Of Knights and Demons || (Gri...

By waterless-witch

607 26 0

You are the sole daughter of Byakuya Kuchiki, the sole heir to a noble family. Your father has broken from tr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

93 2 0
By waterless-witch

Sleep finds you much easier than you expected and you sleep soundly through the remainder of the night. You wake in the early morning and find that you're alone. Good, you prefer it that way, you don't think that you could bear to see Aizen right now. You feel disgusting. Your skin is covered in dry sweat, your thighs and core are sticky with the evidence of your consummation, and your eyes are puffy from crying. Your whole body is sore and in pain you realize as you make your way to the bathroom to bathe.

You take note of a beautiful red dress placed carefully over the dresser, but the dress itself is not what catches your eye. No, what catches your eyes is the finely crafted crown that sits atop it. It's made from beautiful thin crafted metal, adored with vines and flowers just as your wedding dress had been. It looked light and elegant. You walked past it, refusing to even touch it, you refused to wear it today, maybe ever. Definitely never you decide. You would do everything you could to let it be known that you didn't want any of this. You would not play his happy wife, you'd do what he'd make you to keep the people you cared for safe but you would make sure he knew the depth of your hatred.

Once you entered the bathroom you looked at your reflection, which was a mistake. Your hair was a mess and your eyes were red and swollen. But that's not what upset you. You choked on a cry as you looked over your body. Your neck was covered in brown and purple bruises, where you neck and shoulder meet there was a large mark from where he'd bitten you and drawn blood. Your hips held more bruises that were clearly from his fingers. It'd take days for all the bruising to subside and you couldn't stop fresh tears from falling down your face. You turned away from the mirror, unable to look at yourself any longer. You began filling the tub with hot water.

Once the tub was filled you got in immediately even as the hot water burned your skin. You spent at least an hour scrubbing every part of your body raw. When the water went cold you drained it and replaced it with more scalding water and continued. No matter how much soap you used or how much you scrubbed your skin you simply didn't feel clean enough. After giving up on your skin you began washing your hair and brushing out the knots. You didn't want to look back in the mirror so you put it up in a sloppy braid while still in the tub. You got out of the tub and pulled on the nightgown from a few days ago, you weren't going to leave the room but you didn't want to sit around naked either.

You entered back into the bedroom and thought about what you'd do. You'd not been to keen on the idea of being shown around the manor before but you definitely didn't want to now, you could already hear the lewd comments Grimmjow would make if he saw you. You thought about sitting by the widow again but you didn't want to have to look at your reflection. Instead you just went back to bed, you pulled the blankets around yourself making a makeshift cocoon. It took you a good while to fall back asleep, mind to busy worrying about when Aizen would be back and what he'd make you do when he did show back up, but eventually sleep did find you.

You woke hours later to the sound of someone banging on your door. You shot up but didn't move further than that. You waited quietly, after a few minutes the banging sounded again. "Hey!" You heard Grimmjow shout from the other side. He'd never knock like that unless he was telling you that Aizen wanted to see you and you had already decided hours ago that you would not be doing that. "Look, if you don't want to come out I-'' he said clearly out of his element and struggling for what to say, "I get it..." To say you were confused would be an understantment, but he continued, "But you have to fucking eat, I'll get someone to bring something up just tell me what you want." You didn't move, you didn't want to see him or anyone for that matter. After another couple minutes of silence you heard him pound his fist into the door "Stubborn bitch." He mumbled to himself.

Your eyes narrowed even when it seemed like he was being nice to you he had such a backwards way of doing so that you couldn't tell what was going on. You couldn't help but roll your eyes as you heard him start to pace again and mumble under his breath. You laid back down to sleep, listening to Grimmjow's footsteps. Strangely it calmed you, lulling you back to sleep quickly and without any of the nauseating thoughts from earlier.

The next time you woke up the sun had already set. The sound of the door closing echoed through the room. You sat up only to see Aizen had returned. Instantly you felt sick as his eyes fell to you, he looked you up and down before cocking his head, "While you look lovely I much prefer how I'd left you this morning." He tells you casually. You keep your mouth shut, staring daggers at him as he strips from his shirt. "I missed you at supper, not feeling well?" He taunts you with a smirk before stalking closer to your shared bed.

You try to crawl away from him but he catches your ankle and pulls you back, flipping you so you're facing him once again. "Please don't," you beg willing to try anything to keep his hands off you. "Everything still hurts from yesterday ple-" he cuts you off with a dominating kiss. Your heart sinks and you know what's coming.

He pulls away from you just enough to shush you as his hand moves to tangle in your hair, pulling harshly so that you're looking up at him. "I'll have you every night until my heir grows inside you, even then I doubt I'll be able to stop. Not when you cry so sweetly for me." He says, hand still gripping your hair. You feel tears start to form in your eyes again, you know there's nothing you can say or do that would make him stop. You don't want to have his children but how could you possibly fight him? Even if you could somehow stop him he'd just have Renji killed and you don't think you could handle that guilt.

True to his word he'd had you again. Similarly to the previous night he took his time preparing you, forcing you to orgasam twice before he even considered putting his cock in you. You hated it, how he could turn your body against you with such ease. You also came to realize, as he slammed into you just as rough as before, that he liked when you cried. He wanted you to beg him to stop and tell him that you couldn't take it, he reveled in it. You want to stop crying, hold out and take some of that enjoyment away from him but every time you try to he just gets rougher. He forces you to look at him with a strong grip in your hair as he slams his hips into yours and releases inside you again.

Only this time he doesn't pull out of you, instead his hand slips between your legs to start rubbing small tight circles on your clit. Your hand shots out before you can stop it to try and grab his wrist to make it stop, you're already overstimulated and you're not fully thinking. Before you can even grab at him the hand fisted in your hair pulls so hard you're afraid he'll pull a chunk of it out. You cry out and your hands whip to try and pry his hand out of your hair all the while keeping up with his stimulation of your body.

