped down on one of the plush chairs. "Now come sit with me before I get bored and leave." He tells you.

You move to sit next to him, still out of your element and nervous. You look over at him, he's still smirking at you but you can't help but look at the cut along his head. You can't see too many other injuries on him, a small cut or two on each hand and a few small scrapes mark his arms. "What happened?" You ask, still staring at the wound.

"Worried about me princess?" He asks all smug, you roll your eyes and huff in annoyance. You open your mouth to say something back about either telling you what you want to know or leaving but before you can get the words out he says, "Your little knight was a lot more capable than I gave him credit for." He said with a shrug.

You paled and your eyes widened. He'd found Renji, Aizen's threats held meaning again and his life hung on your shoulders. You felt like the air was sucked from the room and you had to ask to be sure, "You caught them?" You asked quietly.

Grimmjow huffed and flopped back lazily, "Some of them, yeah." He answered, "But not your little knight." You breathed a small breath of relief and he narrowed his eyes at you making you feel a bit awkward, why you couldn't say. "Him and a few of the others managed to ambush us during our chase. I don't know if it was a fluke the first night in the woods but he fought completely differently." He sighed and looked up to the ceiling. "He asked about what we'd done with you. I didn't tell him but he asked, very touching." Grimmjow growled sarcastically.

"Oh," You mumbled nervously. He'd come to you with the intent of telling what had happened but seemed like he was getting aggravated. He looked back at you for a long moment before continuing.

"I'm surprised he left you behind," he started. "Once he saw me he was a man possessed, all he did was swing at me and scream about what we'd done with you, were you hurt, where they were keeping you, why. Blah blah blah." You looked down at your hands in your lap. You didn't know what to say and didn't want to overstep. "You two together or sleeping together or something?" He asks bluntly and out of nowhere.

Your head shot up to look at him, "N-no!" You stuttered out truthfully. Aizen had made the same assumption and Grimmjow's eyes narrowed further at your response, clearly not believing you. "My father personally trained him, that's why he became a knight." You elaborated. "Nothing like what you're implying I assure you. He doesn't want something like that from me."

He barks a laugh, "Oh he wants something like that princess." He says, still chuckling at you. "You're a pretty little delicate thing, I don't know a man alive that wouldn't fuck you if you offered." You feel your face start to heat up again and he gives you a smirk. "You spread those pretty little legs of yours and ask real nicely and you'd have kings on their knees for you. They'd do whatever you asked princess." He finishes.

You laugh at the idea. It was untrue, if it was true you wouldn't have to put up with what you do with Aizen. "Yeah," You say with a roll of your eyes. "If that were true I wouldn't be trapped here under lock and key." You sass to him.

He shrugs and stands, "Ya ever asked him real nice? Not fought back with him? He'd fold if you did. I bet he'd treat you real nice and everything, do whatever you wanted if you batted those lashes and told him you wanted him." You scoffed at him a bit embarrassed but still not believing him. "I'm serious, princess." He said as he made his way to the door. "You could have him wrapped around your finger if you'd just play your cards right." He said before leaving.

You thought about what he said for a long while, even after Aizen came back and pulled you to bed with him. But you couldn't bring yourself to do anything, not that you wanted too. You couldn't even stomach the idea. You hated the night he forced you to beg for him, it made you cringe every time you thought about it. You couldn't do it again, you wouldn't do it again. Your mind wanders for a bit as you lay there and you wonder if Grimmjow counts himself among the men he claims would be on their knees for you, he certainly flirted and teased you like he would sleep with you. Today he'd even said he would under different circumstances but you're not unconvinced he doesn't just say stuff like that to get under your skin.

Grimmjow didn't seem the type to be on his knees for anyone though, much less for you. You think about all he'd said when he got to your room and how he'd looked at you in your towel, you wondered how he'd look at you if he'd seen more, what he would say. You realize what you're thinking and you can't help but flush. Even though he's not here and you're pretty sure Aizen had already fallen asleep beside you, you couldn't help but be embarrassed at your own thoughts. It had been over a week since you had that strange dream and you thought you'd be done thinking thoughts like that by now.