Heavy tears roll down your face, "Please no more." You whimper out in a way that sounds pathetic to even you.

He doesn't stop, not that you really expected him to. "Gods you're so pretty when you beg." He mumbles before leaning over you and kissing you. Between the fullness in your core and his thumb stimulating your clit the knot in your abdomen was building much faster than it had previously. You can't stop the cries and whines which Aizen seems all too happy to swallow though the rough kiss. It took a minute more before that knot had snapped your back arched as you cried out before sinking back into the bed feeling completely ruined. He pulled away with one quick peck on the cheek before pulling out of you.

He pulled you up to him and laid the two of you down the same as the previous night. One of his hands runs soothingly up and down your back. You want to move away from him or tell him to stop but you don't have the energy nor do you want to risk upsetting him. You fall asleep quickly and when you wake he's gone yet again.


The days that followed happened in the same fashion, you wake up alone and spend the morning hours trying to clean away filth that you knew you'd never be able to, go back to sleep, wake up to Grimmjow trying to get you to come out or to eat something, go back to sleep followed by Aizen having you how ever he sees fit for that night. Even though you'd been sleeping all day you felt exhausted all the time and even though you know you should be eating you couldn't.

The very thought of food made you sick, not that you would venture out to find it even if it didn't. Somewhere in the back of your head you screamed at yourself that something was deeply wrong with you but you couldn't make yourself care enough. Maybe you were going insane, you thought to yourself bitterly.

On the seventh day since your wedding you were making your way back to the bed after bathing when your door slammed open, hitting the wall and reverberating off the hinges. You whirl around expecting to see Aizen but instead Grimmjow stands in your doorway looking positively pissed. You gape at him for a moment not knowing what to say or do. His eyes fall to your neck and in turn his jaw clenched in anger. You quickly realize he's looking at the marks on your neck and flush in embarrassment. "Get out." You tell him, pointing towards the door.

His eyes flick back up to meet yours, "You look like shit." He comments bluntly. You can feel yourself getting angry, you knew you weren't a pretty sight at the moment but you also didn't need him to barge in and tell you about it.

You breathe an angry huff out, "Great observation now leave." You bite back, you don't know what he wants and you don't care, he has no right to barge into your room and make fun of you.

He just keeps staring at you until the rattling of metal on metal sounds from the hallway, "Hurry up!" He barks, turning his head to throw over his shoulder. You hear a woman sigh.

Your eyes widen instantly recognizing the sound before she even speaks, "Now don't rush me boy! I'm old, this is as fast as I go!" The women grumbled back. Her name was Lista, she had been one of the servants at your home, she was a kind woman in her mid fifties with long coiled brown hair that had begun to gray around the roots. She had worked in your family's garden and since you were a young child you'd often found yourself in her company. She would teach you how much water each plant needed, how to weed the flower beds, and she'd answer every little question your child brain could come up with. She was foreign born and sometimes would tell you about plants that grew in her native home or about how to grow different kinds of food. Sometimes she'd even bring in sketches of said plants that she'd have her husband draw up for you. Once you got older you always made sure to slip her some extra silver or bring her some of her favorite foods from the kitchen. She had a sweet tooth and as a child you loved to share your desserts with her as you sat outside in the heat.

She came into the room pushing a small metal cart with food and a few cups on it. Her hazel eyes meet yours and instantly her expression softened. "Oh baby," she said sadly as she crossed the room to pull you into a tight hug, "He said you haven't been eating but look at you." Lista placed her hand on your head and held you tightly. She was right of course, you'd lost a noticeable amount of weight from not eating.

Before you could stop yourself you were crying into her shoulder, as if a damn had broken you let every one of your emotions flow. She held you for a long time, just shushing you and running her hand down your hair not unlike she used to do when you'd fall as a child and she'd carry you inside to get bandaged. You heard the door close quietly and eventually composed yourself. As you pulled away Lista gave your forehead and light and loving kiss. "I don't understand, why are you here? What's going on?" You asked, face still wet from crying.

"You wouldn't let me help you so I had to track down someone who could." Grimmjow said from behind Lista, he sounded irritated but far less so than normal. "Which was not an easy task since none of them wanted to give me any kind of information about anything." He said leaning back against the door.

Lista rolled her eyes, she had never been one to shy away from any kind of confrontation and wasn't about to start now. "Now listen here boy," She said to Grimmjow earning her a growl from him, "You have to think about it from our point. Y'all barge in here, kill a whole lot of us, take our lady as a war bride then have the gall to demand to know who she's close with," She said pointing her finger at him. "Doesn't really scream that your tryin' to help the poor girl." She finished.

Grimmjow's nose crinkled and his eyebrows furrowed but he didn't say anything, which was unusual. Lista gently pulled you towards the small cart of food, "Listen to me little lady," she said, voice much softer than when she'd talked to Grimmjow, "Ya gotta eat, I can't imagine how awful it is for you here but you have to. People are gonna start to notice that you're not."

Grimmjow scoffed from behind the two of you and you turned slightly to look at him, "Yeah they are, if I noticed your husband will too, and I can garentee that he'll force you to eat about as kindly as he fucks you." Your face twisted in disgust as did Listas.

"The boys right but ignore him." Lista began as she reached for a small mug on the tray drawing your attention from Grimmjow.

"Can you stop calling me that?" He interrupted angrily. Neither one of you turned around to face him.

"No," She answered, "Now hush." You heard him growl again but it was much more half hearted than the previous one. "I had the magisters make this for you, you need to drink it daily but it will keep him from putting a child in you." Your eyes widen at the realization. Lista gently places the mug in your hands, it's warm and it doesn't smell at all pleasant but you're so happy to have it. "The boy has promised to get it to you each day and I'll make sure that the kitchen staff have it made for you, do you understand?" She asks looking into your eyes.

You nod your head quickly, "Lista, I'll never be able to repay you for this." You tell her genuinely. She reaches forward and gives your forehead another light kiss.

"Just eat my dear, don't let that man kill you." You nod again and promise her that you will, "I have to go before someone sees I'm gone, but I'll come back when I can." Lista says before giving your hand a squeeze. You exchange goodbyes and another hug before Grimmjow opens the door for her, letting her out before closing it behind her.

Grimmjow stares at you for a while before it ticks in your brain that he's put in a lot of work to make this happen for you. You don't understand why he'd bother or what he's seeking by doing so but you're grateful regardless. "Thank you, again." You say to him before downing the tea quickly.

He continues to stare at you while you place the mug down, "I already told you not to thank me princess." He says with no real bite, you think it might be the first time you'd heard him talk without anger or irritation, besides of course when he'd make lewd comments at you but still.

You can't help but wonder why he'd done it, "Can I-" you started not really knowing how to say what you wanted, "Can I ask why you went through all the trouble?" You asked quietly. He might not want your thanks but you did want some answers, and maybe if he'd been in a good enough mood to help you he might give you some answers.

"Eat." He commanded crushing your hope for answers. You roll your eyes at him but pick up your fork and knife and do as he says. It's been a long time since you've eaten anything so you don't quite eat what you normally would, stomach no doubtably having shrunken a bit. Grimmjow doesn't leave, there's an awkward air in the room as you can all but feel his eyes looking at every bruise and mark that Aizen had left on you. "You want him dead don't you?" He asks out of nowhere.

You stop all movement and look up at him through your lashes. He's not angry, he'd gone back to lounging against the door and was picking at his nails with his thumb seemingly uninterestedly. When you don't answer his gaze flicks up to you, "I- uh, well," you stutter, placing your utensils back down. You have no idea what to answer with. He's been nicer to you as of late but you still don't think that you can tell him that you want his leader dead.

He gets tired of your stuttering and spits out, "Well, if you do want him dead you should hurry up and do it before he starts questioning why you can't get pregnant." He says it all with such a casual tone as if you were talking about the weather or something else equally as unimportant.

It's your turn to scoff at him, "Yeah, that's something I can manage." You quip back sarcastically with a roll of your eyes. How could you possibly hope to kill a man that could cripple a kingdom?

"You could," He says, pushing off the wall and walks towards you. He picks up the knife from the cart and reaches for you. You sure he's about to cut you and you try to pull back but he grabs the back of your head and pulls you closer. He brings the knife close to your eye but doesn't touch you with it, "The next time he climbs on top of you, put a knife through his eye," he says before lowering the knife to the center of your neck, "or through his throat. Or learn to live with him." He says looking down at you, your eyes lock with his and he keeps you firmly in place, "Either way enough of this pathetic damsel shit." He releases his hold on your head and grabs your arm, placing the knife in your hand.

You think for a long moment and Grimmjow doesn't move, he just watches you run problems through your head. You shake your head and look up to him, "I can't, what if I fail?" You ask even though you already know the answer. Aizen would kill Renji, and anyone else he knew you were close to, like Momo or Lista.

Grimmjow shrugs and turns around and starts walking away, "He won't kill you if that's what you're asking." He says in an annoyed tone.

"I know he won't kill me but he will kill Renji." You say to his back. He stops walking and is silent for a minute, clearly thinking about something.

He looks at you over his shoulder and his eyes narrow. "Your little knight's not here anymore." He informs you. Your breath catches and your heart sinks.

You'd let Aizen do whatever he'd wanted with you and he'd still killed him? Your eyes glazed, "But I- I did what he wanted, I married him. He's dead?" You say rapidly, tripping over your words the whole time.

Grimmjow scoffs and you think he's going to insult you again but he doesn't, "I never said he died." He says in a harsh tone, "Your brave and valiant knight managed to escape along with an entire holding cell the night of your wedding." He informs you like you're stupid for not knowing.

You breathe out a sigh of relief, "So he's not dead?" You ask just to confirm with him. If what he's saying is true that lifts a lot of weight off your shoulder, you might still be stuck here but at least if you don't do something perfectly for Aizen he can't kill Renji.

"Not yet," he says with another shrug. "Can't say he won't be soon though, Aizen's pissed, sent a whole group out after them. If they're not back in three more days, me and my group switch with them." You don't know why he's telling you all this but you think this is the most helpful that he's been. "When he catches them it won't be pretty, he doesn't like to be fucked around with like that." You don't say anything back and he leaves the room.

You set the knife back on the cart. You think over everything that Grimmjow had told you, you know you can't kill Aizen, he's quicker than you, stronger than you and more battle ready than you'll ever be. But there is another option now. You decide that you'll bid you time and when the timing is perfect you'll escape. It might take a while but you swear to yourself that you will. You'll find your fathers camp and get away from here, Aizen can't use you if he doesn't have you. You start making plans on how to do so. Firstly, you decide, you need to figure out where you're going.

That means tomorrow you'll have Grimmjow take you to the library so you can look over the books and records of where your border camps are. You'll figure out how to get rid of your guards another day, but for now your feeling much more hopeful.


Grimmjow brings you supper a few hours later and you eat as much of it as you can manage. Aizen returns a few hours later and the rest of the night follows the same path as all the previous. Only this time you're not scared to get pregnant. You are still scared of him and what he could do to you but you no longer have the threat of hypothetical children hanging over you. When he finishes with you he doesn't immediately pull you to sleep like normal, instead his eyes rack down your body causing you to shiver under his gaze as you catch your breath. "You should let yourself enjoy this more." He says to you.

You look at him before huffing a depressed sounding laugh and looking away. You don't want to enjoy this with him. You already hate how your body responds to him; you don't want to give your mind up to him as well. "There's nothing wrong with enjoying love making with your husband." He states as if it's a matter of fact.