When sleep eventually comes you dream of Grimmjow again. In your dream he's got you pushed against the wall again, the two of you are already well into the act and you're begging for him like how Aizen had wanted you to. Except its unprompted and every time you ask him to fuck you he does so quicker and deeper until your screaming for him. You're a mess for him, more so than you've ever been, he holds you up and fucks you while his bright blue eyes watch you. Grimmjow's smirking and saying all kinds of dirty things in your ear that you can't remember when you wake up and just when you feel like that knot is about to snap you wake up. You can't help the feeling of disappointment that rises in you but you don't have long to think about it.

You feel the bed shift beside your head and your eyes snap open. Light had just begun to show on the horizon but the sun had not risen yet, the room was still dark and the only light came from a candle somewhere on Aizen's nightstand. Aizen himself is leaning above you, staring down at you in clear interest. "Having an interesting dream my dear?" He asks you with a smirk as the hand not holding himself up strokes down your face and neck. Your whole body flushes beneath him and you're hoping that he can't tell in the low light. His chuckle lets you know that he had in fact seen you though. His hand rises back up so his thumb swipes over your bottom lip before he leans in to kiss you.

It's not the rough and demanding kind that you're used to, instead he's gentle, moving slowly and lazily as he slots himself over you. Aizen hadn't touched you like this in a week and while you knew it wouldn't last forever you can't help the gasp that escapes you as his hand trails down your body to your leg. His hand moves slowly and he uses his thumb to flick your nipple though your nightgown once before continuing its descent. He pulls away from your lips slowly, he chuckles at you lightly as he buries his head in your neck. He starts peppering your neck in light kisses and nips that make you gasp lightly as his hand reaches the hem of your nightgown.

He rubs the fabric between his fingers for a second before his hand slips underneath. You fist your hands in the sheets beneath you, you don't want this and you wish he'd stop. His hand runs up your leg to your thigh where he rubs up and down for a second, "If you'll tell me what you were dreaming about, I'll make it a reality for you my love." He rasps in your ear before giving it a light nip. It makes you shutter and you shake your head in denial, you can't tell him what you'd dreamed, there's no way he wouldn't take offense to you dreaming of another man, even if it meant nothing. You also didn't want to tell him what you'd dreamed of, it was a private matter and he had no right to it. He tsk's his tongue in disappointment, "No?" He asks and when you don't respond he continues, "A shame, I'd love to know what pulled such lovely sounds from you, sweet girl." You flush deeper, not realizing that you'd made some kind of noise in your sleep.

He gives your thigh a light squeeze before continuing his movements. You squeeze your eyes shut, between your dream and his attention you know you're wet and you'd rather him not know about it. Of course though, he figures it out. His hand grazes over your underwear and he groans deeply into your ear as you shutter, "You're absolutely soaking wet love," he informs you appreciatively. "What kind of man would I be if I left my lovely wife alone with such an issue." He said with a smirk as he pulled himself up to his knees.

He watched you intently as he began teasing you over your underwear. You whined as his fingers glazed over your clit, not enough to do anything but enough to frustrate you. He chuckles lightly and does it again, watching your brows knit together as you gasp for him. Aizen alternates between to light touches on your clit and pressing just enough against your covered hole to make you clench on nothing. You're moaning and whining beneath him uncontrollably, you wonder in the back of your head if he'll make you beg again, you hope not. You're already embarrassed and you'd like to not make it worse if you don't have to.

His hand moves back to your clit and teases with a bit more force, you whine and arch your back as your eyes shut. He keeps his hand there, moving swiftly and increases the pressure just enough to start building that knot up inside you. You're close and he knows it, he keeps his pace steady and just as the knots about to snap he stops, you can't think fast enough to stop the disappointed whine or the buck of your hips trying to get the feeling back. You slump back into the bed and shutter, "Aizen," you breathe his name out pathetically before you can stop yourself. His eyes snap to your own and you wish you hadn't said anything.

He inhales sharply as his hands retreat back to your thighs, "Sorry my love," he says voice low as he pushes the nightgown up to your hips and exposes everything to him. Aizen's eyes drift over every part of you, he hooks his thumbs into the waistband of your underwear, "Let's get these out of the way hmm?" He asks, he doesn't wait for a response and slowly pulls them down your legs. They're discarded somewhere behind the two of you, Aizen's hand falls back to your core and you arch as his finger enters you. He sets a slow and steady pace as he searches for that spot inside you that drives you mad. Once he finds it he makes sure to hit it every time, making you into a moaning mess.