Slowly your eyes look back to him and you give a small chuckle. "This isn't love making and it's certainly not love." You tell him back firmly.

Aizen's quiet for a moment, considering your words, "It will be," He tells you, your eyebrows knit together, "Not today, not tomorrow, not for a long time but you will enjoy what I do to you. What we are." He says and you shake your head lightly, you will not, you'd sooner throw yourself from the roof. "You will, this is your life now, you can fight it all you want but you will." He tells you as his hand runs up your leg. You try to pull back but he doesn't let you. He pulls you down the bed to him before snaking his hand under your back and pulling you so that you're kneeling over his lap.

Your eyes widen and he smirks at you. His hands fall to your hips and give them a light squeeze before he flips you around so that you're sitting in his lap with your back pressed to his chest. You try to move from his hold but he forces you back with a strong hand atop your thigh. You feel his cock twitch underneath you making panic rise in you. His free hand trails from up your stomach to your breast. You shake your head and he chuckles as he begins to flick your nipple. You can't help but whine in his hold, you're already so sensitive from everything he'd done to you before this that all your nerves are heightened.

The hand on your thigh slides downwards, between your legs you choke on a gasp as he runs his knuckles along the length of your folds, lightly grazing your clit with every pass. "Please," you whine, he just hums to you as he continues. "Please stop." You plead, voice barely above a whisper.

He brings his mouth to your ear, "Beg me to fuck you." He demands warm breath fanning your ear before he nips at it. You shake your head in denial, you won't do that, you can't do that. "Beg me to fuck you," he repeats, "Or we'll stay like this all night." His fingers begin circling your clit in earnest. "I'll have you coming on my fingers until you pass out and even then, I'll keep going until you wake back up." You're crying again, your hands are on each of his wrists trying to stop him but you're not strong enough to pull him away and he just ignores you, "I can keep you here as long as I like." He tells you.

He doesn't stop and you try your best to hold out. By the time he pulls a second orgasm from your body you're crying hard and you throw your head back on his shoulder, arching to try to get away, his hand at your sex doesn't stop, it doesn't even slow. You're so overwhelmed and his attention is starting to hurt, you've come twice this round and twice the previous and its all just too much for you. He kisses the side of your head gently compared to how he moves his hands. You're so desperate to get him to stop that you give in, "Please." You say words leaving you breathlessly and barely audible.

Even though you're not looking at his face you know he's smiling as he hums to you, "What was that love? Did you say something?" He asks even though you both know he's heard you and is just toying with you. You whine pathetically, of course he's toying with you, it's what he adores most.

You swallow thickly and shutter, his hands are still moving against you making it all the more difficult to focus on the words coming out of your mouth. "Please!" You all but shout.

He gives a small chuckle against your head, "Please what, my love?" He asks and you grit your teeth so hard it feels like they might break. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what you want." His cock twitches again beneath you showing just how much he's enjoying breaking you down like this, how much he enjoys humiliating you.

Your jaw tightens as more tears of frustration fall down your face. You're sure you look like a mess but you take a deep breath and say, "Please, Aizen..." He takes a deep breath in as you continue, "Please fuck me." You beg him in a whisper, you're flushed and humiliated. You don't think you've ever hated anyone the way you do him at this moment.

His hands are on your face, pulling you to meet his lips, back arched against his chest, with bruising force. He moves your head how he sees fit as you try desperately to catch your breath, feeling almost relieved that his hand is off your core. You can't help but twitch in overstimulation. One of his hands leaves your face and trails down your body, for a moment you're afraid that he's going to start teasing you again but he moves past your folds. He's lining his cock up to you again and you pull away for his lips ready to beg yet again for him to please just give you a moment of rest, you know that he won't stop but you can at least try to take a breather.

But he doesn't give you the chance to get the words out. Aizen thrusts up into you and from this angle he hits so much deeper. You cry out as he bottoms out, it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it had the first time of the night but it still wasn't exactly pleasant. He breathes your name out and stills, you take the opportunity to take a deep breath. "See that wasn't so hard now was it?" He asks in a low tone. You squeeze your eyes shut as both his hands rise to your breasts, he teases your nipples making you whine as he stays still inside you. "You will learn to enjoy this sweet girl, I swear it to you." He tells you before he starts moving inside you, it's not nearly as rough as he had been, not to say that it was gentle by any means but it didn't hurt like it had previously.

It takes a while for him to find it but after a few minutes he finds that spot inside you that makes you see stars and you can't stop the lewd sounding moan that it rips from you and your hips involuntary buck with his own. You hand shoots to cover your mouth in shock and you still your movements. Aizen doesn't let you keep your hand there for long though, he pulls your hand away, bringing it up and giving it a small peck, his other hand falls to your waist to keep you moving in time with him. "I want to hear you my love, I want to know how much you like having me inside you." He says still trusting inside you, taking special care to thrust just right to keep that spot stimulated. You couldn't form words and you shake your head in denial as the pain starts ebbing away much to your hatred. You don't want to enjoy this, you want to scream and you think you'd rather have him fuck you rough than take you in a way that forces you to betray yourself.

He chuckles warmly into your ear and after a while gets you to keep moving in time with him. Then his hand moves from your waist to your core and begins to rub your clit in time with his thrust. You gasp loudly and try to pull away from him, he won't let you though and you know it's futile. You don't know why he wants you to enjoy this but he does and he takes care to make sure that he gets what he wants. You can't think about anything but how his cock is moving inside you as you wither and moan his name in little broken cries. Quickly that knot starts building and you're more of a moaning mess, you're still moving in time with him and can't form enough thoughts to stop. "Feeling good?" He asks breathlessly with a smile. You hate how smug he sounds, how happy he is that your body is feeling pleasure from him. It snaps something in you and you let your movements stutter to a stop and you regain the ability to think for a moment.