You try to stifle your noises but he leans back down to capture your lips, he keeps your mouth occupied while he adds a second finger. You gasped, mouth still pressed to his and he used the opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth. His pace steadily increases and he moves his thumb to rub circles on your clit. You pull your mouth away from him and he lets you as you gasp loudly. He rises back up and slips the hand not at your core into your dress, he quickly begins toying with your breasts as he continues his assault on you. Even though your eyes are closed you know he's watching your face, you can feel it as your brows knit together and all you can do is moan and whine. You absolutely hate how your body betrays you in moments like this and he knows it.

His pace quickens and the knot inside you builds back up after being denied the first time. Your walls clench around his fingers, making him chuckle deeply, "I've been thinking about this all week sweet girl," he tells you, voice heavy with arousal. "I adore how you look when you come for me, how much you fight it, how badly you don't want to. And yet..." he rasps as he leans back over you and bites at your neck lightly. "You can't stop yourself from coming undone for me. Your body is so much more honest than you'll ever be." He tells you before sucking a mark into your neck and making you cry out. You're so close that your legs are shaking, you wish he'd stop talking, he's right and you know it but you don't want to hear him say it.

He breathes out your name and you shake your head, you know what he wants before he says it and you don't want to give him that level of intimacy, "Look at me or I'll stop," he threatens and your eyes snap open, his smirk grows as you look at him with hooded eyes, "Good girl," he breathes out, every breath that leaves you is accompanied by a moan or a whine. You feel pathetic but you don't have long to think about it before that knot snaps. Your back arches, your final moan comes out broken and weak. You watch him drink in the sight of you, his eyes all but sparkle as he slows his movements and eases you back into the mattress. Aizen pulls his fingers from you slowly, in almost a teasing manner that has you whining pitifully. You watch him bring his fingers to his mouth to clean them and look away embarrassed.

You lay there, trying to guess his next move based on what he'd previously done. More than likely he'd make you come one more time than he'd take you roughly before finishing inside you. You hated how he could make you feel pleasure like he did, you knew when he took you he'd be rough and more than likely make you cry but you still found what he did pleasant enough to come. You were disgusted by yourself and couldn't look at him. He chuckles and shifts off the bed, you're surprised but you try not to let it show, fearing that he'd do something worse if he saw.

"While I'd love nothing more than to lay here with you and continue what we've started," He said as he dressed himself. "I have matters to attend to that I'm already late for." Aizen watches you finally move and cover yourself with your nightgown before sitting up. "Though I'm sure they'd understand if they knew why exactly I was late." He said smugly with a shrug causing you to blush in embarrassment. He finished dressing and made his way to you, he placed his hands on either side of your head and pulled you gently until your lips met softly, "We'll finish what you've started later my love." He promises so close that you can feel his lips move against your own as he speaks. You want to argue back that you didn't start anything, that he'd been the one that started everything between the two of you every time he saw you. But you held your tongue, thinking better than to provoke him.

He left and you got up to bathe, you couldn't stop thinking about the last few hours. While Aizen had gone back to touching you and that was distressing in its own right that's not what you were focused on. You were focused on why you'd dreamed of Grimmjow again. You thought about how relieved you were for him to be back and tried to figure out why. Maybe it was because he hadn't caught Renji, or because it meant that you didn't have to deal with Loly anymore. You knew reasonably that it wasn't either of those but didn't have the words or knowledge to say what it was for sure, nor did you want to.

Then the dreams were another problem. While you couldn't deny that he was handsome you didn't understand why your subconscious was so intent to view him that way it had. If anything you should be dreaming about your husband right? He was the one showing you the acts that happened in your dreams. Except for the one the previous night. That was all your own creation which made you feel strange. You didn't think you wanted Grimmjow like that. Did you?