You know he's only doing all this to upset and humiliate you further. You pull yourself together just enough to tell him, "I hate you." In a broken whisper. He laughs and picks up both the pace of his hand and his thrusts causing you to scream his name out. His other hand starts forcibly grinding your hips into his own again. His thrusts start losing rhythm and his hand spreads up further. The knot inside you snaps and your unable to stop yourself from sobbing and arching your back with your head on his shoulder as he fucks you through it, still toying with your clit the whole time. He finishes inside you for the second time a few thrusts later, hand finally coming to a rest between your legs. You fall back into him, eyelids heavy and tears still lightly falling.

He rubs your legs soothingly as he untangles himself from you and gently lays you down on the pillows. He leans down and kisses you softly before pulling away to look in your eyes. "Hate me all you want, lie to me and yourself if you must but you did enjoy that." You avert your eyes not wanting to look at him. He kisses your forehead then laid down next to you and drapes his arm around you.

Sleep does not come as easily as it had been. Instead you laid awake upset. You know it was involuntary but he was right, you had enjoyed that. You were a mess for him, you matched his thrusts and moaned for him. You begged him to fuck you. You hated yourself for how weak you were. How weak you are. You couldn't pull him off you, you couldn't kill him and you couldn't even stop him from manipulating you to do whatever he wanted.

Eventually sleep does come and surprisingly you dream, something you haven't done in weeks, perhaps you'd been too exhausted. In your dream you are with Aizen again as you just had been, except you're not fighting him at all. You're grinding your hips in time with him and moaning obscenely, his pace picks up and you loop your arm around his head to hold onto his hair to ground yourself.

Except the hair in your hand is different from Aizen's, it's not styled the same and seems a bit shorter. You turn to look back but a hand grabs your chin and keeps you looking straight ahead. "Something the matter princess?" A voice that is very much not Aizen's rasps into your ear. Instead the voice belongs to Grimmjow and the last thing you remember from your dream is his strange bone mask pressed against you.

You wake with a shaky breath and wide eyes. Your heart is beating wildly out of control as you try to wrap your mind around what just happened. Behind you there's the sound of metal rattling and you go to shoot up and see what's there but a hand shoves you back down. Your back hits the mattress with enough force to knock the air from your lungs and you gasp. You take notice that the hand in question is pushing the blanket from the bed against your upper chest. Your eyes shoot up to meet a set of azure eyes staring back at you.

You flushed being this close to him even though you know logically that he had no way of knowing what your brain had just conjured up of him. Grimmjow's leaning over you, one knee rested on the bed to be able to reach you and keep you in place. "Unless you're planning on giving me a show I recommend keeping yourself covered princess." He tells you bluntly as he slowly pulls away from you.

You're left gaping at him for a moment before your mind starts processing what's going on. "Why are you here?" You ask in a high pitched tone as your arm moves to hold the blank in place over your chest so you can sit up. It's early morning, you're still naked and he shouldn't be in here.

He looks at you a second before gesturing behind him to a plate and cup of steaming tea on your nightstand. "Your hag couldn't make it up so I brought your food." He said, irritation thick in his voice.

It clicked into place that he'd promised to bring you the tea every morning and made sense enough. "Oh, t-thank you." You stutter out quickly not being able to look at him and flushing more in embarrassment. You were embarrassed that you'd thought of him like that even if you were unconscious. You couldn't deny that he was handsome even with the strange bone mask and near constant scowl, but he was also an ass and was rude to you and you didn't want to think about him like that. He had kidnapped you and brought you to Aizen. He antagonized you for fun and got angry when you didn't react in a fun enough way for him. He had been kind a few times but he always took such a bastardized approach to it that you couldn't tell why he'd done it. He made little sense to you so it made even less sense that you'd be having lewd dreams about him.

You could feel his gaze and your eyes flicked to his for just long enough to see them narrow before you looked away again. You don't know what gave you away but he can tell that something's wrong. "What's wrong with you today?" He asks harshly, eyes still fixated on you.

You swallow and try to think of something to say, nothing comes to you and he starts stalking towards you. In a panic you say, "Nothing!" A little too loudly. Your response makes him stop walking but he cocks an eyebrow and scoffs like he doesn't believe you, "I'm not wearing any clothes can you please get out?" You say with a bit of distress in your voice as he stays firmly planted. He eyes your exposed neck, shoulders and what he can see of your chest making you tug the blanket higher before he rolls his eyes and turns away. He leaves without another word, slamming the door behind him.

You wait a second before moving to make sure he's not going to come back in before you reach over and drink the still hot tea quickly. You decide to go wash and get dressed before eating. You planned to have Grimmjow take you to the library so you could look over the geography books and maps and start to figure out where your fathers camp might be. You bathe, trying and failing to make yourself seem clean and brush through your knotted hair leaving it to fall naturally. You dress in a black dress that was left for you with the same neckline as all the rest. You knew your hickies and love bites would be on display but there was little that you could do about that. You look at the beautiful crown that sits permanently on the dresser and leave it there. You won't wear it. You won't have anything to do with it. You slip on your flats and quickly eat as much as you can manage.

With a deep breath you go to the heavy door and pull it open. Grimmjow is leaning beside it and his head immediately snaps to you. His eyes widen and he pushes off the wall to fully see you. He looks you up and down twice before his eyes settle on yours and he smirks at you, "Well, look at you all dressed up and pretty again." He says, making you flush a bit, you're used to him calling you princess but you were not prepared for him to call you pretty. It's such a simple thing to say but it gets a reaction out of you which only makes his smirk grow. "What do I owe the honor?" He says smirk never leaving his face.

You keep eye contact with him refusing to keep backing away. "If you don't mind, I'd like to go to the library." You tell him. He seems to consider it for a moment and for a second you worry that he'll refuse but he doesn't.