No, you decided, you didn't. And the more you thought about it the worse it would be so you forcibly stopped thinking about it. You finished your bath and got out and dressed. You would focus on your escape plan and try to find a way to slip your guards, you knew it wouldn't be possible with Grimmjow, he was too interested in tormenting you and bothering you. If he left again soon you might be able to slip away from Loly, though you had no idea how far you could make it before Aizen or someone else realized you were gone. Your first task would be to find out if Grimmjow was leaving again and if so when. You brushed out your hair and slipped your shoes on before going to your door to find out if Grimmjow was even the one guarding you.

You pulled your door open quickly. Grimmjow was propped on the wall beside the door lazily like always. He startled as you left the door, and you stared at him wide eyed, "You scared the shit outta me!" He half yelled at you, you raised a questionable brow at him. You'd never scared him before he was always on his toes and ready.

"How?" You question in genuine confusion. Usually he could hear you coming from inside your room and it made you question if he was okay. Maybe he'd been hurt worse than you'd thought?

He looked down at you for a second and knit his brows. "I didn't know you were awake, you're usually not this early." He answered with a shrug. "Why are you up so early princess? Got a busy day ahead." He mocks towards you. You flush a bit, not wanting to tell him the actual reason. That you'd had a lewd dream about him and that Aizen had touched you before he left.

So you gave a small lie, "I couldn't sleep," his eyes narrow at you in question but you ignore him. "Besides, I need new books anyways." Grimmjow rolls his eyes but he takes you there with less taunting than usual.

You sit down with some books and start reading one about the climate and landscape of the mountains that you'll eventually be headed towards. Grimmjow is behind you somewhere piddling through books that he couldn't read. You felt a bit bad about making him come here each day, it couldn't be pleasant for him, but you needed to know where you were going. Every so often you can hear him scoff or shove something back into place roughly.

An hour passes and a servant comes with your tea and food. You drink the tea but only lightly pick at the food, too engrossed in your book to pay it much mind. "What are you reading?" Grimmjow asks from right behind you. You nearly jumped out of your skin, you hadn't heard him come up behind you. You turn quickly to look up at him and he's leaning against your chair. "Well?" He asks with a raised brow.

You sigh and put your back to him, "It's a book about the northernmost mountain range." You tell him in an annoyed voice. You didn't like him sneaking up on you like that, and it made you feel strange being this close to him after the dream you'd had just a few hours ago.

He laughed, "Why? You've never been there before, what's the point of reading about it?" Grimmjow said in a mocking tone while still snickering at you.

He was right that you'd never been there but he had no proof of this and it irritated you that he assumed it. Why you couldn't say but it did nonetheless. "And how exactly do you know that I've never been there?" You ask back. You knew you were being argumentative just for the sake of doing it and you were unsure of why.

Grimmjow just shrugs and you roll your eyes, "Because I have been there." He tells you and your eyes widen a bit. You hadn't known that, "And it's not a place for you princess, your lord father would never even dream of taking you there. In fact I doubt your husband would even take you there, the villages nearby are filled with thieves and the like and the border is surrounded by enemies." He informs you.

Grimmjow's words are actually helpful, despite how much you don't want to hear them. "Why were you there?" You ask him out of curiosity and the need to know, especially if you'd be trying to get there.

"We came from the other side," he tells you "I had to come from somewhere, I didn't just pop into existence to hang around with you princess." Grimmjow rolls his eyes. You knew that he didn't exist to guard you. You didn't know much about the land on the other side, none of the books you'd read had told anything of it and you can't recall anyone talking about it with you. You can't help but wonder what his homeland is like.

"Do you think you'll ever go back?" You can't help but ask, you'd never done a whole lot of traveling and never outside your own kingdom so you were interested. You'd known he was foreign but he never seemed to want to talk about it until now.

Grimmjow scratched the back of his neck, ruffling his electric blue hair near the nape. He almost looked nervous and hesitant to answer you, "Probably not," your eyebrows knit together as you listen. You doubt you could ever leave and be okay with the thought of never coming back. "It's not like how it is here princess, there's nothing there for me. For anyone." He says which confuses you more.

You look into his eyes for a second, "There has to be something out there," you start to argue back. He has to have a family, or maybe some friends or something back at his home.