He lets out a sigh, "Fine, it figures though, you finally wanna go somewhere and it's the most boring place in the manor." He said with a roll of his eyes. He led you to the library silently after that, you hadn't seen anyone on your walk which was reliving in a way. He held the door open for you, the library was huge, far larger than the one at your own manor. Rows upon rows of shelves line the room, all with little engraved plaques to tell you which genres the shelves held. As you walked through the library looking for what you needed Grimmjow trailed behind you, running his fingers lazily over the spines of the books and messing with them as he went.

After a while you had a decent stack of books about previous wars of your kingdom, localized weather, localized geography, as well as a few books on local plants and a book about how to grow different crops to make your pile look less suspicious. Grimmjow, you noticed, didn't pick anything up but you didn't give him much thought. You strolled over to a small sitting area adored with a few plush sitting chairs as well as a matching chaise and some small tables. Grimmjow flops down on the chaise as you set your books on the table and sit yourself. "Is this really what you're gonna do all day?" He asked, looking bored already.

You just shrugged at him, "I like to read." You say as you pick up the book about wars, hoping to find something about where to locate your father, perhaps see if there was an area that they often came back to for their temporary camps. Grimmjow scoffed and threw his head back and stared at the ceiling. You read the first two chapters before you heard him signing and shifting around. You ignored him and got a single page read before he interrupted you.

"What are you reading?" He asked in an annoyed voice like you were inconveniencing him. You looked at him over the top of your book to see he was staring at you.

"It's about history." You said, you didn't want to specify to him what kind of history. While he had been kind a few times and he'd all but told you to kill Aizen you still didn't want to chance fate and have him report what you were planning to do back to someone.

He raised a brow at you, "They all about history?" He sneered looking at your stack of books. You were a little worried that he had seen through your white lie but you steeled your face trying not to let anything show.

You shook your head lightly, "No, there's a few about weather patterns and geography but most of them are about local plants and crop growing." He rolled his eyes and stretched while you went back to reading quietly.

You made it another few pages before he spoke up again. "Why plants?" He sneered at you. You look back over at him and he's resting with his hands behind his head. He's looking at you again and it makes you wonder if he'd looked away at all.

You fidget under his gaze and shrug, "I like gardening." You say, he scrunches his nose and furrows his brows at you, "In the warmer months I like to be out in the gardens and take care of the plants, it's nice." You elaborate to him.

He gives a light laugh, "Of course you do, princess." He says and it's your turn to look confused at him. "It's fitting is all." He tells you, "Of course the prettiest little princess likes flowers and sunshine and shit." He says and you can't tell if he means it as an insult or not.

Instead you tell him, "I'm not a princess, stop calling me that." His face broke out in another smirk and he flipped himself to lay on his side, head resting in his hand.

"Closest thing I've ever seen to a princess." He says smirk growing a bit, "You're a pretty girl with pretty little dresses that grew up being waited on hand and foot in a manor. You've got a strong family name and despite it manage to be the most delicate little thing I've ever seen. For fucks sake you had your own little knight and everything. What part of that doesn't scream princess?" Your face flushes at his words, it's the third time today he's called you pretty and you really don't know how to react to it and you're sure he knows it. It makes your cheeks burn every time and your pretty sure that he's only doing it to mess with you.

You roll your eyes and he gives a chuckle, "None of that makes me a princess." You tell him stubbornly. Your face is still burning red but you don't want to let him win.

He barks another laugh at you, "I guess you're right," he says with a light shrug, "You're a queen now aren't you? Technically speaking." He says with a cock of his head. Your eyes narrow at him, and you decide you're done talking to him and resume reading. Or you at least try too. You can feel him looking at you even if you won't look at him. It makes you fidget and you've read the same paragraph four times and you still have no idea what it says. Your mind wanders back to the crown on the dresser. He was right, technically but you didn't like the thought. You didn't want to be Aizen's queen, the thought depressed you.

You tried not to think about it and focus on the task at hand but between Grimmjow's gaze and his words you were thoroughly distracted. You think about what it actually is to be a queen, you certainly don't feel like one, you can't see yourself up there with the previous queens. You think about your escape plan and wonder if it's actually possible, you don't know that it is but you'd rather risk dying out there than to stay here with Aizen for any longer than you have to.

Then you start thinking about Grimmjow and what an enigma he was to you. He was rude and bold but he could be kind at times. From the first night you'd meet him in the forest he'd been like that. He'd offered you advice but refused to answer any questions and treated you however he felt like. He'd gone out of his way to find Lista to help with the tea and to get you to eat but only after he said you looked like shit and complained that you were boring. Then today he'd started calling you pretty but only in ways that were used to fluster and embarrass you. You couldn't help but wonder if he actually thought you were pretty or if he was saying it to upset you.

You stopped yourself from that train of thought, you told yourself that you didn't care why he did it and that you wanted him to stop. What business was it of yours what he thought of how you looked, you were sure he thought you were pathetic already. What did it matter if you were pretty and pathetic? He frustrated you worse than anyone else ever had so why couldn't you stop thinking about him? You chalk it up to that stupid dream and that you'll forget about it in a few days.

You reread the same paragraph for the fifth time before he spoke again, "You read a lot before all this?" He asked laying on his back with a thump. "Seems super boring." He looks at you out of the corner of his eye waiting for your response.

You set your book down on your lap and looked at him. "Yeah I did," you think back to all the time you'd spent reading with Momo or all the books about flowers and plants from other parts of the world. It felt like such a long time ago even though it had only been a few weeks. You can't help but wonder if you'll ever be that girl again, if you'll ever lay around and read with Momo or if you'll ever go out to the gardens and pull the weeds out of the flowerbeds. Then you start thinking about your mom. She loved to read and started teaching you when you were three years old, she had always been so patient with you as a child. You remembered when she first got sick the two of you would sit together and read for hours, when she began getting sicker you would read aloud to her so she could relax and listen.