"There's not, just traveling warlords and death." He says cutting you off. "There's nothing there for anyone besides killing and more killing. Why do you think we took over so fast? That's all we know how to do." He says looking down at you with an unreadable expression. "We're your biggest enemy and your people had no plan for what to do when we came for you."

You shake your head at his words, your people had few enemies, and certainly not one like he was talking about, "We don't have an enemy like that, the previous high lord wanted peace between our peoples and the surrounding lands." You try to tell him. The only real problem your land had ever faced was a long time ago your people fought with a race of demons, it hadn't ended well for either side and no one had heard from them since. Your grandfather had thought that they'd all died off in the affair, calming that they would have killed each other off anyways, and your father wasn't all that convinced that they'd even existed in the first place.

"Yes you do princess, you just haven't put together who we are." Grimmjow said leaning in closer, "You don't see it because you're too sweet, you don't want to see it. You're too scared of your husband to be afraid of the monsters that surround you." Your eyes widened at his words, at what he was implying.

You turn around to stare up at him and he looks back at you with yet another lazy smirk. "You don't mean that?" You say it in more of a question than a statement. He moves around your chair to sit across from you. You can't help but look from his bone mask to his eyes then back again. You'd always thought the mask was strange but you'd never thought much more about it.

Grimmjow leans toward, resting his elbows on his knees, "I ever lie to you?" He asks casually, without care. Like he wasn't implying something dark and twisted.

You swallow a lump that had formed in your throat, mouth going dry. "No but you can't be..." You let yourself taper off before continuing, "You can't be a-"

"Demon?" Grimmjow cuts you off with amusement. You nod to him slowly, meeting his eyes again. You stare at him for a long moment before he starts talking again. "Well not fully, we're all half breeds now, some more than others but, ya never questioned these?" He asks tapping on his bone mask with his pointer finger.

"I just thought they were some weird fashion trend or something of importance." You answer honestly, you're nervous but not nearly as much as you should be, you realize and can't really explain why you're not more afraid of him.

Grimmjow gives another barking laugh and looks at you with a smile, "Nah, it doesn't come off princess," he says, pulling at the mask a bit. True to his word it doesn't move at all. You want to reach out and touch it but you stop yourself before you even begin to move. Your head floods with all kinds of questions but you know if you ask them all he won't answer any of them.

"So if you are a," you pause for a second, "Demon. What makes you different from us? Besides the mask." You ask, trying not to sound judgmental or rude. You remembered how he'd reacted when you'd found out he couldn't read and you didn't want to hurt his feelings like that again.

He chuckles, "Well we're a lot faster than you," he started, which made sense, he'd caught you quickly in the forest that first night, you'd chalked it up to your exhaustion but if he was quicker than you it made sense. "And we each have different," he stumbles for the right word for a moment before he says, "abilities." He says and you cock your head in confusion. You didn't know what kind of abilities he was talking about. "I can show you," he offers, icy blue eyes locked with yours, your hesitant, not knowing fully what it all entails. "I won't do anything too serious if that's what you're worried about." He clarifies. You think for a moment but your curiosity gets the better of you and you nod your head in agreement before he even finishes the sentence.

Grimmjow smirks at you widely and holds up a single hand. In almost a flash his hand turns black along with his wrist, it's the darkest black you've ever seen and cracked, looking like its bleeding down his wrist. The tips of his fingers become long sharp claws that look capable of slicing through you in one quick movement. Each claw looked sharper than any blade you'd ever seen and the black was deeper than night itself. It was captivating, you couldn't take your eyes off his hand. His veins were more visible on the surface just beneath the skin as the black inched further and further up his arm, engulfing the skin in its path. It was beautiful in an animalistic way, in a brutal and violent way.

He sets his arm back down and you look into his eyes for just a second before looking back to his arm, it's completely back to normal by the time you look down at it. Your eyes widen at how fast he'd managed to get it back to normal. Your eyes meet his again and you want to say something but nothing you can think of feels adequate.

His eyes darted around your face, looking to see what you were feeling perhaps, but you couldn't tell fully. "Scared princess?" He asks with a grin.

You think about your answer for a long minute. You should be scared. He was some kind of demon and he'd just shown you that he could cut through you like butter. You don't think you were though, you thought back to every interaction you'd had, even when he'd manhandled you and tried to intimidate you he'd never hurt you, he was clearly capable of hurting you if he wanted to. But instead he'd been nice to you. He'd try to help you on your wedding night, he'd gotten you the tea to keep you from getting pregnant, he'd come to see you when he got back and he told you about what had happened while he was away. He might have gone about it in a bastardized manner but they were all examples of kindness hidden beneath the crude words. Even though the claws and darkened skin should have been scary, they weren't, you thought they were beautiful, not that you'd ever tell him that, he wouldn't take kindly to it and you were sure he'd get angry about it. "I don't think so." You tell him honestly.

Grimmjow chuckles, "Oh really?" He asks in amusement, "You're afraid of your husband but not the actual monster that sits in front of you?" He asks, eyes narrowing a bit, "You don't have to lie I wouldn't be upset or whatever." Grimmjow leans back in the chair lazily, waiting for your reply.

You simply shake your head, "It's different." You say with a shrug of your shoulders. You couldn't fully explain it beyond what you'd said, you just felt like it was true. You weren't scared of him, at least not fully or how you should be.

"It's different?" He asks with a raised brow, not understanding. "I chased you down and kidnapped you but it's different?" He almost sounds like he's mocking you but you ignore it.

"It just is," you try to reason and he rolls his eyes with a huff, "I don't know! Are you going to hurt me?" You ask with a dramatic sigh. You didn't think he would but who knows, maybe you're wrong and he's wanted to the whole time. He'd asked you a question and you'd answered, what more does he want? You couldn't explain it, you just weren't scared of him, not fully, not enough.

Grimmjow stares at you. It feels like forever, he doesn't say anything, just stares and you stare back. You start to worry that you'd said something wrong and open your mouth to apologize for snapping at him or clarify or something but he stops you. "No princess..." He takes a long pause and his face seems to relax more than you think you've ever seen, "I won't hurt you." You offer him a small smile but he doesn't return it and after a minute you go back to your book.

Not that you can focus, you're too busy thinking about the man that sits across from you. How he came to work under Aizen, why they'd followed to take your home, what else he could do, your mind was reeling with it all. You wanted to ask but he seemed done answering your questions or just talking to you in general. You'd read three pages of the book in your hands and retained none of it. Every once in a while you'd glance at Grimmjow, he was staring out the window with his chin resting on his balled fist. You wish he'd say something but you don't know what you wanted him to say at the same time. You're frustrating yourself with all of it but you can't stop yourself.

The sun had begun to set before the two of you were interrupted. The library door slammed shut behind someone and you shot up, scared by the sudden noise. Grimmjow was on his feet in front of you when Ulquiorra rounded the corner. His eyes seemed just as dead and expressionless as every other time you'd seen him. He comes to a stop a few feet ahead of the two of you, he doesn't bother to look at you as he addresses Grimmjow, "Aizen has called for his wife to be brought to him in his study immediately." He informs Grimmjow.

Your brows knit together in confusion. He hadn't called for you to be anywhere since your first few days here when he wanted you to dine with him, and never to his study. Have you done something wrong? Had he figured out what you had been planning? Had he recaptured Renji? Did he somehow know about the tea? Your mind is filled with a thousand negative things that could cause him to want to see you right away and they all made you sick. Clearly Grimmjow was thinking similarly to you as he narrowed his gaze and he stood up straighter. "Why?" Grimmjow asked, still planted between Ulquiorra and yourself.

Ulquiorra simply turned on his heel, "It is not your place to question him, just deliver the girl to him and wait, don't make things difficult Grimmjow." He said in his monotone voice before leaving.

Grimmjow growls and rubs his hand over his face before turning to you, "Come on, best not to keep him waiting." He spits like he's angry. You just nod and follow him through the halls. To say you were nervous was an understatement, your mind was still spinning with a thousand possibilities as you reached the door to his study.

Grimmjow knocked on the heavy wooden door, "Send her in." You hear Aizen command from the other side of the door. You take a shaky deep breath and Grimmjow waits for you to look at him and nod before he pushes the door open for you to enter. You look at him one last time through the corner of your eyes and he looks absolutely pissed off, his eyes meet yours and he nods once to you as you walk through the door and into Aizen's office

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