A tear slipped down your face and you were quick to wipe it away, you looked down at your hands and tried to focus on not making yourself more upset. You weren't sure if Grimmjow had seen your tears but if he did he didn't say anything about it. "Who taught you?" He asked, looking up to the ceiling.

"My mother." You said simply, you didn't want to tell him about your mother. It felt too personal. You didn't get to keep much of your life private as of late but that felt too private to share with him or Aizen or any of them. He just hummed to indicate that he'd heard you. "Why don't you go find something to read? You wouldn't be as bored." You offer to him wanting to change the subject.

Grimmjow turns to look at you, his eyes narrow and his eyebrows furrowed. You meet his gaze in question. "I can't." He bites out angrily.

Your eyebrows shoot up, "You can't read?" You ask, you knew a lot of servants and common people couldn't but he just seemed so above it all. You didn't know anything about his life but you had just figured that he was a knight or some kind of equivalent maybe from a good family but it seemed that wasn't the case.

He growled and sat up, "I swear princess if you try to make fun of me I'll-" He starts to say before you cut him off.

"I'm not making fun of you! I'm sorry, I just thought-" You cut yourself off struggling for the right words. You didn't want to make the situation worse by accident but you wanted him to know you weren't making fun of him. It wasn't his fault if no one had taught him. "I don't know, you just seem like you come from some high family or something, I just figured..." You let yourself tail off. He huffed a laugh and you chanced a glance at him, he had leaned back and didn't look like he was about to rip your head off anymore. "I'm sorry." You tell him.

He looks back up at you and for a brief second you think about offering to teach him how to read, but ultimately decide against it, he's not your friend and you have things you need to focus on. He sighs, "Your fine princess, don't apologize." He told you before laying back down. He doesn't bother you too much the rest of the time in the library, in fact your pretty sure he fell asleep for a few hours but that's fine, it gives you time to examine what you need to in silence.

By the time your ready to leave you have a faint idea of a place your father could be. There's place high in the northern mountains near the border of your land that would get heavy use up until a few decades ago, it now sat abandoned but if they were fighting with Aizen and trying not to get captured it was a likely place to go. You couldn't definitively say he was there but it was the best lead you had. You had no idea how to get there or where in the mountains it was but that was a problem for later.

You rose from your chair and stretched out with a yawn, your legs were sore from sitting so long in one position and your eyes were heavy from the strain of reading all day. You looked over to Grimmjow to find him staring at you lazily while still laying down. "Done for now?" He asks and you nod. He rises and leads you through the halls back to your room. Before you can get there you hear voices. Grimmjow's eyes narrow just as Nnoitra and a man you've never seen before round the corner.

They're laughing about something but Nnoitra stops as he sees the two of you, he looks between the two of you for a second before that wolffish grin streaks across his face. "Well look who it is." He says to the man with him. The other man is slightly shorter than Grimmjow with red hair. He wears a bone mask like the rest of them, it covers his chin and jaw and rises in twin spikes on the side of his head. He doesn't say anything but he does look you up and down slowly.

"Piss off." Grimmjow tells them, then stops a few steps in front of you which you're thankful for. There's something about Nnoitra that terrifies you, maybe it's the way he looks at you like he wants to eat you alive or the way he talks to and about you like you're less than a person but none of it sits right with you.

I wasn't talking to you," Nnoitra says with an eye roll. He looks back to you, "I just didn't expect to see her again. Figured she'd kill herself in all her misery." He said with a laugh. "I owe Yammy four silver now, he said she'd have to come out sooner or later." He said continuing to laugh, his red haired partner also gave a small chuckle. He looked down to your neck then to your chest. "Though maybe she's not all that miserable, maybe she likes getting fucked like a whore." He sneered at you. Your eyebrows shot up and you flushed in anger and embarrassment. You're pissed at the very idea that you'd want any of this and the name he'd called you. You're anything but a whore, you'd never even been with a man or entertained the idea before Aizen had forced you to be his wife.

Grimmjow's jaw tightens and he looks angrier than you've ever seen him. "Shut the fuck up, go take your pathetic ass somewhere else. Just because you can't get your cock wet doesn't mean we need to deal with your bitchy attitude." Grimmjow says before grabbing your wrist and dragging you past the two men. The red haired man just watches you two push past but of course Nnoitra isn't done yet.

He lets out a wild laugh, "Is that what's going on here?" He asks, you're confused by what he means until he continues. "Ya been fucking her while Lord Aizen's not around?" You can hear the grin in his words without looking at him, "She's got so many marks on her how would he know if you put one on her, smart really. I'd fuck her if I could get close too." Nnoitra snorted and his partner laughed too.

Grimmjow releases your wrist and whirls around on Nnoitra, sword drawn and pointed sharply to his long neck before you can recognize what happened. "One more word. One more fucking word and I'll have your head on the damn floor." Grimmjow says voice low and threatening. Nnoitra held his hands up in surrender but kept smirking all the while. Grimmjow doesn't move for a while, clearly thinking on whether or not to just kill him and be done with it but something convinces him not to.

He turns sharply and sheaths his sword before pushing you forward back towards your room. He's silent until you're a ways away from the other two men. The whole way you're tense and thinking about Nnoitra, he scares you, badly. He's unhinged and you're terrified that he's going to hurt you one day, he's all but said he would. "Don't worry about him princess, we all know what he's like and no ones going to let him come anywhere near you. Aizen would kill them." He says trying to reassure you as you reach your door.

You can't help but think about how he'll be gone within two days and while you're not friends he has made it clear that he won't let anyone hurt you but you're unsure about the rest. What if whoever fills his place lets Nnoitra in? Or what if the replacements themselves are like him? Grimmjow had told you that not all of them were fully loyal to Aizen and you had no conceivable way to know who was and wasn't. "And when you leave? What about then?" You ask, panic getting the better of you as you look up at him.

His eyebrows twitch upwards in an almost unnoticeable way, his eyes dart around your face before saying, "Like I said, Aizen would kill if something happened to you. While I'm gone Loly will be your guard." You didn't know who this Loly was and he seemed to realize that quickly. "You meet her once I think, black hair, pigtails. She's kinda a bitchy." He tells you.

You remember her from the day she'd brought you the dress. She hadn't said anything to you and you were a bit surprised she was a guard but you didn't voice that thought. "She's not gonna be the nicest to you but she's capable enough." He reassured you. You nodded at him and he looked at you for a moment longer before opening your door for you.


Your night and following day played out the same as the previous. Aizen came back, did whatever he felt like with you, you woke up, dressed, ate, went to the library then came back only for Aizen to have you again. You started trying to rise earlier to avoid being naked when Grimmjow entered with your tea and breakfast. You're in the bathroom brushing out your hair after your bath when you hear the door open and close. You assume it's Grimmjow and finish with your hair and go to greet him. Yesterday he'd been the closest to nice he'd gotten. He didn't outright insult you, besides calling you princess but you couldn't rightfully tell if that was an insult or not. He'd bothered you a lot while you read but you couldn't find it in yourself to mind it. Sometimes you'd even welcome the brief distraction.

But when you leave your room it's not Grimmjow who stands in the center of the room. It's the red haired man who had been with Nnoitra the other day. He looks at you and smiles as you stay put in place. His eyes fall to the deep v-neck of your dress and he licks his lips making you want to cover yourself but you don't have anything to do so. "Can I help you with something?" You ask, you're getting nervous under his gaze.

His eyes flick up to you and he looks predatory. "Oh you'll be helping me alright." He says before making his way to you quickly. He grabs you by the hair and you go to shout for help but his other hand smacks across your face so hard you're thrown to the floor. He picks you up from the floor by your hair roughly and you feel blood trail down your chin and neck, your lip is burst and your face burns where he came in contact with it. "Who ya callin for? Grimmjow? You forget he's one of us?" He mocks as he walks you back towards the wall.

He slams your back into the wall hard enough that you can't breath for a second, he slots one of his legs between yours and you try to push him away. "Aizen's gonna kill you if you touch me!" You shout, remembering what Grimmjow had said and praying that he stops.

This only makes the man pull your hair harder, pulling you to your tip toes and making you cringe back. "He's never gonna know, how would he, like Nnoitra said you're covered in marks. He won't notice one or two more." You try to kick at him but he just pushes closer. "Never fucked a noble bitch before, can't say I ain't excited. You're a fuckin pretty one too!" The hand not holding your hair grabbed your clothed breast and you again tried to scream, he smacked you again, not as hard as the first but it still hurt. "Don't make me fuckin gag you."

Tears fall down your face as he wraps his hand around your neck. You can't breathe and he rocks his hips into yours while still smiling at you. You can feel that he's hard but struggling gets harder and harder as you lose air. You're terrified that your about to black out as stars dance across your vision. You try to pull his hand off your neck but he just smiles brighter and bucks into you harder. You can't breathe and you're sure that he's about to kill you but he eases up a bit, you don't know why and don't have time to think about it as you suck in air. Suddenly your door slams open and the stranger's hand falls from your throat completely just in time for you to see the man get grabbed by his own hair and thrown to the floor. You take in a breath but hold it as you watch what happens in front of you.

He hits the floor hard and rolls onto his hands and knees. Above him Grimmjow is advancing on him in a silent rage. You've seen him angry before but never like this, he looks feral, like a beast hunting its prey and the red haired man must see it too because he starts crawling backwards and trying to reason with him. "Wait! Wait!" He shouts, still trying to escape. "We can work something out, come on! Grimmjow!" He yells before Grimmjow kicks him so hard he files back a few feet, cracking his head on the floor, spilling blood across the stone.

The man tries to get up and lunge at Grimmjow but he's stopped before he can advance by a sword cutting into his side, knocking him sideways and back to the floor. He screams as he goes down and behind him Ulquiorra stands behind him with a completely natural and bored looking face. Neither of them look at you, instead they watch the bleeding and withering man on the floor.

Your legs are shaking, you lean back against the wall, legs buckling beneath you and you finally let the held breath escape you. Grimmjow whirls around quickly and makes his way to you grabbing your upper arm gently and pulling you up. His eyes flicker all around your face and he opens his mouth to say something but then closes it.

"Don't move." You hear Ulquiorra demand behind Grimmjow. "Lord Aizen's on his way and you'll be dealt with." Grimmjow doesn't bother to look back at them, instead he looks you over a second time. Grimmjow's jaw is locked tight, he looks less feral than he had when he was fighting the man but he still looked ungodly angry and you go to apologize but the sounds of shoes hitting the stone floor make you stop.

"Take him to the throne room and wait," You hear Aizen command, voice angry. You finally look away from Grimmjow's face to the door. There's at least a dozen servants trying to look in, they had parted to let Aizen through but were still trying to gawk into the room. All of them were your people and they all looked horrified. Ulquiorra grabs the man by the arm and drags him out as the man begs Aizen for forgiveness. Aizen doesn't even look at the man as he is dragged past. The servants all step back out of his way. You watch Aizen's brown eyes fall to you, he looks at your blood for a long moment before his eyes snap to yours. He's angry and you're terrified of him, you've never seen him like this but you knew it couldn't end well. "Everybody out, I need a moment with my wife." He demands, voice angrier than you'd ever heard. You watch everybody file out, Grimmjows the last one out and he shuts the door behind him with one final glance to you. Aizen doesn't say anything as he makes his way to you.

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